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I have to get this off my chest, You can condemn me to hell after this.

I feel a little uncomfortable with atheists being in this group. nothing against them, but it's just certain things cause me to feel a certain way. So if someone wouldn't mind helping me get over it, I'd be much obliged.

452817 you're right, I should stop worrying about small things.

Well, depending on the definition you want to use, I could qualify, so if you have any questions/concerns you want to throw my way, I'd be glad to help.

I put this in my first post on the front page, but I'll say it again here: I am here to quietly learn, maybe ask a few questions about how Christianity and ponies do or don't go together, and answer questions. I'm not here to attack or mock anyone's faith, "de-convert" anyone, or be a nuisance. This isn't the place for any of that, and I can respect that.


It could be worse I could actually say you are all wrong, but I am not gonna do that. And I am not gonna say I'm right.

And don't worry, having a discomfort about people who think differently then you is a common trait to any human.

452823 Basically that don't believe in any religion or god.

452912 Alright, I understand and sorry I might of insulted you.452908 Oh, okay that's all that was pestering me I think.


No you didn't, in-fact it made me laugh. I am used to being insulted for not being a christian, so there is little you could possibly say that would offend me.

452930 Wow, never heard of somebody being put down for being atheist. Where are you from? country or state. just curious.


Oklahoma, USA, Atheists only make up about 10% of the US's population.

452951 I did not know that.


For the kicks and giggles.

Atheists are actually the most hated and least trusted group in the USA, including homosexuals and Muslims. It just doesn't make a nice splashy news topic, so you don't hear about it much.

I'm a Canuck, and we're (mostly) all happy to get along up here. The only region that really has American-style religious issues is around Alberta, which is to the rest of Canada as Texas or Arizona is to the USA.

Nope when I die I am gonna be a tree, just like Fluttershy.

(sorry I gotta use you for this RC but you were the first to say it)

Like I said, there isn't anything you could say that would offend me, but there is one thing that could irk me the wrong way. Deciding my after life with your view of what will happen, not saying your way is wrong or whatever, but I don't want you to sum me up with your religion. And don't sum up any other religion with your own. When you do this the only thing I can think is arrogant, if you think your right cool, but don't say "when you die, you will see how right I am".

If I am wrong, I'm wrong, sucks for me. But don't tell me what is going to happen to me, I will find out on my own.

453029 Okay.453026 that is interesting to know.


You forgot that over 50% of people in the US said they won't vote for a presidential candidate, JUST because he is an Atheist.

I think that was in the studies in the links. We kinda scratch our heads a lot when we watch 'Murican news, especially during election season. Seriously, our campaigns sound completely different, and aside from any speeches directly to church groups, our politicians usually don't bring up their religion at all. You guys are just weird. :derpytongue2:

453051 453029
Chill just a bit there, RC26. If whitefang doesn't believe in God, there's no "I ain't gonna let god decide what's best" to get upset about. The afterlife just isn't a thing to worry about. First you'd have to convince him that a) any god(s) exist, b) yours in particular exists, and c) He's going to judge whitefang. Until you get to that point, he isn't flipping off God, he's just saying "nope, don't believe it". From context, I think he's joking about the tree thing, and you were just the first one to let him make that joke.


Well yeah the tree thing, yeah that was a joke, and no, he was the first to bring up the topic of 'god will decide what to do when your dead, just you wait'.

I think that religion is like race: Doesit really make a difference? We're all humans no matter what we believe.

Group Admin

I don't know about "most hated..." From what I've experienced, more people hate the "Christians" (I put them in quotes to reference people who label themselves as Christians as a means to publicly say "I'm better than you") than Atheists. I have no issue with Atheists (I mean, I do feel sorry for them, but I don't hate them), but I do take much issue with that kind of Christian. I won't say "hate," I don't hate anyone, but I do hate what they do.
I understand your concern, and I'm not going to lie, I myself was somewhat uncomfortable opening this group to people who don't believe. I did so because, most importantly, I felt led to do so by God, but also because this would be a great place to show people that there are Christians who aren't self righteous jerk-offs (while I hate to be judgmental, there are a lot of Christians who are self righteous jerk-offs), and so people who aren't Christians can have good, healthy discussion about Christianity with Christians and not be put down, and let's face it-we're called to be welcoming to everybody. Therefore everybody's welcome :twilightsmile:
I hope I don't sound like I'm lecturing you, I'm just explaining my rationale behind opening this group to everybody. Believe me, I understand your concern entirely, and I shared it entirely before realizing how tolerant the non-believers who joined are.

Not to ignore your experiences, but check out the numbers in my links. Keep in mind that there are more non-atheists than non-"Christians" in the US, so unless the non-atheists are vastly more accepting than the non-"Christians" (hint: they aren't), you're most likely going to have more non-atheists hating atheists than non-"Christians" hating "Christians". Local values will vary, but once you average it out....

AMEN BROTHER! Too many people are self righteous, but they have forgotten, "That all have sinned and have fallen short of the Glory of God".


YAY!:yay: acceptance!


Apparently to extremists it makes a big difference.

Okay well this thread seems to be getting alot of attention.


It's normal to feel unconfortable: it's in our human nature that do so. However, remember this:

- 13 Once again Jesus went out beside the lake. A large crowd came to him, and he began to teach them. 14 As he walked along, he saw Levi son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax collector’s booth. “Follow me,” Jesus told him, and Levi got up and followed him.

15 While Jesus was having dinner at Levi’s house, many tax collectors and sinners were eating with him and his disciples, for there were many who followed him. 16 When the teachers of the law who were Pharisees saw him eating with the sinners and tax collectors, they asked his disciples: “Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?”

17 On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” -

Mark 2:13-17

Jesus, our lord and savior ate with sinners. In fact we are all sinners: we Christians are only saved by the grace of our lord. As such I believe we need to keep the doors of our churches and our communities open to anyone who wants to learn more about the Word. :twilightsmile:

456786 Oh, never read that verse thank you.

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