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Like most kids these games, i enjoy video gaming. I also enjoy looking at pictures of nice cars. What level of time spending doing this is idolatry? Sorry for asking so many questions but i wanna save myself and commit to Jesus and wouldn't like to screw up [though man always does no matter how hard they try].

553441 Do you Worship the games? If not you're fine. or is that something else

It's an interesting question, but I've always said that idolatry is the point at which at which something else has taken so much of your attention, that you no longer listen to God or pray to him. When you feel that what you've got (through whatever it is) is enough, then you've crossed that threshold into idolatry.
I personally just daily remind myself that I can't solve my problems, nor can do any form of good, without speaking to the Lord about it and asking for his help and blessing. I guess the short version would be to stay grounded continually in your faith. Read the Bible, apply what it says, and pray. You do all that and idolatry can't happen because you've decided to look to Christ for guidance.

And don't feel bad about asking the questions. Not only is that what we're here for, but if I couldn't answer the question satisfactorily, then I would know that I need to seriously think about the question myself.

Idolatry is when you basically assume that this will solve my problems, this is what i will praise and pray to. When it takes over your life and you think you can replace God with it, that is what idolatry is.


As others said, Idolatry applies when those other things start becoming more important than God.

As long as God is the most important thing in your life, you have nothing to worry about. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

Anything that becomes more important than Christ becomes an idol. That's your guideline

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