The New Octavus Madhouse 22 members · 12 stories
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The crowd cheers as a pony steps up to a stage. It is outdoors, with a semi-cloudy sky overhead. The pony is a dark grey unicorn stallion with a matching uniform, a sash-like design of silver running across his chest, and an important-looking rank upon his shoulders. He cleared his throat and said:

"Ponies of the Equestrian Stellar Empire! I am Admiral Valrek, head of the technologies and military of our beloved nation. Today is the beginning of a monumental event!"

They cheered again, this time with more vigor than before. Valrek raised a hoof, and they calmed down once more.

"There will be a few very powerful ponies from across the fabric of reality itself. I myself have gone out to fetch them from their worlds, and ascertain whether or not they are willing to put their lives on the line. A few brave ponies have agreed, and are here today!"

Interrupting his speech, the spectators roared until he had to call for silence once more. Then, another pony rushed up to him, with a data pad.

"These contestants will fight in a specialized arena, in orbit above Equis. It is a massive sphere, and it filled with nanobots that can change the environment to any that we so choose. Another feature of this new wonder of technology is that if you die within, you are kept in stasis until you are teleported out. Once out, you will have expert hooves bring you back to life. So, there will be no holding back!"

Lights flared, and pyrotechnics fired columns of flame upwards for emphasis. This left the onlookers speechless for a moment, but they shouted at the top of their lungs, for this was indeed going to be a fight for the historians in the future to marvel at.

"And now, for the moment you've been waiting for... The introduction of our fighters!"

Insert deafening cheering here.

"The first fighter in our list of heroes... is me!"

Silence. But as this processed in their heads, the spectators stamped their hooves furiously, for Valrek was indeed going to put up a massive fight. Massive screens overhead lit up to display a set of information about Valrek.

~Fill these out, and send them to me first for examination. Remember, no overly powerful characters. They can all be defeated. Also, there is another feature: Challenges. If you want to battle outside of the set battles, you can challenge another contestant in a skirmish- which doesn't count towards the competition~

Contestant: Valrek, Earth Pony.

Weapons: Two Mana blasters and an energy blade. The blasters must be cooled down after six shots, and can be charged for an explosive shot. This, however, takes all six shots and must be immediately cooled. The blade has inhibitors in place to make it not able to cut clean through anything. It is dulled down to a very good metal blade, but still is hot.

Armor: Magicalite-infused hardened synthetic leather MK.III armor, decommissioned from the ESE Stealth Division. This armor covers the torso, neck, underbelly, and included boots and helmet. It is hardened to be able to withstand average attacks, but was decommissioned fifty years ago due to its weak points at the joints. Its Magicalite crystal infusion allows it to cloak. It isn't completely invisible, for the user emits a very slight mirage- like effect when they move. It is not easy to detect, but when using this, the user cannot use any mana or energy weapons.

Special items: Hypodermic needles hidden within boot gauntlets that contain various non-lethal, but painful chemicals that cause a burning/itching sensation to spread throughout the body, depending on injection location and dosage.

Background(Includes strengths and weaknesses): Valrek is an Admiral of the Equestrian Space Empire. He alone has a ship that can travel through realities and conduct research, gather allies, and go on adventures. Celestia granted him the ability to never age, along with his sister, when they brought about a technological revolution in Equestria that advanced them beyond their wildest dreams. He doesn't age, but can still die if killed.
He is extremely adept with technology, and can adapt to many situations.

Personality: Usually calm and collected, but when enraged, his fury knows no bounds.

Anything extra(theme song, anything else): For The Princesses! For The Imperium of Equestria!

~Enjoy, my fellow madponies! Also, you can invite friends to join this if you want.

Group Admin

Contestant: Noctopus, Pegasus

Weapons: Very adept at using wingblades (basically swords specially formed to be placed over the wings, one on each feather.) Prefers a more old-school approach as opposed to weapons such as guns or cannons. Likes to use natural weapons, too, such as any rocks laying around, or stone clubs. His dislike of modern weapons sometimes becomes one of his downfalls, as a simple wingblade is no match for a high-speed bullet.

Armor: Enchanted, rare metals he received in return for "fun" with a griffin that was part of the Griffin Kingdom's military system. Red and gold, covers most of his body, fashioned in a similar way as the Royal Guards' armor. The armor itself is resistant to flames; Nocty is unfortunately not, and as the armor doesn't cover his face, legs, or wings, the enchantment doesn't seem to help much. He also has plain metal boots, soft and light enough for him to walk easily, yet hard and heavy enough to cause some damage if stricken by them. They carry no enchantment, though, and their metal is common and, therefore, easy to destroy.

Special items: He always has a necklace on; at first glance it appears plain, almost drab. Upon closer inspection you can see a small yellow crystal dangling from it. The crystal was a gift from a unicorn lover of his and has the ability to emit a small explosion, blasting an area of about thirty feet. However, it only works once, and is almost guaranteed to kill not only the target, but the user.

Background: He grew up in a small parallel universe of the Chaos place (lol i forgot the name), in a town known as Neighagra Village. His parents were never around much, and after two loathed mares decided to "teach him" about "life", he was forced to find other means of entertaining himself, namely repeating the same acts the mares had showed him. He never liked to be tied down. As a result, most of his "lovers" were either clingy one night stand victims or friends with benefits. Noctopus eventually grew bored with the boring inhabitants of Neighagra Village and flew off to bigger places. He now travels across Equestria, staying in each town for hardly a month before moving on and repeating the process.

Personality: Noctopus, or "Nocty," as his friends call him, is often described by enemies as "rude," "inappropriate," "infuriating," and "a CENSORED little CENSORED with a CENSORED up his CENSORED." His lovers, however, see him as something else entirely. "Suave," "flirtatious," "sexy," and "experienced" are only some of the words they used for him. In truth, he's an impatient, sharp-tongued stallion with a bit too much time on his hooves and way too much sex drive. The few friends of his that he hasn't tried to get in their pants know him to be a real softie on the inside. Yet when he gets mad, he loses control. Unfortunately for him, that means he loses all sense of judgement, which causes some...issues...every once in a while.

Anything extra: Theme song: Ding Dong Song (oh God why)

Group Admin

Contestant: Phoenix Fire, Pegasus

Weapons: He uses a single crystalline scimitar as his main weapon, and he also has a small retractable blade on his right fore-hoof (Assassins Creed style) for assassinations. He doesn't usually use long distance weapons as he prefers a close battle, but if the occasion calls for it he would use a crossbow.

Armor: His armor is made of Morphyum, a mineral found on the changeling hives, it's a kind of black stone with several green glowing cracks all over, it has metamorphic properties when magic is applied to it, so he uses this for cloaking, of course is not a perfect transformation and sometimes the disguise becomes really obvious. It covers the torso, and lower back, he has a helmet that doesn't cover his face, and he has boots, all made of the same material as the armor. the parts the armor doesn't cover are barely transformed when the armor transforms, which makes the cloaking less efficient

Special items: A couple magicalite crystals to power the armor transformations. Also a small dose of venom to be put in his blades.

Backstory: Born in Las Pegasus, his mother died when giving birth, his father raised him he was 7 then died, he was transferred to an orphanage where his bipolarity developed, he had problems with the other kids and his personalities became friends with each other and no pony else. Once he was overage he moved out of the orphanage, traveled around Equestria for a couple years and got a reputation, eventually (after showing great interest for the changelings) he was invited to join an expedition to find the main hive. It was a 7 ponies team including Phoenix, once on the hive they were captured, and then forced to fight against changelings on the colosseum(one on one fights), 5 members of the team died, Phoenix and the leader of the group survived and were set free to leave the hive, the leader (who didn't know Phoenix had also survived) left and returned to Canterlot, Phoenix decided to stay and became a gladiator. He eventually gained the respect and admiration of the changelings and their queen(he has a crush on the queen).

Personality: Phoenix is bipolar so his personality is divided on two: Brightside is a clam smart pony, he is kind and friendly, but he is also really serious and centered, in the battlefield he's calculating and strategic.
Darkside is rude, conceited, and wild, he has problems focusing on things and usually doesn't care for much. The only place where he's focused is the battlefield, he has a great blood lust, he doesn't know how to give up, he just keeps attacking even when the fight is lost.
Together they are almost unstoppable, but since their personalities are so different from one another they keep fighting, and a fight could start even in the worst moments like a battle against others.

Extras: Theme song: Woodkid-Iron

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