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Some of you from the Skype group may know that a few of us play League of Legends pretty avidly, so I figured I would post a thread for those who may also play the game and look to play some games with a few fellow bronies for the lolz.

I play a few hours each day, generally in the evening's pst.
Summoner name: Azurulia
Favorite champs: Leona, Nunu, Akali, Sivir.
Favorite role: Support or Jungle

LoL huh? DIdn't play it for a while. I suppose it's because my laptop can't even handle the smallest of PC games. They lag like hell.

i play on EU West

usually Olaf / Annie
i can Taric or Sona
i can't ad carry
Mundo and Evelyn for lulz

What about how about doing something else other than your bludgeons Maitland sent to where it's less Judy

In better terms, how about we promote a different game?

I played lol a few months ago. Got bored, and abandoned it. (was playing it for over 2 years)
I play Dota2 now.
Oh, and I still have 7x Dota 2 invites! If Someone needs one, than hit me up on steam, or skype.

Skype: kristof070
Steam: artk7/DarX7

The game is beta, and cannot be played, unless you receive an invite, or buy an early access card.
The is made by Valve, and is going to be free to play after its release date. But if ya get a beta invite, than you can install it, and play without any limitations before release date (which is TBA). :pinkiehappy:

PS: take a look how much crap I farmed together before leaving lol: . It was just no fun anymore. Took me 2 years for so much heroes, + a lot of runes .
In Dota 2 you can play with all heroes for free without needing to unlock them.

Time Sink...

Group Admin


It's not a matter of promotion, it's a matter of something myself and a few others play, and wondering if others do as well. If I where to have promoted it, I would have linked to the site and explained what the game was and what it is about. :raritywink:

Well I just meant like we should make these threads about different (and better) games.
I for one hate LoL with a burning passion, but I won't gripe about it because others find it fun... somehow.

Iplay once in a while play in the NA servers and can only really play Kayle well, top bruiser mostly.

-RageCake- Gamer, Ultimate cake rager, Proud Troll, that one idiot from the MDA

I am bad noob player with low, scrub level. I have Ashe and Dr. Mundo and play as them or whoever's free atm. I play wherever people tell me to play and usually do it-ish.

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