• Published 16th Jan 2013
  • 6,671 Views, 163 Comments

Kaidan's Short Stories: Vol. 1 - Teen - Kaidan

A collection of all my one-shot stories. From the comedies for everyone, to mature sci-fi crossovers, and featuring a dozen story prompts from friends. You'll find a great collection of my short stories from 2013 onward here.

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1. Mane 6 Swap Bodies :: E/Co


Twilight rolled over in bed and immediately wished she hadn't. The sun was up now and her head ached from the party the night before. Her throat was dry and she made a mental checklist of why she would never drink again, starting with hangovers and working her way down the mental list. She was just glad Spike hadn't disturbed her while she slept, in fact he had probably brought some water and medicine to her nightstand. The one benefit of having an underage assistant was always having somepony to take care of you the next morning.

Not quite ready to move again, Twilight thought back to her birthday party with Pinkie Pie and her friends, who all promised to make it a night she would never forget. There had been rum cake, jello shots, tequila and liquors. If she never saw a bottle of tequila again in her life it would be too soon.

With a sigh, she took a deep breath and opened her eyes, squinting against the light. The room was a lot cleaner then usual, and Applejack had left her stetson on her nightstand. Plenty of sunlight was pouring through the window, when the thought occurred to Twilight that the window should be on the other side of the room. Sitting up and fighting back a wave of nausea, she saw that she was in Applejack's house. How had she gotten here? She hadn't... Twilight looked around hoping her and Applejack hadn't done anything silly while they were drunk. With Applejack no where in sight her sudden panic seemed quite silly to her. She decided to head downstairs and see if AJ had made them some breakfast.

Twilight rolled out of bed and stood up on the floor, and reached out with her magic to fix the bed. The sheets laid there and refused to move, staying in a scrunched up ball at the end of the bed. Twilight tried again, and again nothing happened. Maybe she had taken a bump to the head, she lifted a hoof to check her horn and several things dawned on her at once.

Her horn was gone, her leg was orange, and as she fell onto her rump in horror locks of blonde hair fell down into her eyes. She wasn't just in Applejack's house, she was Applejack! How could this happen? Was it something she ate? Maybe a mix up of some spells? Twilight's brain raced through dozens of scenarios but nothing explained this. She examined all 4 of her legs and her tail, her cutie mark and her hooves. She was definitely Applejack, she had to get back to the Library as soon as possible! Summoning up her magic she tried to teleport to the library, only to slap a hoof to her face when she remembered she was no longer a unicorn.

Twilight ran over to the door, colliding with it, and then grabbing the handle with her mouth and throwing the door open. She dashed across the hallway ignoring the aches of protest in her head, then carefully walked down the stairs. When she reached the bottom she saw Big Mac and Applebloom enjoying breakfast.

"Hey Applejack, ah never seen you wake up so late, y'all alright sis?" Applebloom hopped out of the chair and trotted over to her big sister. Twilight didn't know how to explain this to anypony so she smiled and bluffed "I'm fine Applebloom, I'm just going to head out and... buck some trees!"

Applebloom looked at her puzzled and asked "Why don't ya have your stetson? And what's with your funny accent?"

Twilight looked over to Big Mac for help but he had an impenetrable poker face. She then glanced back down at Applebloom and lied "I ... ah musta had too much ta drink last night sis, I'll go get my hat 'n get to work." Twilight trotted upstairs and grabbed the hat, then headed out to find the real Applejack before she burnt down her library and all the precious books in it.

Applebloom hopped back onto the stool next to Big Mac who said "You girls get weirder every day." Applebloom grinned back and said "Eeyup."


Applejack could hold her liquor, and the way she felt right now must be a testament to how drunk she'd been last night. The party always was worth a little headache, but this felt like something else entirely. As she lay in bed she almost felt like she was floating on a cloud, and she felt a little woozy as if there was still some alcohol in her system. She reached over for her stetson to block out the sunlight until she felt up to facing the day. Big Mac had seen her hungover before, he'd start the chores without her and then make a few jokes at her expense later.

Applejack's hoof reached for the stetson and swooshed through a cloud. She tried again, and again she hit nothing but air and some condensation. Opening her eyes she rolled to face the disobedient stetson, only to see a wall of clouds. There must be a terrible fog unless Rainbow had somehow carried her up to her house. And if she was in Rainbow's house then Twilight would have had to cast a cloud walking spell... no something wasn't right here.

Applejack rolled out of bed and stretched her wings, and it felt amazing. It was like those first steps off a train when your wings hadn't moved for hours, each muscle tensing and each feather separating, the wind blowing between them. Applejack took a moment to realize what was wrong with this picture. She glanced back to see a large blue wing on her right side and a rainbow colored tail. She glanced left and was met by another wing and some knotted hair on her mane.

Applejack walked over to a nearby mirror and her fears were confirmed. In the mirror stood Rainbow Dash, magenta blood shot eyes, cyan coat, disheveled prismatic mane, and cutie mark. She recalled a game of truth or dare last night, but Twilight wouldn't possibly use her magic for this! And if she was here, Rainbow Dash must be at Sweet Apple Acres! That prankster was probably doing horrible things to tease the Apple family.

"Come here Big Mac, I just want to put Granny's girdle on you and tickle you a little!" Applejack shook the thought from her head. That no good prankster and Twilight were going to get an earful. The only problem was, Applejack had no idea how to fly and she walked over to the balcony. It looked hundreds of feet to the ground. Applejack went back inside and tried slapping her wings around against the air but to no avail. She tried angling them different ways until she could finally start to hover. It seemed like she had a bit of instinct left in the wings, she could almost feel when she was flapping against the wind properly.

Heading back over to the balcony she prepared to fly down and get to the bottom of this. As she stood and stared at the ground below she had only one thing to say: "GERONIMO!"


Fluttershy hadn't drank much at the party last night and still had a fairly clear recollection of it. There had been rum cake and all sorts of mixed drinks. Twilight was turning 21 and Pinkie Pie insisted on making it a night the introverted little librarian would never forget. There would be drinks, partying, cake, and reckless abandon! Fluttershy smiled, recalling what a happy drunk Twilight was. All her cares melted away and she began to talk about all the wonderful little secrets Shining Armor and Celestia had confided in her. Luckily none of them involved a Pinkie promise, or Twilight would have probably woken up as a cupcake.

Fluttershy yawned and stretched out her legs. Her bed always seemed a little more comfortable on warm sunny days like this. She even had one of the cats decide to come lay on the bed next to her. Fluttershy rolled over and spoke to the cat using her special talent "Hey there, good morning!" Fluttershy opened her eyes just in time to see Opalescence hiss and jump off the bed upset.

That was strange, she didn't remember bringing her back to her home. She looked around and noticed she was in Rarity's room. It all made sense now, the cottage was so far away that Rarity must have let Fluttershy sleep at the boutique. She was such a generous friend, Fluttershy would have to do something extra kind to repay her. The mare got out of bed to go check on Rarity, who was probably in the guest room. After passing by the mirror she saw Rarity, and turned around "Good morning Rarity!" Fluttershy whispered.

Confused, Fluttershy looked around, she had seen Rarity in the mirror but she was no longer in the room. She walked back by the mirror and saw Rarity again.

"eep!" Fluttershy quietly shouted.

As she looked in the mirror it wasn't Fluttershy that looked back at her, it was Rarity. She remembered a few drunken spells last night, mostly parlor tricks and seeing who could levitate the most books while intoxicated. What ever happened she should hurry over to see Twilight and fix it. The first thing she wanted to do though, was try and levitate some of the brushes on Rarity's nightstand. She had always wondered what magic felt like.


Rarity had a horrible headache, a proper lady wouldn't have drank so much. A proper lady also wouldn't have had nearly as much fun at Twilight's birthday party. It isn't every day you get to throw a party for somepony turning 21, and it was tradition to get them as drunk as possible. It was a silly rite of passage, but Rarity was generous and agreed to partake of it with her best friends.

There was a loud thumping sound on wood that was aggravating her headache. "Come on wake up already! I want breakfast, and none of that salad stuff! COME ON!" the voice shouted.

"Ugh Sweetie Bell if you don't pipe down this instant I'll feed you a whole barrel of lettuce!" Rarity snapped at her.

The thumping stopped abruptly "Um... what? My name's Angel, are you feeling ok? I knew I should have gone with you to keep you from drinking too much." Angel sighed and grabbed a nearby glass of water he had prepared for just this occasion. He threw it on the sleeping pegasus eliciting a loud scream.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING! MY HAIR!" Rarity screamed. She opened up her eyes to find herself in Fluttershy's cottage with several confused animals now watching her.

"My, I've never heard you scream so loud Fluttershy. I bet Rainbow Dash would love it if you could cheer like that for her next time she is doing stunts!" Angel had seen many different sides of Fluttershy: Doormat, bully, babysitter of the god of chaos. To him this was just another day in the freaky world that was Fluttershy.

Rarity just sat there in stunned silence as several animals chattered to each other, she then interrupted them "Why are you all talking? Why can I understand you?" Rarity watched as every eye in the room locked onto her gaze.

"Angel I don't think that's Fluttershy" a beaver stated. "Quick grab the changeling!" a sparrow squeaked. "Go for the throat!" a mouse yelled as he lept into her hair. "Sweep the legs!" a platypus shouted.

"AAAAHHH!!!" Rarity flapped her wings hard, throwing every animal back with the covers. She found herself gripping a wooden beam near the ceiling, and upon taking a look around at the disaster below noticed long flowing pink hair. She followed it up to the yellow wings, and pink butterfly cutie mark. "I'm.... Fluttershy?"

"So, if your not Fluttershy what are you? Are you one of those aliens that Lyra always talks about? She says they are constantly possessing ponies and parading around town, pretending to be one of us..." Angel scratched his head trying to remember what those pesky aliens were called.

"No, I'm Rarity! I was at the party and-- TWILIGHT!!!" Rarity let go of the beam and fell back onto the bed, bouncing up and landing on the ground with a look of sheer determination and fury. Only her and Twilight could use magic, and she wouldn't dare let somepony else parade around in her body. No, this had to be Twilight's doing. It was either a prank or another one of her miscast spells. With all the alcohol she had pumped into that poor unicorn last night she believed it was the latter.

"Hop on Angel, we have a unicorn to find!" Rarity felt the bunny dig his paws into her mane, and she took off running down the stairs.

The sparrow looked over to the beaver "Hey, looks like we got free reign in the kitchen today! Mind using those paws to get us all some food?"


Rainbow Dash lay in bed having a dream about being captain of the Wonderbolts. She always had her best dreams when sleeping in, the sun never bothered her. The one thing that did bother her though was when she got into drinking contests with Applejack. Rainbow always knew when she had a drinking contest because she never loses. Never. That also meant that on many a morning, Dash had woken up with a hangover that hit her like 2 tons of bricks. As long as she never lost to AJ, the hangover was worth it.

Today was different though, either there had been no drinking contest (Ha! Unlikely) Or Dash had lost the contest. She barely felt hungover at all, and she didn't have a horrible taste in her mouth. In fact, she could taste some vanilla frosting, and not the cheap stuff. No this was the nice creamy frosting, she licked her teeth to savor the flavor and got a few sprinkles as a reward. As far as waking up hungover goes, this was awesome! She could even feel a surge of energy as she opened her groggy eyes and stretched.

Best hangover ever!

Dash rolled out of bed smiling and looked around at the orange walls. She must have crashed at somepony else's house since Dash never drank and flew. Looking around she knew there was only 1 pony she could have slept over with: Pinkie Pie. There were fresh cupcakes on the night stand, and a green little toothless alligator. Dash smiled and the alligator smiled back.

All she needed to do now was her morning warm-up stretches and she could hover downstairs and find Pinkie Pie. One does not simply walk downstairs when your as awesome as me! Rainbow smirked as she thought. She tried to stretch out her wings and separate her feathers, but nothing happened. Her wings probably just fell asleep since she wasn't used to sleeping on earth pony beds.

Rainbow walked over to the mirror to see if her numb wings were moving at all. When she looked in the mirror her jaw fell down and she mumbled "Pinkie?" The pink party pony stood and stared into that mirror for what felt like hours. She had been around Ponyville enough to know that sometimes "Pinkie would be Pinkie" and there was no explaining it. This was a whole new level of Pinkie. This wasn't Pinkie sense; this was Pinkie magic!

Rainbow felt her tail start to twitch, and a second later Gummy landed on her mane and latched on. "Not now squirt" Rainbow muttered and try to shake him off. The doppelganger in front of her mirrored her perfectly. "I'm Pinkie Pie! MY WINGS!!!"

Rainbow panicked and hopped around the room madly, she had to get out of here! She had to get to her cloud house and get her wings back! Without thinking she had bucked the window open and jumped onto the roof. The breeze felt great in her mane as she stretched her wings.... that's right I don't have wings.

Rainbow bounced back inside only to have the door fly open as Mr. Cake barged in. "Pinkamena Diane Pie! What did we tell you about making this kind of racket when the babies are sleeping! You woke the whole house up!" Rainbow had never seen Mr. Cake angry. He always seemed so nice, especially to Pinkie. Rainbow looked back at the shattered window, the mirror that she had knocked over, and the cupcake smudged footprints in the freshly destroyed room. Oh, that's why he is mad

Rainbow could feel her mane and tail fall flat against her body, losing all their curl in one instant. "I'm sorry Mr. Cake, but there's been some horrible mistake, I'm Rainbow Dash!" Rainbow was on the verge of tears and wasn't quite sure why. She felt like a balloon that had deflated and landed behind a couch where nopony would get to see her anymore.

"No more games Pinkie--Please just clean up the room. You can make this up to us by foalsitting Pound and Pumpkin while we go grocery shopping." Mr Cake turned and walked downstairs.

Rainbow Dash stood up and felt her hair curling back up. If anypony could fix this it'd be Twilight Sparkle, or the Princess! If she got to the library quickly she could get everything back to normal.


Pinkie Pie rose bright and early, and reached for her emergency morning cupcakes. There was no easy way to get out of bed in the morning, except for cupcakes!

Pinkie's vision was blurry but clearing rapidly as she swiped her hooves around looking for the cupcakes. They were nowhere to be found, so she reached for the emergency morning cupcake backup stash behind her pillow. It wasn't there either, and Pinkie began to panic. She always had cupcakes nearby for everypony, and now they were all gone! She must have gotten the munchies and eaten them all at night.

Pinkie was very sad and wished she had a triple chocolate cupcake with sprinkles. She felt a strange tingling and a cupcake materialized in thin air. "WHOOPEEE!!!!!" Pinkie shouted and bounced on the bed, greedily eating the hovering cupcake. "Let's try that again!"


Spike was grilling some eggs and extra greasy hay fries. Twilight would be up soon, and if there was one thing Spike had learned from being around the ponies it was that wild parties led to wild hangovers. Spike was always the friendly sober dragon at the party, and for each time he had gotten to walk Rarity back to her boutique it was worth it. This had been the first party where Twilight was old enough to drink, and Applejack had given Spike some home remedies for a hangover. Apparently all you needed was lots of greasy food, a few glasses of water, and some "hair of the dog." Spike didn't have a dog so he had used a couple of Owlowicious' feathers instead.

Spike was setting everything onto plates for Twilight when he heard an awful racket upstairs. It sounded like something had fallen off the bed and started bouncing off the walls. He could hear the distinct popping of magic, and got concerned. He stepped out into the hallway and dropped the plate of hayfries and eggs to the ground.

Up on the 2nd floor of the library were hundreds of cupcakes, and in the middle of them Twilight was eating a giant pink cupcake like a starving timberwolf. Spike had seen it all now, but it didn't prepare him for what came next...


"Spike! I'm so glad you're up! I wished for a cupcake and I got one, so I wished for more and more and more! And then I wished they were even yummier! And bigger! And with more Sugar! Come try them Spike!" Pinkie wished that spike was up stairs with them, and this time had to concentrate hard and close her eyes. Spike materialized over the big cupcake and landed with a plop.

"Twilight what's gotten into you? Your acting like Pinkie Pie!" Spike looked at her in horror as she hugged him and shouted "I AM PINKIE PIE!"

"Oh I know your sad because these are all cupcakes and cupcakes don't have gems, except the one time we made you a sapphire cupcake, and your a dragon so you would rather have gemcakes! haha get it, gemcakes! Here you go!" Pinkie Pie wished for a 4 foot tall ruby, emerald, sapphire, turqoise, topaz, and diamond cupcake and it materialized in the middle of the library.

Spike's eyes went wide and a tear rolled down his cheek. "For me?" Spike glanced back to Twilight, barely holding back the manly tears. Twilight would never let him eat so much junk food in the morning. Maybe she was telling the truth, and if this was Pinkie Pie then that meant the real Twilight could be back any second. Without a second thought he dove down into the cupcake and ate as fast as he could.


Twilight was finally approaching the library and was very glad she had brought the stetson. It was very bright outside and it offered her shelter from the bright harsh world. She rounded the corner to the library and froze in absolute terror.

Pouring out of the upstairs balcony were cupcakes of every kind and size imaginable. Blaring over a stereo she didn't know she had was Pinkie's Favorite Jam. On the ground floor were more balloons then she had ever seen in her life, threatening to burst out of the windows at any moment.

Before she knew what was happening she was running full speed towards the library door, Pinkie had destroyed her library! She spun around on her forehooves, bringing up her back legs and bucking the door. With a resounding crash, the door splintered and flew across the library in pieces.

In the center of the library was a fat and happy purple dragon surrounded by crumbs and gems, groaning at what must be the mother of all stomach aches. Floating in the air was the party pony herself, slinging confetti in every direction.

"PINKIE!!!" Twilight shouted at her "STOP ABUSING MY MAGIC AT ONCE!!!.

Pinkie dropped to the ground "Oh hi Applejack! I was just having some cupcakes and thinking how awesome it is to be Twilight! Are you here because you're worried about Twilight? She's probably still at Sugar Cube Corner sleeping in."

Twilight advanced at her and took off the stetson "Pinkie, I AM TWILIGHT. I woke up in Applejack's body this morning and I demand to know what is going on!" If you could kill somepony with a stare, Pinkie would have fallen over dead right there.

Pinkie frowned in the lavender mare's body, her hair seeming to become even flatter and straighter. "Oh I'm sorry Twilight, I was having so much fun after Rainbow Dash dared you to teleport us all home drunk last night. Spike said it was a bad idea but you said it would be ok. I thought you wanted us to trade bodies for some fun." Pinkie was poking her hoof in the ground and looked deep in thought.

"It's ok Pinkie, I shouldn't have drank so much... I shouldn't have tried magic. Now we just need to think of a way--" Twilight was interrupted as a pink bolt flew past her.


Rainbow Dash had to admit that Pinkie was fast, she could see now why it was so hard to outrun her. As Dash ran in the pink mare's body time almost seemed to slow down. She darted and weaved through empty vendor stalls, leapt over and ducked under obstacles. Dash couldn't stand the thought of not having wings, but with the natural speed and intuition of Pinkie Pie she might be able to break the sound barrier without wings.

Dash saw the target ahead: A large hollow tree with cupcakes, balloons, and blaring party music. She didn't even slow down as her stomach rumbled and demanded sugar. She flew through the open door and dove into the cupcakes, her mouth opening to comically large proportions as it greedily inhaled all the cupcakes.

From behind Dash heard the familiar voice of Twilight Sparkle "Hey those are my cupcakes!"

Dash turned around locking eyes with his prankster. "YOU! Twilight how could you switch me and Pinkie's bodies, I demand you switch us back at once! She probably fell out of my cloud house or something horrible and do you have any idea what it's like to not have wings!"

Applejack was the one to answer "Rainbow Dash I would if I could, but somehow Pinkie is me and I'm Applejack."

Rainbow Dash looked confused beyond measure, and then just face hoofed. "Ugh Twilight, I'm just going to eat some more cupcakes while you figure out all the egghead stuff." Rainbow turned around and had to admit, now that she was in Pinkie's body the cupcakes tasted at least 20% better.


Rarity had finally reached the library. She had started galloping, and soon began beating her wings in rhythm with the hooves. The next thing she knew she was flying low and fast, which was nice since Fluttershy didn't seem to exercise much and her legs were sore.

Rarity hovered around to the entrance of the house and landed at the front door. She looked inside to see Spike passed out in a pile of crumbs, Pinkie gorging herself on cupcakes, and Twilight and Applejack feeling each other's face with their hooves.

Rarity nearly rolled over on Angel as she hit the ground in a fit of laughter that not even Rainbow Dash could match. For a minute, she forgot all about their predicament.


Fluttershy continued to gallop towards the library. After she had tried to play with her unicorn powers in Rarity's shop things had gotten.... interesting.

At first, she couldn't seem to "feel" the hairbrush with her powers. She concentrated as hard as she could, and suddenly the brush flew across the room shattering the mirror. With an "eep!" Startled, Fluttershy leapt back into the wall causing another bolt of magic to fly out. It hit Rarity's wardrobe scattering clothes everywhere, and things only went downhill from there...

Fluttershy was mortified and couldn't imagine how she could be kind enough to repay Rarity for her boutique. By the time she had made it to the front door, hurricane Fluttershy had torn the boutique to shreds. Maybe if she got Twilight to give her body back, she could move in with Rainbow Dash until Rarity calmed down.

Finally in range of the library, Fluttershy could see Rarity in her body in a fit of severe laughter. She got to the door and cried out "Oh Angel, I'm so glad to see you!" Angel just gave her a confused look until it clicked with him. This mare he couldn't understand must be the real Fluttershy. Angel leapt onto Fluttershy's foreleg and hugged her leg as hard as he could.


"Oh thank Celestia it's the real Fluttershy!" Angel wept into her fur. "I'll never play another mean prank on her as long as I live Celestia, just get that lunatic Rarity out of her body!"


What had seemed like a good idea to Applejack at the time had quickly gone sideways. Confident in her ability to control Rainbow Dash's body, Applejack decided to fly to the library. After about 5 seconds she was falling with style, after 10 seconds she was in full on panic mode.

Each time she felt she wasn't beating her wings hard enough, she'd give them a down stroke with all her might. This would shoot her up 50 feet in the air, the end result was gaining altitude instead of losing it as she intended. Applejack had to hand it to her, Dash's body was athletic and powerful. After she had gained some more altitude she spotted the library, a faint colorful dot on the west side of Ponyville.

Deciding that gliding would go over a whole lot better then flapping, Applejack angled towards the library and started to glide. It was quite peaceful at first, the wind in her hair, the adrenaline, and the speed. Applejack was in heaven, until she realized just how fast she was going. The wind was tugging at her lips and eyelids, and she realized that she had never considered how to slow down.

The ground was coming up faster and faster and Applejack did the first thing she could think of, she started flapping and trying to gain altitude. She was going too fast though, and the air felt differently. She could feel a cone of air compressed around her as she neared the library, and she stretched her hooves as far in front of her as she could to break the fall. Celestia have mercy on me...


"Ok, so we have Twinkie, Dashiepie, Flutterarity, Raritshy, and me Twilijack... that just leaves Appledash unaccounted for..." Twilight looked around at everypony.

"Um... Twilight your just confusing us more, I think you made half those up anyway.... um I mean, if it's ok could you just call us by our real names?" Fluttershy-in-Rarity's body asked.

"UGH! Cesltia's sparkly mane this is giving me such a headache!" Twilight stomped a hoof on the ground, putting a large dent in it thanks to Applejack's strength.

Twilight was trying to think of a plan when she suddenly heard a loud boom incredibly close to the house. Not half a second latter, a rainbow blur flew threw a window and landed in the sea of balloon animals Pinkie had made using Twilight's body.

Despite Applejack crashing in her body, Rainbow Dash burst out in laughter. She couldn't help but glance over at the 4th wall of the library and say "Can you guys believe that! I bet the poor author doesn't even know who anypony is anymore!" And resumed her hysterical laughing.

Twilight spoke up to everypony "Can I have everypony's attention please?" All the ponies looked over at her, some dazed, some hungover, and others just laughing at the madness.

"Ok, Pinkie Pie you seem to have a good grasp of my magic considering you've had exactly 4 hours in my body. What I want you to do, is use what ever bit of 'Pinkie' is still in you to use my magic and fix all this. Wish us to normal, tap your hooves together 3 times... just what ever! I'm counting on you to fix this!

Spike still lay passed out in his gem laden cupcake, but the other ponies gathered around Pinkie Pie as she lit up Twilight's horn.

"Ok everypony" Pinkie whispered as the magic radiated out from her horn. I wish everything was back to normal, and that the cupcakes get to stay. I wish everything was back...

Pinkie continued her chant as everypony looked at her, eyes large and full of hope. This had to work, and once it did nopony would let Twilight near alcohol again.


Lyra woke up and yawned. She hadn't remembered taking a nap, nor visiting the library. She sat up and saw the elements of harmony happily chatting with each other.

"Oh thank you Twilight!" Rainbow Dash said. "You don't know how happy I am to have my wings back!"

"Ah reckon' ah owe you thanks, but next time ya'll are drinking that much ain't nopony gonna get near ya Sugarcube." Applejack crossed the room and got her stetson.

Lyra wasn't sure what was going on, everypony seemed to be normal but they were talking like they all just had out of body experiences. She looked down to see why her stomach ached so badly. She saw green scales on her underbelly and purple flanks. With a panic she brought her hands up to examine them. "I HAVE OPPOSABLE THUMBS!" Lyra gleefully shouted; She had always wanted hands.

"Uh... Spike are you feeling ok? You've always had thumbs. Why don't you clean up this mess while I think up a punishment for gorging on so much dessert" Twilight ordered.

Lyra looked confused before remembering she was in Spike's body. She was so excited to have hands she decided to play it cool. The longer it took Twilight to figure out she was Lyra, the longer she would have to experiment with her new appendages.

"Sorry Twilight, I'll clean up right away." Lyra walked away with a large goofy grin on her face.

"At least this day can't get any worse" Twilight said to the others with a smile.


Celestia woke up after an exhausting night to find a letter from her prized pupil on her nightstand.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Tonight I learned all about alcohol and friendship and that when you put Rainbow Dash's hoof in warm water she pees all over the floor. I also learned that when Pinkie laughs that hard she throws up, and it tastes like cupcakes. Yeah, she vomited all over me but it was so awesome!

I also learned that Rarity always carries "emergency makeup". We drew some uh... 'colt parts' on her face and when she woke up it was a riot. We also got Fluttershy drunk and kept yelling "BOO!" at her and each time it was even funnier. Then we got Applejack and Rainbow Dash into a drinking contest, but we switched all of AJ's out with water! Pretty soon Dash was passed out cold on the floor and we took pictures of her all trussed up like a rodeo pig!

I think I threw up 3... how many times Spike? 5? WOW haha. But each time I throw up I can drink more alcohol so it's all good! We played spin the bottle, dress up, 21 gun salute, beer pong, and now we're going to play truth or dare. By the way did I ever tell you I love you? Like I just wish... we could be more then friends you know? Like me and Luna. Did I ever tell you I think Luna is prettier then you? Yes Spike, keep writing!

'Cuz Luna's mane sparkles and has stars and stuff, and your just all boring and white. And Dash says you must dye your mane 'cuz she is best pony. LOL. Maybe if you were on the moon for a thousand years you'd learn to groom yourself better :-)

No Spike, send it! SPIKE! I SAID SENT IT!

Your drunkest student, Twilight Sparkle

P.S. I am so very sorry Princess Celestia, have mercy on me. -Spike

Author's Note:

Thanks for checking out my One-Shot collection. Please note some of these stories, like this one, were written in my first month on the site. Others were written nine months later. Please browse through, as if there is one you don't like I guarantee there will be another one in here you do. Also, the grammar isn't horrible in the newer ones. :pinkiehappy:

Proof-Reading by Swick @ MLPForums, thank you.
Got a suggestion for a story then just ask below!