MLP: Motherhood is Magical 2,661 members · 1,557 stories
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Fluttershy is obvious, but I'ma say that I think Applejack would be a great mother

I say Fluttershy but I also think that Twilight would make a great mother.

i think they all would be great mothers. i know that sounds dumb, but it's true. they're all responsible, even if they don't always show it. loving, caring, supportive, stern yet gentle, everything you need to have in a good mom. and anytime they lacked in either knowledge or skill, they have their friends to give them a hand.

1711734 I read the title and came here to say Flutters but you said it first:fluttercry: other the Flutters I would say Pinkie, she has expeiriance with taking care of the cake twins and she also grew up with two sisters.


What about Pinkie Pie?
She's great with kids, can always make them laugh.

1711770 You know, you actually a valid point. I haven't heard that side before

1711785 :ajsmug: thank you and yeah nobody really considers Pinkie because she is so silly that no one really thinks of her as responsible enough

I'd have to say Twilight, I think she'd be great at it. I'd expect she'd react to it the same way in the story Winter's Child . She'd be worrying out of her mind at first, but once she does let it sink in I have no doubt that Twilight would be a loving mother. Plus, she'd be thrilled at the thought of teaching her foal all she has learned about friendship, and magic.

Honestly any of the major female character, except Luna sorry right now I can't see her as a good mother, would be a good mom.

1711734 Luna.

Or Button's Mom, Because she's got it going on.

1711821 Luna... yeah that's kinda hard to picture just because she's very old-fashioned. But, who knows?

Applejack already basically acts as somewhere between a mom and a big sister for Applebloom, and Twilight is in charge of Spike, so probably those two. Pinkie Pie has some experience with it, but would probably struggle dealing with it full-time for quite a while. Fluttershy is more of a mixed bag; she has some experience as well, but babies aren't animals.

Rarity and Rainbow Dash are at the bottom of the pile, methinks, though for different reasons. For Rarity, a kid would be something of a burden, which would be true of Rainbow Dash as well, but with Rarity it would be something she would resent. Rainbow Dash would be fine with the kid sometimes, but I think she'd have trouble devoting the proper amount of attention consistently.

Of course, I don't think any of them should probably have kids for quite a while, honestly; while Applejack could pull it off, I think the rest have some time before they really would want to, and I don't think Applejack wants a foal either for similar reasons.

1711833 Don't you start with Button's mom! She's too good for us!

Not really old fashion bit more like her actions in the current era (and past for that matter) don't give me much faith in her maternal side

1711845 Pretty damn much agree rite thar


who was phone?

1711734 Rare, while awesome, would be a TERRIBLE mother. she wouldn't be willing to take the time to care for it properly and when she does she would focus so much on cleaning and beautifying to nurture it or even notice its feelings also, take her treatment of sweetie belle into consideration, she would be the exact same way to her child. what she does to sweetie is worse then you think my older sister did the same to me and I am emotionally scarred and terrified of any social interaction as a result.

Well, I hadn't planned on clopping tonight, but it looks like you just changed my plans...

Fluttershy is best mom


Well if you think about it. Apple Jack and Rarity are already mothers. Since they've had a hoof [at least in the show] at raising their sisters. Rarity by herself as her family leaves Sweetie in her care almost all the time. And AJ since she along with Granny Smith and Big Mac raised AB since she was a wee filly.

And you can't forget Twilight. She's practically raised Spike herself, and hatched him. So in a very real sense she is his mother.

But other than that. I think the Flutters being around and taking care of animals all day would have the easiest time adjusting. While Dashie, Pinkie would have the hardest time adjusting since they have very active and hectic lifestyles.

Plus Dashie want to be a wonderbolt and spends a majority of her time working or training. Taking in a filly/colt or giving birth would be a major change for her. She'd be able to do it, but who knows how easily?

As for Pinkie. She'd need to get her own place, change her work hours, her party scheduals, tweek her Pinkie Sense for a little one, alter her entire way of life so that it'd be compatible for a baby. I think she could do it. But I have never read a Pinkie Motherhood fic so I don't for sure. Does anyone know any good Pinkie Pie mother hood fics?

1712168 I always kind of imagined Rainbow and Pinkie being mothers much later in life

Once they've settled down and had their fun


I never said that Rarity was a good mom. Only that she had a major hoof in raising her. That and she's probably that way out of resentment of never been given a choice / having the responsibility thrust upon her and never got the chance to work out her feelings; Nor had a chance to explore how she really feels. Throwing herself into work to provide for two ponies, and escape the emotions that she feels. At least that's my opinion.

Of course it doesn't help that the writers make her as one dimensional as possible. She seriously needs the writers to show why she's the element of Generosity. As well as why she's not in jail for negligence and potential abuse. :pinkiesad2:


Okay both of you calm down, and just agree that RD is best!


I'm calm. Just stating my personal opinion. That and I'd love to see a good fic with Rarity as a good sister. Honestly I love seeing fics with a well writen / three dimensional Rarity. Like in Green. I love that story.

1712286 we are calm just talking about our opinions

1712403:raritycry: but I'm a girl!:raritydespair: but that Pinkie is just so cute that I will not get upset...much

1712412 Oh umm.....


1712497 GOD DAMN IT IVE BEEN TROLLED!!!!!11!!!!

1712497>>1712530 I don't know how to put in images or videos :ajsleepy: I am a failure

1712554 Watch this!

[img](the direct url for the image)[/img]



Look at the comment box. Beside the Color Wheel thingy. The Grey thing is links. Next to that is images [copy url. Paste when it asks for the url]. Same with Youtube vids.

1712568>>1712574:trixieshiftright: someone willing to explain things for me? yOU ARE AMAZING FOR HELPING ME! now I attempt it *drum role*

Comment posted by Butterkeet deleted Sep 9th, 2013
Comment posted by Butterkeet deleted Sep 9th, 2013

I am actually going to put Twilight as a mediocre at best unless she changes quite a bit. She is definitely changing in the right direction, but she hasn't gotten there. Specifically, she can be a bit rigid, not very good at reading others, and she is not the best to Spike.

Out of the Mane 6, I think Applejack would be the best. Out of the princesses, Celestia or Cadence.

Its rather funny the timing of this comic. Tonight, I just started going through Motherly Scootaloo and got all the way through what has been posted so far.

Comment posted by Butterkeet deleted Sep 9th, 2013


Oh if you are using Deviant art. Right Click. Open Image in new tab. Then copy that image link. And you need the "Http:\\www" or the "www." part too. The full image url.

Comment posted by Butterkeet deleted Sep 9th, 2013
Comment posted by Butterkeet deleted Sep 9th, 2013

I finally did it! yay!

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