• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 6,516 Views, 120 Comments

Beach Day - Geoice

The week end is here and it's perfect weather for a beach day. The girls and spike gets together for a day in the sun. All day of fun, sun and a smile on everyones faces and a certain rainbow friend her eyes on Spike. Taking every chance to tease him

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Turn Of Events

9:14 Am

After an hour’s worth of driving, Rainbow pulled her car into the parking lot of the beach; the plan was now underway. She then came to a stop and turned off the engine. The radio still played, however, and the distinctive sound of an old doorbell ringing signaled the beginning of the song Scandalous, by Prince.

“Alright, Spike, we're here at last!” Rainbow said as she turned to Spike. Now the song was moving on to the rat-drums.
“Awesome!” Spike said, finally done cleaning up the blood from his nose. "Let’s go to the changing rooms and hit the beach!" Though Spike had to admit to the alluring sound of stringed instruments in Scandalous, even if it was synthesized.

“Nah... I'll change here,” Rainbow grinned. Now a voice began to sing in the radio: Come...closer...

This caught Spike's attention then turned towards her. “Wait what did you sa…”

He was interrupted at the site of Dash slowly removed her shirt. He gasped as she pulled it over her head, his eyes widened as the fabric slid off her body with ease. It hugged tightly on her chest, causing her breasts to jiggle when her shirt finally came off her body.

She threw the shirt to the back of the car and proceeded to her super-short denims. Don’t....be afraid, babythe radio sang. Spike eyes widened, knowing what was about to take place and tried to open the door behind him, still unable to take his eyes off her. But someone flipped the lock on the door, so Spike was stuck inside the car.

Not that it reallybothered him. He just wasn’t sure if it had any propriety.

Rainbow smiled to herself as she heard the heavy breaths of the teen boy hyperventilating. She actually wasn’t sure if this would work, she never did this before; in fact, she was so certain that she would clumsily fail. However, so far, it went remarkably smoothly, and the rest was up to Spike to understand and accept the “invitation” she was giving him. She slowly reached down and undid her top button, she gazed over to Spike to see if he was still watching.

He was indeed still watching the show. Satisfied with his attention, she moved her zipper downward until it couldn't go anymore. Understand, I’m destined, that I love you... the radio kept singing. With that out of the way, she slid the tight denims off her hips, wiggling them a little for Spike. This was not really helping the poor teen’s hormones, but that was how she wanted it. ‘Christ, this is going so much better than I imagined it,’she thought. She lifted her smooth legs in the air over her head and kicked off the denims to the back of the car.

She placed her palm flat on her lower legs and seductively rubbed up each side of them. Her fingers gently caressed over her smooth, hairless skin. She ran her palms up to her plumed buttocks, moving her bottom piece, nearly undoing the very loose bottom strap. Past her waist up to her back, Rainbow finally started on her bra lace, she tugged it slightly with her index finger, causing it to hug her breast tightly.
She turned her vision back to Spike, to see that he was red as an apple, and then she cocked a grin. She laced her finger around her strap, lifting her left boob. As Rainbow finished her taunting for the time being, Spike had no idea what to make of this. On one hand, she just changed her clothes, on the other hand, she just did the one thing that boys his age would have to risk their lives sneaking into locker room to get a glimpse of. Scandalous!, the radio sang out. I’m talkin’ ‘bout you and me...More, or less! This was the sort of thing that boys would have, and likely did, spend countless hours spending in their tree houses watching through windows with binoculars, hoping for a good time. Not to mention the beat downs that they've gotten from the teen hotties that caught them in their act. They had their chance to peep, but he'd never do such a thing since he thought of himself as a gentleman. But that didn’t happen this time. Just what was being displayed before him?

‘What's going on here?’ Spike silently asked himself.

“What do you think of my bikini, Spikey?” she asked the shell-shocked teen.

“G-g-great! You look great in it.” Spike stuttered, trying to maintain eye contact, failing badly. His eyes wandered down her abdomen, taking note of her curves and round breasts covered by the bikini top. He shamefully wondered in his mind how soft they would be to the touch, since size wasn't a mystery anymore. Below, he saw her toned, sexy stomach, which seemed to soften and tense with each and every breath, along with her belly button. Even lower on her body, her long legs, now completely exposed to the young teen, those amazingly smooth legs that he wished he could feel, with her feet propped on the dashboard. Her toes at the end of her feet taunted him as she wiggled them in a seductive manner. He eyed the imprint of her signature rainbow bolt on the bottom piece of her attire, the same one that was printed on her bikini top. Words couldn't possibly describe the meltdown his mind was going through. This was the first time that anything like this has ever happened; he had never even seen porn before in his whole life, which was why the overload meter in his mind was so high. But he did know about the birds and the bees, thanks to the books he read in the past, he did regret reading those. Twilight insisted that he read them in order to pass his biology test. None of that could ever prepare him for what was happening here… or the rest to come in the day.

“My eyes are up here, Spike.” Rainbow giggled as she curled her finger upward, bringing Spike's head back up. "Come on, let’s go get sand in our toes." She then unlocked the doors and exited the car.

Spike sat in his seat in shock of the recent event that just took place. Never had he once witnessed such a display of sexiness, let alone expect Rainbow to do such a thing.

‘Did she just basically strip right in front of me in her car?’

'Dumb question,' he corrected himself. Or maybe it wasn’t so dumb; after all, Spike was still struggling to believe it even happened. Though a better question would be why? Spike rubbed his face in frustration and embarrassment. “Errrr... What's wrong with me today?”

He lowered his palms and saw that more blood had leaked out of his nose.

“Not again!” He groaned. He then checked the time; literally hardly any more time than two minutes passed by...but it felt like an eternity.

Then Rainbow tapped on the glass, causing him to jump in the seat. “Come on, Spike, we need to get going. The others might already be at the beach. And there’s no way you’re heading into the sand like that.” She gestured at Spike's jeans and Tee shirt. “Get some swim trunks on already... or do I have to take your clothes off and get them on for you?” She said, as a malicious grin spread across her face.
Spike's pupils shrank to the size of pin needles, his face becoming completely flustered.

"My clothes." Spike whispered to himself. He grabbed his bag and burst out of the car.

“I'm going! I'm going,” he hollered as he ran to the changing quarters.

Rainbow smiled as she watched Spike as he scampered along the concrete, and giggled when he nearly tripped on his own feet.
‘Well, that was easy,’ Rainbow thought. ‘Though the thought of forcibly removing his clothes is pretty arousing...’“Now that that has been taken care of, we need to meet up with the others, but the question is where are they? They should have been here by now.” Suddenly, Rainbow's phone started ringing within the pocket her of her denims inside the car. She walked to the car and opened the back door. She grabbed her discarded shorts, took the phone out, then chucked the denims back inside. She turned on her screen and saw that she had gotten a text from Pinkie Pie. Rainbow swiped the screen, unlocking it and viewed her message.

Hi, Dash! Sorry that we're not at the beach yet. There was an accident on the road we were on and it backed up traffic to what looks like a conga line of cars! We aren't having a party in the car in this heat, too bad, it would have been fun. So anyways, we're going to be at least an hour late. You and Spike would have to go one without us until we get there, OK? ;p
Also, Twilight said to put on plenty of sun block on so you wouldn't get a sunburn. Make sure that Spike gets some on too… and I'm sure that you both can help each other with the hard to reach places.
Have fun! ~ Pinkie

Rainbow smiled maliciously after reading the text with satisfaction. She turned off her screen, dropped the phone in her bag, zipped it, and hoisted the strap around her shoulder. She grabbed her sandals, shut the car door, then locked it. She tenderly grasped a small lotion bottle in her hand and gazed upon it with a sinister grin.

“Might as well give it a try before the others gets here.” She caressed the bottles sides thoughtfully, her face blazed. “I wonder what his muscles feel like.” Not wanting to waste any precious time, she made her way to the beach. More specifically, the way to the changing rooms where Spike was.

“He's going to be in for a good one.” She grinned wildly.


“Need to stop, need to stop, need to stop!” Spike said repeatedly while he was washing his face in the sink. “I can't keep losing blood like this, especially since it's coming directly from my head.” He groaned as he tried to get his nose clean from blood.

“That dream is really starting to mess with my mind now and I can't stop thinking about it!” He continued to splash water in his face. After a long period of time of rinsing his face, the amount of blood from his nose subsiding, he sighed. "This day has had the weirdest cases of events I’ve ever had… in this week that is. Though none of those events in the past year ever evolved into what happened in the small course of time I was in that car." Spike said, his hair soaked.

“Well... except the time I went to the spa with the girls.” He unintentionally thought back to the event of that day.


“Thanks for the massage, Lotus, I feel great.” Spike said, sitting up on the massage table and stretching out his arms. “My back feels amazing.”

“Why thank you, Spike, but there is no need to thank me.” Lotus smiled. “I'm just doing my job.”

‘Thank goodness all the male employees were out today!’ Spike thought.

“You deserve it.” Spike chimed. “You did it so well, it's no wonder you and your sister owns a spa at such a young age. It's like I died and gone to heaven.”

Lotus blushed, “Well, aren't you quite the gentleman?”

“Well, that's what happens when you hang out with a bunch of girls for three years.” Spike chuckled.

“For three years?” She asked astonished. “Well, aren't you the ladies’ man… and a handsome one at that,” Lotus said, causing Spike to blush.

“Uh... Thanks.” Spike said as he looked away in embarrassment.

“I'm just teasing.” She giggled. “Though you are very cute. How old are you?” She grinned.

“I-I-I-I'm, uhh... Fourteen.” Spike stuttered shifting nervously.

“I'm just teasing.” Lotus giggled with her hand over her mouth. "Well come along now, Spike; next is the steam room treatment."

“Alright, some steam does sound nice,”’ Spike said as he leaped off the table.

“Well, just let me check which unit is available” Lotus said as she walked to a nearby table. She picked up a clipboard and examined for Spike assigned room. “That's odd,” she declared.

“What’s odd?” Spike asked.

“Oh, it’s nothing.” She said. “I must have looked at the wrong time earlier, but there is no problem, I can assure you,” she smiled as she made her way to the door. "Come along now, Spike, this way." She motioned him to follow.

"Okay!" Spike cheerfully exclaimed as he exited the room.

They made their way down the halls of the Spa. They passed several doors as they walked around corner to corner of which had the different spa treatment that was provided. Spike glanced at each one they passed and can't help but wonder.

‘How many of these rooms does Rarity not use?’ He chuckled

“Admiring the rooms, I see,” Lotus asked. “You have been staring at the doors we've passed for a while.”

“Oh, well…” Spike began. “There are a lot of rooms here.”

“Yes, there are a variety of treatments that one can get here, your friend Rarity does seem to take an interest in them when she comes here.”

“Well she does have great skin.” Spike shrugged

“So will you and your friends.” Lotus chimed. “I'm sure they'll love you having smooth skin.” she winked

Spike blushed. “Y-y-yeah, smooth skin.”

“Hmm, hmm... You should be used to this by now. You're so easy to tease,” she giggled again. "I don't mean anything bad, it's just that you're so cute when you blush."

‘Aw, great, the teasing is spreading around town, now.’ Spike whispered.

“Well, we're here now, Spike.” Lotus said. “Once you enter these doors, you may discard your towel or chose to keep it on while in the steam room.”

“Alright.” Spike replied.

“We don't get many men coming to the spa very often, so you should have the entire room to yourself. Your friends should be in a separate steam room, somewhere else in the facility, and will be out shortly.” She grinned. “Unless you want to join your friends in their steam room?” She said, causing Spike to gasp, nearly tripping on his own feet. “Kidding, we would never let males and females Co Ed in the saunas.”

She giggles while she left the blushing boy in her tracks.

Spike sigh, “If this doesn't blow over soon, the entire town will be at it with me.” He rubs his eyes in frustration. “Well, hopefully this steam treatment will help ease tension.”

He then proceeded toward the door, ready to experience the full relaxation the steam had to offer. Unknown to him, there was another surprise waiting for him. He reached out to grab the handle and opened the door with a click. Beyond the doors lied the greatest friends he had ever had. The ones he has known for years since he came to town as a young child. The ones that he sees every day with a smile, though at this moment, there was something different about them. They were all in the sauna, some of whom were partially naked, only barely covered by their towels. Though what really caught Spike's eye was Rainbow, who was in the most jaw dropping position he had ever seen in his life. She stared at the door where Spike was with her body pointed towards him with her legs spread out, presenting herself to Spike underneath her towel. With all the rest of his friends, it was all too much for his young mind. His face blazed like wildfire as blood ran out of his nose. The last thing he remembered was a small flash of bright light and his friends gasping right before he blacked out and fell on the ground, along with Fluttershy who fainted the same time Spike did.


“Errr... I thought I'd got that out of my head already!” Back in the present, he pushed his head down into the sink and shouted out under water in frustration. After that little episode, he raised his head out of the water. He shook off the water like a dog trying to clear his mind. “I really need to get through the day without losing every ounce of blood in my body.” He groaned.

Spike's a nice guy, everyone knows that, but with these teen hormones going around in him and the fact he’s around girls all the time, It gets harder and harder for him to stay in check, especially with what went in his mind about Rainbow Dash.

“I really need to stop thinking about her like that,” he groaned again. “Wait, that's it! All I need to do is just stop thinking like that.” Spike said with excitement, “If I just push those kinds of thoughts out of my mind for the day, I can make it through without losing a thing, right?”

“Well, being in here won't do you any good, if you're trying to avoid getting peeps of a girl.” A feminine voice called from behind. Spike jumped in fear when he turned to see who was behind him, “Based on what I heard from the stall, you sound like you just saw something and thought too much of it.” She smirked.

Spike stared at the teen in front of him as sweat rolled off of his face. 'This is bad!' Spike thought. He chuckled nervously, “Hehe... hey, Lightning Dust.”

“So, mind explaining what you’re doing in the girls’ restroom?” She asked with her arms crossed.
Spike shifted nervously, “Well... I kind of ran into here by accident.”

She glared at the young teen as she walked up to him. Spike backed up to the edge of the sink, feeling uneasy as the older teen girl in her bikini got closer to him until they were at eye level.

“An accident, huh?” She asked “So you mean to tell me that you just ran in here, without knowing it was the girls’ restroom?”
Spike gulped loudly, “Yeah, that's about right.”

She got closer, "So you weren't trying to sneak a peek at some girls changing?" Spike nodded in response. She stared deeply into his eyes, trying to see if he was lying, though the only thing she saw on his face was a bright blush; she noticed that the entire time he had kept eye contact. 'Hmm, seems like he's not like the other guys,' she thought.

Spike, on the other hand, was having a war inside of his head, 'Don't look down, don't look down, sweet mercy don’t look down!'
After a few moments, she backed away, “Alright, your story checks out, bud.” Spike sighed in relief, “So, now that that’s out of the way, what brings you to the beach?”

“Oh... well, I'm here with my friends,” he began. “Actually, it's just me and Rainbow Dash at the moment; I don't know where the rest are,” he said.

She grinned, “So, you're here with Rainbow?”

“Uh... yeah,” Spike answered, unsure.

“Okay, I think I'll go have a talk with her then,” she said as she exited the room. “And one more thing. If you plan on changing into some swim trunks, I suggest doing so in the men's restroom, unless you want a girl to sneak a peek at you,” she winked as she closed the door.
Spike stood there in shock with a blush on his face and sighed, “If this isn't the worst of it today, then I might as well schedule a blood transfusion. That’s if I even make it past the day without losing all of myblood through my nose!” He turned back to the mirror behind him with his head bowed down and hands on the edges of the sink breathing out loudly. After a few moments he said, “Might as well get changed; don't want to keep Rainbow wanting all day.”

Then he heard a stall door open behind him, causing him to jump. A teen girl, a little older than Spike, clad in a bikini that was the same shade of blue as the stripe in her hair, walked out of the stall. She saw Spike in front of her and paused. Silence filled the room as they both stared at each other awkwardly.

She shifts her eyes side to side in confusion, “Am I in the wrong restroom again?”

Spike sighs with embarrassment, “No, you're not, I was just on my way out,” Spike said as he walked passed her. “Have a nice day, Sonata,” he said as he opened the doors. But there someone else behind the door, nearly bumping into female teen with blond hair and adorable cross eyes. “Sorry Derpy, just coming through,” he said as he left the two confused teens.

They both stood in the room in awkward silence. She looked at Spike, then at Sonata a few times, trying to make sense of the dilemma. Sonata was confused by all means until Derpy spoke. “What's Spike doing in the girls’ restroom?” she asked. Sonata shrugged in response.


Rainbow stood outside the building, impatiently tapping her foot, “Come on, Spike, what's taking so long?” she mumbled to herself. “The others are going to be here soon.”

“Hey there, Rainbow Dash,” a voice called from behind, “it's been a while.”

Rainbow whipped her head around and saw who was behind her, “Hello, Lightning Dust,” Dash blunted, “What do you want?”

“Aw... come on, Dash, you don't have to be so harsh,” she said pretending to be hurt. “It's been awhile since we last saw each other at Wonderbolt camp.”

Rainbow huffed, “Last time I saw you, you were kicked out of the academy for reckless behavior.”

Lightning walked up to Rainbow's side, “That was a year ago, Dash,” she said, placing her arm around Rainbow's shoulder. “Can't we just put that behind us?” Rainbow raised a brow. “Where are you going with this?”

Lightning sighed softly, “What I'm trying to say is… well, what I want to say is...I'm sorry for what I did back there at the academy. My behavior was inexcusable, but I learned from what I did and want to make up for them,” she said sincerely. Rainbow gazed at her curiously. “Friends?” she extended her hand to Rainbow.

Rainbow thought hard for a bit; for one thing, Lighting was a bad player, and she hurt a lot of people due to her actions, but she was apologetic this time. If there was one thing that she learned about friendship, it was that forgiveness was a big part of development. Forgiveness can end hatred between people and recreate the bonds that once brought them together again. She smiled and took Lighting hand with a firm grip “Friends.”

“Thanks,” Lighting smiled. “So, what are you doing today?”

“Oh, nothing much,” Rainbow replied trying to sound casual. “I'm just here at the beach with Spike,” she said in a daze at the mention of his name. The more she thought about him, the more she faded away from reality. The thoughts of the day they would spend together soon flooded into her mind of, ideas of what she planned to tease Spike with.

Soon enough, Lightning noticed that her cheeks started to tint with a light blush.

Lighting grinned, “Well, it sounds like somebody is on a date,” she teased.

Rainbow turned with a blazing fury. “We're not a date,” she yelped. "We're also here with Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy as well! They're just stuck in traffic, besides, me and Spike are just friends,” she retorted.

Lighting grinned more widely than ever, “But you do want to date him, don’t you?”

Rainbow glared at Lighting, “W-what, no we’re just friends,” she said, avoiding eye contact with her. Though in her mind, it was the complete opposite than what came out of her mouth. ‘Yes I do. I want to date him so bad, it hurts.’

“So what's the problem then, is it because he's short?” Lighting asked pushing further into the conversation.

“Well there's that,” Dash pretended to agree. ‘I love the height he has; I can squeeze his head into my chest with no problem in private when we date and smother him for hours,’ she tilted her head at the pleasurable idea.

“His age?”

“Ah, another good point,” Rainbow responded nonchalant. ‘His age doesn't bother me; we're only like four years apart.’

“Is he weak?”

“Yeah, extremely weak,” Rainbow scoffed. ‘Actually, he is pretty strong for his age. I definitely underestimated him about his frame at first until he made that rock tower. Though despite that, I would still like to watch him squirm.’

“What about... his length?” Lighting taunted

Rainbow shot her head toward Lighting in shock, “W-w-what! Why would you ask a thing like that?” she stuttered. “Not like I care if he comes up short.”

“Oh, so you don’t care?” Lightning smirked.

Rainbow blazed, “That’s not what meant! I uaa… it just doesn’t matter to me anyways. Me and him are still too young for that kind of stuff. Besides, I haven’t even seen it yet.”

Lighting snickered, “yet?”

A pit of embarrassment fell upon Dash’s very soul, “THAT'S NOT I MEANT!” She waved her hand in front of her in defence, sweat droplets rolling off her face. “I-I-I, it’s not like I want to see it!”

“See what, Rainbow?” a familiar male voice called from behind Dash.

Rainbow stood still in shock, knowing very well whose voice it belonged to. Silence took place in the atmosphere as the three individuals stood in broad daylight. Spike looked so innocent and casual in his purple trunks, with his belongings in his bag over his shoulders. Lightning smirked to herself, trying her hardest not to laugh at Rainbows’ misfortune. As for the rainbow-haired girl, she stood petrified, with her jaw open slightly, with an equally slight curl on her lips twitching just a bit. It wasn't a simple smile that was plastered on her face or anything that had joy. Her cheeks turned into a deep crimson color, matching the red streaks in her hair. A strong breeze blew past them, whisking their hair in the air while leaving one in the pits of despair.

Spike stared curiously at his terrified friend with concern, “Uh… Rainbow, are you ok?”