MLP: Motherhood is Magical 2,659 members · 1,556 stories
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After Luna returned from her exile and Nightmare Moon was exorcised, how did Celestia and Luna's mother react? I imagine Celestia received a letter saying she was waiting for them at Canterlot Castle before they arrived for the celebration in Ponyville.
Fausticorn probably was crying the whole time and hugged Luna tight, calling for a celebration like no other. Just like the father of the Prodigal Son, she could not be more overjoyed about Luna's return.
Luna might have said it was all thanks to Celestia: she trained her student for years just to save her, and Celestia didn't even stand up to Nightmare Moon fearing she might hurt Luna again.
I have never seen something like this done before and would like to know who has.

It is hard for me to think about that as my head can on makes their mother and the Fausticorn (who I call Epona) two different characters. Though I do have to say that it is an interesing idea, and one that I love to see written. I also a sucker for anything that shows Celestia in a good light.

1846710 I can go with either Tyrannical Celestia or sad, lonely, hurt, miserable Celestia. One or the other, no in between. Give me a good reason and I'll get to work on my lonely Celestia story.
Think about how their mother would react, regardless of her name. Would their mother say "How could you be so stupid! I always loved your night?" Would she berate both of them since Celestia was not a friend to her before? (Will you accept my friendship?)
Hmm, does Celestia have Twilight send her Friendship reports to teach and encourage Luna and herself?:twilightoops:

I vote for the latter Celestia, because we aren't told for certain if jealousy was the only factor in Nightmare Moon taking over Luna.

For example:

In a story I'm writing, it was grief. Luna had just lost her only child (father unimportant) and blamed Celestia. It was an accident, but Celestia was ultimately responsible, and for the past thousand years, she has been wracked with guilt over his/her death. I'm not giving any details, but the story will have a happy ending. I'm also working in Queen Faust Writing-Glory (Writing-Glory being the title given her by the Crystal pony tribes) helping her daughters readjust to each other.The reason she doesn't rule herself anymore? She can't really get out of bed. I'll leave you to ponder the rest.

(Note to anyone who might read this thread later: DON'T STEAL MY IDEA :flutterrage: Copyright: Me .Kapeesh? Okay that covers my butt. As you were.)

But seriously, go with what you want to do.. It's you're story, man.

1846746 But that's the thing, since there's no canon foundation to Celestia's mother, her character becomes subjective to the author's whim. If the author wishes to write Celestia's mom as a drug addict and a promiscuous whore, then he/ she may do so. If they want to write her as a social butterfly and a status seeker, who is disappointed in the choices her daughters make, then the author may do so. If they want to write her as an exhausted, but loving and nurturing royal mother, then the author may do so.

Personally I like the last one, since it would go far to understanding her influence upon Celestia's developing a nurturing character. But, with flaws, like, in the show, Luna is jealous of the attention and gratitude Celestia gets,and Celestia is either too busy running the kingdom, or blows it off as an issue that will blow over with time. Celestia's mom might have noticed this, but in a desire for them to properly mature and solve their problems, might have chosen a "hoofs off" approach, but because of that, things escalated into the strained relationship the sisters now share.

(In this case, she'd be as responsible, given that she saw a problem forming, but didn't do anything to seek it's resolution, so any berating that might have been forthcoming wouldn't be as effective, since she is part of the problem on the problem becoming a problem.)



1846659 I have a backburner story regarding Luna and Tia's parents. Especially how our dear Fausticorn frets over Twilight's ascent to Princesshood and Dad's unusual brand of comedy.

It was going to have a series of stories told by mom and dad telling Twilight embarrassing stories and how they felt about Celestia's actions a thousand years ago.

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