Vamponies (and other supernatural creatures) 2,769 members · 1,118 stories
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Since this is a group about supernatural stuff and what not, Is there any haunted places near where you live?
The Rodgers Hotel of Waxahachie Texas

built back in the early 1910s (1912, I think), this place sits smack dab in the heart of downtown Waxahachie. I've been in it a few times and it definitely gave off the get the f:yay:k out vibe. There's been suicides, a girl who drowned, and a man clad in Old Western attire:moustache: who appears over people while they sleep

And water turning on, doors slamming, footsteps, lights flicking on and off, and piano music from a room with no piano... you know, the usual stuff

Hell, it even had a thing done on it by the Fort Worth Star Telegram

Only place I can think of is Westminster Hall.:pinkiecrazy:

Believe it or not but apparently Six Flags (the one up near dallas) is haunted :rainbowhuh:

There's a place near me, I can't recall it's name but allegedly there's the ghost of a Woman, who's baby was drowned in front of her before she was raped and killed, who haunts the place. People call her the 'blue lady' there's even a ryhme about her! Anyway, the place has the whole 'flickering lights, strange noises, weird ghost girl in photo graphs taken around the place' y'know that stuff.

Can't remember the damn name of the place! It's a manor house I know that...

TEMPLE NEWSOM! That's it! Temple Newsom manor! Built back in 1860-1870

1760075 Well there used to be this old barn right next to my house. The bottom level was used for pigs, and the top was a storage shed for hay bales.
Way back when(1940's-50's), there was a guy who worked on the farm, he was known to be an alcoholic, and one day came to work plastered. Needles to say no one would let him work, because they were afraid he'd get hurt.
So the man essentially just stumbled around drunk until he found his way into the barn's hay loft. He decided it would be fun to jump around on the bales. Unfortunately he ended up tripping when a bale fell out from underneath him. He got caught in some ropes that were suspended from the ceiling and ended up hanging himself, they found him the next day.
I went into the barn when I was about 11 or so because I wanted to see if it was true that it was haunted. I was only inside for few minutes when what looked like a big shadow zipped across the wall, and a large stack hay bales of literally flew across the the room. Needless to say I ran for my fucking life!:fluttershbad:
The barns not there anymore, it ended up burning down about a year or so later. You can still see the old foundations though.

I got two.

Highfield Hall

Highfield Hall, an immense building with more than 25 rooms, was built in 1878. Its hauntings are said to have started in the 1950s. A former owner and his friend heard the ghostly sounds of a woman in high heels coming down the main staircase. A few years later, a visitor came after a major hurricane when the electricity was out. He fled after he saw the apparition of a woman lunge down the main staircase toward him.

The Village Green Inn

The mysterious image of a man fitting the description of the senior Dr. Edwin Tripp has been seen wandering around the house where he once practiced medicine. Dr. Tripp, who died in 1953, first bought the house in 1913. In his later years, he was known for his stooped posture and for wearing flannel shirts. It is in this guise that Dr. Tripp is seen by guests as he shuffles down the hall.

Neither of them are major, but they're still there.

The Manger hotel is near me :rainbowwild:
I've been there and i have actually encountered a ghost there before. I was in a hall, and out of the corner of my eye, there was a girl in the giant mirror in the hall. I looked, and she was gone :pinkiegasp:

Ive seen the ghost of my Mom:pinkiesad2:
It was right after my mom died at my grandma's house (we were living there at the time) and me and my uncle went there to get my stuff (I hadn't been there since the day my mom died) and when I was alone in the living room, the leather reclining rocking chair that my mom had breathed her last in was rocking like crazy.
Needless to say, I hauled ass out of there:twilightoops:

Now that I look back at it, My mom was probably trying to screw with me. She'd do it from beyond the grave if she could:rainbowlaugh:

Oh! I just remembered another one. CRAZY ANNIE'S!!! Google it.

Apparently a woman went completely insane after receiving a letter that her husband had been killed in battle(WWII). She drowned all six of her kids in a stream near her home, and hung herself from a tree.
Iv'e been there a few times, and have seen things ranging from weird lights to small handprints, like those of a toddler, on the windows of our car. My sister and a few of her friends claim that they went there and heard a woman laughing in the forest.

1760335 Freaky:twilightoops:
Sorry to hear about your mom, at least you were fortunate enough to have known her. My own mother died in a car accident when I was only a year old.

She died bout 5 years ago

I lived in Louisville for a while, and there's a huge spot there. This place:

The Waverly Hills Sanatorium sits on land that was originally purchased by Major Thomas H. Hays in 1883. Major Hays was in need of a school for his daughters to attend, so he started a one room school house that was located on Pages Lane. He hired a woman named Lizzie Lee Harris to teach at the school. Her love for the tiny school in addition to her fondness for Scott’s “Waverley Novels”, prompted her to name the little school house, “Waverley School.” Major Hays liked the name, and chose to name his property “Waverley Hill.” The Board of Tuberculosis Hospital kept the name after purchasing the land and opening the Sanatorium.

Originally, Waverly Hills Sanatorium was a two-story frame building, with a hipped roof and half timbering. Construction on this building began in 1908, and opened for business on July 26, 1910. The building was designed to safely accommodate 40-50 tuberculosis patients. At the time, tuberculosis was a very serious disease. People who were afflicted with tuberculosis were isolated from the general public and placed in an area where they could rest, stay calm, and have plenty of fresh air. Sanatoriums were built on high hills surrounded by peaceful woods to create a serene atmosphere to help the patients recover.

Tuberculosis was becoming an epidemic in Valley Station, Pleasure Ridge Park, and other parts of Jefferson County in Kentucky. The little TB clinic was filled with more than 140 people, and it was obvious that a much larger hospital was needed to treat those afflicted with the condition.

The massive, collegiate, gothic style Sanatorium that you see in the 1926 photo (left), remains standing on Waverly Hill, today. It could accommodate at least 400 patients and was considered one of the most modern and well equipped facilities at the time. Construction of this Sanatorium began in March 1924 and opened for business on October 17, 1926. The facility served as a tuberculosis hospital until 1961, when the discovery of an antibiotic that successfully treated and cured TB rendered the facility obsolete. It was closed down and quarantined, then renovated. In 1962, the building reopened as WoodHaven Medical Services, a geriatric facility. WoodHaven Medical was closed by the state in 1980.
Many have seen a little girl on the third floor who is known as "Mary." Some say that she plays with a ball; others have only heard the ball bouncing on the floor or down the stairs. This ball bouncing has also been attributed to a little boy, but the little girl seems the spookiest. One man said that he encountered a little girl that "wasn't normal." She kept saying that she has no eyes. He was so terrified that he refused to enter the building again. Some have seen the child peering out the third floor windows.

Some have heard children chanting verses here such as: "Ring around the Rosy." But why would the spirits of children be on the roof? When the hospital was a tuberculosis facility, children were taken up to the rooftop for "heliotherapy," in which they were exposed to the supposed healing rays of the sun.

Perhaps the most infamous area of all in the hospital. is room 502. The story goes that In 1928, the head nurse was found dead in the room. She had hanged herself from the light fixture. No one knows why the 29-year old woman would take her own life, but it's believed that she was unmarried and pregnant. It is unknown how long her body hung before she was finally discovered. The county coroner’s office attributed her death to suicide.
In 1932, another nurse who worked in room 502, supposedly committed suicide when she jumped from the balcony of the roof. No one knows why.
Folks have seen the full body apparition of a female nurse in white on this floor.
People have also reported that this room gives them an "unsettling" feeling of great despair. Some have heard a voice say, "Get out!"

A guard saw a floating head in one of the rooms late at night. He screamed and rushed downstairs where he passed out. He was so terrified that he never returned to the sanitarium.


I got another there is this "Indian Burial Ground" near a cemetery that my brothers and their friends visited once because it was supposedly haunted. Something pushed the car backend low enough it was scrapeing the gravel road through the cemetery. They didn't even stop driving. and later when they stopped, there was a hand print on the trunk:twilightoops:

Louisville texas?:unsuresweetie:

It is. Lots disembodied voices and shadows, if I remember correctly.

I know the old corpus christi court house is haunted. Lots of nasty agressive activity. It's condemned and locked up now a days.

1760392 Sorry about your loss.:fluttershysad:

Anyway, the most haunted place I know that is nearby would probably be Pike Place Market. As friendly as it seems, I swear I can see ghostly images of random Indian-looking people near the lower parts of the market. Scares the living daylights outta me.:twilightoops:

I did some research and this website I found said it was home to Suquamish and Duwamish tribes for several thousand years before the market was even built. It wasn't until some treaty was signed saying that the Indians had to move off the land. Apparently the market was built over their burial ground.

Here's a pic-

1760397 same here, Waverley is pretty damn freaky. it's really chilling knowing my great aunt was in there for TB, luckily she walked out unlike so many others. turns out she was also friends with the nurse who hung herself

There's this old house near Henderson, where this man set the house on fire with his wife and children still inside. The man is currently still in prison from what I hear.
If you go there you'll see that the floor boards are mostly gone, and some of the walls are collapsed. When you go upstairs you will find the children's bedrooms. There are still clothes in the closets with burn marks on them, and old scorched toys on the floors. In one room there is was a pile of books, all of them were about fires. I took one like an idiot. When we were about to leave we heard a scream and hightailed it the fuck out of there.
The next night I was up late at the family business to use the internet there. I had the book with me because I wanted to do some research on it. But when I started up the computer I heard a door open and close.
On the far end of the office area of the building is a large walk in cooler with heavy metal doors. When I stepped out of the offices I could see one of the doors swinging open and closed repeatedly, and I could have sworn I smelled something burning. I grabbed the book and ran to my car, but instead of going home I decided to drive a few miles down the road. I stopped by a large drainage ditch, I tied a rock to the book and threw it in the water. I felt a little better when I got home but I didn't end up getting any sleep. The next day my sister found the fucking book in her dresser.
I told her about what had happened and called our friend Kyle. He drove us back to the burned house, where I left the book. I haven't seen it since then and I hope I never do.

1760444 Louisville, Kentucky


abandoned hospitals... high on my list of places to stay the fuck away from

I don't know much of supernatural activity but my town is somewhat close to Amityville.

Back when I was a kid I lived with my mom. There was this really old beaten up house on the corner of one block, opposite of the kindergarten-3 grade school. We all used to think it was haunted, but now I figure it was just abandoned. Oh yeah. I also lived right next to the church and it's cemetery. (btw What kind of town needs 3 christian churches within a 2 block radius?)

My towns got like 4 (Methodist ,Babtist, church of Christ) and its only a 1000 people


Maltby Cemetery in Washington State (The Legend of The 13 steps to hell) :twilightoops::fluttershysad::unsuresweetie:

1760075 I can think of one my head.

as for haunted any old state hospital,the ones closed down in the eighties. there are many spread across th u.s.
that and i have worked for several public school districs in lower Michigan. ive never been in any school building that had less than three separate entities.
also the grand hotel Mackinac island. hell several sites there.

Right now, my house has a ghost that likes opening and closing the Master Bathroom cabinet doors throughout the day. He's harmless though.
My previous home, on the other hand, had the fuck haunted out of it. Lights would turn on and off, toys would move when you turned around, electronics would turn on even if they were unplugged(Watched TV one day using this phenomenon), you would see figures out of the corner of your eye, hear whispers, doors and cabinets would open and close, scratches on the walls would appear sometimes spelling out messages, invisible hands would push and grab you, and every now and then something would be standing outside your window at night. The most disturbing thing, though, is that as a young child of 7, the fucking ghosts would play with me. As in, come into my room, and play with my toys with me. I don't remember seeing them, but I remember my toy trucks and shit rolling around on their own. As quoted by my mother's boyfriend: "I don't believe in ghosts or anything like that, but Sandy(my mother), your house is fucking haunted."
Life can be interesting as a young medium living in a house down the road from a cemetary with your medium mother. That's another thing, it runs in the family.
You know, now that I think about it, the house before that, and the one before that all had the same problems... :rainbowderp:
Fuck me.

The theater that's part of the building that I work at is said to be haunted by the wife of the original owner. Funny enough I've seen the ghost. Though, I'm not 100% certain it was her, all the signs pointed to yes.

Comment posted by bluemoon1996 deleted Sep 16th, 2013

Yeah, well I talked to my Stillbirth Sister. :ajbemused:
If you're going to reply to someone's comment, have the decency not to just copy-and paste your previous post. :ajbemused:

Hold It!
You say that copying your previous post was a mistake, but how can that be so when you changed two of the three emoticons in the reply before posting?
Take That!
Not only that, but because the post was identical to the previous one excluding those minor changes, it shows that you in fact did purposefully made the re-post hoping that I had not read the original and notice the differences, if not for the purpose giving yourself extra attention! Your subtle trickery won't slip by me!


You're over-thinking it good air, now back to mass effect. Those reporters ain't going to punch themselves

You just know you can't beat my Ace Attorney logic. Go ahead. Punch some reporters. When they sue you, don't come crying to me. :duck:

1761398 lets just say there thing there that no one should see.


I did, but I felt sorry and reloaded the save

Closest thing to where I live has actually already been explained logically. For the longest time me and my brother thought the men's room in the Ouachita Little Theatre was haunted, then we discovered that it was just light coming in through cracks in the ceiling from the floor above.

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