The New Octavus Madhouse 22 members · 12 stories
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idk where to put my random moment of inspiration, so I am just going to make a short little space-story like thing riiight here.


"Sir, the Sharrian armada is almost here!"

"Then tell everypony to prepare for either their most glorious battle, or their funeral. This is where we make our stand." Valrek said.

He was aboard a Dreadnought-class battle cruiser of the Equestrian Empire, which was the flagship of Equestria's final fleet. They were in orbit around the planet Equis- their homeworld. Incoming was the Sharrians. An insectoid alien race that seeks to infect or consume all life. They had decimated the Equestrians, forcing them from being a once proud and powerful empire that held hundreds of systems to a frightened, but determined nation that was very near extinction.

The bridge bustled with activity as the ship's crew rushed around, making sure they would meet their foes with the best that they had. Valrek moved his gaze over to the main view screen, watching as the last of the Equestrians, military and civilian, prepared to fight to the death.
Thinking briefly on their past, he chuckled.
In the past, before we began our movement into the stars, we were a timid race. Frightened at every little shadow. But now... now everypony is bravely uniting to defend our right to survive. For the glory of our past, and the sake of our future.
Ships moved about, taking positions around their home. Defensive platforms were brought online, activated, and charged. There were reports coming in about the surface. The citizens that couldn't fight were hidden in bunkers, and all that were able-bodied had volunteered to serve in any way possible. Troop movements, planet-to-space defenses were prepared... the entirety of the Equestrians prepared for this one monumental stand against these monsters.

"Ten seconds until arrival!" The officer announced.

Everypony stopped and looked at Valrek. The comms went silent, and all movements stopped. Everything was as ready as it could be.

"Five seconds."

"It's been an honor, fellow Equestrians." he said over the planetary communication line.

Just then, dozens, no- hundreds of flashed appeared. Out of these regions of light, ships appeared. They were crude-looking, but that never fooled them. Those ships used their victim's ship remains as additional armor.

"Activate the mines!" Valrek bellowed.

In one of the Stations, a pony heard this and pressed a button, raising alarms. As he did so, hundreds of cloaked explosives exploded simultaneously, wreaking havoc among the Sharrian ranks.


There was a massive war-cry emanating from all of the ships as they charged head-on into combat. Their ships shuddered as their weapons fired volley after volley, pummeling into the shields and hulls of their foes. The insectoids returned the fire, trading the Equestrian's mainly blue and red bolts for their green.

"Surrender now, and your infestation and deaths will be as painless as possible!" The Sharrian admiral said to the defenders, his voice clicking and hissing.

Valrek clicked his comm to respond, but couldn't get his words through the tsunami of insults, jeers, and curses flung at the vile creature. He laughed and said

"Alright, let's give our friends a little welcome present!"

His bridge officers took the hint and sent commands to the cargo ship that was trailing behind them. The ship suddenly lurched out of cover and opened its cargo bays to reveal pods.

Bristling with missiles.

They all fired, unleashing a hell-storm upon any ship unfortunate enough to be caught in their path.

"YEEEAAAHHH!" The Captain said, dropping the cargo bays to reveal several cannons that had been installed earlier and charging straight into the battle.

Captain Snowflake, I gotta hoof it to you, you really knew how blow things away. Valrek thought.

The battle in front of him was the biggest he had ever seen, or even heard of. Energy bolts filled the area, and ships were everywhere.
The sheer amount of crafts present made Valrek feel a bit claustrophobic. The Sharrians knew how hard the Equestrians would fight, and brought their biggest fleet ever assembled. On the defending side, however, they had no choice. So all working ships had been put into defensive service in some way. Because of this mass of metal, there also came the casualties.
It was catastrophic.
On both sides, ships were torn apart, some were blown in half, other simply obliterated and reduced to scrap metal and debris. The less fortunate, however, were less damaged, but disabled. The ships that had their critical systems knocked out just floated there. Vulnerable.
All they could do was watch as their foes took pot-shots at them, tearing their helpless crafts apart. Some ships that weren't instantly annihilated were left for dead, their allies unable to help as they were sucked out into the cold, dark expanse of space, suffocated by toxic fumes, or incinerated by plasma leaks and engines gone critical.

Both sides seemed to be taking it hard, but the Sharrians steadily moved in. Closer and closer to the planet, to the families, and the last hope of many different races.

"There! Fire!" Valrek called out, pointing towards a Sharrian frigate attempting to break through to Equis.

The Dreadnought responded by firing large energy bolts into the ship's side, ripping out it's core reactor. The crippled ship then careened into the carcass of another ship, mangling itself in the debris.

The flagship suddenly shuddered.

"Sir, multiple boarding parties on deck three and four!"

"Got it. Saber- take the bridge." Valrek said, exiting the command center. Another stallion stood up and took his place obediently.

Valrek strode through the corridor, picking up a plasma assault rifle as he went. Taking a lift to the assaulted decks with a squad of Vanguard reinforcements, he waited patiently. When the lift neared its destination, the lights turned red and an alarm went off, warning that the area was under attack. The door opened, and instantly a burst of three energy bolts zipped mere inches past Valrek's head.
He brought up his weapon and fired three quick bursts, laying waste to three of the overgrown bugs.

"How many pods were there?" he asked.

"Five on this level, six on deck four. Each has about three squads." came the reply.

"Well, let's go give them the proper welcome to our ship, shall we?"

They shouted an agreement, and they moved on to clear the deck. Another group of Sharrians rounded the corner, and opened fire. Two Vanguard fell, and the beam-cannon wielding pony in the squad incinerated the bugs with a well-placed blast of energy.
They continued, and Valrek stopped them as they were about to enter a room.

"I hear them in there. I think this is where their 'center' is for taking our ship."

The grenadier stepped forwards.

"Then I have an idea. Everypony, give me a grenade." he said, and the others complied.

He pulled out some tape and stuck them together, totaling about ten grenades.

"Isn't that a bit overkill?" somepony asked.

"If I remember correctly, they have a device with them to hack the controls of the ship every time they board an important vessel. This should do the trick in destroying it."

He signaled that his makeshift bomb was ready, and the beam cannoneer stood ready to blow the door away.



"Eat plasma you overgrown roaches!" the grenadier said as he charged forwards and threw the explosives at the large machine attached to the wall. The Sharrians, completely taken off guard couldn't react in time to stop him before the explosives reached their device. The Equestrian then ducked out of the room just before it was consumed in a blast of metal-melting plasma.
One look inside revealed no traces of the attackers or the device.

"Deck four, status?" Valrek said into his comm.

"We just cleared out the rest of them. I don't think they will try this again!" came the reply.

Without warning, the ship shook violently.

"Bridge! What's going on!?"

"We need you up here, ASAP! It's hell out there!"

Valrek charged to the lift and took it back to the bridge. When he arrived, the ship shook again.


"The Sharrians were getting beat back, but now one of their hive ships arrived!"

He looked to the view screen to see a massive ship behind the line of Sharrians. The hive ship was easily about half the size of their moon, and was one of only three in the entire Sharrian Swarm. This most definitely housed one of their Queens.

"Sir! More ships coming from the hive ship!"

Just as he said that, more cruisers, frigates, fighters, and all other types of craft all began to come out of the monstrosity. They were now bearing down on the dwindling Equestrian fleet.

Valrek opened a comm to the rest of the fleet.

"Do not let them pass! If they get to Equis, then we are finished!"

The other ships bravely met the wave of assaults, but each time many, many casualties came as a result. Valrek examined the battle, and even though his Dreadnought was still fully operational and fighting with all of its might, they were fighting a hopeless fight. The Sharrians had them with sheer numbers with that hive ship.

He had an idea.

"Lieutenant, where is the hive ship's core reactor?"

"It's in the middle of the ship, sir. But we don't have the firepower to get there."

"Yes we do. Prep the Hyperspace drive."


"Just do it."

The engines hummed as the faster-than-light drive was charged, and was prepared for takeoff.

"Activate Hyperspace shields, and plot a course for the hive's core."

The Dreadnought turned its massive bulk and went from a broadside to pointing its bow at the moon-like ship.

"Activate the drive."

"But sir, that will crash us right into the-"

"If we don't do this, we die anyway. Do it!"

He pushed forwards the slider for the drive.

"FOR EQUIS, AND ALL EQUESTRIANS!" he shouted, and the whole crew let out a bellowing battle-cry as the ship shot forwards, ramming into the hive as they reached light speed.

The hive lit up with fire as the makeshift projectile sliced through it, like a hot knife through butter. The hive's reactor was struck, causing a colossal chain reaction. Explosions racked the inside and surface, tearing the once-proud behemoth apart. As the engines went critical, the resulting shockwave decimated the nearby ships.
Seeing this, the fragments of the Sharrian fleet turned and fled, their once indestructible juggernaut reduced to scrap metal.

The Equestrians were silent. They had not expected to win- especially with such a decisive blow. They had an additional moment of silence in honor of their commander, who had provided this victory. But soon enough, they ended it. There was rescuing to be done, and an empire to rebuild.

Days later, the rescue efforts had been completed, and all that could be saved was saved. The Equestrians used the debris field as a new source of resources to repair and rebuild, and as they did so, they paid respects to all that had been lost. Princess Celestia now stood in New Canterlot- making a speech on the recent events.

"My little ponies, griffons, and all Equestrains... five days ago we made a stand against the Sharrians. That was to be our last stand, but thanks to all of you, it wasn't. We made a stand, but it wasn't our last!"

She was met with resounding cheers from around the world, for this was broadcast to every citizen.

"We revealed that we will NOT be exterminated, and we will keep fighting bravely! To the last dying breath!"

More cheers.

"But this isn't just a day of celebration and victory... this is also a day of mourning. We have lost many lives. They willingly gave the ultimate sacrifice for all of us. We must remember them, and continue to live on; for that was what they fought for! The final blow, which could only be done with the help of all of their effort to keep the Sharrians at bay, was dealt by Valrek and his crew aboard the EQS dreadnought Vanguard. They fearlessly charged forwards and rammed the enemy's commanding ship at the speed of light, decimating it along with most of the assaulting fleet. We owe our lives to them, and all others who served to save us from this brutal attack. But now, we must rebuild and take back what is ours!"

There was more cheers, and Celestia continues her speech. Up in one of Stations, there was a strange signal coming through to their communication arrays.

"Ensign, clear that up." a commander said.

"Yes sir." came the reply, and the ensign began to tweak the settings, attempting to clear the static.

"Shhhzzzz.... Maydayzzzzzzzz.... zzzzz- anguard, next star sy-zzzzzzzzz"

"What in the name of... keep at it, I think that's a distress signal!"

"zzz*click* This is the EQS Vanguard. We are stranded in the nearby star system Manticore two. I repeat, mayday, This is the EQS Vanguard..."

"Holy mother of Celestia. Get a location on that signal! Alert the Equestrian Space Command, we found our heroes!"

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