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Azure Quill
Group Admin

"Insanity is... doing the exact same fucking thing, over and over again, expecting shit to change."

By extension, that makes everyone on the planet insane, and those of us who are considered insane by popular opinion are the sane ones... I don't want to be sane! Sanity is boring! Maybe i should be more normal? NO! that would make me normal and... sane... I should continue as i am, but that's doing the same thing over and over, but i don't expect things to change!

If you're neither sane nor insane. Then what are you?

I am fun. Take that as you will...

Group Admin


And here I thought this was going to segue into Far Cry 3

well played, Quill. Well played.

"All these fucking pricks doing the EXACT, SAME, THING!"

Well, we're all insane, no matter what definition of insanity you go off of.

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