• Published 27th Dec 2014
  • 4,529 Views, 158 Comments

PIE: Patapon In Equestria - Runa

A guy buys a replica of the Pon drum from patapon on Etsy, and is sent to Equestria as the great Patapon. He then plants Mater, the Patapon tree of life, and brings the Patapon tribe to the new land. Now it is time for the Patapons to march!

  • ...

You can't starve with this many hounds around

Kami stepped out of the portal.

“That was unpleasant.” He commented as he looked around. He saw some guards, who promptly pointed their spears at him. This was not helped when Patapons began coming out of the portal behind him.

“So, who summoned us?” He asked.

Everypony, zebra and dragon pointed at the human, who trembled with his hand raised. The human, presumably Wilson, had a large mess of hair that vaguely looked like a W, and had a small beard on his face. His clothing was a mess, parts were ripped apart, but they looked like they had been fancy once. He also had the sacred white drum on his lap.


“I assume that whatever’s barking are the things you want me to kill?” Kami deadpanned.

“Uh huh...” Wilson replied simply, clearly stunned by Kami’s sudden appearance.

“Could you please tell me what we’re going to fight?”

“...hounds...” He muttered helpfully. Kami facepalmed.

“Let’s go then.” Kami started beating his drums. The sound this made seemed to come out of thin air, as the drums were technically in a different plane of existence.

*Pata pata pata pon* The Patapons, who were getting kinda cramped at this point, began marching to the door, replying,

“Pata pata pata pon!”

Wilson, shaking his head, spoke “You don’t understand, there are a lot of hounds!” Kami smiled at him.

“Dogs can’t beat us, my friend.” He said, beating the drums once more.

*Pata pata pata pon*

“Pata pata pata pon!” Luna then came out of the portal, seeming exited and following the beat. As she went past the other ponies, she waved.

“Hello!” She said adorably.

“Uh, hi?” Said one of the pony guards, too confused at this point to make sense out of anything.

She smiled and followed the other Patapons out the door. Kami then spoke up.

“Well, I’m going outside. Don’t get in my army’s way PLEASE.” He then fazed through the wall next to the door.

“Hold it right there you, erm, thing!” Said the possible leader of the guards there. He went outside, the other guards following suit.

“Yes, what do you want?” Kami asked.

“First off, who and what are you?!” He asked Kami, getting in front of him with a menacing pose, the other guards flanking him.

“I am Kami, the god of the Patapon Tribe. I was summoned by that human back there to help you kill those pests” He declared while pointing at the hounds that were coming from the forest towards the town.

The stallion noticed this, and acted immediately.

His horn lit up, and an entire shield of purple light quickly encased the town before any of the oversized dogs got inside.

Kami looked at him slightly disapprovingly.

“I can’t help you if I can’t even fight them, you know. So let us out of the shield so we ca-” He started to say, before his eyes widened at the sheer amount of creatures surrounding the shield. The unicorn who had set the spell in the first place seemed to be struggling to hold his shield up.

“... too… many…” He managed to say whilst gritting his teeth.

Thankfully, the ponies were backing away from the shield and found a safe haven in the town hall.

“Thats what I was trying to say in the first place!” The Wilson called out loud after exiting the building.

“How many do you think?” Kami asked.

Wilson flinched slightly before saying “... ehehehe erm… around...eight thousand...” His voice was too low to understand.

Kami sighed and facepalmed again.

“Please say that again, Could you?”

“Eh, well if my calculations are correct, and I really hope not, there should be somewhere between, erm, seven thousand to eight thousand hounds…” Kami’s eye twitched.

“Your joking, right?” Wilson simply looked at the ground, not a hint of mischief on his persona. Kami’s face grew hard.

“Well, might as well get on with it.” As he said this, various cracks started forming around the shield that kept the dogs from mauling everypony.

“Wait, how many did yo-?” the unicorn began to say, before his eyes grew wide and the shield began to dissipate from the onslaught.

The white drum then floated out of the humans grasp. It began to turn into the Chaka Drum. At this, Kami smiled.

“I like our chances now.” He said as he drifted to the drum, and touched it.

The drum disappeared.

*Chaka chaka pata pon* The Patapons replied in kind.

“Chaka chaka pata pon!” As Wilson his th a bush, the Tribe moved into a defensive formation on instinct, and the Tatepon’s shields grew larger in their hands. The hounds charged and met the shield wall made by the Tatepons as Yaripons and Yuripons rained spears and arrows on the hounds respectively. Luna used her new found magic to maneuver her symatars between the shields, hitting the hounds somewhat clumsily.

The dogs attack was too wide for the small army. But before they could engulf the Patapons, the armored ponies flanked them, taking defensive positions, and protected the town with them.

The drums beat again.

*Chaka chaka pata pon* The Patapons moral seemed to rise with each beat.

“Chaka chaka pata pon!” They cried, renewing their efforts. A new problem arose as they began killing red hounds. These hounds went up in flames when they died. Some of the Tatepon’s shields began to get hot from this.

Good news was, some of the normal hounds began to catch on fire. Bad news, there were flaming kamikaze hounds after blood.

A flock of pegasi flew across the air, providing rain water from nearby clouds that seemed to control the fires. Some of the armored unicorns also sent spell after spell to protect themselves and the Patapons from the flames.

*Chaka chaka pata pon*

“Chaka chaka pata pon!”

A flaming piece of hound meat fell on the head of one of the Tatepons. He started running around screaming for a minute. During this time, he left a hole in the defences. Luna quickly placed herself in the way of the hounds trying to gain ingress, but barely managed to hold them back with the help of some Yaripons.

The unicorn leader managed to get in the fight along with his soldiers, casting a small shield among them. The constant attack from the hounds and fire pounding against their defenses.

*Chaka chaka pata pon*

“Chaka chaka pata pon!”

The Tatepon Managed to run fast enough to put the fire out. He seemed embarrassed as he ran back to his position, relieving Luna. She gratefully fell back further into the defensive line for a moment. Some of the Tatepons shields were glowing a little from heat.

*Chaka chaka pata pon*


The moral and abilities of the army seemed doubled at that moment. The Tatepons stood firmer, the Yaripons hurled spears faster, The Yumipons shot arrows faster, and Luna swung harder.

The ponies saw the Patapons become more energetic, which inspired them to not be outdone and fight with all their might.

In this manner, they weathered the flood of hounds. Fewer waves were assaulting the poor ponies and Patapons, and before long the waves of hounds began to die down. Soon, the ponies were exhausted and couldn't fight. Thankfully the Patapons took the lead and took down the last remaining hounds with ease.

The ponies were left panting on the ground in the end, while the remaining Patapons cheered at their victory. Their weapons gleamed with purple blood as they did this. This made their gear seem slightly demonic somehow.

What was left of the battlefield wasn’t the corpses of the hellish dogs, for most of their flesh and bones seemed to evaporate in clouds of shadows. However, chunks of purple meat, along with their teeth could still be salvaged.

What was most odd of the situation was that many red rubies were littered about the remains of the small war.

Kami drifted over to the leader of the guard.

“My advice for next time, try not to antagonize possible help. The next person through here might not be as friendly as me.” The captain seemed too exhausted to make a retort since he was laying flat on the ground, so he nodded instead.

When Kami turned around, the Patapons were already gathering as much loot and hats as they could hold. As he nodded approvingly, Wilson came out running from a bush calling out to him.

“Hey! Um, guy uh, thanks for helping me and the town” He thanked Kami, before adding: “But, can you please save some of the gems for me? I uh, kindoff need them, and some of the teeth too if you don’t mind, erm mister…?” Kami smiled slightly.

“My name is Kami. We can’t take much back, so sure. But if I may ask, why do you need them?”

“Well, I think it would be better if I could show you” He said, but before he could lead the Patapons, the mares from before showed up.

“Where do yah think yer going mister?” Said an orange mare with a cowboy hat on her head.

The leader of the guards stood shakily before adding: “What makes you think we are going to let you walk off just like that?” He managed to say, abeit tiredly. Kami grinned slightly.

“And how will you stop us? Just out of genuine interest.” Wilson smiled, while the ponies glared at them.

“Thank you, now if any of you need us, you know where to find us.” He told them, and somehow they agreed. Kami yelled at the Tribe, saying,

“Let’s get MOVING! Just follow this guy!” Kami pointed to Wilson.

And with that, they were off into the depths of the forest, with the strange human as their guide.

Author's Note:

And the first crossover in this story has begun! If you want to read the other POV, here. Hyper linky!