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Or more politely put, I'm going to teach the prosperity gospel. Seriously, has anyone heard that guy? Christ does not give us health and wealth, He gives us spiritual fulfillment! We are HIS servants, not the other way around! Don't be fooled by the "Health and Wealth" or "Prosperity" gospels. They are lies, spoonfed to us by Satan. Sure, they come in a pretty package, but there is no life in the safety of financial security and nice toys, and Christ doesn't call us to a safe life.

Don't let Satan speak to you through lies like what Joel Osteen preaches, but pray that people like Joel Osteen might come to know the living God and His true plan for His people, and that they will make the decision to truly surrender themselves to Christ.


Tell me about it! :flutterrage:

There is a church in my country who actually teaches that the money you give to God(meaning this church) you will receive tenfold. They treat God like some kind of gambling company, where you bet money everyday in hopes of winning a fortune at some point of your life.

What is the difference between going to a church like this or paying for one of those 'works' who promises wealth and fortune?

I think it's important to donate to churches: they need money to survive, after all. Electricity, food for their workers, cleaning... they need funding to keep working. Missionary missions, for example, are quite expensive so they need extra financial help.

For example, some non-Christians have already insulted me for donating to the church. I explained to them that I enjoy going to the church, and that like a member's group I want to ensure it keeps working. I am not donating money to receive something: I am donating money to ensure that something I like will keep existing. There is a big difference between the two reasons for giving a donation.

It's a liar anyone that says that God needs money. God doesn't need anything: he accept us because of his infinite love and grace, not because of what we have. The kingdom of heaven is not of this world.

So, in the end, I think it's important to try to see if the church in question is more worried about God's word or it's finances. If it's the later, then we should avoid visiting it... and warn those who go there that they might be being scammed. :twilightsmile:

"Labor not to be rich; be ready to every good work; give to those who ask; relieve the afflicted."
Rom. 12:13; I Tim. 6:8; Heb. 13:16; Jas. 1:27

God doesn't need money God does whatever he wants. He wants us all to walk into the gates of heaven as equals and once you die you'll be forgotten on this earth.

Remember when Christians were living in shabby conditions, giving everything away? When they were not afraid to put their own lives at risk for The Lord? And nowadays they are accused of being greedy and hypocritical brats. 525317 I have to agree with you. It is appalling such a place exists. Being made fun of for donating? People would be heartless to not donate. I gotta go now so I'll end here.

Well at least Joel Osteen doesn't go to 1st graders funerals and say that god sent the shooter.

Unlike Westboro Batptist Church.

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