The New Octavus Madhouse 22 members · 12 stories
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Group Admin

Valrek and Phoenix stand next to one another in a teleport chamber, awaiting their entry into the battleground. Valrek turns to Phoenix.

"I wish you luck. You'll need it."

772780 "Yeah! luck picking up your pieces when i'm done"

Group Admin

He chuckles.
"Quite the confidence you have there, friend. But I believe you'll have to clean up your own entrails."

An artificial voice sounds:
"One minute until departure."

"Let's see if you can keep that smile in a minute"

Group Admin

"I will be sure to keep it, just to irritate you."

"Thirty seconds until departure."

"hope you enjoy your laugh right now, because you'll regret you made me angry"

Group Admin

"Well, I look forward to observing your skill in combat. That is, if you can get close enough to me so I can see it in action."

"Fifteen seconds."

"oh you'll see it close enough, so close you could almost say it will go through you "

Group Admin

He laughs and bumps a hoof against Phoenix's shoulder.

"Nice one! Now, let's see if you can live up to your promises."

"Ten, Nine..."

he chuckles
"same to you"

Group Admin

Three, two, one. Initiate teleportaion."

A bright blue flash envelops the two stallions, causing them to disappear.
They reappear in a rocky badland environment, with rocks big and small covering the land. The ground was a hard sandy dirt, covered in small pebbles. The fighters are spread about twenty feet apart, each standing on their own boulder, facing each other.

Valrek spreads his legs a bit, allowing for a stable stance. He grins at Phoenix.

"Make your move, you flying panda."

Phoenix charges towards the unicorn and spreads his wings tackling him with his right wing, sending Valrek a couple feet away

"How's this for a first move!?"

Group Admin

Valrek backflips in the air and lands squarely on his hooves, laughing.

"Eh, so-so. Check your wing and tell me yourself."

Valrek slides one of the many needles in his gauntlet back into its sheath. With a barely audible click, it connect seals the half-vial left with the others.
After this, Valrek unholsters one of his mana blasters and prepares himself to fire at the pegasus at a moment's notice.

Phoenix feels a pinch in his wing and a small pain
"Oh so this is how you wanna play right?"
Phoenix takes out his blade and the venom bottle then puts a drop on the point of the sword which starts sliding on the blade.
"Come on! your turn"

Group Admin

Valrek chuckles and shakes his head slowly.

"Just wait a few more moments, then the train'll hit you."

He then fires a quick shot at the venom bottle, one at the blade, and another at phoenix- just for good measure. He then spreads his hooves in a 'come at me bro' manner, still grinning.

The first shot hits the bottle which falls and breaks, Phoenix roles and avoids the other two shots, then charges towards Valrek once more

Group Admin

"Pain in three, two, one... Bingo!"

He cloaks and jumps away, using phoenix's charging speed to his advantage, for the speed would make it so the pegasus wouldn't notice the mirage-like shimmer.

Phoenix stops upon noticing Valrek had dodged his charge, he looks around in confusion as he doesn't see anypony. His eyes turn green all of a sudden and he regains his posture, then starts sniffing, guided by Valrek's particular smell, and the smell of the poison injected in his wing he's able to get a direct hit on the unicorns armor.
"found you!"
he says mockingly
the pain on his wing becoming bigger by the second

Group Admin

"Here's your reward!"

Valrek decloaks and slashes his energy blade in an X-movement, leaving gashes in Phoenix's cheeks. After this, he bucked with his forelimbs, pushing the pegasus just out of blade range.

"How's your wing, Brighty?"

"My wing's fine! It's your face you should worry about"
Phoenix slashes Valrek's face vertically making a scar on his left eye

Group Admin


Valrek pulls his head back, a bit surprised at the speed of Phoenix's attack that closed that distance. He immediately wiped all that he could off of his face to minimize the effect of whatever venom was placed within him. Since they were close, might as well...

"I guess you like being doped up."

He jabs a needle into Phoenix's leg, just below the torso armor, and emptied the last half of the dose. Jumping back, he continued to trot backwards to keep a safe distance. All the while holding his blade and blaster up defensively.

"So that's how you want to play huh?"
Phoenix takes out his retractable blade and makes a small cut on his leg where the needle struck getting blood and this unknown poison on the blade.

he then jumps into the air trying to fly, the pain on his wing doesn't allow him to fly to high, but he gets enough height to make a dive towards Valrek

Group Admin


"Clever bastard."

Valrek attempts to hold the stallion in place with his magic as he fires one shot with one blaster, holding his energy blade defensively.

Phoenix sees as Valrek tries to hold him with magic and shots, Phoenix tries to free himself from the magic hold but the pain cause by the venom in his wing and leg make him twitch, coincidentally dodging the shot and barely fooling Valrek's defence, making a small cut on his cheek.
He then falls to the ground next to Valrek and tries to get back up, being held back by the pain. He tries to hold the pain but this venom is something he had never experienced and he is barely able to keep concentration, he's able to see the small cut on Valrek's cheek.
"Now we are even"

Group Admin


Valrek begins to see a faint image of somepony familiar as he wipes his cheek.

"Luna...? OH! So that's what your venom does!"

With a sudden realization, Valrek then points his weapon at Phoenix, holding the trigger with his magic. It glows... then increased with an ominous humming noise. His grin is now gone, replaced with a deadly serious face.

"Yeah. Not going to work on me, panda bird."

Upon hearing what he had said Phoenix took out one of his magicalite crystals to charge his armor, taking the faint image of the princess of the night.
Valrek lowered his weapons as he feel on the illusion and approached the hurt pony, helped him and then hugging him
"What happened to you?"
Phoenix then uses the last of his strenght to surpass the pain and stab the pony on his stomach
"Just to be sure" he then lets the pony go and uses all his remaning strenght and focus to stay up and don't fall down again

Group Admin


Valrek's eyes go wide as he felt the blade contact his armor. It protected him against the lethality, but it still punctured the armor of his underbelly. Enraged that his foe took on the form of his beloved, Valrek released a savage war cry as he slid three needles out of their sheaths and jabbed them all below Phoenix's chestplate. As he held the quivering stallion, pushing the foe's blade away, he whispered into his ear:

"Never, ever mess around with those I care for."

With that, he teleported back twenty feet, clutching his abdomen.

Phoenix tried to remained focused, the pain he was feeling was so intense he was practically paralyzed but he could still think, he knew he had injected Valrek his own medicine and saw as the pony now twenty feet away looked for something.
With the little force he had Phoenix took out a vial and said
"Is this what you're looking for?"
Phoenix knew Valrek would have an antidote in case somepony used his poison against him, and during their hug he looked for something that could be the antidote, he figured the vial that could be accessed quickly would be it, and seeing Valrek had lost something, he knew he got the right thing, he then drank the contents

Group Admin


Valrek held the trigger on his blaster as Phoenix threw the empty vial off to the side. He clutched his gut, but still managed a smile.

"How are you feeling, Phoenix? Not good, I can plainly tell."

Phoenix was now writhing on the ground, awaiting the antidote's affect.

"You wanna know why I'm so relaxed right now?" his eye twitches "Its because you need to pay attention to biology. It will take at least thirty minutes for that antidote to take effect, since you drank it all."

He then takes out an empty hypodermic needle and throws it at Phoenix, and it lands in front of his face.

"I thought I might as well give you this." he said, trotting towards the stallion slowly, blaster still aimed at him.

Phoenix looked up at Valrek, then took out his second magicalite crystal pressed it against his stomach and activated it, he then was covered by a bright aura and was able to stand up again,
"For a unicorn you don't seem to know much about magic."
Phoenix then approached Valrek again slowly, Valrek started to feel the pain of the acid striking in, Phoenix took out his long blade again and said
"At least you'll die looking at your loved one"

Group Admin

The pain in Valrek's face intensified and spread, but he paid no attention to it. He wouldn't need to do anything complicated anyways.

"Oh, I do know about magic. Especially since mana loves mana."

Valrek fires his charged mana bolt, the grapefruit sized ball of magical energy sailing like a bullet towards the source of the most recent use of magic within its range...


Phoenix saw as the mana bolt approached him and and jump towards it, chest plate first, the shot hit directly in the plate and the black stone started glowing, more and more cracks start appearing the armor was overloaded, and this was the perfect opportunity, as magic entered the Morphyrium, still the bolt had too much magic for the armor to absorb, still it had lost a great amount of power which reduced the impact. Phoenix fell to the floor hurt, but his armor was fully loaded and the with all this magic he would be capable of creating a perfect transformation, he turned into an exact copy of the princess of the night, Valrek was in trance at this sight and this gave Phoenix the opportunity to recover himself and approach him, Valrek stayed in the trance until Phoenix was in front of him and was stabbed in the face by Phoenix's long blade

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