Overly Extensive Editors 745 members · 0 stories
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Group Admin

Making voting threads is hard. Trying to tear apart all the suggestions down to individual issues to ask for yea/nay on from you people. Especially this one since it involves a radical overhaul (potentially) of the entire group operation. So... how about this?

Here's a system by Toothless that I think has potential. Committee members - let me know if you think it works as-is, could be modified (and explain how), or should be completely chucked away. Then we'll go from there.

Here's an idea that's a compromise between the thread and the folder system:
1. A writer who wishes to have their story edited creates a new thread.
Simple enough. Title it as your story, include a synopsis, link your story, and write within your thread which editor(s) you would like to edit your story.
2. PM the editors who have been requested to edit.
A Forum moderator can probably do this.
3. Share the story to the Overly-Extensive Editor's master gmail, who would then give the accepted editor commenting permissions.

When an editor accepts the story, have the writer share his/her story to the Overly-Extensive Editors gmail. It would be a dedicated gmail solely for this group. Give the gmail editing permissions.

From here, the Forum moderator (or a dedicated person) would then log into this master gmail and upload the story to a community GDocs folder for the entire Overly-Extensive Editors group. Within that large folder would be individual sub-folders for each of the editors. The story would then be dropped into the corresponding editor's folder, given permissions, and would then be edited.

The importance of this is the editing permissions for the master gmail. By default, anyone who is given editing permissions can also change the permissions for others. So, the master gmail would be able to give commenting permissions to the correct editor, allowing them to edit.

What I like most about the community GDocs folder is that it's organized. An admin can easily log into the master gmail and see all of the stories his editors are doing, or have finished doing. The admin can even track the progress of the stories, and hop around stories offering advice to each one of them, or give a second opinion on some of the changes the editor makes.

In the current system, someone could easily look at the Editor Bios and PM an editor without posting a thread. The admin would then never know that his editor for his group has taken on another assignment, and thus, never know how many assignments are being tackled in his group. He wouldn't even be able to track the progress, make sure his editors are correcting the right things, or even offer advice, because the story hasn't been shared with him.

It's also works because many stories haven't been uploaded to FiMFiction yet. They're on GDocs.

It may be complicated to implement at first. However, given the right person to set it all up (I would gladly volunteer if this passes), it's easy work for both the editor and the writer.

Idea: Community Editing
Through the user-friendly programming of GDocs, permissions may be changed so that editors would be able to view or comment through the entire O.E.E folder and every editor's assignments and stories, instead of just their own. By simply changing their permissions on the folder to "View Only", or even "Comment Only" editors would be able to look/comment other editor's assignments, and quite possibly, create the community editing Eldorado has always advocated.

Through GDocs chat box, and replying to comments, many opinions can be made on a single project. So instead of just an editor-writer relationship, we have an entire team, all working together, bringing all of our strengths together and accompanying for our weaknesses.

Perhaps we could even set up entire group events where we could all look at a single story together. We could cycle between stories a month, or have a lottery for them. It really creates a lot of opportunities for us to do as a group.

It could work. It could also just kind of get in the way, since it's adding additional steps to an already cumbersome process which isn't being modified much.

Share ye thoughts.

Group Admin

Oh, one more comment - Toothless's last point about "group events" - the survey mentioned some kind of spotlight for stories that aren't doing as well on the site as we think they should (Shadowflash's AotW) or some other kind of feature area. And those responses were pretty popular. I feel like this is the sort of thing that could be used to launch us vaguely in that direction, so... discuss, ye sexy ponies.

Also, I forgot to give you Kerbal humor.

1116473 I honestly love the system. I wouldn't really change anything about it. Maybe for each sub-editor folder we could have a done/doing/need to do folders to see who has what sort of workload. That's about all I can think to modify.

1116473 By "featured area" are you talking about something like Struggling Authors's feature box? Even though I'm not really on the editing committee, I think it's a good idea for stories to get noticed and maybe get some help.

Group Admin

1116791 I agree with Frasca on this one. I actually like the system how it is.

Group Admin

I could go either way. I'm satisfied with the way things are, would love Toothless' idea being implemented.

Group Admin

I'll offer my opinion once again
I think there is real benefit to putting the system up on G-docs. Beside the fact that it allows for communal editing, it also helps us expand faster than FimFiction would allow. What I mean to say is sure the initial start-up may be difficult and hard to get used to, but eventually we will have access to more features than are available to us here on this Vbulletin run site.
I say it's worth the extra effort as long as we can make sure it's done competently.

Group Admin


If Eldorado is thinking like I am, then it's a bit different. Yes, you get your shiny story pic on the front of the group, but I also make a thread about it and blog about it on my personal blog. I also place them in a shiny box on my profile for everyone to see.

1116791 I agree with Fracas here, the system is fine as is.

1118218 Damn it, someone remembers that name. :ajbemused:

I'm typing up a GDoc of the pros and cons of the old system, and the Google Drive system I'm proposing. Had a couple hours to spare, so why not? Besides, it would help out anyone still on the fence or even offer a couple to sway toward my side. :scootangel:

Just finishing the final conclusions, and touch-ups. Won't be long now. :derpytongue2:

EDIT: Finished; you can find it here.

Everything I want to say is there, but I just want to say one more thing. If we're still unsure, we could always trial the system for a week or two, see how well it works. There's nothing against it, and there's really not anything much to lose. Perhaps we should vote on whether or not to trial it.

Go ahead and copy-paste stuff and quote it here. Or just comment the doc up, doesn't matter. I gave you rights to do so.

Group Admin

1116801>>1117784 I don't really know how we'd go about doing the featured thing. It just occurred to me when I read that, the last point involved getting the whole group involved on one story, or one event. Since some kind of featured box (which I suggested in the survey as totally wild speculation without any specifics in mind whatsoever) was a popular choice, I felt like mentioning it here. If anyone has any ideas... shoot.

I don't know if we could do anything like AotW, because with our current volume there isn't an underappreciated author every week. I'd put Parallel Black in there, then Link, then... one or two other people who kick around the group, and then we'd be dry on people who don't get whored out enough. So I have no idea what we'd do with it.

1116791>>1116929>>1118218 Just to clarify - you all like Toothless's idea as proposed. Correct? "The system as-is" could also be interpreted to mean "don't change anything by implementing this proposition," so I want to make sure you're saying what I think you're saying.

1118636 He's used it in other threads since he's been back, too. :ajsleepy:

1118716 Look at you, being all professional. Which is actually nice, considering it looks like we're going through with it after all; I'm pretty sure it's already clinched the vote. One thing I would personally insist on is forcing (or very very strongly recommending) people to still link their story in their thread. Allows other users besides editors to quickly find the story and offer help, or for editors to very easily look over the story without logging out and logging in or otherwise cocking around on Google. Other than that, though, you've got my vote for sure. Plus Frasca's, DualThrone's, presumably your own, that's four. I don't even need to wait for the rest of them to come in, unless people have further things they'd like to change.

Group Admin

1118807 That's correct. I like the 'pre-implementation' system that we currently have. Because at least, we know it works. The other proposed systems have had ideas thrown out there, but no demonstration on how such a system would be implemented, there's no pointing to other successful editing groups that implement similar systems and not only proving the successful implementation, but methods on how they might be implemented. At least we know that, however flawed, we do have a system which works.
I really wouldn't change the system. If, however, successful alternative demonstrable editing systems can be posited, then perhaps it would ease my troubled mind, regarding this proposed change. Otherwise, yes, I like the current system that we have, and want to see little if any changes made to the modus operandi.

Group Admin


Well, you have over 130 users in this group. All it'd take is me to advertise it (when it opens up again) so people can not only learn how to improve their writing, but earn a chance to be featured for, let's say, "the most improve writing".

It doesn't even need to be weekly. It can be monthly, in fact. Because writing improvements don't happen over a day or a week. It takes months. You also don't need to narrow it down to PB or me, persay, it can be others, too.

It's a matter of those who "have the most improved writing." That's the featured system you should go with.

To elaborate:

1 - Once a month, you talk to each of the editors.

2 - You ask them who've they all edited for and if they've notice major improvements in those author's writings.

3 - If they choose two or three people, ask them to narrow it down to one.

4 - After each editor has their top "most improved" author, put those names into a hat or perhaps an online randomize-machine or something.

5 - Whoever has their name chosen gets to have their story featured on the front of the group.

6 - If we do a "partnership" thing, I'd be willing to blog about it and feature the story in my group, too.

However, it's entirely your choice.

Sure, that'll be easy to do! Incomplete, Complete, Not Started, whatever. We could also add a "Editor Needed" folder for any new stories that come in that haven't got editors yet.

I didn't have anything to do, and had a lot to say as well. It'll be good to let people know what they're getting into. :derpytongue2:

Oh, wow. XD That's pretty awesome, I have to admit. :rainbowkiss: Yesterday, I thought Frasca was against the system, which was a reason why I wrote up the GDoc. XD But hey, at least it'll be good for everyone else, or at least a reference.

That's a good point. People may not want to log in and out every time they want to view a story.

Like I said, we could trial the system for a week or a couple weeks, show everyone how it works, then take a re-vote. It IS a major change, so we may not have to go into it right away.

I want to try to ease your troubles a little. :twilightsmile: But remember, there is a GDoc explaining the Pros and Cons of each system here.

I like the 'pre-implementation' system that we currently have. Because at least, we know it works.

All the new system does is add a gateway between the editor and the author. Authors share their story to the gmail, the gmail shares the story to the editor. It's literally taking the old system and adding another stage to it.

I talk about this more in the GDoc, but that gateway will become extremely beneficial to the admins, and in turn, the rest of the group as well. By allowing supervision, it allows the admins to guarantee that every story receives quality Overly-Extensive editing. It's probably the biggest selling point to me, other than having all of our editing projects in one location.

The other proposed systems have had ideas thrown out there, but no demonstration on how such a system would be implemented...

We simply add a few extra steps to the old system, and add a central gmail for which everyone will share their stories to. They include:

1. Authors request editors within their own starting thread instead of PMing.
a. Guarantees authors can't skip the thread creation process, like I often see happen.

2. A Forum Moderator PM editors who are requested.
a. Less work on the authors and saves them complication.

3. Authors share their stories to the master gmail.
a. Less work on authors to exchange gmails with an editor.

4. The master gmail files the story within the editor's subfolder and shares it.
a. Same process as before: editors receive the story from a gmail.

Again, more in the GDoc.

To be honest, I liked the old system too. It was simple, easy to do, and works. That's why I build upon it, fixing some of the flaws, and upgrading it for organization and for the admins to supervise the stories coming in, and guarantee each one is being worked on and given the extensive edit it has come here to get. Editors are not changed much affected; authors are not changed much affected.

Besides community edits, the Google Drive system really is all for the administration to organize and supervise the entire group.

(Gosh, I feel like a politician now. >.<)

I'm liking that you chose "Most Improved" over "Best". So yeah, I'll be one to vote for that when it comes around. The only thing that bugs me a little is the lottery. It seems too random, and the luck of the draw may not pick out the "Most Improved" writer every single time.

I'm thinking we should all come to a consensus about who is the "Most Improved" author through voting. Perhaps editors would submit stories and the committee would look through each one together and see how well it has improved. After that, vote yea or nay. Whichever story has the most yeas, wins. If there's a tie, we can vote again on the two stories.

Unfortunately, this will require having a back-up of the old copy. Best thing I'm thinking about is saving a copy of each story that comes through within the O.E.E community folder before sending it off to the editor.

5 - Whoever has their name chosen gets to have their story featured on the front of the group.

I'm wondering... Featuring on the front of the group is excellent indeed. But what about all of the editors/admins would post a blog post about it? Nearly 21 freakin' people! And ArmedBrony especially I know has a huge following behind him, so I know that'll attract some hefty views.

Granted, I know that it's a bit out of bounds forcing all of our editors to post their group on their personal blog. But it would be excellent publicity, and if all of our editors are willing to make a small sacrifice, an excellent reason to work hard and join our group.

Group Admin

1119851 Well, this has definitely won, and I'm going to mention it in my next discussion thread. Don't even need to wait on the other votes and waste their valuable time.

I'd say go ahead and start work on rolling it out, but you might want to wait a bit. Some other issues left to be decided, and you might want to incorporate them somehow. Then we can take another quick look at the specifics here before formally putting it in place.

1119317 I'll open up the specifics of this in the next discussion thread. We'll see what people want out of the system and if they have any further ideas. I personally have no idea what I'd do, since it was just wild speculation. A monthly thing could work, I suppose.

Awesome. :twilightsmile: I'll go ahead and create that master gmail and PM you the gmail and password in a little bit.


I will go ahead and vote for this, even though it looks like it's already being implemented :derpytongue2: I think it'll be a really good system, more effective than what we have right now. I especially love the idea of everyone being able to help everyone else - that, I think, is my main drive for why I like this idea. As has been stated, more options and opportunities.

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