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Hey guys! I want to move my Magikarp Jump backup from my Galaxy J7 Sky Pro phone to my Moto G Stylus 5G phone. I wanted to know if I can keep my 381 diamonds (I'm saving up for 500 to get Popplio) and I just got a new phone and I barely have to use my old one anymore since most of my contacts/accounts/pictures are transferred, so backing up the game would make things easier. However, after painstakingly entering the backup name and code, the game told me that I might lose my diamonds if I transfer the progress of the old phone to the new one if it is a different OS (See attached.) Sigh...REALLY?! Ugh. I think that both phones are Android, but I wanted to see if someone knows more about these phone that can make sure that I will not lose my hard-earned diamonds. If the game will wipe my diamond progress that I spent years trying to save up (without spending real money for the game), I guess I'll have to play until I get 500 diamonds for my Popplio support Pokemon (OOF.) It would be a shame to lose all that possibly 4-5 years long progress. Thanks for the help in advance!

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