KillJoy's School for Writing and Editing 40 members · 17 stories
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Basically, every action creates another action or a chain of events. It is our duty but to paint the picture for the reader.

So, here you have, "We lit a fire in the cave to provide warmth."

And then, there's this, taking into effect the action, it's chains and effect on the area:

"The centered fire not only provided us with warmth, but a beacon of light... our only source of hope through this seemingly eternal abyss of darkness. Our shadows had been casted along the cave's walls, flickering alongside the embers as they both danced in rhythm. All of this, thanks to a simple struck of a match."

Or some shit like that.

Group Admin

We've gotten four pounds of bean burritos and lit a match, the fiery inferno provided us a useful source of light and warmth for two seconds, enough to give us satisfaction for but a brief moment before we realized what a horrible mistake we've just made in this sealed cavern. This prison of rock.
Then the smell........

(Wait a minute, I'm not a student! But I do like learning. I'll be here hiding under this mahogany desk!)


The smell of the murky cavern our food mix in the air smelling like a barbecue on a summers day, the fire begins heat the burritos giving off a slight bit of smoke which is inhaled, we bring them up to our mouths our noses taking in the different smells of each ingredient as we bite down.

The taste is....

Not really a lesson on storytelling as much as a lesson on how life works, but okay xD

Group Admin

442883 People tend to forget life when writing.

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