Christian Bronies 985 members · 237 stories
Comments ( 19 )
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One of the biggest questions we all ask is: WHAT DOES A CHRISTIAN BRONY DO WITH ALL THESE HATERS AROUND! Seriously! They are the bane of the bronies existence, aren't they. My personal strategy is to calmly ask them why they even bother hating as we're not going anywhere anytime soon. Tell me in the responses people, please do.

I would just ask them why do they care?
It's not their decision and it doesn't hurt anyone in any way.

It's a perfectly innocent show that, in no way, is against Biblical teachings. :moustache:

Honestly, I prefer to just ignore them. Haters feed off of reaction, and if you deny it to them, chances are you won't be harrassed as often.

If you feel you must say something, I always ask them why they came to a site (hosting whatever brony thingamajig it is; music, fanfiction, art, etc.) and took the time to pay it any attention if all they want to do is hate on it. Seems like a total waste of energy to me.

What we should do? Nothing.

People will whine, complain, but really, they aren't accomplishing anything with it. It's the internet, an opinion has as much value as we allow it to have. They can't truly hurt our bodies, and we can protect our feelings by remembering were our strength true is.

The reason of most of the hate against us is because the majority of bronies are liberals in direct confront with conservative ideas. And sadly this happens anywhere in the internet. :twilightsmile:

Dude, I am just going to say this: There is a devil-worshiper messing up our thread. I think all we CAN do is pray and wait for the head of the group to take action

Nah, lets get pizza and laugh at him because he got banned.

Ohhhh. So it was this thread it was on. Still, this is hilarious! Still, i think maybe a troll from a forum i'm in came here. :flutterrage:

606569 I didn't bother me too much. I don't think he got the results he wanted! :yay:

I just tell them to f*ck off.

606691 It's funny, if you ask me the world is very close to the rapture.


we just say that jesus loves him and then play this song

I ignore/report hate. When I have to respond, I keep it short and sweet: You have your opinions, I have mine. No need to waste your energy trying to change my mind.

The best way to fight trolls is to troll back better than them (without offending them, of course. Stooping down to their level would be counterproductive)
Fortunately, that's something I'm pretty good at. Hooray for innocent trolling!

Oh, and I PMed knighty right as it happened.
Everypony; you're welcome.

Group Admin

Pray for them. That is all we can do



"Do not argue with a fool, he'll drag you down to his level and beat you with experiance." -Mark Twain

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