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Hey, I'm searching for some OCs for one of my fics in the far far FAR future, "Caliber's Party." It centers around a young unicorn mare, named Jade Caliber, who forms/has formed a gang of thieves, outlaws, assassins, and mercenaries and are trying to make a name for themselves. They wander around city to city taking various jobs or doing their own thing, as long as it involves them getting some kind of reward in return. During one of their jobs, an old enemy of Equestria has returned and it's up to our ragtag team of crazies, soldiers, and fighters to put a stop to them.

So I have no idea when i'll actually start this fic, could be in a few weeks, a few months, hell it might be a whole year before I start working on it. But I will work on it eventually. I'm planning on making this a dark adventure story with some comedy and romance thrown in there. Now, before you start offering your OCs, I have a few restrictions:

1. This will be set in the normal MLP fantasy setting, so any guns, steampunk weapons, or techno gadgets are off limits. However, crossbows/crossbow pistols, cannons/pistol sized cannons, slingshots or any other time-appropriate materials or weapons are allowed. Swords, axes, spears, and other melee weapons are also allowed.

2. This story will be rated T with a gore and sex tag, but I might change it later.

3. Only creatures we've seen in the show, such as ponies (obviously), griffins, zebras, diamond dogs, changelings and so on are allowed. Absolutely NO humans, anthro, alicorns, red and black alicorns, hybrids or complicated creatures of any kind are allowed. Seriously, if your OC is even just a tiny bit of a hybrid of a pony and some other creature, I will not include it in the fic.

4. Be sure to include any accessories that your OC would wear. Such as hats, glasses, capes, masks, chains, ties, necklaces, hoof gloves, jackets, etc. And be sure to include what powers they have (nothing OP) or what weapons they wield too. As long as you follow rule #1.

Also, there some specific members that I need for this fic.
1. A young magic wielder, male or female.
2. A tough fighter
3. An animal tamer
4. A more feminine one
5. A stealthy assassin
6. and a master thief.

I hope I've made these rules clear enough. Again, Idk when I'll start this next story, but it's always good to ask for some ahead of time. Hope to see your OCs soon. Thanks.

Edit: Also, if you could give me your OCs reasons for joining Calibers Party, that would be great. Thanks.

Nice I would give you my OC Dual Blades that is a anti-hero...I am on cellphone but I will put the link to his "page"...or only tomorrow...meh gonna post here anyway in a sec

Edited: got the link to my OC

I got your thief.

Artifice Lock, master thief. A Pegasus who prides himself on being untouchable, he can't resist showing his face and daring to be caught.

Wears a gold and black cat burglar body suit with goggles, has all sorts of gadgets that are all non lethal and used offensively as well as for extraction of relics. He prefers to outsmart his foes rather than physically fight them.

He is orange with white mane.

Use or not. Let me know if you want to collab and shoot around some ideas.

I would like you to incorporate my Oc, Moonlight into your story.

Gender: Female

Type of pony: earth pony

Which pony: young magic wielder

Weapon: Bow and arrow

Accessories: one earring like zecora's and two smaller ones shaped like diamonds, a headband with rhinestones like her earrings, a necklace with a moon crescent pendant.

Description: a navy-ish purple-y coat. A mane like AJ's except wayyyyy longer and loose (what I mean by loose is she has tons of strands falling out of it). The top of her mane has her headband and it front of it is two strands of hair falling on each side of her face. The back of the headband is where her hair falls into the ponytail thing. I forgot to say her mane is a navy blue color with a lighter blue highlight.

Special object: magical ball that looks into the future that she takes wherever she goes (optional)

p.s. You can change her name, not very original.

p.p.s. I chose Magic wielder because she has lots of tricks like zecora. Her magical orb can also do magic.

Her tail also looks like the part of hair that falls over her shoulder

5340735 Sorry, I'm a little confused by your OC. How can she use her bow and arrow, how does her orb work?

Sorry I know the whole things messy:

As for her orb, she asks about the future and her orb can respond. It can tell the future like a magical orb would naturally do. So it pretty much tells the future, but when it tells the future it tells multiple routes. I'll give you an example:

Question: how will telling them this turn out? (Just a random question)

*magical orb has green fog swirl into air forming a picture showing two ponies head butting each other. The fog swirls around again and shows a single pony that resembles name of other pony in group sitting in a dungeon. The fog swirls one last time depicting two armies of ponies, blood stained corpses laying across the ground, ponies going head on into the fight.

Only one path will be right, but it helps, so they can have a plan for whichever route they take.

As for her bow and arrow, I don't really know what you mean by "how does she use it?" She uses her hooves and stands on her back legs? Not sure that's what you mean....

5340529 I can give you a tough fighter
Name: Guesclin
Race: griffon
Gender: male
Physical description: Black fur with golden feathers on his head, quite large for his race. Wears worn, dented, and scratched plate armor (Believes a knight in shining armor has never had his mettle tested), which has an image of his crest on the chest (see below). His left eye is gone, taken in a duel with a knight that insulted his honor, covered by an ugly scar. The rest of his body beneath his armor is covered in scars, except his back as he has never retreated or shown his back to an enemy.
Weapons: He wields a bastard sword and a dagger
Personality/backstory: Hailing from a lesser noble family of Griffonstone that has all but faded away and become bankrupt, Guesclin still bears his family crest with pride as he fights as an expensive mercenary. He fights for whoever pays him, and never goes back or betrays a contract. His one rule on contracts however is that he never fights his homeland, hich he loves despite his loathing for the nobles who spat at him and his house. He has a particular hatred for nobles who claim superiority but can`t swing a sword. He values combat prowess and honorable combat above all else, and won't hesitate to kill anyone who insults his honor. Typically a loner, he will work with others if the situation calls for it, but will all but refuse to take orders from anyone who has not arned his respect.

I don't know if you have a limit on how many Oc's you can submit but I have another one, Rainbow Spectrum, the one I use the most. (As you can see by my name:twilightsmile:)


Type of pony: Pegasus

Which pony: tough fighter

Accessory: a necklace with a lightning bolt on it. (Not currently wearing in on my avatar....)

Description: she prefers to use her bare hoofs instead using a weapon, she also thinks highly of herself, saying she's the best fighter (which is technically true). Extremely determined, never backs down, and never lets her friends down. Also, never hesitant once she has her mind set she won't turn down.

Doesn't matter if you use this one, the other one, or both just thought Rainbow fit into the tough group.

5340784 I mean, how does she fire it? Like how does she use it to shoot arrows if she can't levitate it like a unicorn?

5340529 Hello, I would like to recommend my OC, Zephyr Atlas, as the fighter. She is a pegasus pony, though she has mechanical wings now... However, they do serve nicely as blades, and are her main 'weapon' in a fight. The wings do make her a bit faster than most other pegasi, but they don't quite have the agility of feathered wings. While she might not use any clear weapons, her wings are as deadly as any sword. Sharpened to perfection and light enough to allow her to fly and swing it with ease. Yet strong enough to block incoming attacks.

She's dark blue, of course her nice shiny wings stand out horribly against her coat. She has a few scars covering her back and shoulder, particularly where her wings connect to her body. She keeps her mane and tail short and asides from that really doesn't care how they look.

You'll often find her wearing her captain's garb (a captain's hat and a coat in all honesty). Yes, she is actually a captain, more specifically she is the captain of 'Sentry', a medium sized airship. She commands her crew with an iron hoof, to her there is no deviation from her commands nor any insubordination. She does mercenary/privateer work, always willing to do anything so long as the pay is good. She is often tries to take command of a situation, even though she may not have authority. Actually, she is pretty full of herself, always relying on her fighting skills rather than relying on teammates.

She is, however, a very capable fighter, having received training from the royal guard. She can work with a team, and more importantly, follow orders to the letter. She simply rather rely on herself rather than anyone else. She also has a laid back attitude, though this is only while off the ship or while not on a mission.

5340800 ohhhh, okay that makes more sense, anyways she also has a quiver (the case that holds her arrows) on her back, which while she is on her back legs she can reach with her mouth, which she uses to fire.

5340808 Ok. Fire it with what? her hooves?

5340851 her mouth, she may use her use hoof to hold it in place.

Sorry I took a while to answer didn't notice you replied until a while....:twilightblush:

5340899 It's fine. And Ok, I think I can kind of see it. Something like this?

5340908 Ok cool. Also, about her orb, does she only use it for future predicting purposes or can she use it in combat too? Cuz she kind of sounds more like a priestess than a wizard in my opinion. But that's just me.


Well she can use it in combat, but only if needed.
The way she uses it in combat is by by saying "aim for name of enemy" what happens is, the green fog flows out of the orb once again and circles the enemy, as they focus their eyes on the fog it's puts them in a sort of trance, but they are still aware of everything happening around them, while they are distracted she can fight them without them fighting back.

Like I said she doesn't like to use it, she thinks it feels wrong to trick ponies, knowing that she probably could fight them off without it.

5340940 Oh OK that's interesting. So she uses it kind of like a distraction weapon and then goes in for the real attack. And she only uses it as a last resort?


Edit: Also, if you could give me your OCs reasons for joining Calibers Party, that would be great. Thanks.

Hm. Guesclin could be a grizzled veteran by this time, already having worked with other mercenary companies and found them wanting. Seeking greater money and challenges, he decides the newly formed Caliber's Party could be what he's looking for. He could also see this as an opportunity to train and pass on his knowledge to younger warriors so they don't embarrass themselves and die ignoble deaths

Oh also professor tactius reminded me I forgot to say why she wanted to join..

She was a gypsy (i guess) before she joined, telling people's fortune routes, but she felt like her life was dull, like there was a void she was needing to fill. Same routine everyday wake up, eat, set up the tent, tell fortunes until 3:00, go home, eat, sleep, repeat, everyday exactly the same everyday. She didn't get payed many bits either, it was two bits per-fortune, she told a fair amount of fortunes everyday but she still didn't get much, most of the bits she earned, she used for her tent, the mayor would only let her set up her tent in the town square for a monthly fee.
She seeked adventure, anything to get away from her life. When she heard about the newly formed Calibers Party seeking recruits she wasn't hesitant to try. She grabbed her saddlebags and burst through the door hoping to leave her old life behind.

Name: Cresent Quartz
Race:Crystal Unicorn
Gender: Female
Age Was 21 at the fall of the Crystal Empire.
Cutie Mark A cresent moon incased in a ruby gem.
Tallent:Is good at enchanting gems with unicorn spells, and crafting crystal armor and weapons.
mane, fur and tail colors:Has white fur, and black mane and tail with streaks of dark blue and purple in them.
Personality: She loves to create new spell gems and custom armor and weapons, but gets bored with mass producing the same things all the time.
combat style:She uses a custom magic resistance crystal armor, and carries around various enchanted gems with unicorn spells in them.

If you feel like she could fit somewhere in the group thats cool. Let me know if you need more info.

5341017 Oh Ok, that's a cool backstory. She could possibly be an important member in JC's group.

I mean, uh, sounds good.

Oh one more thing, her cutie mark is moon crescent with four blue stars around it one at the top and bottom, and one at the left and at the right.

5341104 Also, what's her sexuality? And any possible quotes she could say in combat, with friends, or in general? Also, what's her personality like?

As for quotes: when she uses her orb on predators she can say "Always works" with a slight smile seeing as how she doesn't like to use it.
With friends she always greets them like this "Hey gang!"

I'd say she's pretty calm, when she's hunting she likes to be stealthy, which means she's calm most of the time. She will get pretty optimistic at times like if she gets excited, but she will quickly realize her mistake, clear her throat and say "cool"

Comment posted by Leo Pachino deleted Jul 6th, 2016

Here's an offer for the Feminine one or the Assassin or the Toughie or... whatever you pick...

Name: December Gale

> Decca
> Gale
> The Frozen Fire

Gender: Female

Species: Pegasus

Age: ~20s (or whatever)

Sexuality: Bi

> Eggshell coat (NOT white)
> Slightly smaller, thinner build
> Long, blond mane & tail with ice-blue highlights
> Silver stud earrings, two on each ears
> Hazel eyes
> Right biological wing and left iron/steel clock-punk wing (if that's not acceptable, do whatever)
>> Commonly, certain parts of the wing will be replaced with ice parts.

> A silver cloak
> A silver anklet on her front-right-hoof

> A storage-devise on her back (clockpunk as well) that automatically attaches and retracts weapons to/from her mechanical wing, including...
>> Powder Cannons/Thrusters
>> Crossbows
>> Chain-Grapples
>> Steam/Concentrated-Mist Cannons
>> Spikes and Blades
>> And a Pokey-Stick

Held Items:
> An efficiently large duffel bag containing essentials

> Is heavily judgmental of strangers, but holds her friends and allies close
> Curious, but lacks some common sense
> Slightly insane, but makes up in creativity
> Flashy, but excentric
> Jumpy, which can cause her to accidentally injure an innocent pony/animal, in which she is immediately sorry
> Loves eating/baking pastries
> Loves tinkering with tech
> Fancies being the first in the line of danger
> Despises the use of the word "white" to describe her coat
> Despises the use of the term "bloodlust", more prefers "rules of nature"

> Excellent short-range combat
> Creativity
> Skilled in charming and negotiation
> Is not very skilled in defense, but can endure killing blows and NDEs

Backstory: December is part of a family of elite fighters, heroes, and assassins known as the Eternal Gales. Starting from her great-great-(insert lotta greats)-grandfather, Nitin Gale, who helped save Equestria during the Friendship-Is-Magic-days, the family gave themselves the duty to uphold the greater good and protect the world from villains of all kinds.

However, somewhere down the line, one of the descendants turned away from that and brought a chunk of the family with him, forming the Free Gales. The Free Gales were mercenaries, self-interested explorers, crime-ponies, the opposite of what the Eternal Gales wanted. The two sides clashed before almost destroying each other. The remaining members scattered across the world, and their legacy faded over time.

December is the descendant of the Free Gales from her mother's side. Her mother taught her about the history of the Eternal/Free Gales, and several tricks that she learned as a Free Gale. However, she who died when December was ten. December ran away from her home and family shortly after and became a roaming mercenary/explorer.

During her wandering career, she lost her left wing was due to a one-night-stand gone wrong. She built a replacement wing (and afterward extensions housed in the "devise") using abandoned factory parts and her family's engineering skills. When a part breaks, she replaces it with an ice replica until she can find/make a suitable replacement.

Reason for Hero-ing/Adventuring: It's fun, and really the only thing she's ever known. The reason she joins the party in the first place was so that she doesn't have to risk her life as often. (A selfish thing that she is partly ashamed of.)

Other Details: Reply/PM if you need anymore details or whatever, esspecially if there's something about the clock-punk stuff.

5341122 So she's one of those characters who tries to keep a cool head but get's a little emotional every now and then? Is she stoic or rather emotionless? Is she snarky or sarcastic at all?

Yes she tries to stay calm most of the time but she can't help it if she gets emotional.

And she will be sarcastic if you give her a reason too. She'll make a smart remark if you do make her mad but, like I said she tries to contain herself.

5341191 Ok, is there a character in which she shares some similarities with in fiction? So that I could have a better understanding of what she's like. What was her inspiration?

Her older sister (I haven't quite thought of a name yet.... Seeing as how I'm still working on her backstory) had an interest in magic, seeing as how she was a unicorn it was much easier for her, but that didn't stop Moonlight from studying magic and paying close attention to her sisters every move. When she was studying magic she didn't just learn about unicorn magic but, all sorts of magic! Curses, spells, brews, and gypsy magic. Gypsy magic was the one she quickly took a liking for, abandoning interest in all th other types, and studied whenever she could.

On her tenth birthday she asked her parents for a magical gypsy orb. Seeing as how her father was a mechanic, she knew he had experience tinkering with objects, so she knew he could make one. Luckily she got one made from her father, and has kept it close ever since.

She shares the love for magic with her sister and her inspiration was her sister

5340851 My oc dead eye as the stealthy assassin

Name: dead eye
cm: a robe getting stabbed with a knife
Race: pony earth

Body: dead eye is a well toned pony but he's mainly sticks cardio he's not very strong. he's a rather short stallion smaller then most pony's. his fur is a very clean white and his mane/tale is silver. his mane is short and spikey and his tail goes down to his knees and is rather dull. he has a massive scar going up his chest.

Weapons: Four inched throwing knifes, sixed inched needles dipped in numbing toxins, Deadly poisons that can kill a dragon in four mins. and paralysis stuff. as well as servile smoke bombs around 6. a 20 foot long grappling hook. a small mechanical crossbow that slide onto his wrist that fire up to 15 round and he has twenty spares so a total of 35 bolts. if needed he can fire the hook from the crossbow. he likes using his smoke bombs with his needles.

appearance (clothing): he keeps himself in a black robe enchanted to rap him in the darkness when he wants to and help hide's in plain site from anything. he wears bells on his left ear to give his enemy's a chance. he has a strap across his chest for smoke bombs. he has 4 straps to keep five bolts on them one strap for each leg. he keeps a shit ton of throwing knifes in his cloak as well as needles.

personality: he's a rather cheerful pony really love's his job but when he's on the job he take's it very seriously cus he wants to be the best of the best. he never lets a target go until their dead and in a hole or a river which ever is closer. Love's to tease with his prays before he kills them.

Backstory: Dead eye was going to be part of a elite guards to protect the top of the top but one day the top turned on him and took every thing. know he wants to take revenge and do the same. and when he found your group he thought it would be his best choice.

ability's: even though he's not very strong he excel at hoof to hoof combat if needed. when he's not in the shadows he can move faster then the eye can track and he's just as silent as a butterfly wing beat. speacking of that he trained his scenes to be at their very best so not to miss a thing.
I can hit any moving target no mater how fast. when he's In the shadow he can't be seen or heard as long as he carefull not to make any noises. he's able to run for miles before becoming tired.

5340529 I have the animal tamer
Name: Vladrö
Race: Griffon
Accessories: Black Stetson, aviator glasses and a midnight blue cape
Powers: Naturally gifted with animals and befriends them with ease, skilled in survival skills and camouflage and can store his tamed animals in a pocket dimension like in Pokemon or WoW
Weapons: 2 Crossbow pistols for stealth attacks, 2 cannon pistols for normal fights and a short sword for melee
Description: Grey eagle front half, bronze colored beak, white plume of feathers on his head, black lion back half and blue eyes
Reason for joining: He got tired of wandering alone and decided to join a Merc company and because his family had bad history with th enemy
Quote: "Time for dinner"- Vladrö

5341230 No I meant another character in fiction, not another OC. Like is she similar to a certain character from a TV show, movie, video game, anime? What was YOUR inspiration to create this OC?

5341236 Interesting. Do you think you could change his mane color? Sorry, but red and black doesn't really sit well with me. Unless it's Ruby Rose.

5341257 What's his personality like? Crazy, hot-headed, boring, witty? What animals/beasts does he prefer to use in combat/self defense?

5341270 I'm an idiot.......:twilightoops:
Anyway one day I had her appearance in my head and I sketched her out on a piece of paper. When I came up with the backstory and such, I kinda based her off of Maleficent from The Sleeping Beauty. Well with her power and all I kinda wanted her to go haywire and lose control of her magic making her use it for evil, which is where I based her off of Maleficent. But I decided I didn't really like that for her so I decided not to.

5341277 he has a witty personality and he uses 2 timberwolves when in combat

5341295 That's Ok. What about personality wise? Who was your inspiration for that?

5341308 Oh Ok. Does he usually keep them on a leash? Cuz I don't think I can add "Pocket dimensions" in my fic. It would be too complicated to explain. Sorry.

5341311 mostly Rapunzel and Snow White, they just like to have fun and live life.

Also I'm probably gonna go to bed soon seeing as how it's 1:50 a.m. So you can answer or not and if you want anymore questions I'll answer in the morning

5341316 ok he has them on a leash

5341326 Ok cool. I think that's it for now, but I'll definitely let you know If I have any more. :twilightsmile:

*see's the thread the 1st time. there's only your post*
*next day sees the thread. there's 43 more posts*

holy, you guys work fast xD

Going for the feminine one
Name: Rose Velvet

Gender: Female

Species: Unicorn

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: Coat is light reddish-pink, and mane is a darker fuschia in a braid. She has big side bangs also :) Her magic aura is light green, so are her eyes.

Age: Around 18 (It depends, because she's open for story OCs and they might need to be younger or older)

Cutie mark: A basket of roses, representing gardening and life.

Clothing: She is a fan of colourful clothes and skirts. She is also a fan of silver. She always has her custom first-aid kit with her.

Weapon: Pink-tipped swords with green handles. (She will only fight to protect)
Reason for adventuring: She wants to be known to the world.

Backstory: She grew up with a nature-loving family in Fillydelphia. She moved to (Place of story) when she was 18. She got her cutie mark by restoring plants back to health after they were trampled on and now can perform a similar thing on ponies.

Capability: She has healing powers (Her magic). (She does not restore ponies back to life, she heals wounds)

Personality: She's kind and worries too much about accidentally offending somepony. She's depressed a lot, but tries her best to hide it. She's quiet and doesn't talk too much, she usually isn't the one to START conversations with strangers.

EDIT: Oops I submitted to this already XD

Comment posted by Sphinx_Herald deleted Jul 8th, 2016

5340529 Not sure if its too late, but I have a young magic user for you:

(Rank or Title)Name: Eclipse

Creator: Typervader
Age: 16

Race: Pony, unicorn

Sex: Mare

(Subculture or Order)Culture/Religion: Nomad, Diest

Appearance: Shorter than average, dark green eyes, and has a black coat with a dark red mane with a dark purple strands in it. Her cutiemark is an eclipsed blood red moon, with the rest of the moon being a purple color with a black outline.

Attire: She almost always wears a cloak, and has a necklace with a star on it.

Magic Aura: Green


She has never felt emotion, and people hated her for that. Even Celestia was scared of her, and she was left behind by her family, with only a smarty pants doll named Nightbeam and necklace with her. She grew up on the streets and became what she is now. She practices Necromancy as she found a book that had that kind of magic. She now just wonders the world, doing what she pleases.

Reason for joining: Fun, Adventure, makes money. Gives her something to do.


INTP/Multiple Personality Disorder

Mysterious. She’s very sarcastic, and she has no emotions. She prefers to be alone, but can handle being around others. She is also quite intelligent and a master at manipulating people to get her way. She isn’t shy, but likes to be alone.

Strengths: She is well vested in street smarts and book smarts. She is also very logical and knows most things. She is also a master manipulator and thief. A criminal.

Weaknesses: She is crazy and is quite small compared to others. She also hears 3 different voices in her head, one of which is Nightbeam.

Quirks and Habits: She always talks to her doll, Nightbeam, thinking it talks back to her. She reacts to situations around her from a logical, non-emotional point. She uses her magic in ways she shouldn’t to get her way.

Strengths: Knows more than most ponies about how to survive and doing what it takes for herself.

Weaknesses: She does not know how to handle herself in a social standing, and listens to Nightbeam way more then she should.

Nightbeam: Despite being a doll, Nightbeam is actually possessed by a demon who has become friends with Eclipse. He isn’t evil, but it's the reason she hears many voices in her head. Nightbeam uses her to do whatever he wants. He is manipulative but doesn’t have good or bad intentions.

“You cross paths with us, you better hope you aren’t a threat. Move out of my way and leave us alone.” Eclipse to passers

5343409 The picture is not working. Also, does she use magic as her main weapon?

5343427 She does. Werid, it works for me. Here:

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