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TBF, it was "Man shall not lay with a boy as he would a woman"

I have heard this before, and it is not a sound argument.

I don’t speak the ancient languages in which Leviticus was written, and I will assume you don’t either, so correct me if I am wrong in that.

Even so, looking through dozens of different translations, none of them translate Leviticus 18:22 or 20:13 in the way you suggest. The translators did study a great deal to take on such a work, and any time they all agree, we can be reasonably sure it is a solid translation.

But let’s get into the weeds… starting with Orthodox Jewish Bible

Vayikra 18:22
Thou shalt not lie with zachar, as with isha: it is to’evah (abomination, detestable)

Vayikra 20:13
If an ish also lie with zachar, as he lieth with an isha, both of them have committed to’evah; they shall surely be put to death; their dahm shall be upon them.

Zachar, then, is the word in question. Vayikra is Leviticus. The rest of the words we need not get into.

So, the question is, are there any other uses of zachar in Leviticus that mean something other than “boy”?

Vayikra 27:7
And if it be from shishim shanah and above, if it be a zachar, then thy evaluation shall be chamishah asar shekel, and for the nekevah asarah shekalim.

Leviticus 27:7, Amplified Bible
7 If the person is sixty years old and above, your valuation shall be fifteen shekels for the male, and ten shekels for the female.

Vayikra 15:33
And of her that suffers through her niddah, and of him that hath a discharge, of the zachar, and of the nekevah, and of him that lieth with her that is tameiah.

Leviticus 15:33, Amplified Bible
33 and for the woman who is ill because of her monthly period, and for the one who has a discharge, whether man or woman, or for a man who lies with a woman who is [ceremonially] unclean.

Vayikra 7:6
Every zachar among the kohanim shall eat thereof; it shall be eaten in the makom kadosh; it is kodesh kodashim.

Leviticus 7:6, Amplified Bible
6 Every male among the priests may eat it; it shall be eaten in a holy place; it is most holy.

While some of these might be “boy” at a stretch, I don’t think anyone refers to a 60-year-old as a “boy”, but they did use zachar for a male of that age.

So, I see no support for translating that bit any other way than the vast majority of translators already have.

Fair, still, I just say don't condemn them for existing and let God decide if they are worthy of entering His Kingdom

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