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Let's try to do this !

but with Our O.C.s

1) you have an O.C.
let's go with, one for each team !?

2) you pick the New Lunar Republic or the Solar Empire
p.s. N.L.R. starts in Froud Valley
S.E. start Cloud Castle

3) each week we alternat between the N.L.R. and the S.E.
we pick 1-5 O.C.s and write/draw what they do to get closer / get some new ground / stop the other team, or ...
p.s. NO-killing, only Capturing

4) we could ask some Art from
Art for Fanfiction
[Request Art] or [Commission Art]

5) anything that I missed ?



Obviously, I'd like to volunteer my flagship OCs (Darth Edris, Blue Banana, Firefly, and Cosmica Emerald) for this sort of experiment. I'm not sure which side any character would go. All I know is Firefly would be on the opposite side Edris would be on.

Okay, looked over the first several minutes of the video. I think it's a wonderful idea, and I wish I had more time to do it. If the timers are lax, however, say... A week to write a short fic to add to the pile, then I could probably put out a fair shake. Then a week for the judges to decide who is canon, as well as setting up the new matchups, and the matched up people to discuss the intricacies of their characters so as not to play out of character. Every two weeks, we add a new chapter to the pile in five sections.

Also, I can't draw a picture to save my life, so I'd have to submit text only.

Do stop me If I'm being unreasonable with my assumptions.

If I could, I would need to make new OCs. I'm a little too attached to my core collection. It wouldn't be a problem to make new ones, and it would be fun to see them grow and become more fleshed out as the project goes on.

Very fun indeed, though, if we pull it off.

you 3
fell free to talk to each other

Who is for Luna, and who is for the Sun ?

any for the Sun ?
p.s. Fell free to use one of my O.C.s if you don't have one


If the timers are lax, however, say... A week to write a short fic to add to the pile, then I could probably put out a fair shake.

it's what ever we say it is,
we are doing that as a group

Then a week for the judges to decide who is canon,

I maybe the the judge(s), or you both write together and pick (together) who should win

the matched up people to discuss the intricacies of their characters so as not to play out of character.

that's why at the start we would have a short Bio on what they can do,

Every two weeks, we add a new chapter to the pile in five sections.

if we all pick that,

Also, I can't draw a picture to save my life, so I'd have to submit text only.

me as well
But !
we can use this !
ask some Art from
Art for Fanfiction
[Request Art] or [Commission Art]

ask some Art from
Art for Fanfiction
[Request Art] or [Commission Art]

We well if we think you are

ask some Art from
Art for Fanfiction
[Request Art] or [Commission Art]

you can use mind if you want

I'm a little too attached to my core collection

that's why we aren't going to have any Death in this game

. It wouldn't be a problem to make new ones, and it would be fun to see them grow and become more fleshed out as the project goes on.

this reminds me of Zizard
literally was made for a D&D game, and now is a new O.C.

Very fun indeed, though, if we pull it off.

Ya, we would need to work together to make it work

fell free to use my O.C.s as fluff, BackGround characters, "casualties" and ...

I volunteer my OC that’s a cocktail of parts, Starlit Stanza. She’s part changeling, part Siren. She’s chosen to look like a Pegasus with two dragon horns on her head that she channels magic through. She’s a part of the new Lunar Republic, but love blossoms between her and a mare in the Solar Empire. When she reveals what she is, her new lover is terrified, but fascinated. A side note, Starlit Stanza is the result of an arranged marriage one thousand years ago to the ( Supposedly ) deceased Siren queen, Soprano, and the deceased Ram king, Cliff. Yes, Starlit Stanza is that old, but she’s still a young mare at heart, with a similar build to Twilight Sparkle, with Rainbow Dash’s mane cut and tail cut. Her coat is a dark blue, similar to Luna’s, but a few shades lighter. Her tail and mane are the same shade of blue, with cyan streaks similar to how Rainbow’s mane is multicolored. I’ll write chapters if someone can message me anything I missed over the last week or so about the war. I don’t have Discord.

I have an avatar maker app, but it’ll take a bit to get it right. I’ll send it when I can.

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