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Most of you might have seen this video already, but it states that an eleven year old when he was four actually saw a glimpse of Heaven during a medical surgery. But the shocking thing was, he came back here to tell us what he saw. I feel that God probably choose him to be brought to Heaven and back to show the world it exists. It also gets me to believe that if you go to Heaven, you could go back to Earth. I feel it's a great miracle Jesus sent that near to dead kid to Heaven to show what awaits him after his long lasting life and back to tell his family and others about it. Listen to this kid and see what awaits us after death. [youtube=]


I do believe that it's possible to see Heaven, just like Hell. Of course many people will never believe, but there are just so many reports, testimonies of near death experiences. Evidence of things that would be impossible to know, unless it was true.

I believe that God every now and then do those things to help solidify our faith. In this case, he showed a bit of himself for that Pastor, fulfilling his prayer and explaining of how we works.

Thank you dearly for sharing this video. :twilightsmile:

Well of course it us possible to glimpse heaven. But remember, in the end, both heaven AND hell will be on Earth, and that which we call 'heaven' is actually only the place that our souls wait out the time till heaven comes to Earth.

Did you guys ever hear about the burmese monk? He definately saw Hell, no questio.


Group Admin

I don't believe that hell will ever come to earth, nor that there ever will be an end. The book of Revelation tells us that there will be a new heaven and a new earth, and that heaven will come to earth, but never that hell will join. The darkness cannot be in the light, nor will it be when heaven comes to earth.

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