Christian Bronies 984 members · 237 stories
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Remember to keep Christ in Christmas. Seriously. Christmas isn't about this:
or this:
No, Christmas is a holiday in which we celebrate the birth of mankind's savior, not flatten someone so we can get a the newest Ithing. Sadly, Satan has perverted what once was a holiday to celebrate what is wonderful and good, and turned it into Flattensomeoneoverforthatnewtvohandmaybethatnewtablettoomas. [Sorry if you can't read that]. Remember, presents and the tree are great but if it weren't for mankind's savior we would not have any of this, and we would probably be enslaved by our own sin not to mention. Here's a great list of things to do to keep Christ in Christmas:
Also, what traditions do you choose to keep and leave out of christmas? I'm fine with most things but Santa just gets my goat. Seriously, if you went into a preschool and asked the kids there who Jesus was they would say 'eehhhhhhh, isn't he in the bible or something?', however if you ask them who Santa is you'd better have a bed and food stored as they would go on for weeks :facehoof. In America that is at least.

Goodness. Well, I love everything about Christmas, so I leave you with my personal favorite song.

I also love everything about Christmas. And as a Christian, I don't tend to worry about the holiday too much. It's a beautiful mess. You've got the Christian message, the pagan elements (I'm looking at you, Christmas Tree, as well as other things...), the commercial stuff (a lot of commercialization), and there's this humanistic message that everyone ought to behave a little nicer for a month or so. Plus there's colored lights and decorations and music that everyone follows some unwritten rule to only play for one month out of the year. And you've got the Culture Warriors giving you dire warnings that there is a war on Christmas, and the champions of political correctness who would rather you call it X-mas or "The Holidays." And you've got stress and frantic shopping, and people getting into more car accidents than the rest of the year. And there's caroling, and people wearing those red hats, and mall Santas. And there's the holiday specials of your favorite TV shows. And (thank God) a break from studying at school. There is egg nog and presents and perhaps a special dinner with the family. It's Christmas.:derpytongue2:

Of course, seeing as the world ends on the 21st, there's no need to worry about it this year.:pinkiehappy:

And here's my own favorite Christmas song...:twilightsmile:


I kind of agree. While there are a lot of good things in Christmas, there is also some things that people tend to forget or don't care about.

I think it really depends on what we make of Christmas. Christmas shouldn't be a commercial holiday for us Christians, but a day of meditation and inspiration. More important than décor, presents and chocolate is faith and unity.

I don't really have a problem with the Santa Claus figure, mostly because I know that he is based on Saint Nicholas. However, I agree that we need to teach children so they remember about Jesus too.

The only thing that bothers me about Christmas is the hypocrisy that it generates. The messages of goodwill and generosity usually don't stand for the entire year. You can stay enemies with a person for the entire year and on Christmas you stand together, then next year you are enemies again. You can refuse to do charity the entire year, and on Christmas you do it only to fit in. Then next year you are back on your bubble of selfishness.

There is some people who can only get to act with kindness on these 'unique' days. Why can't they do it the rest of the year? :twilightsmile:


Oh no, you didn't!

You did get me nostalgic. :fluttershysad:


Now that is beautful. :fluttercry:

My Christmas spirit left me so did faith in humanity


Oh. Is it because of what happened this week?

That was a truly disgrace. Even those of us who didn't have any loved ones related can only open our hearts and pray for comfort to the poor families. :fluttercry:

540283 Yeah it kinda damaged what little I had. But, we gotta do as you said then we can overcome it as we've always done


Yes, overcome it. That was the word I was searching for.

Like we always did. It's the only thing we can do now. :pinkiesad2:

540299 God wants us to help those in need and not ourselves. It is only right to support the families affected by the tragedy.

I get why you wouldn't like Santa Claus, or St. Nicholas, as I have taking to calling him, but here is an important history lesson for you all about the real St. Nicholas. Nicholas was born to a couple of wealthy merchants, who were loaded. I mean LOADED. Anyways, he was orphaned at a young age and his guardian was his uncle, who happened to be a bishop. Now, Nicholas loved Christ, and, as we would say now, wanted to go into ministry. His uncle could definitely see it in him, and didn't have to "Check his facebook page" to see that he loved Christ. When he came of age, he too became a bishop. Now I'm sure that you all know of the story of the 3 girls who's father couldn't get them married because he couldn't afford to give them their dowry's, and since he couldn't afford their dowry's, they would have to become prostitutes. When Nicholas heard of this, he gave them three bags of gold when they all came to age, they would have a dowry. He even dropped the last bag down a chimney when their father tried to see who was leaving them the bags of Gold.
Now, this wasn't the only time he was generous like this, but by the time of his death, Nicholas had spent all of his parents fortune. Some had gone to the church, while the rest went all across the known world, to people that were in poverty or really needy. So what I'm trying to say is that, no matter what you call him, Santa Claus or St. Nicholas, That he was a real person who didn't give presents to little children who wanted a new bike or that new videogame, but was a Christian, who took Jesus Christ's teaching of "sell all what you have and give it too the poor."
This is what Christmas is all about. God gave us the perfect present, Jesus Christ, who would die on the Cross for us, to deliver us from sin, and St. Nicholas may have not done the same thing, but he touched so many hearts thats would come to know Jesus. So people may see Santa Claus as the "Present Guy" but i see St. Nicholas as the "Remember what Christmas is really about Guy".

Is it black friday madness? Or something else?

Right, the whole reason we have gifts is to represent the gift of Christ.


The shooting of twenty chidren. :fluttercry:

And... it's finally here!

Merry Christmas everypony! :pinkiehappy:

Not for the us....lucky you.....

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