• Published 24th Nov 2012
  • 8,231 Views, 639 Comments

Interdimensional Transfusion - The card holder

Sequel to Mission: Improbable starring the Scout.

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So you decided to wear the goggles? In that case, here. You're welcome.
For best results, use the Pinkie or Dash color scheme.

The Pyro looked around the colorful cave, at the nine other Pyros who had appeared. They were all bobbing around with their own hats, delighted at the prospect of more friends to spend time with. One of them, outfitted with a pillar of hats, led his entourage out of the cave, into the bright candy forest. Overjoyed, the Pyros started spraying rainbows everywhere, dancing along all the while. Occasionally, they'd see an adorable kitten or puppy or billy goat, and they would bathe it in sparkles and rainbows, too. They kept spreading joy and color all amongst the forest and its denizens, with no specific direction in mind; they just went wherever happiness and joy needed to be spread. One of them had stumbled upon a family of adorable bunnies, and was happy to cover them in rainbows while they laughed. The Pyro responsible, meanwhile, laughed gleefully as the rabbits burned to an agonizing death right in front of him.

This procession of joy and wonder carried on until something popped out of a bush. Looking at the intrusion, they recognized it as the Scout, one of their best friends back home.

"Hey, Pyros!" he said. "I'm just so happy, aren't you?"

The designated leader of the parade of sunshine and rainbows greeted his friend with joyful mumbles. The Scout smiled at them, before a voice called out from above, "Hey, freaks!"

Looking up into the colorful sky, the Pyros spotted a monstrosity of nature. It looked like a grotesque horse with wings attached in places where wings would never work, and various spots of rotted flesh were noticeable. They stared at the creature in fear, until the lead Pyro screamed and ran away back into the rainbow-filled candy forest. The rest followed him, leaving the Scout with the slightly confused pegasus.
mp_friendlyfire 1
The Pyros, meanwhile, had fled into a cave made of peppermint candy. Turning around, they were relieved to see the Scout standing there, smile on his face and candy-blaster drawn, but that relief was dashed as the monstrosity from earlier landed menacingly next to him. Out of desperation, one of the Pyros blew a stream of bubbles towards the monster, but they harmlessly sailed by. In fact, this brought to their attention that other similar monsters were getting rid of all of the rainbows they had so lovingly spread around. This spurred frightened arguments among them, debating what they should do. One of them suggested using the rain-blowers on it, but the rest looked at him as if he were crazy.

However, when they looked back, they saw the monster fly off, the Scout remaining. All the Pyros smiled (at least, as much as they could convey it under the gas masks). Their friend had saved them all!

For celebration, the Scout raised his hand into the air, calling out "Let's go!"

Overjoyed, a Pyro ran up and returned the high-five, and the whole group broke into a series of high-fives and hugs. To add to the celebration, the Scout even started blasting some of them with his candy-blaster, spraying them with the blood of their comrades. Soon, only the lead Pyro wasn't subdued by the sugary goodness. Seeing this, the Pyro took out his rain-blower and warmed it up. Before he could cover his friend in rainbows and sparkles, though, he started talking.

"Pyro, what are ya doin' in this place, ya scamp?"

"Mmph-mmph mmmph mphmph mmph!"

"Yeah, dat Engineer has some pretty cool stuff. Why don't you go back home?"


"Well, ya see, I gotta do somethin' important here. You betta go back and help out those at home!"


"Don't worry. I hear the Spy said he loves you so much!"

Filled with joy, the Pyro giggled excitedly, before leaving for home by sheer force of will. The Scout, happy that his friend was happy, started bobbing along towards town, reloading his scattergun and cleaning the blood off his clothes as he walked through the burning forest. Today was a very stressful day. He couldn't wait to get to his house and listen to the screams of pain from the Spy. Truly hilarious.

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