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always knew that there is a God, but never truly knew him until my parents pulled me out of public school and put me into a private school. My first day there it felt different. Everyone had something that I didnt, and I wanted that, so Sixth grade, I became a Christian, praying the LORD'S prayer. I then grew in the Word of God, and after paying attention in Bible Class, I soon began to put the pieces togethor,and became very good at speaking God's word. 9th Grade, March 21, I was starting to feel irritable towards my mom. It wasnt normal anger though, it felt unholy and demonic. I also felt alone, kinda like I needed God, but I was already a Christian by this time. as the days went on, my anger built up and my lonlieness turned into anxiety and depression. Finally, it got so great, that, for a split second, I thought about commiting suicide. I realized that this was not my thoughts, but the devil whispering into my ear, trying to get me to kill my self. I drew the line there, and got some relief, but not much. While I was getting dressed for gym class, I started to pray, asking why Have you forsaken me God? I started crying as I went on praying, asking why I had these feelings, and why it felt like you had left me alone. But, then I started to walk down the path of the psalmist, saying, but no matter what, you are my God, and I will still praise you, should the enemy strike me down, I will rise up against them and strike them down in your name. I kept on praising God and soon after, I no longer felt forsaken. In fact, I felt more complete than before my trial. I had been given a well of living water inside me, because everytime I get tired, I feel ready to go in a few seconds (Which helps alot during football games.). I learned that day that God would never leave me, and in times of trouble, I only need to call upon the name of God Most High.

So thats my testimony, so whats yours?

Yay, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for though art with me. Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me. :twilightsmile:

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