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Now, if you were here earlier, you may have noticed a thread I posted talking about whether or not Christianity is a religion or a relationship, an I've went on this whole speil about it not being a religion. After reading 'Mere Christianity' by C.S. Lewis, who kept on calling Christianity a religion, and after talking to one of my friends about the religionvs. relationship ordeal, this is what I have come to the conclusion of. Christianity is a religion. Yes, I've said it, it is a religion, but, it's different from other religions though. At least, thats how I feel about it. But think, Chrisitianty is the Belief in a Monotheistic God, who sent His one and only Son, to die for what He created, even though many times, His Creations turned their backs on Him, perverted and twisted His teachings, and mocked Him. Even after all this, He still sent His Son to die on a tree for them. Why? You may ask?

Because He loved them.
He has always loved them, He will always love them. Thats what makes Christianity different. The fact that a perfect God, wanted a relationship with imperfect beings. How many other Religions can say that? How many other Religions can say that their god loved them so much, that their god gave up the life of their ONLY, BEGOTTEN, SON. Only one can say that, and that would be us. Judaism still believes in the law that Christ fulfilled, Islam believes you need to please Allah, but, if I'm not mistaken, the Quran doesn't say how, and I could go on and on. (If I have offended people here, then I do apologise, my intention is to show the difference here, not to hurt any one.)
So, my conclusion, Christianity is a religon where people believe that imperfect beings, can have a relationship with a perfect God, through the Sacrifice that was made almost 2000 years ago by a man, who is the Son of God, by dying on the cross for us... This still doesn't change the fact I want to smash my head on a Mahogony table when someone calls me, or Christians religious.:derpytongue2:

Comment posted by Guardian deleted Dec 30th, 2012

575655 Christianity = A mutual relationship with God. :twilightsmile:

575663 mutual covenant I think may be a better word to describe it

575854 .... Now that I think about it, yeah pretty much. :twilightsheepish: But you've got to admit, God does come through for you. :ajsmug:


I would say both. As you said, this is the truth: we are imperfect beings trying to rebuild our relationship to the perfect God.

Keep safe! :twilightsmile:

I do think that covenant is a good word to describe it.

Christianity is a religion in that it was birthed from a religion, Judaism, and contains many of the identifying factors of a religion - instituted ritual, an explanation for life, a claim about what happens after death, supernatural occurances, and claims of exclusive truth, especially as it comes in convenient paperback form.

But like you said, it's completely different in that the God of the Bible sent His son, Jesus, to bring us to Him freely, instead of us having to work really hard to earn our way there. Every other religion does put the work on humans to earn there way to God (or alternatively, Nirvana, or any other version of spiritual fulfillment).

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