The First Church of Regidar 245 members · 363 stories
Comments ( 29 )
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I'm bored. So, I'm going to throw my opinions and feeling at a wall (The wall is made up of the people who are reading this) and see what sticks.

First off, I'm going to talk about my hate of Fimfiction...
*Sigh* I don't hate it. Its just, well, I don't "Love" it anymore.
There are many factors leading to my feelings on this matter.
1. I don't feel any enthusiasm towards this site anymore
2. Every chapter feels like a chore
3. Bronies are fucking idiots (This may not apply to you)
4. I hate people
5. This site has gone to shit

*Sigh* Honestly, I wan't to hate this site. But every reason I think up seems to be just little nitpicks.

People who use this site that I hate (Not in numerical order)
1. BlackWing
The guy that wrote the Griffin the Griffin story... I have no reason to hate him, I just do.
2. ScyStorm
He just infuriates me with his aura of "I'm better than you" he's sarcastic, hypocritical, condescending, and spoiled. Yes, spoiled.
3. Paultron
I don't necessarily hate him as much as he's done to the rules and regulations of this site. Honestly he seems like a nice guy.
4. MindFcuk in Aisles
I hate you... I hate you, so; so much.

Fluttershy stumbles upon a companion... cube?
I honestly don't have the enthusiasm or the drive to actually type this story.
I'm thinking of just giving it to someone to continue for themselves.
But, they have to keep the prologue and give prologue royalties to me.

And as I lay here. Under my covers with half lidded eyes. Staring at my laptop's screen as it emits a gentle wave of heat. I feel... calm, comfortable. Like I could just get into a comfortable position and fall asleep, as I've done so, time and time again.

1428545 reddit pls

1428550 well you used le epic reddit maymays


1. I don't feel any enthusiasm towards this site anymore
2. Every chapter feels like a chore
3. Bronies are fucking idiots (This may not apply to you)
4. I hate people
5. This site has gone to shit

Pretty much my feelings exactly. At least I can still get some enjoyment out of being a massive dick to random people, though.

1428556 >4Chan
You just made that obvious.

1428560 You don't capitalize the c.


Bronies are fucking idiots (This may not apply to you)

Bronies are fucking idiots

fucking idiot

Did, did you just steal that from me?

Group Admin

... The wind passes silently between my buttcheeks.

You stole that from Regidar... :moustache:

1428585 You stole that statement from knighty... :moustache:

I wasn't aware of that.

1428592 Yes you fucking were, don't lie you overweight plagiarizer.

1428599 Hi! I like My Little Pony because I'm a FUCKING FAGGOT!


You people are fucking retarded.


U fuckin wot m8
Call me a shazbot to my face
fuckr not on PSN and see
wat happen


Fak u.

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