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I have published Attack of the Killer Muffins!.

I provided chapter one: Muffinisis and chapter two: The Meeting (based on one of my favorite scenes from the movie Attack of the Killer Tomatoes). TotallyNotaBrony has contributed chapter three: Muffins on a Plane!. I provided chapter 4: Millie and the Muffin Man.

Chapter 5 onwards is where you come in!

I hereby invite you to add to the muffinocity: if you like this scenario and have a few muffinish ideas crawling around in your head PLEASE write a new chapter detailing the horrific depredations of Killer Muffins let loose on an unsuspecting world. You don't even have to reference the TCB universe, just have the muffins let loose in your favorite horror scenario.

I will publish all the steaming gore as added chapters to the story, with these few stipulations:
1) No clop. Sorry, I want to keep this generally accessible.
2) You may use the provided scenario at the Tucson Conversion Bureau and the OCs I have created as long as you do not kill them off! I have a finale planned, which I will publish in a few weeks.
3) The Killer Muffins are the result of bad conversion potion being mixed into a batch of Muffins. The result is sentient Muffins with a limited range of shared awareness. They have small limbs (I didn't specify human or pony - maybe both are possible!), they can dissolve armor (and who knows what other cheeky nanite tricks they have up their tiny little sleeves), and they know how to make more of themselves (having seen the cook Vladdy Mare make a batch).
4) The Killer Muffins have dispersed and who knows where they will end up. Be creative. Be nasty! BUT... you may not kill off ALL the Muffins. We need some still alive for other authors to play with.

I have to say that the whole horror genre is certainly ripe for more Muffin mayhem. If you are interested to make your own contribution here are some suggestions:

Derpy the Muffin Slayer,
The Texas Breadknife Massacre,
The Frosting (The shining),
The Muffin Man that lives down the lane,
The Muffit - There and back again, by a halfbakedling
Muffin Cemetery
Night of the Living Muffins
Invasion of the Oven Snatchers
Muffinathon man
Total Rebake
and of course,
The Muffinator

Please post your contributions in either g-docs or FIMFiction as responses to this thread.


PS - I have purposefully put in a lot of OCs and elements for running gags (spoiler alert - you may want to read the story first):
The Timmies, living proof that 'Two is a pain'
Rosy Rivet, not the brightest unicorn in the herd, and a good friend of a certain muffin obsessed mare
Evelyn Carr, a human doctor with more than the ususal fear of lawyers, and her hair brush
Vladdy Mare Puddin, the cook
PFC Tony Sarducci of the high voice
Corporal William 'Sissy' Bonnet
A dangerous and truly annoying rival for the HLF's TLA: Blaques Jacques Laraques, head of the Highly Litigious Frenchmen
Various other shenanigans such as "Story Time", muffin-drunkenness, bran as a vector for nanites, conversion potion gone bad, the clash of muffins vs croissants, etc...
And... I brought in Derpy Hooves (the only 'canon' character) because:
1 - How can you have a muffin story without Derpy?!!!, and
2- I am really looking forward to seeing at least a few "Derpy the Muffin slayer" stories!

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