Christian Bronies 985 members · 237 stories
Comments ( 11 )
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So, I joined this group not really because I am a Christian, I am actually an Atheist. But, I would like to know your reason for being a Christian.

There is no real reason behind this other than for the pure sake of curiosity.

Now I understand that some people have just always believed in one religion, because that is what they were brought up with, but I would like an explanation that goes in-depth of your reason for following this particular belief. One that gives real insight about your chose.

Group Admin

I will get to telling you my story later tonight, as of now I am showing a friend around this site.


I was raised in a home where my family encouraged in free thought. I was raised christian, but that is not why I am one, I am one because I truly believe in a higher power than us. There's no pressure to be any religion to me, it's a choice....and belief.

Hope hat helped...:twilightblush:


Yes it does, really all comments do. I was just wondering, I am a man of statistics and facts, so I just prefer to go with what has been proven thus far in humanities short existence.

But something that would really help my quest for knowledge, would be what drove you to (insert religion here). Primarily, if you were not of that religion but yet you feel gravitated by it.

Maybe I am rambling and not making sense at this point, dunno.

451576 What drives me to Christianity is the fact that there is an all knowing, all loving, and all man who is watching out for me. After I die, I even get to see the people I once knew. Love and Faith drives me to Christianity.

451227 I'm from a christian household. However, I just feel good to know there is always looking out for you.

I always knew that there is a God, but never truly knew him until my parents pulled me out of public school and put me into a private school. My first day there it felt different. Everyone had something that I didnt, and I wanted that, so Sixth grade, I became a Christian, praying the LORD'S prayer. Afterwards, curiosity on Who God is and Who Jesus Christ is led me to study the Bible more, and learn more. Plus, the fact that Christianity is different from other religions, because it itself is not a religion (I will post a thread explaining that later) but rather a relationship with Christ. I have learned through my 4 years as a Christian is that, when the going gets tough, Jesus takes the Wheel,because I don't feel alone when people on earth fail me. God's love never fails, never gives up, and never runs out on anyone, because no one is a lost cause. So the reason I became a Christian was because of the Hope it gave me and because of the Love of Christ.


I was born and raised Christian by my parents. But I was reluctant sometimes deep in my heart that there actually was a God. But then, after reading some things, I found that nobody had ever been able to explain how the universe was created by itself. By itself, it only achieves a fraction of the essential things to create a thriving, constantly expanding universe. About God, well, many things point towards him existing. Most people judge the Bible without reading it. While I have admittedly never read it all, I know all of the stories. It feels really good to know that somebody loves you and only wants you to improve in your darkest hour.

I am a Christian because I know that God loves me. I have read it in His book, I have seen it in my life, and I know just what His love can do.

I would write more, but math homeworks. :rainbowhuh:

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