The First Church of Regidar 245 members · 363 stories
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This is me condoning a wide variety of crimes including but not limited to rape, cannibalism, terrorism, pedophilia, bestiality, and being from North Ireland.

This is a rant against several popular online personalities such as Nigahiga, Ben 'Yahtzee' Croshaw, and Doctor Stuart Ashen. It includes accusations of electoral fraud, insider trading, and enjoying the film Patch Adams.

This is a very meta post that probably isn't all that funny, a poorly researched attempt at demonizing a popular folk hero, and blatantly following the trope of Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking.

By not linking to TVtropes I have discovered yet another way to irritate people and maybe Hitler wasn't all that bad after all he did have a puppy. Here is that one remix of Peter Griffon bombing the Boston Marathon, except it's actually a link to a picture of an aborted fetus which is actually what I jerked off to last night but not really because I don't think my balls work anymore not since I walked in on Regidar in the shower last week I mean seriously why the hell does it look like that? It's like a bowl of pasta crossed with a dead stoat!


i seriously do a lotta cocaine

I blame knighty and his fat horse chode


You enjoyed Patch Adams? You sick son of a fuck.

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