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If they don’t change their ways, then this is the end for them. On second thought, they should not change, let EA die.

And go buy Doom Eternal, Metro: Exodus, Devil May Cry 5, any game that’s not EA or Activision I don’t care. But seriously, Doom Eternal is the real deal and I’m hyped so much that I want rip and tear a demon.

Let the EA die. Kill it if you must.

The reveal gameplay has "BFG division" playing in the background :P
Also, F:yay: EA!

Rockstar Rule!! Red dead redemption 2 for the win!

bye bye EA see you in hell


Look up GTA Online and see if you have any faith in Rockstar after that!

Rip and tear 2: tear harder

I can only hope if this happens that someone how gives a damn will buy the rights to Command & Conquer and Mass Effect and Dead Space. Still, I have my doubts on this "death" as the Pro and College Sports Games are EA's bread and butter and the sells for those are still doing rather well.

It's only a matter of time before the sports gamers wake up.

After all the shit they’ve done, EA deserves to die. Let them burn.

One of EAs' most important sources of income is the loot box system in FIFA und Madden. It makes them so much money in these games that it is no wonder that they tried and failed to drag it into the mainstream with Battlefront 2. The biggest market for these sport games is Europe.
To really hurt EA the European Union has to follow Belgiums example and declare lootboxes as illegal gambling.
Should that happen they loose their financial fallback position and cannot afford all those scandals anymore.

EA's downfall seems to effect on their Sport games too. Now they are so desperate that they are selling their sport games with a higher price. It's just a matter of time when the sport gamers start revolt against EA's marketing practice.

They deserve it after ruining Battlefront not only with loot boxes but for a shity story as well we don't want a rebel story we want a stormtrooper story.

Well, I won't be too fussed whether it happens or not. If they change their ways, good. If they don't, it's unlikely to end well for them.
Regardless, EA has definitely come out very much not unscathed which will send a message to themselves and others.

I know EA is a nasty canker on the gaming scene now, but one of the first video games I ever owned was for the Commodore 64 and was a delightful little planetary resource game called Mule by EA. So I wax nostalgic.

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