Comments ( 28 )
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Kong Qiu
Group Contributor


Confucius says introduce yourself here.

Confucius says he wants to know you are extraordinary.

Group Admin

I wrote a couple things. All these young 'uns don't know how to write anymore. Of course, they need to invoke the Muses, but that's beside the point.

Stuff I wrote:
The Iliad
The Odyssey

Marie Curie
Group Contributor

I wrote Recherches sur les Substances Radioactives, L'Isotopie et les Éléments Isotopes, et Traité' de Radioactivité.

Mon Pierre et moi together won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903. Sadly, mon cher es mort.

In 1911 I won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry on my own.

J'adore radium.

That Other Guy
Group Contributor




Erik Thorvaldsson
Group Contributor

I founded the first Norse settlement in Greenland. I got exiled for three years for "some killings". I don't usually take note of everything I have to kill, but apparently some of them weren't supposed to be killed. But if you take my setstokkr, your legs better be longer than your fingers, for nothing will save you from my wrath. It was worth the exile.

I have my axe ready to crack open the head of the next youngster who asks me to yell "Fusrodah" or something like that. Does that really mean anything? What do children these days think my people the Norse were like?

Genghis Khan
Group Contributor

Introduce myself? Bah! I'm taking over! The golden horde shall rule over this group! Or we'll burn it to the ground!

Kong Qiu
Group Contributor

Confucius says you win.

Genghis Khan
Group Contributor

I claim this group as my own! The golden horde will reign supreme!


Oye man. You speak of golden hordes, yet I was able to conquer a CIVILIZATION with DOSCIENTOS viejos and some ignorant Indians all for THE CONQUEST OF GOLD!

Isaac Newton
Group Contributor

I advanced almost every field of mathematics in my time. Some say it was the apple that inspired my three laws of motion, but that's the story they told long after my time. It required months of research, not an afternoon in an orchard, for your information...

I wrote Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, and along with my mathematical rival Gottfried Leibniz, underpinned the rules for differential and integral calculus.

I like apples, but I feel they are credited overmuch.

Genghis Khan
Group Contributor

You conquered some mangy primitives. The golden horde conquered the great power of China, then made all of Europe quake in its boots as we moved west! I conquered a fourth of the world, you no-good European! I could defeat you in ten seconds flat!

Genghis Khan
Group Contributor


Canons, enough said.

Son, the written word ain't gonna stop a horde. My horse archers will pepper you with arrows before your diplomats can give me any sort of negotiations you might write up.

Isaac Newton
Group Contributor

Can we at least pretend to be civilised for a moment? I know it's hard, but I'm trying to determine the properties of light, while you two are squabbling over powder kegs and ponies.


Then we will just go to the sea and pepper you with CANON FIRE!

Hope your horses can swim.

Nikola Tesla
Group Contributor

Savages, the lot of you.


Gentlemen, gentlemen, let us diffuse this situation. We are gathered here in a legacy of new friendship, not war!

I am Theodore Roosevelt, but my friends and supporters prefer 'Teddy.' I've seen my fair share of battle and I've punched a few teeth out every now and then, but I see a bright future for this establishment! Perhaps we can go hunting some time? Hah!

George Washington
Group Contributor

... I came here in hopes that I may be blessed with the wisdom of Confucius. Instead, I find some mangy Mongol and a Spaniard barbarian going at it like two monkeys fighting over the last banana. Calm down, the both of you. Listen to what this man says. >474532

William Shakespeare
Group Contributor


We hath, perchance, arrived to hear what the great Confucious might say, but instead found ourselves swept up in a ballad of fire and brimstone. 'Tis a sorry state of affairs.

Group Contributor

474364>>474359 HA! You're both a bunch of sissies who need to fight from a distance! Let's fight up close and personal, and THEN we'll see who's best among us!

Genghis Khan
Group Contributor

Pah, and risk losing? No thank you! I'll shoot you down where you stand before you can do anything! And then I win! So take that!

Group Contributor

474888 That just proves that I am the greater! Only cowards fight from afar! And that's besides the point. It'd take more than couple of arrows to take ME down!

Genghis Khan
Group Contributor

A couple arrows? Pah! Try a few hundred thousand! And enjoy being "greater" while you're dead, puny European scum.

Group Contributor

475036 Death on the battlefield is the greatest honor, fool! I will enjoy being greater from the foot of Ares' throne! Meanwhile, he'll curse you and your arrows will turn to rubber as you shoot them, glancing off my comrades chest plates, as they cut you down from atop your horses!

Group Admin


Death on the battlefield is the greatest honor, fool! I will enjoy being greater from the foot of Ares' throne!

Achilles is a far greater warrior than you could ever dream of being. And he received no great glory or honor in the afterlife. I am sorry, but you are quite mistaken in your views.

I am quite disappointed, actually. I would have expected the Spartan Kings to know such things. Times have changed since Menelaus was king...

Group Contributor

477037 I will admit. Achilles is far greater than I. However, that is besides the point. He is greater than both I and the Mongol fool over there. This argument is between me and him. Achilles, no matter how great he is, has no point in here!

Genghis Khan
Group Contributor

Pah! This leadership thing is no fun! Not enough pillaging!

Michel Ney
Group Contributor


Do either of you know what a civilized conversation is?

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