MLP: Motherhood is Magical 2,661 members · 1,557 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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Okay im looking for story threads that have to deal with either A. Twilight is Cadence's mother.
Or B. Cadence is Twilight's.
Oh or Luna is twilights mom, because buck ya go Luna
if these don't exist.....who feels particularly creative

1965913 As long as you don't mind Trixie being included and a bit of alternative universe there is a story known as "Sisters of Magic" where Twilight and Trixie end up as Luna's daughters.

As for the other concepts I don't think anyone's ever made them yet.

I know somewhere around here there is two Luna as Twi mom around here somewhere.

nope don't care really if other carecters are part of them so long as those concepts are present.....and thanks goona look read later box pending:twilightoops:

you thinking of Daughter of the Moon
is so already faved it...and waiting for it to update

1965913 you can find some Mother Luna stories Here.

t\Thank you good sir very much
May The stars shine brightly a pone your path and banish it's Shadows
(know where I can find the other two?)

Sombra's family has cadance as twi's mom

hello again I have another concept im looking for
This time I was looking at stories and came across a combo that id like to read more of
Celestia is Rainbow's mother........

help plz

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