MLP: Motherhood is Magical 2,659 members · 1,556 stories
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ok first I want to know if its been done. and If not give the idea to someone to do it.

So i was reading a story earlier and spike was talking about his parents. When i came up with this idea. Yes I know alot of people have done the twilight is spikes adopted mom or Twilight Physically made spike and is his mom but what about this.

Dragons don't lay Fertilized Eggs. They lay unfertilized eggs and then have anouther dragon infuse it with magic thus fertilizing it. Now celestia found an abandoned Dragon Egg and even she lacks the knowledge of how dragon reproduction works so just believed it to be a normal egg waiting to be hatched. and thus sets up the test to allow students to attempt and hatch it. You know the back story twilight gets startled by the rainboom and thus magically hatches that egg. to date no one knows the way dragon reproduction works but then someone finds out and tells the princesses(who now include twilight) and thus she finds out she isn't just spikes older sister/mother figure she is his Biolgical mother. not by some magical surge of oh you made a rock turn into a egg or something like that but by the method all dragons use. Now she is not only princess in equestria but the biological mother of a pony/dragon hybrid.(Spike has much more magic than any dragon and won't grow much bigger than a stallion).

I didn't spend much time thinking of the concept behind this but the idea behind it is what got me thinking.

What would happen if Dragon eggs were not fertalized before laying but by the father/mother after laying by being infused with magic.

Thus I wanted to ask if this has been done and if not Someone let me know if they want to do it because I would love to read a well written story about this idea.

I don't remember if anything like that has happened before. Though the one thing that should be changed in that Celestia doesn't know how dragon reproductions works, she's 1000+ years old she is bound to know somethings.

1042387 Yeah but I feel that dragons would be HIGHLY secretive about this info and not only that Celestia might be 1000+ but she is mostly doing work for equestria. Sure she might have gotten together with some dragons but doesn't know

Or as I think now makes a bit more sense Dragons can Reproduce normaly and in 95% of the cases do lay fertalized eggs but if a female lays an unfertalized egg the method I mentioned could be used.

I do not believe this has been done before.

As for Celestia's knowledge, either she should know due to really having seen it all or dragons keep this sort of thing to themselves and thus she never learned.

Damn you canon and your lack of details...
I think one thing we both can agree on is that Twilight's magic did something to Spike.

Funny thing is most of today on my group, Protect Celestia, we have been discussing who exactly would we consider to be Spike's mother...

1042412 Yeah I have seen alot of both ways but still I was wondering how this fic would go and if anyone was interested in the idea... I lack writing skills needed to make something like this work.

And to be honest I don't think I could make it would either. It's an interesting concept though

Waluigi Pie
Group Admin

Interesting idea, I hope someone puts it to use.

Project Ascension has something similar to this... just a bit more confusing

Hmmmmmmmmmm... I could probably use that idea...if you know... That's okay with you... Oh lol I sounded like Fluttershy there.

I know this thread is a bit old, but I would like to throw in my two cents. I like the idea that dragon eggs are hatched through magic, but it seems odd that a baby would develop so fast. Perhaps the magic from the hatcher could only influence the genetics of magic capabilities?
And Celestia could know, but decides to keep it a secret as it may cause more harm then good, as Twilight would have been a tiny foal when Spike hatched-who would tell that to a child when its not needed?
Heh, whatever. I'm just trying to expand more into the topic. It's certainty a new original spin on a plot that has been done to death in this fandom.

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