OCSP 5 members · 0 stories
Comments ( 2 )
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I'm interested in this project, but I feel you need a more solid foundation. Basically, you need a hook.

As an example of how this has been done elsewhere, take the PonyEarthVerse. That has a very simple and effective hook: humans on Earth wake up to find themselves transformed into characters from the show. That's both an attractive writing hook (it's a premise which invites exploration) and an attractive personal hook for many bronies (it's a common brony fantasy).

While your current idea has the attractive OC transformation hook, it's not well-defined enough to give authors any sense of direction about where to take the story. Before you can go anywhere with this, you need to establish that direction. A place to go or a problem to solve.

You also need a centralised web location from which to coordinate this effort. Currently, the only place I can even find the current plan is in a blog post by Mrluigifan102. Decide on one place, or efforts will be spread out over the web and nobody will know what's going on. Post important information where anyone can easily find it.

I also don't think you should aim to write the biggest collaborative fanfic. If you're aiming for quantity, you're probably not going to get quality. Just aim for something interesting, and if it's good, it will achieve the size it deserves.

And that's my two bits. :) Without a clear idea, I can't write for this, but coming up with a good plot could be fun. The key to an interesting story universe is the balance between freedom and constraint. Too much freedom and writers are lost; they don't know what to write or why they should do so. Too much constraint and they feel trapped; they can't tell the story they want to because they're bound by too many limitations. Fun story universes exist between the two.

Group Admin

thanks. actually we are mainly based on Deviant art since we have a group there. We would have more of a foundation but we are haveing trouble getting started. Mostly because of organization issues. We will get this going/done or I'll lose whats left of my mind trying. also here link http://the-oc-story-project.deviantart.com/ . again thanks for the mention :pinkiehappy:

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