• Published 12th Oct 2021
  • 1,854 Views, 65 Comments

Equestria Ninja Halloween - Jebens1

Join the Turtles, Rainbooms, and their friends in these spooky stories, they face all kinds of spooks.

  • ...

6. Vampire Battle

After running for a long time, the allies, Fugitoid, and Timber finally slowed down to catch their breath.

April looked around, "I think we lost the zombies."

"Good," Karai panted.

"Yeah," Chaplin agreed. "Last thing I need right now is my brain devoured by zombies!"

"Or mine!" Fugitoid added.

"That was straight up crazy, yo!" Casey exclaimed.

"Your telling me!" Keno added.

"Magic swords, secretly evil aunts, and now zombies?!" Carter asked in shock.

"This night is seriously messed up!" Shini stated.

"Yeah it is!" Zach agreed.

"And the heck did those zombies even come from?" Angel asked.

"I don't know, and I still don't wanna know!" Caitlyn said, still freaked out by the ordeal.

“Well we can’t stop now,” April breathed. “We still got to help the Turtles and Rainbooms, remember?”

“I lost one family member tonight. I’m not losing any more,” Karai stated.

“Yeah. I’ll be ready as soon as my side stops burning,” Zach sat for a bit.

“All I can say is that this better be good,” Everyone shot a glare at Caitlyn for even thinking of calling their deceased Sensei a liar. “What? Sorry if I was being insensitive, but we've all been through a LOT tonight!”

“Come on. I only hope we’re not too far from Twilight and the others,” Timber got up.

April concentrated and spoke, "Well we're in luck, their close by. That way!" She pointed and the group hurried in that direction. When suddenly, a terrifying yowl echoed throughout the forest, making them stop in their tracks.

"What was that?!" Carter asked.

"That did not sound human," Keno stated in worry.

Before anyone could give an answer, they heard a rustling in the brush. Then without warning, the Wondercolts and Shadowbolts burst out of the bushes, making the Allies scream in surprise. The Wondercolts and Shadowbolts screamed as well, before both groups noticed who they had run into.

"Wondercolts? Shadowbolts?" Karai asked.

"Karai?" Sour Sweet said in surprise.

"Keno!" Indigo ran over and hugged her boyfriend.

"Indigo?" Keno said before returning the hug.

"Oh thank heavens it's all of you!" Octavia sighed in relief.

"We thought it was that vampire again," Bulk shivered.

"Vampire?" Zach raised a brow.

"Shut up or you'll jinx us!" Caitlyn said, not wanting to deal with anymore monsters.

"What are you guys doing here?" Casey inquired.

"We could ask the same of you," Sugarcoat replied.

“No fair. We asked you first.” Chaplin teased.

“Well, Vinyl found an old coin so we went to investigate a cave,”
Flash explained.

“Turns out the coins were counterfeit curtesy of the Purple Nightmares,” Huffed Trixie.

“Yeah. And none of them had chocolate in them,” added Snips.

“Don’t ask,” Trixie told the confused New Yorkers.

“We managed to outwit them when they ran into the bounty hunter Simon Bonesteel,” Sandalwood continued.

“Simon Bonesteel?!” April, Casey, and Keno gasped.

“I heard of him. He hunts endangered animals for sport!” Caitlyn said.

"So that was Bonesteel I saw," Casey recalled. “I thought Night Shine clobbered him!”

“I remember you guys told me and Shini about him since I had Foot Clan business to attend to,” Karai mentioned.

“Boy, Gamers not gonna like this,” Shini put in.

“Anyway, after we knocked him out, we encountered zombies. Real life zombies!” Micro shivered.

“You guys too?” Carter asked.

“You saw them too?” Sour sighed. “Good. It wasn’t just us.”

“We tried to take shelter in this house when this guy came up and turned out to be a vampire,” Snails shuttered.

“And he almost got Trixie, too,” Trixie was put off by Octavia’s proclaim.

“I wasn’t scared, of course,” She proclaimed.

“He’s back!” Bulk cried, causing Trixie to yelp and jump on Micro Chips and Sour to scream, when he saw something else. “Oh wait. It’s just an owl. False alarm.”

“Don’t do that!” Sour snapped while Trixie got off Micro Chips angrily.

“Anyway, what are you guys doing here?” Flash asked.

"Well..." Karai was hesitant. "Let's just say someone tricked us into getting something for her and payed the price."

"What?" Flash asked in surprise.

"Who would do something like that?" Sunny inquired.

"I really don't wanna talk about it right now," Karai looked away, still upset by her aunt's deception and her demise.

"But then Master Splinter showed up and told us that the Turtles and Rainbooms were in danger," April informed.

"In danger?!" Bonbon gasped.

"Oh no!" Lyra cried.

"What kind of danger?" Indigo asked Keno.

"We don't know yet?" Keno shrugged.

"But then we almost ran over the Purple Nightmares and our van got stuck in mud," Angel explained.

"We saw them running from something and then right afterwards, discovered it was zombies," Chaplin noted.

"Probably the zombies we escaped from," Sugarcoat figured.

"Oh yeah, that reminds me," Lemon spoke up. "When that vampire tried to get Trixie, the zombies piled on him!"

"Hey that's right," Sandalwood remembered. "It was like they were trying to help us. It was weird."

"Wait, you're saying the zombies saved you?" Angel asked in confusion.

"Or they were saving our brains to eat!" Trixie rebuffed.

"Either way, yes," Bonbon confirmed.

“Is there a connection to all this by any chance?” Fugitoid wondered. “Well what happened after that?”

"We didn't stick around to find out," Bonbon replied.

April felt her head, “Well the Turtles and Rainbooms are definitely in that direction! We need to get going!”

“But the vampire is over there!” Trixie cried.

“But our friends are in danger!” Protested Lyra.

“They wouldn’t hesitate to help us when we were in danger,” Flash reminded. “I say we better go help!”

“If you don’t like it, you can stay here, Trixie,” Karai stated.

"Although, I sure wouldn't wanna be here all alone if the zombies show up," Chaplin said ominously.

"Uh, on second thought, the Brave and Heroic Trixie shall aid in the rescue of the Turtles and Rainbooms," Trixie said, nervously.

"Yeah!" Bulk cheered, as Vinyl nodded.

"We're coming, guys!" Derpy called out.

"Lead the way, April," Karai ordered.

So the group followed April as she led them through the forest. Soon they arrived at a large clearing and right in front of them was the mouth of a large cave.

"They're in there," April said.

“Well then, let’s get to rescuing.” Casey declared as he put on his mask.

“Yeah! Let’s!” Indigo agreed as she followed along with Zach and Lemon before all four were stopped by Sugarcoat.

“Not a good idea. We don’t even know what else is down there given the eventful evening we’ve been having.”

“Sugarcoats right! We can’t just head on in there without knowing what else is there,” April added.

"But how do we we find out?" Sour asked.

“I got just the thing,” Chaplin pulled out what appeared to be a small device that looked like a fly with a camera for a body. “Say hola to my Buzzcam!"

"Hola," Derpy said.

"I can send in this little beauty and we can monitor to see if there’s anything in there,” Chaplin explained.

“Well don’t just stand there bragging about it!” Caitlyn griped. “Get it in there and get scoping!”

“Alright alright,” Chaplin waved off as he activated his camera and had it fly into the cave.

“No need to get worked up, sis,” Zach said.

“If we’re really dealing with vampires, I just want to get in, save our friends, and get out! I’ve had enough excitement for one night!”

Chaplin took out his phone which projected the cameras point of view.

“Okay, so far so good,” He whispered as the camera moved inward. “Nothing out of the ordinary here. Or here. Or- There they are!”

His phone showed an image of the Turtles and Rainbooms, minus Mikey and Pinkie, sitting there struggling.

“Twilight!” Timber cried.

“What are they doing sitting there? Charades?” Trixie raised her brow.

April felt a vibe, “They’re… struggling. Trying to break free.”

“But I don’t see any rope on them,” Sunny looked.

“Maybe they were glued together?” Everyone looked confused to Snails’ guess. “Happened to me once.”

“Yeah he doesn’t want to talk about it,” Snips confirmed.

“Wait,” Bonbon spoke up, “Where’s Pinkie Pie?”

“And Michelangelo?” Shini added.

“You don’t think they’re…” Lemon gulped.

Carter looked at the image and saw Vam Mi and her children, “Who are those three?”

“Must be the ones holding them prisoner,” Angel guessed.

"I'm getting a real bad vibe off them," Sandalwood shivered.

Just then, they were interrupted when a bunch of cars drove up and stopped in the clearing. April, Casey, Karai, Shini, Zach, Caitlyn, Carter, and Angel recognized the cars as well as the drivers who came out.

"Gabby?" Casey said in surprise.

"Casey?" Gabby replied.

"Tony Torreto and crew?" Carter noticed the Spy Racers.

"Guys?" Tony said.

"Dazzlings?" Karai asked.

"Karai?" Adagio replied.

"What're all of you doing here?" Echo asked.

"Right back at ya?" Angel replied.

"Frostee sent us a distress call," Gabby explained.

"Said he and the Young Ninjas were being attacked by zombies," Tony added.

"If we can really believe that," Layla said, still skeptical about the whole thing.

"Believe it, Layla," Karai said.

"Each of us encountered these zombies you've heard about," Shini confirmed.

"You mean they're real?" Adagio winced.

"Really real," Derpy nodded.

"No joke," Sour added.

"This night just keeps getting better and better," Aria rolled her eyes.

"Join the club," Carter said as Vinyl nodded in agreement.

"At least you also didn't have a terrifying encounter with a vampire," Micro Chips said, trembling.

"Wait, you saw a vampire?" Cisco asked.

"Saw it, it tried to get us!" Sunny said on behalf of the Wondercolts and Shadowbolts.

"Yeah, we barely got away from it," Lyra added.

"And he almost got Trixie," Snails pointed out and Trixie nudged him.

"Trixie wasn't scared thought," she repeated her earlier claim.

"Sure you weren't," Gabby deadpanned.

“And call it weird, but the zombies then attacked the vampire, like they were saving us.” Lemon added.

“Probably so they get you guys next and that extension, us!” Layla guessed.

"So what about you guys?" Echo asked the other groups.

"We were told that the Turtles and Rainbooms need our help," April informed.

"And we just discovered them in this cave," Flash pointed.

"The Turtles and Rainbooms are in trouble?!" Sonata gasped.

"From what?" Gabby asked.

"See for yourself, prima," Chaplin showed her, the spies, and the Dazzlings the footage and their friends' predicament.

In the footage, Chi Chu spoke to Vam Mi, "How much longer, mother?"

"Soon, my child," Vam Mi assured. "Soon we will feed."

“Feed?!” Trixie gasped before Echo clamped her mouth shut.

“They’re probably going to feed them to the zombies!” Casey guessed.

"We gotta do something!" Cisco cried.

"Let's all charge in and save our friends!" Tony declared. "We got their three captors outnumbered!"

"I'm not sure that's such a good idea," Echo rebuffed.

"Echo is correct," Fugitoid agreed. "If those three have the Turtles and Rainbooms captive, they could be very dangerous!"

"Well we gotta do something fast!" Gabby said. "Before-" she paused. "Que paso? Do you hear screaming?" She inquired aloud.

Everyone listened and sure enough, they did hear the sound of multiple screaming coming from the forest. As the screaming got closer, it sounded very familiar.

April spoke, "Wait, that sounds like... Mikey?"

"And Pinkie?" Casey asked.

"And Spike?" Karai added.

"That's Frostee's scream too," Cisco said.

"I recognize it anywhere," Sonata stated.

Then at that moment, a carriage without a horse, with a screaming Mikey and Pinkie clinging to the front and a screaming Frostee, Sissy, Young Ninjas, Mitch, and Spike in the back, came speeding out of the woods and straight towards them all.

"Runaway carriage!" Mikey shouted.

"Look out!" Spike yelled.

Everyone screamed and dove out of the way as the carriage rolled right into the cave.

Meanwhile, Vam Mi saw the shadow on the moondile reach the midnight hour, "Now my children," she said. "Time to feed on their qi!"

"I call dibs on the lovely Rarity," Bing said.

"I'm too pretty to be a zombie!" Rarity shrieked.

Suddenly, they were interrupted by multiple screams and they all looked toward the cave entrance as Mikey, Pinkie, Frostee, Sissy, the Young Ninjas, Mitch, and Spike came riding on the carriage screaming.

"Abandon carriage!" Pinkie shouted, as they all jumped off, the kids pushing the still unconscious Bonesteel off as they did so.

Then the carriage slammed into the vampires and smashed all three of them against a wall.

"Mikey!" Leo exclaimed.

"Pinkie Pie!" The Rainbooms cheered.

"Saved by those two, great!" Raph groaned in embarrassment.

"Spike!" Twilight gasped in joy.

"Twilight?" Spike sat up.

"Hey guys," Mikey said, before he and Pinkie noticed their situation.

"Why do you guys look like your tied up?" Pinkie asked. “Are you guys playing charades?”

“Pinkie! Mikey! Those dolls! They’re what’s holding us!” Grunted Rainbow.

Pinkie and Mikey turned and saw the wax dolls tied up and both swung their heads back and forth before Pinkie realized what was happening, “Oh! They’re some sort of voodoo dolls!”

"Like in that horror movie you showed me one time!” Mikey caught on as the two grabbed the dolls and untied them. This allowed the Turtles and Rainbooms to move again.

“Much better,” Applejack smiled as they got up.

“I was almost a goner,” Rarity dusted herself off.

“Thank you guys!” Fluttershy hugged the two.

Twilight quickly scooped Spike into a hug, "Oh, Spike, I was so worried!"

"Where the heck were you guys?" Raph demanded.

"Oh, well, we found this horse carriage and decided to take it for a spin," Mikey explained.

"It was super fun!" Pinkie beamed.

"And I ended up unintentionally going along for the ride," Spike noted.

"Seriously?" Rainbow asked dryly.

"Normally, we'd chew you both out for making us worried," Leo began.

"But given the outcome, it was probably a good thing you did," Donnie admitted.

"Unfortunately," Raph frowned.

“Are you guys alright?” Everyone looked to see the rest of the groups hurrying into the cave.

“April?” Donnie asked.

“Casey?” Raph blinked.

“Timber?” Twilight gasped.

“Flash? Tony?” Leo looked.

“What are all of you doing here?” Sunset wondered.

“Let’s just say we’ve all had an eventful evening.” Karai sighed.

“Tell me about it,” came Lancer's voice.

Everyone looked to see the Rock N Beats, CMCs, Frostee and Sissy getting up after jumping from the carriage.

"Man, what a ride!" Ace said.

"Yeah, that was a-ma-zing!" Clover bounced in excitement.

"You're kidding, right?" Sissy raised a brow.

"Well except for the part when the horse broke away, almost crashing, and the zombies," Clover shivered at the last one.

"And Bonesteel destroying my drone!" Frostee added, still upset about his drone. Then he noticed his friends, "Guys!" He waved.

“Little Buddy!” Cisco ran up and hugged Frostee.

"You're okay!" Sonata hugged him as well.

"I'm happy to see you too," Frostee grunted from the hug.

Just then, Mitch got up groaning, "Ugh, where are we?" Then he saw Sonata wearing his hat. "Hey! That's my hat! Give it back!" Sonata shoved the hat over his face.

“Applejack?" Apple Bloom noticed her sister.

"Apple Bloom?" Applejack asked. "What in tarnation are y'all doing here?"

"It's a long story," Apple Bloom replied.

"Yeah," Sweetie Belle added.

"That ended with a zombie attack," Scootaloo finished.

"Believe it or not," Half Note stated.

“Oh we believe it,” Raph grunted.

"Completely!" Everyone else said in unison.

Just then they all heard groaning and looked back at the smashed carriage.

"Wait, is that Vam Mi, Bing, and Chi Chu?!" Mikey asked in surprise.

"Oh no! I think we hit them!" Pinkie cried.

"Wait!" Sunset interjected. "Vam Mi, Bing, and Chi Chu aren't what they seem!"

"What do you mean by that?" Spike asked.

"And what are you guys talking about?" Karai inquired.

"Who're Vam Mi, Bing, and Chi Chu?" Scootaloo asked.

Suddenly, the carriage burst into pieces and standing there were a ticked off Vam Mi, Bing, and Chi Chu. All three gave furious roars, showing their sharp fangs. Everyone screamed in terror at the sight.

"It's Frankcula!" Snips gasped.

"It's Dracenstein!" Snails cried.

"Jiangshi..." Echo's eyes widened.

"More vampires?!" Sour exclaimed in disbelief.

"Wow, what are the odds?" Sugarcoat said.

"One was bad enough!" Octavia shivered.

"Why me!" Caitlyn whimpered.

"Trixie is not gonna get drained!" Trixie pretended to be brave.

"Stay close, Squirt." Rainbow told Scootaloo, who huddled behind her leg.

"Uh, think these might be the vampires Bonesteel talked about earlier?" Sweetie Belle guessed nervously to her friends.

"Maybe," Apple Bloom and Scootaloo answered meekly.

"Either way, they're scary!" Sweetheart shivered.

"This is way worse than the Night Walker!" Patch was equally scared.

“I will not be denied!” Vam Mi bellowed. “I don’t know who you intruders are but you will suffer the same fate as your friends!”

“And you will all be drained of your qi!” Bing declared.

“Drained of our what?" Karai asked in shock.

"Ahh, we're doomed!” Bulk hid behind Derpy.

“Just who are these creepizoids?” Layla cried.

"Their vampires!" Sunset revealed.

"They lured us here so they could trap us and feed on our life force!" Leo added.

"And turn us into zombies!" Rarity added.

"And we would have if those two fools had not interfered!" Vam Mi sneered at Mikey and Pinkie. "However, you all here will last us for eons!"

"I get the big ones!" Chi Chu claimed, eyeing Bulk and Cisco.

As the vampires marched forward, everyone was scared as they tried to draw their weapons.

"I uh never fought a vampire before. What do I do?" Micro Chips whispered to Sandalwood.

"Just as stumped as you are, Dude," Sandalwood only shrugged.

Leo drew his swords, "You three aren't draining anybody tonight!"

"And don't think the rest of us are going down without a fight!" Karai added, pointing her tanto.

"Yeah!" Casey raised his hockey sticks. "You bloodsuckers are going down!"

"We do not drink blood, you ox!" Bing rebuked.

"We feed on qi, your life force!" Chi Chu added.

"Whatever," Raph said. "We're taking you down!"

"Cause in case you haven't noticed, it's three of you against all of us!" Rainbow informed.

Vam Mi stopped as she realized, "You are right!" Then she gave a sinister smile, "But fortunately, that can be rectified!" The vampiress stuck her arms out and called, "Rise my minions!"

Then the groups heard a creeking noise and turned to see a coffin in the wall slowly open up. Then out from it sprang another jiangshi vampire that gave a terrifying snarl.

"Aaahhhh!" Everyone screamed.

"That scared the pants off of me!" Clover exclaimed.

Then they heard another creeking and saw that more coffins were lined along the cave walls. And all of them opened up as more vampires came out, hissing and snarling.

They were all dressed in Chinese robes and hats, and had their arms reaching out.

"Really, Rainbow?" Applejack frowned.

"Whatever will we do?!" Rarity cried, holding Sweetie Belle close.

"Kids, find cover," Leo ordered the Young Ninjas and CMC. "Everyone else, let's take these qi-suckers down!"

"This is just like when we fought that monster army with Renet!" Mikey recalled.

“And when do we meet Renet?” Shini raised her brow, as Mikey sweated a little.

“Uuuuuuuh… hey look! More vampires to fight. Booyakasha!”

Shinigami just shrugged as everyone ran to fight.

Soon, everyone was fighting with Vam mi, her children, and the other vampires. Lyra and Bonbon tag teamed to trip up a vampire. But after they high fived, the vampire shot right back up.

“What the-?” Bonbon gasped.

“Didn’t we just took him down?” Gulped Lyra.

The vampire hissed and the two screamed and ran with the vampire right behind them.

Flash swung his swords at a vampire as it dodged before it grabbed his arms and held him off the ground. But before it could do anything, Sandalwood rammed into it with his shield, making him drop Flash. Then Micro Chips twirled his scythe and hooked the vampire by it's robe before swinging it back. This gave Flash the chance to run up and drop kick the vampire into a wall.

"Nice!" He grinned.

"Um, I wouldn't celebrate just yet!" Micro Chips pointed as the vampire got up and charged at the three.

"Not cool," Sandalwood said before they ran.

"Goongala!" Casey fired an exploding puck at a vampire, which shielded itself from the bright light. Then, Zach jumped in and slammed his hockey stick on it. April fired a psychic blast as Karai and Shini tagged teamed with their blades. But no matter how many vampires they took down, they just shot right back up.

"Well, it's not hard to knock'em down!" April glared.

"Yeah! it's keeping them down that's the hard part!" Karai agreed.

"I always was fascinated with the supernatural, but not that fascinated." Shini added.

Chaplin threw some shock discs at some vampires knocking them down.

"That did it!" he cheered before the vampires got back up. "No it didn't. These guys don't die!"

"Yeah! Anybody got any garlic?" Keno called as he kicked a vampire away.

Angel fought a vampire before another snuck up on her. Carter came up and pried the vampire off her and threw it on a wall. He groaned as the vampire got up and hissed.

"Man! I just need to catch my breath." he panted.

"And I doubt these jerks wanna call a timeout!" Angel groaned as she whacked one with her stick.

As Octavia and Vinyl were battling the vampires, they soon found themselves back to back and surrounded. "You take the ones on the right, I take the ones on the left?" The musician asked her friend. Vinyl gave a thumbs up and the two began to punch and kick back each vampire that came at them.

Octavia spun kicked the last one down, "Oh yeah!" She cheered, until the vampires stood up snarling. "Oh no!" She screamed as she and Vinyl ran with the vampires behind them.

Bulk punched a vampire in the face and watched in horror as it got back up and hissed. “Punches to the face aren’t working!”

“Neither are punches to the stomach!” Snips gulped as the vampire he and Snails punched was unaffected and simply swatted them both aside.

“How do you beat something that’s already dead?” Timber panted as he sliced at one with his hook sword.

“Anyone got a plan?” Derpy ran up and slashed another vampire with her nails.

“Just this one!” Snails declared before he and Snips hugged each other screaming.

“Just be a good vampire and just STAY DEAD!” Trixie tried blinding vampires with her smoke pellets with little to know effect.

Meanwhile, the Turtles and Rainbooms fought Vam Mi, Bing, and Chi Chu.

Sunset threw her kunai at Vam Mi, who dodged each one, even catching one and finging back at Sunset. "Aahhh!" Sunset quickly dodged it before she threw some kicks at Vam Mi who blocked them before she threw Sunset off. Then the vampiress avoided Twilight swinging her weapon at her. Then Twilight used her magic to lift Vam Mi and throw her towards a wall. But Vam Mi landed and pushed off the wall before knocking Twilight away with a hard kick.

Then she dodged Leo's swords attacks. The Turtle leader gave a sharp swing, only for the vampiress to pinch the blade, stopping it like Bishop had once done. "That's imposs-," Leo was cut off when Vam Mi struck him multiple times in the chest before kicking him back.

Then she was hit by Rainbow Dash, using her speed as she struck her from every direction. "I'm too fast for you, Vam Mi!" She boasted. However, when she tried hitting Vam Mi from behind, she whipped around and punched her in the gut, before grabbing her and swinging her hard into a wall.

"Not fast enough," Vam Mi smirked.

“Will. You. Just. STAY! DOWN!” Sour rapidly slammed a vampire trying to get it to stay down.

“Yeah. That’ll work.” Sugarcoat deadpanned as she wrapped a vampire with the chain of her staff and threw it on another.

Sunny wrestled a vampire with her blades. She kept dodging as the vampire tried to bite her. “Back off, qi breath!” She declared before hitting it off.

Lemon then threw one of her bats which impaled one vampires which fell down. “Not a wooden stake but it’ll do.” The vampire got back up and pulled out her bat, much to her annoyance. “Oh come on!”

"We're gonna need a new plan!" Indigo said worriedly.

The Spy Racers, Gabby, and the Dazzlings were fighting off more vampires. But like everyone else, the more they knocked them down, the more the vampires kept coming back.

"Man, these things won't stay down!" Tony exclaimed as he punched down a vampire.

"Yeah, tell us something we don't know, Torreto!" Layla griped while kicking another vampire away.

Frostee shot a bolo at a vampire, tying it up. Only for it to break loose. "Well that didn't work," he said, before the vampire grabbed him.

Before it could do anything, Sonata flipped in and snatched Frostee before Cisco body-checked it.

"We got something that'll work!" Cisco said, then he and Sonata pulled out cloves of garlic and held them out in front of the vampires. "Get back! We've got garlic!"

"And we're not afraid to use them!" Sonata added. "So don't come any closer!" The vampires hissed and stalked closer. "You asked for it!"

"Take this!" Cisco called as the two threw the garlic at the vampires. However, the vampire didn't flinch or yell in pain, much to the couple's confusion. "Uh... take this!" The two picked up the garlic and threw it again, but it still had no effect.

Cisco and Sonata kept throwing the garlic at the vampire but all it did was irritate it.

"Why isn't this working?" Sonata cried, before the vampire grabbed both her and Cisco and swung them around before throwing them into the others, knocking them all in a heap.

"Great plan you two," Aria deadpanned.

"The garlic didn't work!" Cisco exclaimed.

"But vampires are supposed to hate garlic?" Frostee said in dumbfoundment.

"Western vampires hate garlic," Echo inform. "But these are Chinese vampires. Garlic doesn't work on them!

"Then what does work on them?" Adagio asked.

"Nothing that we have," Echo replied in worry.

"So what'll we do?" Tony asked.

"Only thing we can do, primo," Gabby began.

"RUN!" Layla shouted and they did so, with vampires chasing them.

Vam Mi then attacked Rarity, who quickly pulled up her diamond shield. Unfortunately, Vam Mi broke it like it was paper machete and grabbed Rarity by the throat when a dart almost hit her. She turned and hissed at Fluttershy. The shy girl was then easily batted away. Applejack then grabbed Vam Mi and tried to flip her only to be flipped around instead.

“Nothing’s working against them!” Whined Rarity.

“They’re just two steps ahead of everything we do.” Applejack groaned.

Donnie jumped in and tried to whack Vam Mi with his staff. But his attacks did nothing as Vam Mi grabbed him and body-slammed him against the walls none stop, before pinning him to the cave floor.

"Be still, turtle, this will not hurt... much!" Vam Mi snarled, ready to drain him of qi when she heard Raph's voice.

"Hey, qi sucker!" She looked up to see Raph held Chi Chu while aiming his sai at her throat. Mikey stood next to him, holding Bing and had the blade in his chucks out at the ready.

"Let our brother go, or your kids are gonna get up close and personal with our weapons!" Raph threatened.

Vam Mi just smirked, "You two should be more concerned about yourselves."

"Uh, what do you mean by that?" Mikey asked in confusion.

Suddenly, Bing and Chi Chu each grabbed their hands and twisted them. "Arghh!" Raph and Mikey cried, dropping their weapons and letting go of the two vampires.

Then Bing and Chi Chu attacked them, striking them all over with rapid punches and kicks, before they spun kicked them into the air, then they side flipped up and knocked them both to the ground.

But they weren't done yet, as they grabbed Raph and Mikey's legs and began swinging them around and around.

"I'm... gonna... be... sick!" Mikey wailed before he and Raph were let go and went crashing into a wall.

"Those two are stronger then they look!" Raph groaned in pain.

Vam Mi turned back to Donnie, "Now, where we're we?"

"Getting off him!" Vam Mi was suddenly blasted off by April's psychic blast.

Donnie groaned, “Thanks, April.”

“No problem,” April smiled before pointing out. “We’re not doing so well. Every time we knock one down they just jump right back up!”

“And garlic doesn’t work on them either!” They heard Cisco cried.

Leo slid next to them, “At least we’ll go down fighting with honor!”

“Youve been hanging with your counterpart, haven’t you?” Donnie deadpanned.

Meanwhile, Caitlyn had taken cover with Sissy, The Rock N Beats, the CMCs, Spike, and a cowering Mitch, as Fugitoid stood to protect them. They were all watching the fight scared.

"Oh no!" Caitlyn said in dread.

“They’re getting creamed out there!” Gulped Sweetie Belle.

“We gotta help them!” Declared Ace only to be stopped by Lancer.

“How? If everyone here can't beat them, then how can we?" He asked rhetorically.

"Well we gotta do something?" Melody stated.

"Yeah," Spike agreed. "We can't let them get drained and turned into zombies!"

"Well, without the means to actually harm these vampires, I'm afraid there's not much we can do!" Fugitoid stated regrettably.

Sissy looked back at the still unconscious Bonesteel and began digging through the pockets of his pants and coat.

"Sissy, what are you doing?" Half Note asked.

"Bonesteel said he was after these vampires, so maybe he's got something that'll give us an edge over these-hello?" Sissy pulled out a long small trunk from Bonesteel's coat. "Okay, how'd he fit this into his coat?" She questioned aloud.

"And we thought Pinkie could fit big stuff in small places," Sweetie Belle noted.

Regardless, Sissy opened the trunk. Inside were wooden swords, some seeds that were carved into the shape of darts, hand mirrors, torch sticks, and a box with yellow strips of paper that had red Chinese writting on them.

"What is all this stuff?" Sweet Note asked.

"No clue?" Clover said, picking up one of the wooden swords.

Sweetie Belle then noticed a sticky note attached to the trunk lid and read, "For hunting Chinese vampires? I think this stuff is supposed to be used against these vampires."

Scootaloo took one of the mirrors, "This stuff is supposed to work against these vampires?" She asked in doubt.

“Why not?” Sissy shrugged. “The basic stuff isn’t working.”

“What does the paper say?” Asked Sweetheart.

“No idea,” Patch took one and turned it upside down. “I never learned Chinese.”

“And why is it in red?” Melody raised a brow.

“Can you read it, Professor?” Lancer asked.

Fugitoid scanned the paper, "Oh my! According to my scanner, that writting is written in... chicken blood."

"Ew!" Caitlyn, Melody, Sweetheart, the Note sisters, and Clover flinched in disgust.

"Gross!" Patch dropped the paper.

"Okay, that's just nasty!" Spike made a face.

"Good thing Dr Cluckingsworth isn't here to learn that," Logan said.

Meanwhile, Mitch was totally freaking out, "Zombies, talking dog, scum sucking vampires! I can't take it anymore!" Then he ran toward the cave entrance, screaming.

"Yo man, where are you going?" Ace called after him.

"It's every man for himself!" Mitch cried.

However, just before he could run out, Jung suddenly appeared, snarling. Mitch screamed as the vampire grabbed him and pinned him against a wall.

"Aahhh, you don't wanna suck my blood!" Mitch begged. "It tastes terrible!"

"I do not feed on blood, fool!" Jung rebuked. "I feed on your qi!" Then green energy began flowing out of Mitch's mouth and straight into Jung's. However, the vampire was suddenly blasted off Mitch by Fugitoid.

"Get off him, you fanged fiend!" He shouted and fired more blasts. But Jung dodged all the shots before he grabbed the cyborg's arms and ripped them off. "Oh come on! That's the third time to-niiiiight!" Jung wacked him to the side and started beating him with his own arms.

"Fugitoid!" Half Note cried.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" Clover ran forward with the wooden sword and swung it down. Then something unexpected happened. The sword actually sliced off Jung's hand!

Jung howled in pain, dropping Fugitoid's arms, as his hand dissolved into ash. Both Clover and all the kids were shocked by what just happened.

"Whaaaa?!" Clover gasped in dumbfoundment.

"Uh, did that wooden sword actually cut off that vampire's hand?" Spike asked in confusion.

Jung recoiled as he held his hand before lunging towards the kids. Acting quickly, Caitlyn grabbed another wooden sword and pointed it at Jung trying to act brave, “S-stay back!”

“And what are you going to do, little flower?” Jung taunted.

“How about THIS?” Clover slashed the wooden sword, giving Jung a scar on his stomach. He roared in pain as the kids hurried towards the armless Fugitoid.

Lancer asked, "You okay, Fuge?"

"Aside from being armless once again, I'm alright-LOOK OUT!" Fugitoid shouted.

The kids wipped around as Jung appeared behind them, snarling. They all screamed and Scootaloo held up the mirror to shield herself. But when Jung saw his reflection in the mirror, he yowled in terror and backed away.

"Huh?" Scootaloo said in surprise.

"Now what's happening?" Melody said.

"Wait, is he... scared of that mirror?" Caitlyn asked.

Scootaloo held it out and Jung backed further away, whimpering, "That horrible face!"

"I think he's scared of his own reflection," Scootaloo realized.

"Seriously?!" Patch asked in dumbfoundment.

Scootaloo held it out again and Jung ran off in fear.

"Seriously," Sissy stated.

"It would appear that the items in that trunk can ward off these vampires," Fugitoid realized.

"Then let's get this stuff to the others!" Apple Bloom said.

"Oh no!" Sweetheart pointed to the cave entrance.

Moaning and staggering into the cave, were all the zombie.

"This just went from bad to worse!" Spike shuttered.

When Mitch saw the zombies, he screamed and fainted. Then the zombies closed in... and walked right past him.

"Wait, what?" Sweet Note asked in confusion.

"The zombies aren't eating his brains?" Lancer raised a brow.

"That doesn't make any sense!" Caitlyn said.

"I'm confused?" Clover stated.

"As am I," Fugitoid added.

"Nevermind that!" Sissy interjected. "Grab the stuff!"

So the CMC, Rock N Beats, and Spike each grabbed the items in the trunk and hurried toward the heroes. While Sissy and Caitlyn helped up Fugitoid and carried his arms.

Meanwhile, the Turtles and high schoolers were now surrounded by Vam Mi, her children, and the vampires.

“It’s no good!” Whimpered Bulk, hugging Snips and Snails. “They’re too strong!”

“What now, Leo?” Raph asked frantically. “Tell me you have a last minute plan to get us out of here.”

“I got nothing,” Leo sighed. “You?”

“No,” Raph shook his head. “Donnie? You got a plan or gizmo?”

“Not a one!” Donnie gulped.

“April? Casey? Twilight? Sunset? Anybody?” Raph kept guessing.

“I’m sorry, Raph,” Sunset sighed. “I’m afraid there’s nothing we can do.”

“I never thought we’d go out like this,” Rainbow worried as Fluttershy whimpered.

“Isn’t this the part where someone comes in and saves us?” Mikey whimpered. “Mutanimals? Bebop? Rocksteady? Traximus? I’d even settle for Night Shine!”

Vam Mi laughed, “Heroic but futile. Your efforts have only prolonged the inevitable!”

“Just stop talking,” Sour deadpanned.

“And now to finish you- AAAH!” Suddenly, Vam Mi was being piled on by zombies.

"The zombies!" Snips and Snails cried.

“Not them again!” Groaned Trixie.

"We're doomed!" Bulk wailed.

“But why are they attacking Vam Mi and not us?” Karai noticed.

“Probably because they call dibs on our brains.” Casey feared.

“This is like before!” Flash recalled.

"It's alright, guys," Sunset assured. "Believe it or not, but the zombies are actually the good guys."

"The good guys?!" Everyone exclaimed in disbelief.

"Are you out of your mind?!" Trixie cried.

"For real?" Angel raised a brow.

"You're kidding, right?" Sour asked rhetorically.

"You expect us to believe that?" Layla said in doubt.

"Is that true, Leo?" Karai asked the Turtle leader.

"It's true," Leo nodded. "Turns out those zombies are Vam Mi's past victims."

"And that they were trying to warn us so we wouldn't be drained like they were," Twilight added.

"You know, it does kinda make sense when you think about it," Frostee admitted.

"No it doesn't!" Sunny rebuked.

Bing and Chi Chu hissed and lunged at them all, when the CMC slid in their way, holding out the mirrors.

"Back!" They said.

"Girls!" Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow cried.

"What are you doing?" April asked in concern.

"Wait, are those mirrors?" Keno looked confused, while Vinyl scratched her head.

"They sure are," Apple Bloom nodded.

"Seriously, what are you going to do? Show them their reflection?" Raph asked rhetorically.

Suddenly, Bing and Chi Chu hissed in fright.

"Aahh!" Chi Chu flinched.

"Keep away!" Bing coward.

"What's wrong?" Sweetie Belle asked coyly.

"Don't like what you see!" Scootaloo showed their reflections and the two screamed and ran off, while the other vampires backed away.

"Wait, what?" Rainbow gawked. "Their scared of mirrors?"

"Not exactly," Echo spoke up. "The Jiangshi fear their own reflection."

"That makes no sense!" Twilight said in confusion.

Just then, two of the vampires managed to grab Zach and Angel, when Caitlyn and Clover sliced off their hands with the wooden swords, freeing the two.

"Hands off my little brother!" Caitlyn glared.

"Whoa, thanks sis," Zach said.

"You two, Clove," Angel said to Clover.

"Are those wooden swords?" Micro Chips asked.

"Yes, yes they are?" Clover answered.

"And you actually cut off those vampires' hands with them?" Donnie asked in surprise.

"Apparently," Caitlyn shrugged.

"That is positively impossible!" Micro Chip jawdropped.

"Maybe it was cut very sharp," guessed Sandalwood. "Just a thought."

"This sure defies all logic," Sugarcoat stated.

"Or maybe they were made by the wood of a peach tree!" Everyone looked at Echo confused.

"A peach tree?" Derpy asked.

"Its wood is one of the weekness of the Jiangshi."

"And you were gonna tell us when?" Raph glared.

"Like I knew the Jiangshi were real, let alone that we'd be fighting them tonight," Echo deadpanned. "Also, we didn't have any of these things to fight them until now.

"But where'd you guys get that stuff?" April asked Caitlyn, Clover, and the CMC.

"Same place we got this stuff," Lancer answered as he, the rest of the Rock N Beats, Sissy, and the armless Fugitoid arrived with the items.

"From Bonesteel," Half Note stated.

Rarity gasped when she saw Fugitoid's armless state, "Professor, your arms!"

"Um, this is actually the third time this has happened tonight," Fugitoid said awkwardly. "Anyway, turns out the hunter Bonesteel had items with which to combat these vampires."

"Yeah, dude had a whole trunk filled with this stuff," Melody added.

Aria noticed the seeds cut into darts, "Are those seeds?"

"Those are jujbee seeds," Echo informed. "Their another weakness against a Jiangshi."

"How do you know all this, Echo?" Cisco asked.

"Got a cousin who's an expert on Chinese mythology and folklore," Echo explained. "Told me all about the Jiangshi and how to defeat them."

"So how do you use those seeds against these vampires?" Applejack asked.

"You nail them into the acupuncture points in their back," Echo answered.

"And what about these?" Logan held the box with the yellow paper.

"Are they a weakness against these vampires too?" Sweetheart asked.

"Big time!" Echo grinned. "Those are Taoist talismans. And their written in chicken blood."

"Chicken blood!" Fluttershy gasped in horror.

"Ew!" The Shadowbolts cringed.

"Disgusting!" Rarity exclaimed.

"¡Asqueroso!" Gabby gagged.

"Glad Dr Cluckingsworth isn't here to learn that," Mikey noted.

"So what do they do?" Carter asked.

"Watch," Echo grabbed one of the strips of paper, and when a vampire lunged at her, she stuck it on it's forehead and it froze in place.

"Hey, it's not moving," Pinkie waved her hand in front of the vampire. "Why isn't it moving?"

Echo explained, "If you stick these talismans on a Jiangshi's forehead, it can't move. Which makes it easier to do this!" She took the wooden sword from Clover and beheaded the vampire.

It's head and body dropped to the ground and dissolved to ash.

Leo turned to the kids and smiled, “Nice work, guys. Everyone grab something from there to fight the vampires!”

“This’ll definitely even the playing field,” Casey grinned at his wooden sword.

As everyone grabbed something, Bulk took the jujbees seeds, “Leave these to me. You focus on evening the odds.”

“You got it, big guy,” Flash nodded.

Karai smirked at the vampires, “Now! Where were we?”

The vampires looked at each other confused before hissing at them.

Everyone, take 'em down!" Leo ordered.

"Booyahkasha!" Mikey, Pinkie, Sonata, Lemon, Clover, Cisco, and Frostee called and all the groups went on the attack.

Leo slashed some vampires with some peach tree swords. When one tried to attack from behind, Twilight used her magic to throw it over to where Karai sliced it in half with another peach tree sword, turning it to ash.

When one grabbed Karai, she shifted into her snake form and hissed, "You're not the only deadly ones here!" Then she attacked it before constricting around it, holding it in place, before Twilight stuck a talisman on it, freezing it in place.

Karai slithered off, as Leo and Twilight then used their peach tree swords to slice up the vampire.

"Yeah!" They hi-fived.

Raph slashed at another vampire with a wooden sword causing it to dust away, “Now this is more like it!”

“You think they can make hockey sticks like these?” Casey asked curiously as he impaled another vampire with his.

“I dont think they play hockey in china, Case,” Applejack deadpanned while holding a mirror at a vampire.

Rainbow Dash used her speed to put talismans on a couple vampires freezing them in place, “That’s it! Just hold that pose!”

Sunset slashed at them turning them into dust. “Just like that,” She smirked.

Flash slashed another vampire while it dodged, "Now!" He called, ducking as Micro Chips stuck a talisman on it and Sandalwood threw his wooden sword, nailing it in the chest.

"That's called bad karma!" He said.

A couple vampires cornered a frightened Snips and Snails before the two smiled, "Gotcha!" And smacked talismans on their heads.

"Hi-yah!" Derpy then jumped in and sliced the vampire down the middle, cutting it in half. "Yay."

As she struggled with a vampire, Indigo spoke, “Hey! Is that a zit on you?” She pulled out a mirror and as the vampire shielded itself, Keno sliced it with a wooden sword.

"Guess not," he smirked.

April pushed a couple vampires with her ESP to the wall. Before they could get back up, she and Donnie stabbed them with their wooden swords, “Stay down!” She glared.

“I’d listen to her if I were you,” Donnie joked as the vampires disintegrated into dust.

Rarity and Sunny Flare held up mirrors causing more vampires to shield themselves.

“Oh please! You don’t look so bad,” Rarity taunted.

“You’re much worse!” Sunny added.

Sugargoat and Chaplin both jumped in and sliced them with their wooden swords.

“Nice improvement,” Sugarcoat smirked as the vampires were dust.

“Major improvement,” Chaplin added, looking at the sword. “I wonder where I can find these to add to the Foot arsenal?”

"Yaaahhh!" Mikey called as he flipped over a vampire and stuck a talisman on it before slicing it in half with the sword. Then he turned around and saw a vampire about to attack, when...

"Freeze!" Pinkie popped up and slapped a talisman on it.

"Ah yeah!" Mikey hi-fived her.

Cisco was wrestling with another vampire when Frostee jumped on it's back.

"Try this on for size!" He said and stuck on the talisman.

Then he jumped off as Cisco picked up the vampire and threw it where Sonata lept up and did a mid air spin, slashing the vampire with her wooden sword.

"No chi for you tonight!" She grinned.

"It's not garlic, but it works," Cisco said.

Clover was dancing around, avoiding the vampires attacking her. When they had her surrounded, she spoke, "Hey, any of you ever see a dancing girl do this?"

Then she did a perouette, spinning around and around, faster and faster, making the vampires a little dizzy. Then, while still spinning, Clover whipped out some talismans and stuck them on the vampires, freezing them, before she used her sword to slice them all up, turning them to ash.

Then she stopped and struck a pose, "Ta-Dah!"

"Yay, Clover!" Pinkie cheered.

"Booyahkasha!" Mikey pumped a fist.

Clover took a bow, "Thank you very-" She was cut off when Jung appeared behind her, growling. "Much..." she squeaked before the vampire cook grabbed her with his remaining hand.

"Clover!" Sonata cried.

"Wait, Jung?" Mikey gasped.

"You're a vampire too?!" Pinkie asked in surprise.

"Whoa, what happens to his hand?" Frostee noted Jung's missing hand.

"I kinda sorta... cut it off," Clover answered sheepishly. "And also slashed his stomach when he threatened Caitlyn."

"And for that, I will snap your neck and feed on your qi!" Jung snarled.

"How bout you feed on these instead!" Pinkie threw her sprinkles, distorting Jung and making him drop Clover who ran back over to them.

Then Cisco charged into Jung, pushing against him until Jung smacked him off. Then Sonata threw some kicks and tried to slash Jung with her wooden sword, but he grabbed her arm and swung her away. Frostee jumped on him to try and stick a talisman on his forehead and Jung threw him off and into Clover when she tried to sneak-attack him. Then he dodged Mikey and Pinkie's attacks before spin-kicking them down.

"I will drain you all of-" Jung suddenly jerked up as puncturing sounds were heard. Then he dropped to the ground, revealing some jujbee seeds nailed into his back and a triumphant Bulk standing behind him, before he dissolved into ash.

"YEAH!" Bulk cheered.

"Whoa, nice save, Bulk," Mikey thumbed up.

"I'll say," Pinkie added.

"But how did you know where the acupuncture points were?" Frostee asked.

"I work part time as a spa masseuse," Bulk explained.

Meanwhile, Carter slashed at a vampire as it dusted away. He then noticed Angel jumped around tagging a couple vampires immobilizing them.

“Amazing how things are easily back in our favor so fast.” She smirked while Carter slashed the vampires she immobilized.

“Personally, I’ll agree with you after we beat these chi suckers.” Carter said before mumbling to himself. “So glad Buffy isn’t here.”

The siblings heard screaming and saw vampire choke holding Zach.

“Zach! I’m coming!” Carter yelled before he was blocked by a couple more vampires.

“Hey! Coffin breath!” The vampire looked up and dropped Zach, shielding itself as Caitlyn held a mirror at him. “Hands off my brother!”

“Thanks, sis!” Zach ducked down.

Half and Sweet Note jumped up on the vampires and slapped talismans on them.

“Carter! Now!” Half Note cried.

Carter nodded and slashed the vampires turning them into dust as well.

“Carter!” He turned to see Caitlyn holding the vampire at bay with her mirror. “Little help here?”

Carter responded by running up and slashing the vampire destroying it too.

“Thanks,” Caitlyn sighed.

“We ain’t done yet!” Zach pointed.

More vampires attacked, but Angel slapped on some talismans and Half Note slashed the them.

"Now we are," Angel said, then she and Sweet Note shared a fist bump.

"Booyahkasha," Sweet Note smirked.

Once again, Octavia and Vinyl were back to back, but this time, so were Lyra and Bonbon as they were surrounded by some vampires.

Octavia held up her wooden sword, "What say we show these ruffians what for! Shall we, girls?"

"Let's!" Lyra and Bonbon agreed and Vinyl nodded.

Then the four worked together to take down each of the vampires. Kicking and slashing them until they were all ash.

Then the four shared a hi-five.

Lancer and Logan stood ready with wooden swords as vampires marched towards them.

“Ready, Bro?” Lancer asked.

“Let’s do this!” Logan thumbed up.

The two charged at the vampires before Lancer jumped up. While the vampires looked up, Logan slid underneath them slicing their legs causing them to stumble, but before they hit the floor, Lancer slashed them in half as they turned to dust.

“Yeah!” The two high fived.

Shini and Trixie were back to back as a couple of vampires surrounded them. The two looked at each other before smiling and throwing a smoke bomb covering each other in smoke. Before the vampires could enter, Shinigami held out a mirror causing them to look away long enough for Trixie to pin talismans on them, immobilizing them.

“And now our assistant, Chaplin, will make you vampires disappear!” Trixie proclaimed.

She bowed just as Chaplin jumped in and slashed all the vampires turning them into dust.

“Tada!” He gestured.

“Next shows at eleven!” Shini laughed before the three fist bumped.

Sweetheart flipped in and landed before three vampires. Then before they could attack her, she did three palm strikes, sticking talismans on them.

Then Melody rushed in with her wooden sword and slashed through the first one's middle, beheaded the second one, and then she jumped up and cut it clean in half.

"Booyahkasha," she smirked, then she and Sweetheart shared a hi-five.

Suddenly, more vampires approached them. The sisters got ready to fight when...

"Yo vamps, over here!" Both the vampires and Melody and Sweetheart turned and saw Ace standing with Snips and Snails. "You vampires are about to face the Ace!" He grinned, holding his wooden sword.

"And two ninja dudes!" Snips declared.

"Yeah!" Snails added.

"Charge!" Ace exclaimed as he ran forward, followed by Snips and Snails.

Ace dodged the vampires attacks and slashed them, turning them to ash. Melody and Sweetheart quickly joined in the fray, freezing and slashing more vampires.

But Snips and Snails on the other hand, weren't doing so great. A single vampire simply held them back with his hands on their faces as the two uselessly swung their wooden swords but couldn't reach.

The vampire laughed as he pushed them down, causing them to throw their swords. However, their swords bounced off the cave wall and came spinning back before they landed right into the vampire's chest, making him stop laughing and fell down, dissolving into ash.

Snips and Snails saw what happened and cheered, "Booyahkasha!" They stood and hi-fived.

"We got him!" Snails exclaimed.

"Yeah!" Snips beamed, then he spoke to Ace, Melody, and Sweetheart, "Hey, you guys need help?" Only to see that the three had already taken out the rest of the vampires.

"Never mind," Snails said.

Sissy was then surrounded by a bunch of vampires who were closing in on her. She looked smug instead of afraid.

"Oh no. I'm surrounded. Whatever will I do?" she said coyly.

"Now!" Suddenly, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo jumped in. Sweetie Belle used her skills to slap talismans on the vampires while Applebloom and Scootaloo slashed them up with their wooden swords.

"Booyakasha!" the three hi-fived as the vampires turned to dust.

"Nice work, girls," Sissy joined in.

"I hope this is over soon. I'm starting to run out of talismans," Sweetie Belle feared.

Tony dodged a vampire's attacks before he spoke, "Hey, uh, dumb question, I saw this movie were the vampires sparkle in the moonlight, can you vampires do that too?"

The vampire answered by grabbing him by the throat and holding him off the ground.

"Jeez, I said dumb question," Tony grunted before he slapped a talisman on it's forehead and kicked it off him.

Then it was nailed by a wooden sword by Gabby, "You're serious asking them questions right now, primo?" She said dryly.

Layla jumped to avoid and vampire before she swung her wooden sword and beheaded it. Another tried to get the drop on her, when Patch slid under it's legs and stuck a talisman on it, giving Layla the chance to stab it.

"Thanks for help," she nodded at Patch.

"No big," Patch shrugged.

The vampires began backing away in fright as Echo forced them back with her mirror. This allowed Adagio and Aria to jumped and slash them.

“Nice work, girls,” Echo smiled.

“Thanks for holding them for us, Echo,” Adagio thanked.

Aria looked at the dust piles, “Man. These vampires are like you when you wake up with bed hair, Adagio.”

“Since it’s true, and we’re in the middle of a fight for our lives, Aria, I’ll let that slide,” Adagio sneered.

“Not even gonna ask,” Echo shrugged before walking past the two.

Meanwhile, Bonesteel had woken up from his knockout.

"Uh, where am I?" He groaned, then he noticed his empty trunk. "What the?! Where's my?" He saw everyone slashing the vampires with the peach tree swords, sticking the Taoist talismans on them, and Bulk nailing them in the backs with the jujbee seeds. "Hey! That's my huntin' gear!"

He struggled to stand up, due to still being tied up in Frostee's bolo, and ran into the fight, yelling, "These vampires are my prey!" But no one payed any attention to him. Leo slashed a vampire after Twilight had slapped a talisman on it. "That stuff weren't cheap- oof!" Mikey had bumped into him, knocking him to the ground, then Applejack stepped on the side of his face while fighting another vampire, followed by Cisco unknowingly kicking him as he fought another, sending the hunter rolling into a wall.

"And no one's listening," Bonesteel deadpanned.

Soon, the vampire servants were disintegrated and everyone had regrouped together.

“Looks like that’s a majority of them!” Raph said as he looked around.

“Now all that’s left is-!” Leo was suddenly knocked down.

“Leo!” Twilight gasped.

It turned out what hit him was Bing and Chi Chu.

“You think you’ve won?” Hissed Chi Chu.

“You will not leave here alive!” Glared Bing.

“Just try it, Suckers!” Casey taunted.

Leo got back up, “Get em!” He ordered.

Everyone ran towards the two vampire children and began to fight them.

Donnie tried to slap a talisman on Chi Chu, but the vampire girl dodged his attempts before she grabbed and twisted his wrist, making cry out and drop the talisman. Then she kicked him in the stomach and jaw before she spun-kicked him into a wall.

April tried to slash her with her wooden sword, but Chi Chu grabbed her arms, halting her attack, and the two struggled until Chi Chu body-slammed April and swung her around, tossing her onto the ground hard. But when she lunged at her, April used her telekinesis to stop the vampire in mid air.

"I think you need a timeout!" April sent Chi Chu flying.

Then Applejack slid in and punched Chi Chu into the air and when she came back down, the cowgirl roundhouse kicked her across the ground, "A good old spanking is what you need!" Then she threw her sword to try and nail Chi Chu, but to her surprise, the young vampire grabbed it and hurled it back at her. Applejack yelped and ducked as the sword struck her hat and pinned it to the wall. "That was my favorite hat!" Chi Chu rushed forward and struck Applejack with two upper kicks before throwing her into April.

Tony tried to slash Bing with his wooden sword, but Bing dodged and smacked him with his palm sending him to a wall.

“He’s pretty tough for a little guy,” Tony groaned.

“Or maybe you’re too soft for a big guy,” Layla remarked as she jumped in and rapidly tried to slash Bing who dodged rapidly. “Will! You! Hold! Still! You! Little!”

Bing then whipped his ponytail at Layla, knocking her wooden sword out of her hand. Suddenly, a giant snake tail wrapped around Bings torso. Bing turned to see Karai in her snake form as she lunged at him. Bing was able to block her attacks, but Karai then used her tail to spin Bing like a top causing him to hit the wall. Bing got up and glared at her, “You’ll pay for that.”

“Put it on my bill,” Karai hissed.

Before Bing could attack, he was speed-rammed by Rainbow, "Can't hit what you can't catch!" She smirked, before she sped round him, making him dizzy then struck at him from four directions. However, when she came back for a fifth strike, Bing dodged and tripped her, before grabbing her by the legs and swinging her around before throwing her into Layla, knocking them next to Tony.

"Too soft huh?" He grinned at Layla.

"Shut it!" Layla glared.

Mikey jumped in next and tried to hit Bing before the vampire boy palm struck him.

“You’ll regret that!” Bing turned to see Shini lunge towards him about to stick a talisman on him. But he moved quickly and flipped her off and next to Mikey.

Pinkie threw sprinkles at him causing them to explode. She ran towards the smoke before Bing merged and flipped her on to her back.

“I think we’re back to square one.” She groaned.

"Alright, kid, no more Mr Nice Turtle!" Raph charged at Chi Chu and tried slashing her with his sword as the vampire girl dodged. Then he jumped up, doing a mid-air summersult before he came back down, aiming the sword at her.

However, Chi Chu jumped back, avoiding the attack before spin-kicked the sword out of Raph's hands. Then she grabbed him, dropped to her back, and toss-kicked him into a wall upside down.

She jumped back up in time for Casey and Gabby to surround her.

"You're going down!" Casey declared and swung his wooden sword, but Chi Chu shocked him in the gut and kicked him off his feet.

Then Chi Chu dodged a swing from Gabby before chain punching her and knocking her back with a kick. Then she heard yelling and saw Snips and Snails running at her from both directions with their swords, but the vampire girl simply punched the both of them down.

"Losers," she smirked.

Meanwhile, Flash slashed at Bing only to get kicked to the wall.

“Hey! This is a new jacket!” He griped.

Indigo and Keno tried to double teamed Bing but the vampire boy was too skilled and too powerful for them and quickly knocked them down.

“There’s two of them and like a bajillion of us. How are they beating us?” Indigo groaned.

“I’ve asked that question multiple times with every battle we’ve fought.” Keno grunted.

“Hey! Dead breath!” Bing turned to see Lemon holding a mirror causing him to shield himself.

“You got him!” Lancer cheered before he tried to stab Bing before he grabbed his arm.

“Think again!” Bing threw Lancer on Lemon causing her to lose the mirror.

“No!” Lemon cried. “Now what are we supposed to do?”

"You die!" Bing answered with an evil smile, before kicking them both away.

Clover, Logan, Half Note, and Sweet Note attacked Chi Chu next, but they didn't fare any better than the others as the vampire girl overpowered and knocked all of them away.

Frostee and Ace tried next. Ace charged into Chi Chu while Frostee tried to slap a talisman on her. Chi Chu punched Ace across the face and kicked Frostee back before throwing Ace off her. Ace whipped back and tried to slash her with his sword only for Chi Chu to grab and put him in a headlock. When Frostee stood, she threw Ace into hum before she kicked the both of them into a wall.

"Okay, these two are seriously not easy to beat period," Frostee groaned.

Back with Bonesteel, the hunter saw the fighting and growled, "Them vampires are my prey! Nobody takes Bonesteel's prey!" He struggled to stand up before he managed to reach into one of the inside pockets of his trench coat and pulled out a knife. Then he began cutting through his bindes until he was free. "Can't keep old Bonesteel down!"

He ran to his trunk. The only thing that was left was the torch sticks. Bonesteel grinned, "Perfect! Best for last they say." He took out a box of matches and lit one.

“So what now, o fearless leader?” Raph asked as he slid next to his brother.

“If we can’t take ‘em down, we can at least fight em off before they grab anyone.” Leo figured.

Leo then ran towards Bing and slashes at him. When Bing caught his sword, he was tackled by Timber when Twilight petted him with rocks.

April levitated Chi Chu in the air. The vampire girl hissed before spinning around whacking Trixie away. Karai then kicked her towards Sunset who kicked her next.

“This isn’t working! Again!” Trixie whined as they all regrouped.

“It’s like every time we find a lead to beat them, they counter!” Rainbow griped.

“What are we gonna do now?” AppleBloom gulped as she clung to Applejack.

“It’s been fun, but we’re getting hungry.” Bing snarled.

“Now we dine!” Chi Chu growled.

Just before they could attack, a voice shouted.

“Hey Chi Suckers!”

Everyone turned to see Bonesteel holding a crossbow with rockets on it. “Dinners cancelled!”

"Bonesteel?!" The Turtles and Rainbooms gasped.

“Not him again!” Patch griped.

"How'd he get loose?!" Frostee asked in disbelief.

Bonesteel fired the rockets causing flares which caused Bing and Chi Chu to shield themselves.

“They’re afraid!” Twilight noticed as everyone saw too.

“So…. Does that mean he’s on our side?” Zach raised a brow.

“He tried to kidnap me,” Spike deadpanned.

"And I'd say Bonehead just wants the vampires all to himself," Sissy stated.

"That's very likely," Sugarcoat agreed.

"Oh yeah," Chaplin added.

Bonesteel then whipped out two flaming torches, making Bing and Chi Chu hiss and back away.

"What's wrong, little vampies?" The hunter chuckled, waving the torches around. "Afriad of a little fire!"

Hearing that, Echo face-palmed, "Oh man! I totally forgot about that!"

"Forgot about what?" April asked.

"Another weakness the Jiangshi have; fire!" Echo replied.

“And you were gonna tell us when?” Raph snapped.

Everyone deadpanned as Echo grumbled. “Kinda hard to think while you trying to FIGHT FOR OUR LIVES! Maybe you should grab a book and learn it yourself!”

“We can argue about education AFTER we beat these chi suckers!” Layla griped.

"So, should we just leave Bonesteel to deal with those two?" Rainbow asked.

"Uh, probably not," Angel pointed.

Bing and Chi Chu turned into balls of light, Bing, purple, Chi Chu, yellow. Then they started flying circles around Bonesteel. The hunter swung his flaming torches but the vampires dodged them, making him irritated, before they disappeared from his sight.

"What the?" Bonesteel looked around. "Where'd you little fanged brats get to?! You think you can get the drop on old Bonesteel?"

"We just did..." Bonesteel whipped around to see the two right behind him, back in their normal forms before they kicked the torches out of his hands.

Then Bing hit him all over the chest and Chi Chu spin-kicked him into a wall.

"So much for that," Sunny feared.

"What'll we do now?" Fluttershy asked in worry.

Leo noticed the torches on the ground. Fortunately, they were still lit. "I've got it! Here's the plan..."

Bing and Chi Chu held up Bonesteel.

"You escaped your fate before, hunter!" Chi Chu hissed.

"But this time, your qi is ours!" Bing declared.

Then the two vampires began to drain Bonesteel's qi, as the hunter started to get thinner and boneier, until they were kicked off him by Raph and Sunset.

"Sorry, hunter's off the menu!" Sunset smirked.

"Can't believe we're saving Bonehead!" Raph griped.

Bing and Chi Chu stood and found themselves surrounded by all the groups, minus Leo and Echo.

“You all just never learn, do you?” Bing growled.

“Not while we still breathe.” Karai glared.

“That can be arranged.” Chi Chu smirked.

“Let’s go, guys!” Flash cried before they charged the two vampires.

Like before, Bing and Chi Chu were smacking everyone who came at them. Spike watched in horror as Bing flipped Sandalwood and Chi Chu kicked Mikey into Trixie before putting on a look of determination. After Bing elbowed Shini, Spike jumped on face causing him to roar. Chi Chu just smacked Donnie when she saw Spike on her brother and jumped at him.

“Little Doggieeeee!” She hissed.

But before she could grab him, Spike jumped off and she ended up grabbing her brothers face. Bing growled at her as she quickly let go.

Angel then kicked them both into Carter and Keno who flipped and spun-kicked them back. Before they could react, Applebloom swept their legs, then Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo drop-kicked them down. The two got up snarling, then Bing wacked Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle away and Chi Chu chain punched Apple Bloom down, right before the two were speed rammed by Rainbow, punched into the air by Applejack, and slammed faces first into Rarity's shield.

"Nobody attacks our sisters!" Rarity sneered.

"Yeah!" Rainbow added.

"Darn tootin'!" Applejack said.

"Also, catch!" Pinkie threw her sprinkles at the two, who caught them.

"Sprinkles?" Bing snickered.

"You must be desperate-" Chi Chu was cut off when the sprinkles exploded, distorting them both.

Then they were hit, kicked, wacked, swept, and body-checked by each of the Shadowbolts.

Donnie then jumped in and spun his staff hitting Bing and Chi Chu. Then one by one, the young six jumped in. Lancer tripped Bing with his naginata while Half Note and Clover both kicked him in the head and Sweetheart jumped on his stomach.

“Sorry.” She whispered before she jumped off.

Ace and Melody both kneed Chi Chu in the stomach before Patch and Logan jump kicked her in the face. Chi Chu got back up to whack Layla to the floor.

“Back off!” Layla kicked the vampire away before she jumped back up.

Tony ran up as Bing got back up and punched him a couple times and spun away. Before Bing could hit him, his hand froze in place and he was punching himself.

“Stop hitting yourself!” He heard Twilight.

“Will you STOP THAT?” Bing growled.

“Yeah!” Bing felt legs wrapped around his neck as April flipped him over and fired a psychic blast at him. “Because it was my turn.”

“Of course where are my manners?” Twilight gestured before fist bumping with April.

Bulk and Cisco grabbed the two and threw them into a wall. But the two jumped off the wall and pinned the big boys down.

"I called dibs on your qi, big guys!" Chi Chu hissed. "Time to feed!"

Before she could, however, Sonata knocked her and Bing off with a flying kick, "Hands off my man!" She growled.

Then Aria wacked the two with her weapon and Adagio kicked them from behind, allowing Sonata to hit them with her tonfas, knocking them off their feet.

Bing and Chi Chu stood, growling.

"We will rip out your guts for that!" Bing said, when he and Chi Chu were hit by exploding hockey pucks, courtesy of Casey.

"Goongala!" The vigilante skated in and wacked them with his hockey stick, sending them into a punch from Gabby and another wack by Zach.

"Vampiros podridos!" Gabby glared.

"The gloves are off now, qi-suckers!" Zach called.

Bing and Chi Chu got up before they saw Chaplin throw small disc at their feet.

“You throw discs at us?” Asked Bing before the two were got electrocuted.

“Electric disks.” Chaplin smirked.

After the two broke the disks stopping the shocking, Octavia and Vinyl grabbed Chi Chu by the arms only to be spun around and thrown. Acting quickly, Vinyl jumped from the wall and hit Chi Chu on the back and grabbed Octavia midair.

“You learned that one from Bebop, didn’t you?” Octavia asked while Vinyl smiled sheepishly.

Fluttershy fired darts at Bing rapidly as Bing caught them. Before he flung them back, Caitlyn tripped him back down. He then saw Raph jumped up to stab him with his sais and quickly threw him off when Sunset kicked him in side. Then he was whacked by Lyra and into Chi Chu who was hit by Bonbon.

Before they could attack, Trixie threw a smoke bomb, distorting them. Then Mikey and Shini wrapped their chains around the vampires and yanked them forward before kicking them off their feet. Then

The eco boy jumped away as Bing and Chi Chu got up, more annoyed and angrier than ever.

"You mortal fools think you can stop us?!" Chi Chu snarled.

"You are helpless against us!" Bing declared.

"Actually, we weren't trying to beat you," Twilight informed.

"We were distracting you," Pinkie chimed in.

"From what?!" The two demanded.

"This!" Came Leo's voice.

Bing and Chi Chu turned around just as Leo and Echo lept in and hit them with the flaming torches, setting the two on fire. The vampires howled in agony and ran around in a panic. Then finally, their flesh burned away, revealing their skeletons before they burned into ashes. Then green energy flew from their remains and into some of the zombies.

"Not so helpless now, huh?" Echo smirked.

“We got em!” Logan cheered.

“Finally!” Layla wiped her brow. “I thought we’d never beat them!”

“Tell me about it!” Griped Casey.

“Now that the vampires are gone, let’s get lost!” Trixie insisted.

Mikey pondered. “Hmmm. I feel like we’re missing something.”

Trixie grabbed his hand. “I’m sure you’ll figure it out AFTER we leave!”

April felt a vibe on her head. “We did.”

Then suddenly the zombies were blown off and merging from the center was a very crossed Vam Mi. As she caught her breath, she looked around to see her legions reduced to dust and what angered her more was the absence of her children.

“ILL KILL YOU ALL!” She roared.

"Mommy!" Trixie whimpered.

Vam Mi attacked all the groups, punching, kicking, striking, smacking, slamming, whacking, and knocking them very hard into the cave walls and onto the ground.

Everyone lay on the cave floor, groaning in pain, before Vam Mi grabbed Leo and Echo by their throats and pinned them hard against a wall.

"You two destroyed my children!" Vam Mi snarled. "So you two will be the first to die!"

"Yo, I gotta know something!" Echo grunted. "How were you and your kids so strong?"

"Yeah," Leo asked in agreement. "Your minions were tough but not THAT tough!"

Vam Mi chuckled darkly, "Since you and your friends will perish, I'll tell you. Jiangshi grow stronger the more qi we consume. And me and my children had been feasting on qi for centuries! Which makes us near indomitable!"

"Wow, that actually makes you pretty scary," Echo admitted. "But you know what's even scarier? This!" And she held up a mirror, showing Vam Mi her reflection.

Vam Mi screamed and dropped the two. Then at that moment, she felt a sharp pain and turned to find Bonesteel had stabbed her in the side with another peach tree sword.

"You ain't that tough, count girlie girl!" The hunter sneered.

Vam Mi slapped Bonesteel, sending him flying across the cave and crashing into a wall right near the cave entrance. The vampiress pulled the sword out and tossed it aside. Then she went over and grabbed the hunter by the throat and held him off the ground.

"Mortal fool! I grow tired of your-" Before she could continue, sunlight shone into the entrance and Vam Mi cried in both fright and pain and backed into the darkness of the cave. "The sun!" She cried.

Everyone got up and stared in surprise, then Echo said, "That's one thing Jiangshi have in common with other vampires; they can be destroyed by sunlight!"

Leo looked at the mirror she held and then glanced at the hole over the moondile where sunlight also shone.

"Echo, give me that mirror," he said and she handed it to him. Then he called to the rest of the groups, "Everyone, get Vam Mi into that shaft of light!"

Leo then ran up and reflected the sunlight at Vam Mi who ran from him. The CMCs cornered her before she could escape into the darkness.

“Good morning!” The three grinned before holding up mirrors and reflecting the sun towards Vam Mi who ran another direction before being stopped by the Rock NBeats who did the same.

Bulk looked up and punched a hole through the ceiling causing sunlight to shine in. “Rise and shine!”

Vam Mi narrowly missed the sunlight and tried to run away before she was kicked by Sunset.

“Get her in that beam!” She called.

Snips and Snails tackled Vam Mi before she threw them off. Casey then hit a couple exploding pucks at her disorienting her long enough for Gabby and Layla to try and push her back. As Vam Mi smacked them off, Frostee and Sissy held up mirrors trying to repel her into the skylight.

“Vampire kabob anyone?” Tony ran up with a wooden sword only get whacked away. She sprinted further away before Cisco tackled her. She threw him into Zach who tried to help. She hurried into the cave before Caitlyn, Octavia and Lemon all stopped her with mirrors. As she shielded herself, Chaplin threw an electric disk to electrocute her. Vinyl took off her sunglasses and used them to reflect sunlight at Vam Mi, who managed to smash the disk.

“Good thinking!” Indigo grinned as she did the same with her goggles.

Vam Mi backed away before being grabbed by Angel and Carter. She then spun around sending the two flying into Vinyl and Indigo.

“Sorry, Professor,” Sour apologized before kicking Fugitoid in the skylight. His body was enough to reflect sun rays.

“Quite alright,” Fugitoid shrugged.

Vam Mi managed to shield herself before she was blocked by Shini and Mikey who held up mirrors reflecting sunlight.

“I vant my vampire, Vell done!” Mikey acted like Dracula .

Vam Mi knocked them away before the Dazzlings.


“You look a little pale!” Adagio grunted before the three jumped off and let Karai run pass them.

“You should get out more for some SUN!” Karai kicked Vam Mi out of the cave. As she sat up, Vam Mi gasped as she saw the sun rise.

"NOOOOOO!!!" The vampiress wailed as her body started to sizzle and burn. Then she let out a piercing scream as her flesh dissolved revealing her skeleton which soon crumpled to ash.

Then just like with Bing and Chi Chu, green energy flew from Vam Mi's remains and past all the groups as they turned around to see the energies flowing back into the rising zombies.

The groups grew tense as the zombies started toward them, only to stop and their bodies too crumbled to dust.

"Holy chalupa!" Mikey gasped.

"What's happening to the zombies?" Sweet Note asked aloud.

"Well, if I had to guess, with the vampires defeated and their life force returned, the zombies can finally rest in peace," Donnie theorized.

“That makes sense.” Sugarcoat agreed.

Everyone watched the energies floated in the skylight Bulk made earlier. Just then, the spirit of a Chinese monk appeared next to Snips and Snails.

“Thank you.” He said.

“You’re welcome.” Snips said before he double took he was talking to a ghost as it vanished.

“Man! What a rough night!” Casey yawned.

“I don’t think any of us are forgetting this night.” Sunset said as everyone agreed.

“I’m ready for a nap,” Sweetheart blinked.

The group were ready to head out when they heard laughter and turned to see Bonesteel getting up.

"Well now, I guess it be appropriate for me to say, I TOLD YOU SO!" The hunter laughed. "I told ya them three were monsters, but y'all didn't listen to old Bonesteel!"

"Yeah yeah, whatever!" Raph griped. "And I thought Mikey's gloating was annoying."

"Now that that's all done and settled, all that's left for me to do... is bag some turtles!" Bonesteel whipped out his crossbow and shot tranquilizer darts at the Turtles, only for them to deflect the darts with their weapons.

"Really, Bonesteel?" Leo deadpaned.

"Not cool, man," Mikey frowned.

"What can I say, when opportunity comes a knockin', Bonesteel comes a answerin'," Bonesteel readied his crossbow again, only for it to be yanked out of his hands by April's telekinesis.

"Sorry, looks like opportunity ding dong ditched you," she smirked.

"Oh, and by the way..." Fluttershy spoke, before she took one of the darts and shot it through her blowpipe straight into Bonesteel's shoulder. "That was for that turtle, you meanie!" She glared.

Bonesteel pulled out the dart and began stumbling around as the drug was kicking in, "Ah... nuts..." he babbled, before he dropped to the ground and passed out.

"Sleep tight, Bonesteel," Pinkie said.

"Sweet dreams," Mikey added.

"Don't let the bed bugs bite," Clover put in.

“So that’s that Bonesteel guy you guys told us about?” Karai asked.

“Yep,” Raph confirmed.

“He really is a nut job,” Shini chuckled.

“And yet he ended up helping us in the end,” Layla said.

Just then, Mitch woke up, "Oh man, I had the worst dream ever! There were zombies, vampires, and giant tur-" he froze when he turned and saw the Turtles. Then he screamed, until Echo took Bonesteel's crossbow and shot him with a tranquilizer. "Oh pretty colors..." Mitch said and passed out.

"Uh, was that really necessary?" Sour asked Echo.

"He'll be fine," Echo replied with a smirk.

Just then, they all heard a rustling and turned around just in time to see the Purple Nightmares burst out of the bushes out of breath.

"I think... I think... we lost... those zombies, Nightmares," Night Terror panted. "Boy, what a night! At least we're home free..." he and the Nightmares saw all heroes. "Ah crud!"

Raph grinned and drew his sai, "Anyone up for an early morning beat down?!" He asked, as everyone got out their weapons and got into fighting stances.

"Booyahkasha!" Mikey, Pinkie, and Clover called and everyone charged at the Nightmares.

Author's Note:

This chapter was written by me and WarriorofFaith.


• Aside from this chapter and the one at the beginning being based on Scooby Doo on Zombie Island, there are also references to the TMNT Next Mutation episode "Unchain My Heart, the four-part special that introduced Vam Mi, Bing, and Chi Chu.

Like Bing and Chi Chu beating up Raph and Mikey.

Bonesteel getting hit with a tranquilizer.

And Vam Mi's demise is similar to how she was destroyed in the special.

• Frostee and Ace's beat down at the hands of Chi Chu is based on Roman and Han vs Jah from Fast & Furious 6.

On a side note, since the three were protrayed like western vampires, such as drinking blood and turning into bats, I wanted to change that by making them Jiangshi (vampires or zombies from Chinese mythology) by having them turn into balls of light and feeding on qui (life force). And the items the heroes against them and their minions are things used to ward off a Jiangshi, as I reached their weaknesses.