The Cake Family 196 members · 256 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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Alpha Scorpii
Group Admin

I don't know if you'll see this. Do you guys get a notification when I open a thread here? Because I don't get notified when someone comments. Sometimes this site confuses me :derpyderp2:

Anyway, let's get to the point: I've recently found a short story about Pinkie and the Cakes (do you want me to post a link?) and I think it could fit here. The only thing: all the characters are humanized, although it seems that the author is going to rewrite it and remove all human elements.

But who knows if we won't see in the future other story about humanized Cakes which happens to be good. So, here's the question: do we also accept fics with humanized ponies here?

Personally, I don't care. Of course, I prefer ponies rather than humanized versions, but as longs as it follows all the other rules, I'm fine with it.

What do you say? Do you want humans here, or not?

If you mean do I mind humanized fics for this group...if they're well-written, then I say bring them in.

I've read the story your talking about. It's alright, but some of the times when you read it, it feels like your reading a story that is not MLP related or even uses the Cakes well. Still give it a read and u make a call.

I don't read those kind of stories, but as long as they're still the same characters, I don't see why not. :twilightsheepish:

Alpha Scorpii
Group Admin

681592 I think the story I'm talking about is well-written, or at least I didn't see many grammar errors.

The only problem is that it's a bit confusing, because not only the ponies are humanized, their names are also "humanized" as well. They're Pinkie and the Cakes, their personalities aren't changed, but the author gives them different names.


Well, maybe you could post a link to the story so we could look at it and see if it seems too confusing.

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