MLP: Motherhood is Magical 2,661 members · 1,557 stories
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Hello. I am your local TV guide. And I have a theory that proves I have way too much time on my hands; also it's a free story idea. Ok. To any that stayed awake in Space Science class in school, you know the Sun came before the Moon. Now. We also know that the moon and sun are omnipotent deities that protect their pony kingdom. It's basic education. Now. We have never seen their parents in the show before. Why? Who are they? WHAT are they? Now the idea. Celestia's and Luna's parents come for a visit, acting like those parents that seek to kill you with embarrasment. I.E. pictures and stories that they tell EVERYONE. Adjust as you will. Not a single fuck is given here. Tell me my idea sucks, go fuck yourself. I'm bored and my FUCKING DIVEKICK ISN'T WORKING!

2009006 it would make a really funny story espacialy to see the two prinsses acting like them shelfs then brake into a panic in seconds :pinkiehappy: :rainbowlaugh:

Exactly! I have a scene in my head right now.

C's mom: Sweetie. Who is Cadence?
C: She... Wait. What?
CM: Don't avoid the question, young lady! All I know is that before me and your father--
C: Father and I.
CM: Do you want me to send you to the sun?
C: No.
CM: Good. Now, as I was saying. There were FOUR alicorns before we left. There are FIVE. Now. Explain.
C: U-uh. Y-you know! A p-pony earns her way to divinity--
CM: You're lying. Now tell me before I send your diary to your little student. I'm sure she would LOVE to read about yyour days in High School...
C: I-i can't.
CM: Oh she's yours, isn't she!
C: What?
C: Mom, no!
CM: No. It's ok, Celly. Mama's here. We'll get through this.
C: Mom, I'm over ten thousand years old!
CM: And your parading your flank like a five-thousand year old! It was Discord, wasn't it? That bucking monster knocked up my baby!
C: NO! She was just some teenage girl we made an alicorn ti take care of my student.
CM: Oh. Well I hope you made sure to check her background. You can never trust foalsitters these centuries.
C: I'm not even sure her family knows what happened to her.

You know damn well that's probably how it would go down.

My darker theories theorize that their parents are Primordial Forces, beings of Creation and Destruction.
In my pleasant mythology, I'd agree with you.

2009006 C and L's Dad: You know I can remember when you girls were no taller then my legs.

C and L: Dad!

C and L's Dad: Oh hush now sweeties, daddy's busy. Anway where was I? Oh yes, I remember that one prank Luna pulled on Celestia's birthday. Let's just say the cake was a lie.

C: Dad stop it.

L: Yeah. You're embarassing us in front of our subjects.

Their names are Fausticorn (F) and Craigicorn (Cr).
Celestia and Luna (Ce and L): Mother! Father!
F: My beautiful baby girls.
Cr: Give your old man a hug!
Ce: Please meet Twilight Sparkle.
Cr: So you're Tia's student? Has she taught you about the Birds and the Bees?
T: Umm, I do know about them...
F: Lovely! It took Tia years and a few pop-up books to learn.
Ce: <buries face in wing>
F: And you're also the one who saved our daughter. We can't thank you enough!
T: It was nothing <slight blush>
Cr: I'm sure she'll find some way of paying you back. Maybe involving loud bed springs?
T: I don't understand...
L: <deep blush>

2009642 that was great :rainbowlaugh: please tell me you are going to wright this story.:scootangel:

2009692 you forgat the part where the tell the parents what they did with the bodys of Cadens parents :pinkiecrazy:

I prefer not to think about that... I still have nightmares. :fluttercry:

Can't. Bad at writing (I'm training! Honest!) and I'm one of those bronies whose family KNOWS about the fandom so I have to stay one step ahead at all times. I know what you're thinking, "Why not just tell them?"
THIS IS REAL LIFE! THOSE SUM BITCHES ARE CRAZY! You maybe thinking that that's a ridiculous fear, and it kind of is. The issue is that they'd think I'm gay, and THAT'S where the issue comes from. They're tolerant to homosexuals outside our family, but yeah. They don't like them that much. So if they thought I WAS, I would probably have to have a long conversation about the fandom and a bunch of other stuff I would like to avoid. Plus, deceiving them everyday is kind of... FUN! In a very sick and twisted way, but still fun! So the torch must be past to another.

2016753 i can understand that.

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