Pokémon Fics 1,673 members · 899 stories
Comments ( 12 )
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Dragonith loves to draw special fusions of certain Pokémon, and here's a nice little list of my personal favorites! Some of them might look familiar...

Click here for more awesome fusions!

5356721 These are awesome. One looks like Rocket Raccoon and another looks like Ruby Rose.

5356721 Oh look, it's Satsuki and Ryu—err, I mean, Gardevoir and Gardevoir.

5356721 man these look great

5356721 The Getigoon fusion like Rocket Raccoon.

5356721 So much awesomeness!!!:rainbowkiss:

Regarding "Mega Metagorus":

So we're bringing Digimon into this now? :duck:

5356721 Someone really likes Gardevoir.

5357349 That was the first thing that went through my mind when I saw it too.

5356928 Agreed!

5357349 It's more like WarGreymon X


This one looks like what I imagine Princess Cadance would be if she were a Pokémon.

5357349 we already did with "mega" evolution

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