The Cake Family 196 members · 256 stories
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I hope that I am not doing any thing wrong by posting this but I am in the middle of writing a Cake story.
I would like to get an opinion.
Simply put my story takes place when the Twins have grown up. They are both following in the family food steps, so to speak.
Now this is the two part question.
1) which twin do you think will run the Sugar Cube Corners in Pony ville?
2) where do you think the second could be set up?

Once I get feed back I tell you my ideas.
Tank you and I hope for the best in the future.

I think they'd probably co-run it, since it's a family business.

Pumpkin would likely be involved in most of the baking, since magic generally provides a greater degree of precision and efficiency than hooves in tasks requiring it. I.E., it's probably easier to crack a dozen eggs into a mixing bowl with magic.

Pound would probably be the charismatic salespony who runs the register and greets customers. He'd also probably haul raw ingredients to Sugarcube Corner from wherever they procure it from, since he's the pegasus and presumably the stronger one. So yeah.

But if they each went their separate ways and set up their own, then maybe the second one could be in Appaloosa? It seems like there's a pretty decent market there for apple pies. Dodge Junction could also work. Or, if Pound is the one to set up the new store, maybe Cloudsdale.

My headcanon: Pumpkin mainly takes care of the baking and takes care of most of the talking, since she's better at talking to ponies. Pound takes care of the heavy lifting and delivers the orders to ponies, since he's the strong one who can fly long distances. Pound does sometimes work in the kitchen, though, especially when there's an order of pound cake.
Mr. and Mrs. Cake take care of the paperwork and do some baking, too, and of course Pinkie helps.

My thoughts:

I've always thought of the adult Pound as the architect. Very organized, very precise, although just a little wild. I'm sure that once he thought that the operation in Ponyville was ship-shape, he'd look outward to other pastures, maybe starting in Appleloosa, given the opportunity for new growth.

(He would then, of course, be side-tracked by an encounter with the mare of his dreams, a down-to-earth Earth Pony who would capture his heart. It would take all of Pumpkin's fierce will to remind him of his obligations to his family.)

I've always thought of the adult Pumpkin as the organizer. She takes after Pinkie Pie, in a way; she knows everypony in town. She becomes very involved in the Ponyville community, joins the town council, and eventually succeeds Madam Mayor Pie as the elected representative of Ponyville.

(Of course, there would always be that colt in her past, her one true love, tragically taken away so young. Truffle Shuffle, we hardly knew ye.)

964212>>964228>>964338 Thank you for your input I am glad that I could ask.
I guess we are of smiler thoughts around the future of the cakes.
My story's head canon will be sightly different but I think you guys would like it.
Pumpkin is not too athletic but she is the more intelligent and organized one who always plans things out thoroughly.
Pound is athletic plus stronger, impulsive and a little dim.
They both are bakers.

I don't want to rune the story too much but the opening line goes as this;
Pumpkin never wanted to be like her bother. So impulsive, so dimwitted, not thinking of the consequences, but here she was. She had done the most impulsive and dimwitted thing a business mare could ever do, She married her business partner.

What do you think?:trixieshiftright:

It's interesting that you cast Pound as "a little dim." In my story, "Pumpkin Cake and the Storm Giant," I had Pumpkin thinking along the same lines ("I'm the smart one. I'm supposed to be the leader."). But towards the end, she has second thoughts about her perception of her brother.

I'm actually thinking of Pumpkin as an extravert while Pound is more of an introvert. Being quiet and thoughtful, Pound may appear less intelligent than his more outgoing sister. (In fact, I wonder if Pound thinks of himself as "a little dim." Smart people are more aware of their limitations than dumb people.)

Who were you thinking of as Pumpkin's business partner? One of the other kids, grown up?

(Pondering it, I think Pipsqueak is going to be a real heartbreaker when he grows up.)

969986 thank you I will

971478 "I'm actually thinking of Pumpkin as an extravert while Pound is more of an introvert. Being quiet and thoughtful, Pound may appear less intelligent than his more outgoing sister. (In fact, I wonder if Pound thinks of himself as "a little dim." Smart people are more aware of their limitations than dumb people.)"

That's a good thought that's not going to change my opening but I'll give more tough to her and her brothers character now.

This input really is the best thank you again. :yay:

I always thought Pound and Pumpkin would never take over the family business.

If they did take it over. I would say they would run it together. Pumpkin would be the baker and Pound would deliver and sometimes switch spots.

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