Mentally Deficient Authors 631 members · 1,410 stories
Comments ( 18 )
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Ok so idea numero DERP for the day is:
since we seem to enjoy Minecraft i say the MDA should have its own server.
I need opinions on the matter and suggestions on how to make this work.
-i can get a normal server up or a tekkit one.
-i can get a cracked server up or a cracked tekkit server
-need ideas cause i can't host 24/7.what i think we need is a system so we can save the map online and who decides to host for the day can just import the latest save.

Discuss plox :twilightsmile:

ok so for more people to join we need a cracked tekiit one.
hmmmm i can do that but we need hamachi or tunngle.
also i have the best cracked tekkit client out there...its not perfect but it does its some things to make it run better....

ok awaiting more opinions and what not

I would join, but I can't for three reasons
1:I'm not at my home, so I can't use my computer
2:My computer doesn't have internet.
3:My computer is a piece of crap and runs Minecraft poorly

im talking long term server here so it is k
while port forwarding works in certain cases, hamachi and tunngle provide an easy vpn like connection that is easy to set up and works. also my router cant port foreword so i cant host that way

My comp00tis sucks so bad at playing minceraft.

make a tf2 server pl0x

aaa i actually dont play tf2 so i have no idea of what a server for that would need......

560503 We would just basically rent a server from some server chain.

My only problem is that they're expensive as hell. I think the lowest amount you can get for a good one is like $50 a month.

pfffffffff silly pony i bet i can get one for free :pinkiehappy: but still this is a minecraft server thread :twilightsheepish:

560509 Yeh.

I'll try to get my comp00tis run minecraft better soon. If I can, I'm so joining in.

if you are talking bout minecraft we might need a virtual private network but that only if we get more that 10 players or so and well i was hoping this would stay in the MDA at least for now...

also im waiting for the founding fathers to say something first

Group Admin

I very much love minecraft, though I am unsure of the other guys, they don't strike me as minecrafters. they are FPS'er's etc.

My only request is that the MDA banner be built at the spawn. :pinkiecrazy:

Other then that I see no reason not to have one.

I don't really care.
But this:

they don't strike me as minecrafters. they are FPS'er's etc.

Is kinda stupid. I can enjoy minecraft and FPS's (as long as that FPS is not COD because COD is the worst). Labeling doesn't help anyone Azu. *dizapoignt faic*

I play mine craft, fps, and rts but I'm skiing in Utah so I can't use my gaming pc at home.

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