> Equestria Ninja Halloween > by Jebens1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1. House Guests > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was foggy night as the Turtles and Rainbooms were walking home through the forest. "Thanks for inviting us along on your forest training," Twilight said to the turtle leader. "Yeah, that was great," Sunset added. "It was our pleasure, girls," Leo replied. "Such a shame that April was too busy to join us," Rarity stated. "Yeah, we wanted her to come since she couldn't last time we did this, cause she wasn't a full ninja yet," Donnie explained. "But she, Casey, and the others are helping Karai and Shini with an important mission." "What kind of mission was it again?" Applejack asked. "I think Karai said something about getting an ancient sword or something?" Mikey guessed. "Anyway, I'm surprised Rainbow Dash here didn't find the forest meditation boring," Raph said, motioning to the said girl. Rainbow shrugged. "Eh, it like yoga for me." "And I loved it," Fluttershy said. "Especially since I got to meet up with so many wonderful animals!" "Well, I can't wait to get back home," Spike said, from Twilight's bag. "Me too!" Pinkie agreed. "And I can't wait for the awesome show we're gonna put on for CHS!" "Yeah! And thanks for letting the rest of us join in," Mikey said. "No problem," Rainbow waved off. "Since we let you guys took part in the Halloween concert last year, we figured you guys and the others should join us and the Wondercolts for this year's performance." "Don't forget Tony and the Crew," Pinkie added. "Their performing with us too!" Twilight chuckled. "How could we forget?" "This year's show is gonna be epic!" Mikey cheered. "Alright, the show's not till tomorrow night," Applejack reminded them. "Right now let's just focus on getting home." "Speaking on which..." Leo stopped and looked around in confusion. "Hey, Donnie, did we come by this way?" The Turtles and Rainbooms stopped and looked around. In the fog, all the trees looked the same. So it was hard to tell exactly where they were. "I'm not sure?" Donnie replied, and looked at his T-phone. "This fog is messing with the GPS." Twilight pulled out a map. "And I can't tell where we are on this map?" "So we're lost?" Raph asked. "With no pizza?!" Mikey panicked. "Or cupcakes?!" Pinkie added. "Calm down," Donnie eased them. "I think we'll just have to wait around until the fog lifts." "I don't think that's gonna happen any time soon," Applejack stated, glancing out. "This here fog's getting thicker." And she was right. Pretty soon, it grew harder and harder to see, until they could barely see the trees at all. "Well, that's just great!" Raph grumbled. "Now what are we gonna do?" Rainbow asked. While her friends were talking, Fluttershy heard something in fog rush past them from behind. "Um, guys?" She said, nervously. "I thought I heard something?" "Like what?" Leo asked, when something else rushed past them from the front. "What was that?" Twilight asked, as they whipped around at the sound it made. Then it and the thing before both rushed past them in opposite directions. Now the Turtles and Rainbooms were on alert and all got into a fighting stance just in case. They scanned the fog filled trees, looking all around. Waiting for whatever was out there to show itself. Then right when they weren't expecting it... "Are you lost?" "Aaahh!" The group jumped and pulled out their weapons, only to see that it was just a boy and a girl. The second they noticed them, the Turtles quickly scrambled up into the trees to avoid being seen them. Both were Chinese with jet black hair. The boy was about they're age. The girl around the CMC's age. Both of them were smiling. "What the? Where did you two come from?" Twilight asked in confusion. "You started us!" Rarity frowned. "Oh, duì bù qǐ, we are very sorry," the girl said, as she and the boy bowed. "We get that a lot," The boy added. "Anyway, N I am Bing." "And I am Chi Chu," the girl said. "Who are all of you?" "I'm... Sunset Shimmer," Sunset introduced, hesitantly. "I'm Twilight Sparkle," Twilight said, then motioned to her bag as Spike popped out. "And this is Spike." "Aww, puppy!" Chi Chu petted the dog. "Tā shì rúcǐ de kě'ài!" "I'm Applejack." "Rarity." "Rainbow Dash!" "Fluttershy." "And Pinkie Pie!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Very nice to meet you all," Bing said. "But what of the giant turtles who are with you?" Sunset did double take. "Uh, giant turtles? What giant turtles?" "There are no giant turtles around here!" Twilight said, quickly. "The ones hiding up in that tree," Chi Chu pointed at the tree the Turtles were hiding in, as the four froze in shock. "There are no giant turtles up in that tree, silly," Pinkie said, trying to cover for them. "Yeah, no turtles up here!" Mikey blurted out, giving them away and Raph smacked him upside the head. "Ow!" "It is alright," Bing called up. "You four are safe." The Turtles looked at each other before they reluctantly came down. "You two knew we were there?" Leo questioned. "Yes, but you need not worry," Bing said. "For we have seen stranger things." "So who are you four?" Chi Chu asked. "I'm Leonardo," Leo said. "And these are my brothers Donatello, Michelangelo, and Raphael." "What up," Mikey greeted. "So as I asked before, are you lost?" Bing asked. "Unfortunately, yes," Applejack replied. "We kinda got lost in this here fog." "We don't suppose you two know which way leads back to Canterlot?" Donnie asked. "Unfortunately, you won't be able to find your way back in this fog," Bing replied. "That's not good," Fluttershy hid her face in her hair. "But you needn't worry. You could spend the night at our home," Chi Chu offered. "Really?" Pinkie bounced up and down. "Are you sure that's okay?" Donnie raised a brow. "Of course! Our mother won't mind," Bing assured. "Your mother?" Twilight asked. "Indeed." Raph still didn't look sure. "I don't think it's okay for your mother to see four giant turtles." "I don't mind!" a female voice said as Raph screamed to see a woman right behind him. She was tall with black long hair. "Forgive me. I get that a lot. I am Vam Mi. I am Bing and Chi Chu's mother. Anyway, I would be delighted if you would all spend the night. And even have dinner with us." "Dinner?!" Mikey and Pinkie grinned. "Oh, we don't wanna apose," Leo waved politely. "Nonsense, I insist," Vam Mi stated. "We have plenty of room." "My, how graciously generous of you," Rarity said. "Well, I suppose we could," Sunset shrugged. "We don't really have a lot of options." "Alright," Leo relented. The he said to Vam Mi, "How far is it to your home?" "Not far at all," Vam Mi motion with her hand and a large old manor seemed to appear out of the fog. She then turned to group. "Let's head inside..." As they all went inside, Chi Chu and Bing were showing the turtles and Rainbooms their rooms for the night. Chi Chu was showing Leo his room. “This will be your room, Leonardo.” “Uh, thanks,” Leo thanked while still hiding his suspicions. Bing showed Twilight to her room. “And this is your room, ms Sparkle.” Twilight was amazed by it. “Thank you, Bi-“ but when she turned to thank him, the boy was gone. “Creepy,” Spike shuddered. Meanwhile, after getting settled in, Mikey and Pinkie went to the kitchen for some munchies. “I wonder what they have to eat around here?” Mikey said as he opened the ice box. Pinkie was looking in the pantry. "Hmm? What to eat?" Then at that moment, they both paused in their search as they smelled something delicious. They followed the smell until it led them over to a big pot. Pinkie lifted the lid to reveal some egg noodles with sturfried veggies. "Ahh!" They sighed with delight. "What's this stuff?" Mikey asked aloud. Then a shadow looked over the two as a deep voice answered, "That would be cho mein." Mikey and Pinkie turned around and saw a tall figure standing right behind them. Meanwhile, Donnie, Rarity, and Fluttershy were looking around the living room. "I have to say, Vam Mi, I absolutely love what you've done with your decore," Rarity complemented. "Mm hmm," Fluttershy nodded in agreement. "And I love all these birdie pictures." "Xièxiè nǐ, Rarity, and Fluttershy," Vam Mi said. "Thank you." Donnie noticed a large paining over the fireplace. It was of an chinese woman and her two children in what looked like olden times. And they all looked vagley like Vam Mi, Bing, and Chi Chu. "Hey, Vam Mi?" He asked. "Is this you and your kids?" "Oh no, they are our ancestors," Vam Mi explained. "This was their home. It's been in our family for generations." "Well, you, Bing, and Chi Chu bare a very striking resemblance to your ancestors," Donnie noted. Meanwhile, Raph, Leo, Sunset, Twilight, Rainbow, and Applejack entered and looked around the library. Bing was with them. "Check out all these books!" Twilight smiled. "Boring!" Raph rolled his eyes. "Still be a good place to nap," Rainbow joked. "Guys, just stop," Sunset scolded them. "Honestly, I don't blame them. Even I snooze easily seeing all these books," Bing shrugged. Applejack looked around at some of the collectables being displayed. Alot of them being from ancient China. "Sure are a lot of relics you got here," she whistled. Just then, Chi chu entered the room. "Yes alot of these are heir looms from our ancient ancestors." "Very impressive," Leo said as he looked through a book. But he felt that something was off. Suddenly, two piercing screams echoed throughout the house. "Mikey!" Leo exclaimed, recognising his brother's yell. "Pinkie!" The girls cried. Soon everyone rushed to the kitchen to find the two cowering in the corner as a tall man stared back at them with a dry expression. "Whatever is going on here?" Rarity asked. "And who's that guy?" Rainbow inquired, pointing to the man. "Oh, this is our chef, Jung," Bing said. "I was just preparing dinner when I found these two in here," Jung explained, pointing to Pinkie and Mikey. "No need to worry, Jung. They are a couple of our guests for tonight," Vam mi assured. "We can't even leave you two alone for five minutes!" Raph scolded the two. "With those kind of screams, you sounded like you saw a ghost," Sunset stated. "No, that would totally different," Mikey pointed. "Either way, at least try to stay out of trouble," Leo instructed. "Okie Dokie Loki!" Pinkie saluted. "Now, Shall we continue the tour?" Vam mi offered as the groups walked out of the kitchen. Jung grabbed a basket. "Well I got to run out to the garden and grab some more incrediants. You are more than welcome to have a taste of my cho mein." "Thanks, Jung dude!" Mikey smiled as Jung left. Then he and Pinkie each made bowls for themselves and took a bite. "Yummy!" Pinkie grinned. "Not bad," Mikey said. "But it feels like it could use something?" "Ooo, I know!" Pinkie said, zipping over to the pantry. "Let's add a teeny pinch of garlic to give it some flavor!" She looked inside, then frowned in confusion. "Hey, there's no garlic?" "Really?" Mikey took a look. "Wouldn't a chef have garlic in his spices?" “Yeah!” Pinkie shook her head. "So weird!" Mikey looked around and came upon a jar of peppers and read the label. “Moonscar Island peppers.” He thought for a moment. “Nah!” “Here we go!” Pinkie pulled out some spices and sprinkled things in the cho mein. “That should do it!” At that moment, they were interrupted by a sudden chill in the room. "Brrrrr!" Pinkie shivered. "Who opened a... window..." Mikey trailed off as he heard a carving noise from behind them. "Uh, Pinkie, do you hear that?" "You mean that really spooky carving noise?" Pinkie replied. "As Big Mac would say, Eeyup." Then they turned around and their eyes widened in horror. In the hallway, Vam Mi, Bing, and Chi Chu were showing the others around. “And this is our lounge. Used to be a wine cellar before remodeling,” The mother spoke. “Interesting?” Rarity admired. As they walked, Twilight and Spike noticed Leo looked deep in thought. "Leo, are you okay?" Twilight spoke up. "Huh? Oh, sure, Twilight," Leo replied. "I'm fine." "Well, you don't really look fine," Spike pointed out. "If something's bothering you, Leo, you can tell me," Twilight assured her friend. Leo took a quick glance over at Vam Mi and her children, who were all busy and hadn't noticed them, then he whispered, "I don't know why, but I've got this nagging feeling that something isn't right," He looked back at Vam Mi, Bing, and Chi Chu. "And something about those three are rubbing me the wrong-" he was cut off when they heard Mikey and Pinkie scream again. "Oh, no," Rainbow groaned. "What now?!" Raph asked in annoyance. They hurried back to the kitchen but Mikey and Pinkie were nowhere to be seen. "Where are they?" Sunset asked. Then they heard whimpering coming from the pantry and opened the door to find the two both quivering inside Mikey's shell. "Did y'all get spooked by Jung again?" Applejack asked. "No," Mikey and Pinkie pointed "By that!" Everyone looked and gasped. Carved into the wall, in big thin letters were the words, 'Get Out Danger!" "Holy chulupa!" Donnie exclaimed. "Where in tarnation did that come from?!" Applejack asked in surprise. “We were just minding our own business when this mist came and wrote that on the wall,” Mikey shuddered. “Seriously, Mikey?” Raph started to say only to get nudged by Sunset. “Raph! You promised,” She sternly said. “Fine,” Raph sulked, knowing what she meant. Suddenly, a small gust of wind blew at everyone before suddenly stopping. “Who opened a window?” Twilight looked. “Nobody,” Applejack noticed. “Look!” Everyone looked at where Spike was pointing. Underneath the writing was another message that read ‘Beware!’ "My stars!" Rarity gasped. "That definitely wasn't there before," Donnie stated. Then he knocked on the wall. "And this feels pretty solid." "What's going on here?" Rainbow inquired. Vam Mi and her children looked uncomfortable as Bing spoke, "I'm afraid there's something else about our home that we did not tell you." "It's huanted," Chi Chu chimed in. "Haunted?!" The group echoed. "Yes," Vam Mi nodded. "You see, our house is full of spirits who become restless at night. The haunting may just be starting." "They've scared away every guest we've ever had," Chi Chu said sadly. "We've never been able to make any friends!" She was close to tears. "We understand if you want to leave as well," Bing lowered his head. "No one ever wants to stay where there are ghosts." The Turtles and Rainbooms looked at each other before they all said, "No way!" The three perked up. "You mean, your not going to heed this spirit's threat?" Vam Mi asked. "Totally!" Rainbow stated firmly. "No ghosts are gonna scare us away!" Applejack chuckled. "Yeah. We don't get scared off easily." "Most of us anyway," Fluttershy said, nervously. "And we've faced worser things than ghosts," Donnie noted. “We’ve faced many mutants, aliens, even a demo dragon. We shouldn’t have any trouble here,” Raph grinned. “Wonderful!” Smiled Vam Mi. “It’s getting close to dinner time. Let us prepare.” Before he left the room, Leo glanced at the writing on the wall. He still had that feeling that something wasn't right. As everyone walked out, Fluttershy looked back at Mikey and Pinkie, noticing their uneasy faces. "Are you okay?" She asked them. "I'm still pretty creeped out!" Mikey admitted. "Me too!" Pinkie shivered. Fluttershy thought for a moment. "Well, if it were me, I would go outside and get some fresh air. It'll help calm you down." "Hmm?" The two thought. "Alright then," Mikey said. "I guess we could give it a try," Pinkie added. So The two headed outside as Pinkie took a breath of air. "Ahh," she sighed. "Fluttershy was right, I feel better already." "Me too," Mikey agreed. Then he noticed something. "What's that?" Not too far away stood an old-fashioned horse carriage with a horse harnessed to it. It was munching on grass as it stared back at the two. They looked at each other and broke into big smiles. "Joyride!" They rushed over and hopped in. "Hey, look at this!" Pinkie held out a cloak and an old-fashioned raincoat. Mikey put on the cloak while she tried on the coat. "Check us out!" Mikey grinned. "Let's ride!" "Heyaw!" Pinkie snapped the reins and the horse whinnied and galloped away, pulling the carriage into the night. Meanwhile, everyone was prepping themselves for dinner. Applejack was in Rarity’s room as the fashionist pulled out a couple of dresses from her bag. “I wonder what I should wear for dinner. These two would be the best to make a good impression. What do you think, Darling?” Applejack zoned out a little bit. “Huh? Oh, sorry Rarity. I was thinking about this place being haunted and all.” “I’m sure it’s just someone playing a cruel joke,” Rarity assured as she picked a dress. "At least I hope it is." "Hmm? That makes two of us," Applejack agreed. In the library, Donnie was heading to the dining room when he took another look at the painting of Vam Mi and her children’s ancestors. “There’s something very odd about that painting. Question is what?” He thought to himself. Twilight was reaching into her bag when she noticed someone missing. “Spike?” She looked around her room but hadn’t seen her dog. “Spike!” She then left her room. “Has anyone seen Spike?” Spike was somewhere that no one expected him to be. In the carriage Mikey and Pinkie were riding in. He was in the back under a tarp, and was not having a comfortable ride. "Why did I decide to do this?!" He said to himself. As he was rocking along, he glanced out in the distance and thought he saw the Wondercolts standing by what looked like a cave. "That's weird?" He thought, then the carriage hit a bump and he fell out, tumbling onto a cobblestone path. He sat up just in time to see the carriage disappear into the fog. "This isn't good!" Back at the house, everyone sat down at a long table as Jung served them each some cho mein. Donnie tried some and his face lit up. "Wow! This is delicious!" "Thank you very much, you two," Jung smiled. Bing noticed Rarity's dress and said, "Rarity, you look very lovely in that dress." "Oh!" Rarity blushed. "Why thank you, Bing, your too kind!" She giggled as Applejack just rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Ms Twilight?" Chi Chu spoke up. "Where is your puppy?" "That's what I'd like to know?" Twilight replied in worry. "He's disappeared and I haven't been able to find him." "I'm sure your dog will turn up," Bing assured. Leo took a bite of his chow mein when he noticed one of his brothers was missing. “Hey! Where’s Mikey?” “Pinkies not here either!” Sunset noticed as well. “It’s amazing they’re not here stuffing their faces.” Raph stated. “Last I saw them, I suggested that they would step out and get some air to ease their tensions. I didn’t think it take this long?” Fluttershy pondered. “We better go find them.” Rainbow got up. “Agreed. Maybe Spike’s with them.” Twilight gasped. "Jung, get some lanters," Vam Mi said to the chef. "We will help as well. They shouldn't be out at night. Especially with the hauntings about." "Thank you," Leo said. Later, they were all roaming the forest, searching for the youngest turtle and the party girl, while Jung had stayed behind at the manor. As they searched, Leo called out, "Mikey!" "Pinkie Pie!" Sunset shouted. "Spike!" Twilight called. “They couldn’t have gone too far,” Sunset suggested. “Never could tell with those two,” Raph shrugged. “Nevertheless, I want to make sure they’re all right!” Leo stated with a stern look. “Same with Spike!” Twilight added with the same sternness on her face. Raph could only sigh. “I hate it when they’re this serious.” But he followed because he too was worried about his brother as well. Suddenly Leo stopped as a funny feeling came over him. Then a flash, he reached up and stopped an arrow before it could hit Vam Mi. Vam Mi screamed and everyone gasped. "Where in tarnation did that come from?" Applejack asked in surprise. Before anyone could answer, the arrow exploded, knocking them all down by the shockwave. As they layed on the ground groaning, a man strolled out of the trees holding a crossbow. "Would you looky here?" the man said, sounding amused. "What a surprising reunion!" The Turtles and Rainbooms gasped when they saw him. It was someone they had met before. And not in a good way. "Bonesteel?!" Leo gasped. "Oh, no!" Fluttershy cried, in both shock and anger. Sure enough, it was Simon Bonesteel, the hunter they had crossed paths with when they teamed up with Shineboy and the Digidestined. "Well now, if it ain't my old buddys the Turtles and Rainbooms," Bonesteel chuckled. "You like my new toy? Exploding trick arrows!" He laughed. "But unfortunately, I ain't after you turtles. I'm after something way more dangerous..." Then he approached Vam Mi and her children. "No! Please!" Vam Mi begged as she, Bing, and Chi Chu backed away. "Don't hurt us!" Chi Chu cried. "Have mercy!" Bing pleaded. "Nice try," Bonesteel rebuked. "But your act ain't gonna fool old Bonesteel again!" He whipped out his crossbow and shot three arrows at them. But at the last minute, Donnie deflected them with the blade of his staff. "Your not touching them, Bonesteel!" He glared. Then the rest of the Turtles and Rainbooms stood in the hunter's way. "Not if we have anything to say and or do about it!" Applejack stated. Raph turned to Vam Mi and her children. "You three get out of here! We'll dance with this goon!" "Thank you!" Vam Mi said, then she, Bing and Chi Chu took off running. "You won't get away!" Bonesteel showed after them, right before he was kicked down by Rainbow. "And your now touching them!" She snapped. Bonesteel stood up and fired more arrows from his crossbow. The Turtles and Rainbooms scattered to dodge the arrows and fought the hunter. Applejack deflected the arrows as she yelled at Bonesteel, "It's bad enough you hunt endangered animals, but inocent people?! Have you no shame?!" "Inocent?" Bonesteel laughed, before Raph attacked him. "What's so funny?! The hot headed turtle demanded. "What's funny is they got you all fooled," Bonesteel answered and kicked Raph off him. "Those folks ain't innocent, their monsters!" "How dare you!" Rarity growled. Leo kicked Bonesteel off his feet and pointed with his katana, "The only monster here is you, Bonesteel!" "Maybe," Bonesteel pulled out a knife and began clashing against Leo's swords. "But those three are even worse!" "What do you mean they're worse?" Leo demanded as they fought. Bonesteel smirked. “You think this Halloween mumbo jumbo is happening by coincidence? Those three lure people here and pick them dry! And like you twerps, they never heeded the warning signs!” Suddenly, the hunter was tackled by Fluttershy who was looking more angry than before. “Why should we believe you after you had the GULL to steal an endangered turtle!” Simon knocked her off. “One! I bought that turtle you stole from me! And Two! I wouldn’t be surprised if they got your friends and dog too!” "That wasn't your turtle!" Fluttershy yelled and threw the hunter over her shoulder. Bonesteel got up quickly and aimed his crossbow, but before he could shoot any arrows, he was speed tackled by Rainbow and pinned to a tree by her weapon. "And how do we know you didn't do anything to them?!" She accused. "I may be hunter and poacher, but I ain't no liar!" And Bonesteel kicked Rainbow off him. "Besides, if I had, I'd be trying hard to nab the rest of you, and I'm just trying to get past y'all!" Applejack then grabbed Bonesteel from behind. "Yeah? From what Gamer looked up, we learned you're a mental patient who CLAIMS to be the best bounty hunter!" "I AM THE BEST BOUNTY HUNTER!" Bonesteel then blinded the cowgirl with powder causing to loosen her grip on him. He then pulled out a stick of dynamite. "Guess we're doing this the hard way!" Then the dynamite was knocked from his hand by Sunset's kunai. Then the girl jumped up, hooked her legs around his head, and side flipped him to the ground. When he tried to throw a punch, Sunset caught it and froze as her powers let her see into his memories. Sunset gasped. "He's telling the truth! Aargh!" She cried as Bonesteel head based her to the ground. "Told yah!" He said, before he blocked Leo's swords with crossbow. "That doesn't mean we're gonna let your hurt Vam Mi and her kids!" Leo stated. "Figures," Bonesteel said, before knocked the swords out of Leo's hands and kicked him down. "But you ain't gonna stop me either way!" He aimed his crossbow, only for it to suddenly yank out of his hands. He looked back to Twilight smirking, while levitating it. Then he whipped back at Leo just in time for the turtle leader to upper cut him off his feet, knocking him out. "Thanks, Twilight," Leo said. "No problem," she replied. Suddenly, a beam of light beamed from the sky. Everyone stopped fighting to see the light hitting the ground. Then, the ground quaked as emerging from the ground were zombies. "Whoa!" Rainbow gasped. "You gotta be putting me on!" Raph gasped. "By Darwin's Beard!" Donnie wide eyed. The zombies began to head towards the group, as Bonesteel woke up. "Well, I ain't sticking around here!" Bonesteel began to run away. Sunset noticed. "Bonesteel's getting away!" she called. "Let him go! We got bigger problems!" Leo stated. "Get'em!" The group battled the zombies. Leo slashed one zombie's arm off, Rarity and Raph took off one's head, Donnie whacked a zombie in two leaving only it's legs, and the others did the same thing. But no matter how much they ripped off, the zombies began to pull themselves together. "Our attacks aren't working!" Donnie cried. "They just keep coming!" "Whatever shall we do?!" Rarity exclaimed. "Run!" Leo shouted and they all took off, with the zombies stumbling after them. The Turtles and Rainbooms tore through trees and brush until they came to a clearing. "I think we lost them," Applejack said, as they stopped to catch their breath. "I hate zombies!" Raph exclaimed. "That was so scary!" Fluttershy trembled. "I hope Mikey and Pinkie didn't run into any zombies!" "Or Spike!" Twilight worried. "What'll we do now, Leo?" Donnie asked. "Let's regroup with Vam Mi, Bing, and Chi Chu and keep looking for Mikey, Pinkie, and Spike," Leo stated. "Turtles! Rainbooms!" Called Vam Mi's voice. They all turned to see the woman waving at them from the mouth of a cave. "Quickly, before the zombies catch up!" The group wasted no time and hurried over to the cave. But as they went, Leo was hit with a sudden thought. 'How did she know we were being chased by zombies?' He wondered. The thought reminded him of Bonesteel's warning, the writing on the wall, and that bad feeling he had been having since they met her and her children. The group followed Vam Mi into the cave. They hurried through the caverns before coming to a door. "This way!" Vam Mi led as she opened the door. Soon, the group found themselves in a bizarre chamber of sorts. "We'll be safe here," Vam Mi assured. As Leo raised a brow, Fluttershy looked around. "Um, where are Bing and Chi Chu?" "Not to worry. They're very near," Vam Mi smiled. As Vam Mi talked, Leo nudged Sunset and whispered something to her and she nodded. Then when Vam Mi wasn't looking, she reached over and grabbed her hand. "What are you-?" Vam Mi asked, as Sunset stared, her eyes pure white. Then she gasped in horror and back away. "No!" Sunset cried. "Sunset, what did you see?" Leo asked. "We need to get out of here!" Sunset replied, urgently. "Now!" "Uh, why?" Rainbow asked. "Because Vam Mi's a-" Sunset was cut off by Vam Mi shouting, "Háizimen, yuēshù tāmen! Then suddenly, both the Turtles and Rainbooms were lifted off the ground. "What the?!" Rainbow said in surprise. "What is this?" Donnie asked. Then from out of the shadows, Bing and Chi Chu walked out carrying some wax dolls that were shaped just like them. "You are not going anywhere!" Bing said, darkly. "Ever again!" Chi Chu added. Then Vam Mi raised her hand and some string wrapped around the dolls, tying them up. At the same time, the Turtles and Rainbooms found themselves bunched together as though they were tied up. Then Bing and Chi Chu dropped the dolls and the others fell to the ground with a painful thud. "What in tarnation is going on?" Applejack demanded. "Well, if you must know..." Vam Mi said. Then in a flash, she and her children hissed as their eyes turned red, their skin turned pale, and sharp fangs sprouted from their mouths. The sight made the Turtles and Rainbooms scream. "Good heavens!" Rarity cried. "What the shell?" Raph looked repulsed at what he saw. "W-What are you?" Twilight shivered. "They're vampires!" Sunset struggled. "Not just any vampires!" Vam Mi hissed. "We are Jiangshi! Chinese Vampires!" "What did you do to Mikey and Pinkie?" Demanded Rainbow. Bing only scoffed. "Those simpletons? We never bothered with those two! Waste of magic and wax!" "Same with the mutt!" Chi Chu smirked. "Why are you doing this?" Fluttershy shivered. Vam Mi chuckled. "Well, to explain that, I must start from the beginning. Many centuries ago in China, I was queen of our vampire tribe. We would roam from village to village, feasting upon the qi of the humans that lived there! Many attempted to slay me, but none could prevail. For you see, as queen of the Clan, I was granted with immortality! But one day, a mystic known as Chung-I faced me in battle. We fought long and hard, but I underestimated Chung-I, and he ripped out my heart!" The group looked grossed out on that last part. "Disgusting!" Rarity shivered. Vam Mi continued. "Then Chung-I fled to America and hid my heart! Without it, I was left weakened and vulnerable! Nor could I could not survive for very long, along with my children and followers. They were bound to me by blood. If I were to perish, so would they!" Bing took up the story. "We came here to search for mother's heart, but could not find it. Eventually, we gave up the search as we discovered another way to keep us alive!" "Every hallows eve, my children and I must drain the qi or life-force of victims lured here!" Vam Mi explained. "It is the only way for us to remain immortal. But only one human was ever able to escape his fate!" "Bonesteel!" Leo realized. "I hate it when the bad guys are right!" Rainbow groaned. "Shame you did not heed his warning," Vam Mi smirked. "Or had you let him hunt us, then your fates would not be sealed!" She chuckled. "You know, it isn't easy luring unsuspecting travelers to our home. But it helps when one is able to craft the illusion of, oh say, thick fog?" She waved each hand over the other and a small fog cloud appeared. "You made that fog to lure us in!" Applejack concluded. "And that painting I saw was you three, wasn't it?" Donnie theorized. "And all those zombies were your past victims!” Sunset realized. "And so were the ghosts!" Twilight added. “They were trying to warn us so we wouldn’t suffer the same fate.” “Ah! So smart. Yet so easy,” Vam Mi shook her head. Chi Chu then spoke. “Wô hěI bàoqiàn, I am sorry. My brother and I did want to be your friends. But we jiangshi must feed.” "And I really do think your lovely, Rarity," Bing said. "I'm not flattered!" Rarity rebuked. "Just wait till I get out of here!" Raph growled. "I'm gonna kick you bloodsuckers straight in your-" he was cut off when Vam Mi smacked him hard across the face, leaving a painful mark. "Silence!" She roared. "Insolent welp! Your threats are idle and will not save you!" "You won't get away with this!" Leo declared. "Oh, I think you'll find that we will," Vam Mi rebuffed, and motioned to a moondile. "Once the moon in the midnight alignment, all of you will join our other victims, as lifeless zombies!" The vampiress laughed maniacally as she walked away from them. "I don't wanna be a zombie!" Fluttershy trembled. "No one's going to become a zombie!" Leo promised. "We'll figure a way out of this. We always do." Then he whispered, "And Mikey, Pinkie, and Spike are still out there. Just maybe, they might be able to save us." The Turtles and Rainbooms could only hope that would be true. As well as figure out how to get out of the mess they were in. Mikey and Pinkie were still riding in the carriage. By now, the horse had stopped running and had now broken into a steady trot. "Well, that was fun," Pinkie said. "Yeah, girl," Mikey agreed. "Hey, Mikey, wanna hear a Halloween joke?" Pinkie inquired. "Yeah! What is it?" Mikey asked. "What can you catch from a vampire in winter?" Pinkie said. "Uh, I don't know? What?" Mikey shrugged. "Frostbite!" "Ohhhh!" Mikey hallowed with laughter. Suddenly from up ahead, they saw a bunch of short figures standing on the path in the fog. Then they heard multiple young voices, and what sounded like Spike, screaming, "The Headless Coachman!" "Headless Coachman?!" Pinkie exclaimed, then she and Mikey screamed. > 2. The Sword Of Yurikawa > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In New York city, a lone figure landed on a rooftop and stared out at a building ahead of it: the Foot Clan HQ. Then the figure held up a picture of Hamato Yoshi with Tang Shen and baby Miwa. The figure looked at the picture before staring back at the Foot HQ building. Then the figure spoke in a woman's voice. "Not the family reunion I wanted. But you are the only one who can help me. Miwa." Inside the building, in an unknown room, Karai sat on the floor alone, meditating before a shrine of Master Splinter. Tonight was the anniversary of the day he was killed by Super Shredder and she was honoring him. Then she opened her eyes and without turning her head spoke, "You know, security is very tight here. I'm impressed you managed to get in." From the shadows behind her, the figure emerged. For a moment, the two did nothing. Then in a flash, Karai was on her feet and pulled out her tanto. And the figure pulled out a katana. Then the two rushed at each other and engaged in sword play. Karai swung her blade hard, but the figure managed to block and deflect each strike. Then Karai tried to sneak strike the figure, but it managed to slip away and kick her back. "You good," Karai admitted. The figure didn't answer. It just stood ready as the two continued their fight. They clashed blades, looking evenly matched until they reached a grapple. Until the figure suddenly disarmed Karai and swept her legs, knocking her to the floor. "Nice trick," Karai admitted. "Here's one of mine!" She flipped back and morphed into her snake form then whipped her tail, knocking the katana from the figure's hand and then wrapped around it, holding it down. "Oruku Saki trained you well," the figure admitted, right before it hit a neve in Karai's side and twisted it. "Ugh!" Karai cried in pain, before the figure kicked her off and into a wall, morphing back to her human form. Then as she looked up, the figure had it's katana aimed at her chest. "But you know nothing of what I know," the figure said. "Maybe, but I have something you probably don't have," Karai smirked. "Me!" The figure suddenly found two small blades at it's throat held by Shinigami. With no other choice, the figure dropped it's sword. Karai stood and pointed her retrieved tanto at the figure. "Now, how 'bout you tell me just who you are and why your here, trying assassinate me?!" "If I wanted to kill you, you would not be standing right now," the figure said. "And besides, I would never try to harm you..., Miwa." Karai's eyes widened and her hand, that held her weapon, trembled in shock. Then she grabbed the figure by it's robe and glared hard at it. "How do you know my birth name?!" She demanded. "I was there when my brother chose it for you," the figure answered. Then it pulled it's mask to reveal a middle aged Japanese woman. "I am Hamato Mitsu... your father, Hamato Yoshi, was my brother..." Later, Karai sat on her throne, while Mitsu stood before her with two Foot soldiers restraining her. "So, you expect me to believe that your my aunt?" Karai said in suspicion. "I understand your wariness, Miwa," Mitsu replied. "But what I said was the truth." Karai walked down from the throne and stood in front of Mitsu. "Well, I want some assurance that your telling the truth. So right now, Dr Chaplin is running a DNA test on you. And we'll just see if you are?" At that moment, Chaplin appeared. "Okay, I've got the test results, and... Ms Silent but Deadly here is telling the truth." "What?!" Karai gasped. Then she turned to her soldiers. "Release her!" And the soldiers let Mitsu go. "So, you really are my aunt?" "I am," Mitsu nodded. "It was shocking for me as well, when I learned you were alive." "Then, do you also know about..." Karai began. "Yes," Mitsu answered, sadly. "About my brother's fate at the hands of the Shredder." She layed a hand on Karai's shoulder. "I am so sorry, Miwa." "So was I," Karai said, looking away. "But the Shredder is no more, thanks to some very good friends of mine. But something tells me that your not here for just a visit." "You are correct, Miwa," Mitsu confirmed. "I need your help to retrieve something of great importance." "Oh, and just what is this something?" Chaplin inquired, getting nosey, and Mitsu responded by poking a nerve in his shoulder making him stiffen up and fall to the floor. "Perhaps we should discuss this elsewhere?" Mitsu suggested. "Agreed," Karai agreed, looking flatly down at Chaplin. At Bradford's old dojo, Karai and Mitsu stood in his old office, while the older woman layed an old drawing of a sword. "The sword of Yurikawa," Mitsu said. "So, what's special about it?" Karai wondered. "Well, legend says it was forged by the legendary mystic Yurikawa," Mitsu explained. "He presented the sword to the Hamato Clan as a gift. The sword was blessed with ability to transform into any weapon, so that those who wield it would be invincible to their enemies." "So what happened?" Karai asked. "One day, the sword was stolen by the Foot Clan and fell into the hands of it's master, Oruku Keiji! Saki's father!" Mitsu continued darkly. "The Shredder's father?" Karai said in surprise. "Yes," Mitsu nodded. "For a long time, Keiji used the sword for evil, until my father, your grandfather, Hamato Yuuta, managed to take it back. Afterwards, he returned it to Yurikawa and he hid the sword away where it wouldn't be misused again." Mitsu then took out a map and layed it out. "I have spent nearly all my life searching for that sword and my search has finally payed off." She pointed to a spot on the map. "Yurikawa hid the sword somewhere in this city known as Canterlot." "I know of that city, it's where some of my friends live," Karai noted. "Shini and I are going there tomorrow to take part in a special event." "Then that is where we must go," Mitsu said. "And we must leave tonight." "Why tonight?" Karai asked. "Why not tomorrow?" "Because tonight is the only night when we can retrieve it," Mitsu responded. "When Yurikawa hid the sword, he created a crypt around it that will disappear for one hundred years before reappearing again on a hollows night. And tonight is that night and by midnight, the crypt will disappear for another hundred years." Karai looked hesitant for a moment before she said, "Alright, but I want Shinigami and some of my other friends to come as well." "So be it," Mitsu relented, then she asked, "These friends of yours, what are they like?" "You'll find out soon enough," Karai answered. Soon, they were riding to Canterlot in the Foot Clan's van. Shini drove while Karai and Mitsu sat next to her in the front. In the back of the van sat April, Casey, Chaplin, Carter, Angel, Keno, Zach, and Caitlyn. "So let me get this straight," Caitlyn stated, skeptically. "Your Karai's aunt and came all this way because you need her help to retrieve a sword?" "That is true," Mistu answered. "I even ran a DNA test," Chaplin added. "Her story checked out." "Right..." Caitlyn replied, but she didn't sound convinced. "Come on, Cate," Zach said. "Do you always gotta be so nosey?" "I'm a blogger, it comes with the territory," Caitlyn excused. "I didn't know you had an aunt, Karai. That's awesome!” Casey cheered. “I hope we get to see more of your relatives, Karai.” Carter said. "I'm afraid not, Carter," Mitsu rebuffed, sadly. "Miwa and I are the last of our family. There are no others..." "For real?" Angel asked. "That's a downer," Chaplin stated. "Mitsu?" April spoke up. "Yes, April?" Mitsu asked. "Forgive me for asking, but from all the times I spent training with Splinter, he never mentioned you. Why is that?" Mitsu looked down and sighed. "Yoshi and I were not very close as children. You might even say that we were like opposites... While we were both trained in ninjitsu, Yoshi was far more dedicated to it. I however, was more interested in scholarship and learning about the history of our clan. Sadly though, my brother's dedication to the clan, he became the favorite of our father, while I was ignored. Consumed by jealousy, I distanced myself from Yoshi. Knowing what became of him now, I regret that choice." April frowned and told her, “It's alright, Mitsu. I'm sure Splinter would be happy that you and Karai have met." "Thank you, April," Mitsu smiled. "I can see why my brother grew fond of you." And April smiled. "So why's the sword so important?" Keno asked. "It has the power to transform into any weapon at will," Mitsu explained. "Cool," said Zach. "I'd love to use something like that!" "Not in your life," Caitlyn rebuffed him. Mitsu turned to Karai. "Are you sure we can rely on these friends of yours to help us?" "My friends are... unique," Karai admitted. "But they can be trusted." “Don't worry, Mitsu. You can count on us.” Carter stated. “We'll find that sword before it disappears.” Angel vowed. "Or falls into the wrong hands," Keno noted. “Thank you everyone,” Mitsu bowed her head at them. “Thank you for helping me with my mission.” “Does anyone else know about the sword of Yurikawa?” Casey asked. “I mean, who else would try to find the sword other than all of us combined.” "Not that I'm aware of. And I do not wish to find out!" Mitsu stated, seriously. "We're here," Shini announced, as they passed a sign that said 'Welcome to Canterlot'. "So where exactly in Canterlot is this temple where the sword is hidden?" Angel asked. "According to the research I uncovered, Yurikawa built the temple in a forest called Everfree," Mitsu answered. "Hey, we've been there before," Casey noted. "Yep," April confirmed. "We went camping there with our friends the Rainbooms." "Too bad they couldn't join us," Angel said. "Said they were joining the Turtles for some forest training." "Turtles?" Mitsu inquired. "I guess you could call them my brothers," Karai said. "Father adopted them when they all got covered in mutagen. Father became a rat while the four turtles became human-like." "Interesting?" Mitsu raised a brow. "I have one last question?" Caitlyn asked Mitsu. "Why do you need Karai's help to get the sword?" "When I learned that Miwa was alive and well, I wished for us both to retrieve the sword together. As a family," Mitsu replied, and Karai smiled warmly. "Aww!" Shini said. "But we must hurry, we don't have a lot of time," Mitsu noted. "First, we need another friend of ours to guide us to the temple,” Karai suggested. Mitsu asked, “Who do you have in mind?” Karai thought about it until the van stopped by Sunset’s house. She knocked on the door and it was opened by Fugitoid who looked so pleased. “Oh, hello Karai,” Fugitoid asked with a smile. “Hey, Fugitoid. Are you busy?” Karai replied. Fugitoid answered, “No. Just finished dusting Sunset's house. So, what can I do for you today?” Karai informed him, “My aunt needs help finding a sword in Everfree. Will you help us?” Fugitoid was surprisingly shocked. “Wait a minute, you have an aunt?” “It's a long story,” Karai answered. “I'll tell you on the way.” “Right.” Fugitoid nodded as he locked the door and exited the house to follow Karai to the van for her quest. As they rode, Mitsu spoke with Fugitoid. "So you are a human brain inside a body of metal?" "Well, humanoid is more accurate," Fugitoid noted cheerfully, but then he turned somber. "And my condolences for the loss of your brother." "Thank you," Mitsu said. “Oh I can't wait for the Halloween Show later tonight. Would you agree?” Casey asked his friends. Mitsu overheard their conversations and asked her niece, “A Halloween show?" "Some other friends of ours are performing a show at their school for Halloween tomorrow," Karai explained. "And they invited us to preform with them." "Why would you take part of this trivial event?” Mitsu inquired as Karai answered. "After spending most of my life with the Shredder, I never really got the chance to make my own decisions and enjoy the happier things in life. Things such as walk on beaches, ride attractions in amusement parks, and just hanging out with my friends. My friendship with them made me a better person. And I'm going to enjoy that for the rest of my life.” “Hmm, I see?” Mitsu stated. But by the sound of her tone, she didn't sound very approving. What neither her or Karai knew, was that Caitlyn had overheard and she looked even more suspicious by Mitsu's behavior. While she drove, Shini noticed something. "Um, what's with all this fog?" The others noticed that clouds of fog were settling in. "Strange," Fugitoid said. "There was no weather report about fog?" "It matters not, we must find the temple before midnight," Mitsu stated. Minutes later, the van arrived at Camp Everfree where Timber was waiting and everyone exited the van. “Hey Karai, I got your message. What's up?” Timber asked. “We need your help guiding us around the Everfree Forest. Will you join us?” Karai asked. Timber nodded, “Of course, anything for a friend like you, Karai.” After that, Karai and her friends journeyed through the Everfree Forest to find an ancient temple where the Sword of Yurikawa was located. While continuing to walk through the forest, they took an abandoned path filled with fog while Zach was looking at the map. “Are you sure we're taking the right path, Timber?” Zach nervously asked. “I'm starting to get the chills around here.” "It's the right path, though I wasn't expecting there to be this much fog." Timber replied. "It almost seems ominous," Shini noted. “Here, let me light up the path for you,” Fugitoid announced as he turned on the headlights from his eyes to clear a path for them. “Ta-da!” "Thanks, Fuge," Timber said. As they walked, Caitlyn tapped April. "Hey, April, can I talk to you for a moment?" "Sure, what's up, Caitlyn?" April asked. "I've got a bad feeling about Mitsu," Caitlyn said. "She seems off!" "What?! Caitlyn, she's Karai's aunt!" April chastised her. "I know, I mean no disrespect, but she's rubbing me the wrong way," Caitlyn insisted. “Caitlyn, that's horrible!" April chewed her out. "Karai's had no family members until today! She's finally lucky to have found one!" Caitlyn reminded her, “Don't you get it, April. It's almost like the time you thought you found your long lost mother and look how that turned out...” April's face soften. She would never forget that horrible experience. Or how completely blinded she had been to the truth. She sighed, “You may have a point, but let's just keep going until we find out what's going on. And don't bring it up around Karai.” "Okay," Caitlyn relented. "But I just wanna point out one more thing: Mitsu never said why she wants this sword." April was taken aback, as the realization hit her. The thought had never crossed her mind. Why did Mitsu want the Sword of Yurikawa? Meanwhile, Casey's phone buzzed and he saw it was Gabby. "Hey, Gabby," he answered it. "Hola, Casey," Gabby replied, but she sounded a little uneasy. "Pregunta tonta, dumb question? That car mutant you and Donnie fought, what did it look like exactly?" "You mean Speed Demon?" Casey inquired. "Well, he was a dark purple muscle car and a totally crazy driver. Oh yeah, and the hood also had teeth sticking out!" Then he heard a clattering sound, as if Gabby had dropped her phone. Then he heard her shouting to someone in the background, "Get away from that car!" right before the call ended. "Weird," Casey said. "Hey, Casey, who was that?" Carter asked. "That was Gabby," Casey explained. "She wanted to know what Speed Demon looked like." "That car mutant you told us about?" Zack inquired. "Why would she wanna know what he looks like?" Angel wondered aloud. "No idea?" Casey shrugged. Mitsu then thought of something in her mind and walked up to Karai. She said, “Hey, do you have a moment?” “Yeah. What's on your mind?” Karai replied. “I want to take this time to know you better. And you haven't know me better. So, what was your childhood like?” Mitsu asked. "Well, being raised by the Shredder wasn't easy. Which is putting it lightly," Karai began. "So my childhood wasn't all fun and games. When Saki began training me in ninjitsu, things got even harder for me." "I am sorry to hear that," Mitsu sympathized. Karai continued. "While he did make me strong, he was also trying to mold me into his image, and sadly for a while, I did act like him and even hurt many of my now closest friends in more ways than one. Especially one, Leonardo. When we first fought, I found him amusing and he became attracted to me. Knowing that, I played with his emotions, making him ignore his better judgement and the warnings of April and his brother Raph, who both saw through me. Then one day, I made a complete idiot out of him and showed him my true colors at the time." Mitsu chuckled. "I use to play tricks on Yoshi and make a fool of him. He always fell for it. I suppose Leonardo adopted his gullibility?" "He sure did," Karai grinned, but then she looked regretful. "But I'm not exactly proud of it anymore. When he learned the truth about me being Splinter's daughter he tried to tell me, until I finally believed him. But by then, Saki had me imprisoned." “And then what?” Mitsu asked. Karai explained her story, “The Turtles managed to save me, but when I found out that Shredder killed my mother, I tried to get revenge on him and I was captured. He put me in a cage, dangling above a tank full of mutagen. Leo and his friends tried to rescue me, but Saki accidentally cut the chain and I fell into the mutagen. After I got out, I was turned into a mutant snake. After that, I got away but Saki and his men captured me. He brainwashed me and turned me into his puppet again. Some time later, my father freed me from Saki's mind control and I was free once more. After that, I wanted to make Saki pay for all he did to me! So I recruited Shinigami as well as my own ninjas and took down Shredder's empire from the shadows!" "Quite a tale you have, Miwa," Mitsu said. "Yes, but as I mentioned, I also have some regrets," Karai admitted. "One such regret was that I wasted the time I could have been spending with my father on taking down the Shredder." Mitsu layed a hand on her shoulder. "I understand, Miwa. There were times I wasted in research and studying that I could've spent with my father." "That's one thing we have in common," Karai smiled at her aunt. "It is indeed," Mitsu smiled back. As the gang continued walking, Zach heard something and stopped. He told everyone, “Hold up. Listen.” Zach used his flashlight and shined it on a tree where the noise was coming from. But the noise turned out to be an owl. Everyone just continued walking as Caitlyn said with a deadpan expression, “Really Zach? It's just an owl. Don't be a baby.” Zach frowned, when suddenly he heard a horse winny and turned to see the shape of a horse and carriage ride past in the fog. Freaked out, he ran to catch up with the others. As they walked, April tapped Karai on the shoulder. "Karai can I talk to you in private?" "Uh, sure," Karai agreed and they hung back. "What is it, April?" “Look, Karai. I know you're happy that you found your aunt, but Caitlyn told me that she doesn't trust Mitsu because there was something off about her,” April informed her. Karai rebuffed, “What? That's ridiculous! She's my aunt!" "I know, I told her off for that too," April replied, “But there is some logic in her claim. We never asked Mitsu why she wanted the sword in the first place.” Karai eased up, as she realized that was truth. "She never did say why she wanted the sword," she admitted. "Karai, some things are just too good to be true," April advised. "Something I had to learn the hard way with Mom-Thing..." Karai remembered hearing about that incident. How April let the joy of finding her mother and fear of losing her family again completely blind her to the truth. She didn't wanna believe it, but deep down Karai began to wonder if she was doing the same. And that Mitsu might not be what she seemed. She was also unaware that Mitsu was watching them from the corner of her eye. Through the fog of Everfree Forest, Timber then noticed something up ahead. He squinted his eyes and saw a building. He alerted everyone, “Stop.” Everyone stopped and Mitsu asked, “What is it?” “Look,” Timber said as he pointed his flashlight at the building and shined the light on it. The building was none other than the temple. Mitsu confirmed, “Yes, that's it. That's the temple we seek. Quickly!” Everyone hurried into the temple and entered a large room. They noticed the room was filled with statues, all in strange poses. In the center of the room, in a shaft of moonlight, sat a stone. Sticking out of the stone was the sword. "Is that it?" April asked. "That it is," Mitsu answered. "The Sword Of Yurikawa." "Why's it in that rock?" Carter asked. "When Yurikawa built this temple, he enchanted that stone so that it would only release the sword to a Hamato," Mitsu explained. “Well lucky for me, I am a daughter of Hamato Yoshi after all.” Karai said. "Uh, excuse me for interrupting," Fugitoid said. "But do you know if this Yurikawa built any traps in this temple? In all the Daring Do movies I've seen along with the CMC, I've noticed that in every old temple there's usually a trap." "There are no traps here," Mitsu said. "Well, now that's a relief," Fugitoid began, until Mitsu spoke up again. "But, there is one obstacle we must overcome." "Like what?" Angel asked. Suddenly, the ground shook and into the room stepped a stone warrior with a nagatana spear. "Him, Shogun, the temple's guardian!" Mitsu said. "And I spoke too soon," Fugitoid noted. Shogun charged right in and started attacking the gang. Everyone dodged as April, Casey, Shini, Carter, and Angel hold off the Shogun while Caitlyn, Zach, Timber, and Fugitoid stood back and hid behind some rocks as they watched. “Um, we'll be right here for moral support if you need us.” Zach said, scaredly. Mitsu rolled her eyes and informed her niece, “Karai, get the sword. We'll deal with Shogun.” Karai nodded, “I'm on it.” “Wait, what about me? What am I suppose to do?” Fugitoid asked Zach and Caitlyn. "You protect us," Caitlyn said. "Oh, right," Fugitoid remembered. "Goongala!" Casey exclaimed, skating toward Shogun and whacked him with his hockey stick, breaking it on impact. "Bonzai!" Keno cried, as he hit Shogun with his sticks. The stone guardian twirled his spear and knocked them both away. Then Angel lept in, hitting him with her sticks, but Shogun grabbed her and threw her into Carter, when he came charging in. Just as he was about to stab them with his spear, Shini's chain wrapped around his arm and was pulled back. "Eat this, stone boy!" Chaplin fired a laser blast at Shogun. The guardian was forced back a little, but he wasn't damaged. Then he yanked the chain, pulling Shini with it and swung her into Chaplin. Then he pulled them both forward and punched them both into a wall. But then the Bridge siblings and Keno knocked Shogun down with a kick. But after the kick, Shogun stood back up and smacked them away. Carter said in disbelief, “Dang, he's tough.” "That's an understatement," Keno noted. "You said it!" Angel agreed. "Let's see him deal with this!" April hit him with a psychic wave. As Shogun struggled against it, he hurled his spear at her, which she quickly deflected with her powers, but Shogun then upper cut her and kicked her back. Shogun then took his spear and about to stab her, when Mitsu appeared out of nowhere and blocked with her katana. Mitsu told Shogun, “You're good, but not good enough.” Then the two fought hard, looking evenly matched. Until Shogun noticed Karai heading for the sword. Then he knocked Mitsu away and threw his spear at the girl. "Whoa!" Karai stopped as the spear almost hit her. Shogun charged at her and lept up to land a kick. But Karai rolled out of the way just in time. Then he attack her, throwing punches and kicks, while Karai blocked then and tried to throw in some of her own before Shogun grabbed her and threw her into Mitsu. After that, everyone stood and attacked Shogun at the same time, ganging up on the stone warrior with their weapons. However, Shogun proved to be too strong and whacked them away with his spear. “He's too strong!" Keno said. "How do we even beat this dude?!” Casey asked, loudly. Shogun approached, ready to finish them, when he was hit with multiple blasts by Fugitoid. "Back! Back I say!" The cyborg shouted, forcing Shogun to back up. "Thanks, Fuge!" Carter said. Everyone stood as Mitsu ordered, "Karai, get the sword!" Karai nodded and rushed toward the stone. Fugitoid was still keeping Shogun at by, when the stone guardian managed to push through and slice off both his arms with the spear. "Oh, bleep!" Fugitoid said, before Shogun punched him into a wall. "Fugitoid!" Zach and Caitlyn cried, as they and Timber ran over to him. "You okay?" The camper asked. "Aside from being armless, I'm good," Fugitoid assured. "Oh dear!" Shogun stomped up to them and raised his spear, before Mitsu jumped over him, grabbed him by the head, and used her body weight to pull and slam him to the ground. "Whoa! Thanks for the save, Mitsu!" Zach cheered. Shogun stood, ready to fight again, when a laser blast knocked him off his feet and making him drop his spear, thanks to Chaplin. Then Casey skated in, grabbed the spear, and raced toward Shogan. "Goongala!" He shouted, and sliced off Shogun's head. "Yes! I got him!" Chaplin hi-fived him. "You the man, Jones!" Suddenly, Shogun stood back up, without his head. "No lo creo?!" Was all he said, before Shogun grabbed him and Casey, smashed them into each other, and slammed on the ground, before pounded them both repeatedly. Then he took back his spear, just in time for April to knock him away with another psychic blast. "He can fight without his head?!" She asked. “He's like the Headless Horseman,” Keno said in disbelief. Carter replied, “Yeah. No kidding, Ichabod.” “Mitsu, you did some research on this temple before," Shini stated. "So, does this headless samurai have any weaknesses?” "Only the sword can defeat him!" Mitsu said. "Look out!" Shogun picked up his head and threw it at the group who quickly dodged. "Hurry and get the sword, Karai!" Angel shouted. While Karai made way to retrieve the sword and everyone else held off Shogun, Caitlyn discovered some ancient Japanese writings on the walls of the temple. "Guys," she said, motioning for Zach, Timber, and Fugitoid to come over. "What are those?" Zach asked. "I don't know?" Caitlyn informed Fugitoid, “Fuge, can you help us translate the writings on the walls of the temple please?” “Certainly,” Fugitoid nodded and started scanning, decoding, and translating the Japanese writings. Karai took hold of the sword and with one heave, she pulled it out of the stone. At that moment, Shogun stopped fighting the others and turned to Karai. Then he rushed at her, swinging his spear and tried to land a hit. But Karai raised the sword and in a flash, it transformed into a nagatana spear, blocking Shogun's attack. Karai pushed the stone guardian away as the sword changed back. "Let's see how tough you are now!" Then she and Shogun fought. "Kick his stone butt, Karai!" Chaplin called. Mitsu was amazed by the sword’s power as Karai kept fighting against Shogun with the sword. “Wow. Incredible power from the Sword of Yurikawa.” “Fuge, did you figure out what those writings mean?” Caitlyn asked Fugitoid while Zach, Timber, and the others watched the continuing battle between Shogun and Karai. "Well, from what I've gathered, it appears to be a warning of some sort?" Fugitoid stated. "A warning?" Timber asked. "Of what?" "That I'm not sure of what that warning is yet?" Fugitoid answered. "I need to do more translation." Meanwhile, Karai was gaining the upper hand against Shogun, dodging his attacks and striking him with the sword as it transformed into various weapons. When Shogun swung his spear, it turned into a shield. When he threw a punch, it turned into nunchucks that Karai wrapped around his fist and using his forward momentum, flipped him over her shoulder. “Wow, this sword is something else.” Karai said, looking at the Sword of Yurikawa. Shogun rosed up and charged right at her again. The sword changed into a bo staff and Karai leaped over him. Then, the sword transformed into a mace and Karai hit Shogun’s head off his body before she safely landed on the ground. Shogun turned around and charged right at Karai as she used the sword to shuffle Shogun’s head like a puck and swiftly moved her feet like a hockey player. Karai hit his head, launching it like a puck and flew underneath his stone body as Karai slid underneath him. Then, Karai got up and hit Shogun’s head with her sword, launching it and bouncing it off the walls like a ping-pong ball as it kept hitting Shogun’s stone body. Casey was astounded by Karai’s performance and dropped his jaw, thinking and wondering if she had been taking notes of his moveset. Shogun caught his head gave a mighty swing and Karai just managed to dodge it. Then the sword's blade lit up with fire and she ran it Right through the stone guardian's chest. After a moment, Shogun dropped his spear and crumbled to dust. Fugitoid, Shini, and the rest of the teens cheered for Karai after defeating the stone guardian. Chaplin whooped, “Woohoo! That was awesome!” April cheered, “Way to go, Karai.” Shini bowed, “Well done.” Casey applauded, “You gotta teach me those moves some other time, Karai.” "Well done, Miwa," Mitsu said, then held out her hand. "Now, let me have the sword and we can leave this place." Karai was about to had it over when she stopped, a sudden bad feeling crept over her. Then she remembered what April had said. She quickly held the sword away and said, "Not yet!" "Miwa?" Mitsu looked surprised. "Tell me why you want the sword?" Karai demanded. "I don't have time, Miwa," Mitsu excused. "Please, give me the sword!" And she reached for it, but Karai jerked it away. "Make time!" Karai said, sternly. "Why do you want the sword?" "Miwa, I am your aunt!" Mitsu said, sounding hurt. "Do you not trust me?" "Yes, but I'm not stupid!" Karai stated. "You never told me why you wanted the sword! So tell me, now!" Mitsu looked down in guilt for a moment. Then she suddenly threw powder in Karai's face, distorting her. Then Mitsu grabbed her arm and swung her into the others, making her drop the sword. "I am so sorry, Miwa," the woman said, taking the sword. "I truly never wanted it to go this way." Karai was deeply shocked and hurt from her aunt’s betrayal. She cried, “Mitsu, what are you doing? Stop!” Mitsu ignored Karai as she exited the temple and used the sword to destroy the entrance until it turned to debris, trapping her former allies including her own niece inside. "Nooooooo!" Karai shouted, pounding on the debris before she slumped to the ground in sadness. "She used me! This whole time!" "I knew she seemed off!" Caitlyn said, and Angel smacked her upside the head. "Ow!" "Caitlyn, stop talking!" Angel pointed at how heartbroken Karai looked. April sat on her knees and put and hand on her shoulder, "I'm sorry, Karai." Karai quickly composed herself and her sadness turned to anger. "We have to stop her!" She said. "But we need to get out of here first!" "April, can you use your ESP to move all the debris?" Carter asked. "I don't think I have enough strength for that," April rebuffed. "Well we gotta do something?" Zach said. At that moment Chaplin ushered everyone away from the entrance. "Alright, back up, folks. Back up, back up, retrocede, por favor." "Chaplin, what are-" Karai began, when she noticed there were now explosive charges all over the debris. Chaplin turned with a smug look and pointed his finger like a pistol. "Bang!" He pretended to fire it. And at that moment, the charges went off, blasting the debris away. "Awesome!" Casey cheered. "Yeah!" Keno added. "Nice going, Chaplin!" Karai said. "It's a talent," Chaplin said, blowing pretend smoke off his finger. Everyone exited the temple as Caitlyn dragged Fugitoid while Zach carried his arms. Fugitoid warmly smiled, “Oh, thank you Zach and Caitlyn.” Zach replied, “Don't sweat it, Fuge. Chaplin will fix your arms once we're done here.” Chaplin nodded, “Eeyup.” Fugitoid beamed, “Wonderful.” Everyone made their way back to Camp Everfree, but the Foot van was gone. Carter shouted, “Oh no, the van!” Karai speculated, “Hmm, seems like Mitsu took the van while we were stuck inside the temple.” “Yeah, but the question is, how are we going to find Mitsu now?” Angel asked. “Don't worry everyone, I placed a tracker underneath the van just in case it's stolen,” Chaplin informed everyone as he showed the location of the van and where it's heading from his phone. “See.” “Chaplin, you are a genius,” Karai said before hugging him. "As always," Chaplin grinned. "But... we have no way to catch up to her." "Well now, I wouldn't say that..." Fugitoid said. "If you'll reattach my arms, I might be able to help with that issue." Meanwhile, in the Foot's van, Mitsu was driving fast down the highway. Then she noticed something in rearview mirror. She leaned out the window and gasped in disbelief. "This is so metal!" Casey exclaimed in excitement, as he held on to Fugitoid. The cyborg was flying after the van with his rocket boosters, while everyone held onto his body and his extended arms and legs. "Yeah this is!" Zach agreed. "Whoo hooo!" Carter cheered. Chaplin informed everyone, “Okay, I'm gonna try to shoot the tires. That'll slow her down.” “Okay, but I want my aunt alive,” Karai ordered. “With pleasure,” Chaplin nodded as he grabbed his laser pistol and started firing lasers at the van. Mitsu ducked back in, floored the gas, and steered the van onto a dirt path while dodging the lasers. "Follow her!" Karai ordered Fugitoid. "I can't with all those trees in the way," the cyborg retorted. Karai thought for a moment, before she said, "Then fly above the trees and try to catch up to her!" "That, I can do," Fugitoid nodded and flew after the van above the tree line. Then, when Karai saw an opening, she found the opportunity to jump off and landed on top of the van. Mitsu heard the thump on top of the van and steered from left to right, trying to shake off her niece. “Where are you heading now, Mitsu?” Karai thought to herself. She held on tight as she climbed toward the driver's window and swung in, kicking Mitsu out of the van. Then she hit the brakes and stopped in a clearing. After that she got out and confronted her aunt. "You owe me some answers, Mitsu!" She demanded. "Why did you want the sword? Why did you use me?" "I'm sorry I used you, Miwa," Mitsu apologized. "But I had to. I would never have been able to pull the sword from the stone. As for the reason, I need the sword to take back what is rightfully mine!" "And what might that be?" Karai prodded. "The Hamato Clan!" Mitsu answered. "What?" Karai asked. Then, the rest of Karai’s friends arrived and surrounded Mitsu. “We got you surrounded. There's nowhere left for you to run now,” Casey said. Shini stated, “You're going to regret double-crossing us, Mitsu!” "Why do you want the Hamato Clan, Mitsu?" Karai asked. "Because the clan should have been mine!" Mitsu clenched her fist. "I was the oldest! I knew more about our clan's history better than Yoshi ever did! And still father made Yoshi master of the clan!" Karai explained, “That's because father worked hard to get to where he was. Age didn't matter whoever was chosen to be leader of the Hamato Clan.” Mitsu laughed, “Have you listened to yourself lately? I worked harder more than my brother ever could. He may be gone, but I'm still here.” Zach whispered to his sister, “I don't like where this is going, sis.” Caitlyn nodded. "Now that I have the sword, I can finally reclaim the clan!" Mitsu proclaimed. "But in order to do that, I must slay it's master..." "Leo!" Karai realized in shock. "You can't do that, Mitsu! He's my brother, our family!" "That kappa is not your brother!" Mitsu retorted, harshly. "He's a monster! Never a true Hamato!" Everyone gasped at what she had said. "How dare you!" April snapped. "That is so messed up, yo!" Casey added. Angel said. "No wonder your dad never made you leader!" "Silence!" Mitsu cut her off. "You know nothing of what you speak!" "No, Mitsu, Angel's right," Karai said. "Grandfather was right to make father leader of the clan, just as father himself was right to leave that honor to my brother Leonardo. He also said that there is no greater monster than a lack of compassion!" "My father said the same to me when I spoke against the idea of raising Saki, a child of the enemy! And see where that led?" Mitsu explained, “And that kappa has dishonored the clan by allowing, freaks, monsters, and outsiders to join the clan. That's disgusting!” Karai rebuked, “You're wrong, Mitsu. Leo and the rest of my brothers had help because of us. We went through many adventures together with them, formed bonds of friendship with our allies, and defeated many foes whoever tried to rule or destroy our world. That's why Leo is the leader. But for you, you only care about the past, restore the things you want, and most importantly, yourself.” "I'm doing what's best for the clan!" Mitsu insisted, fiercely. "Something father did not understand, that day I took the sword..." "What?" Karai asked, then she realized something. "You lied about the Foot using the sword?! It was you!" "Yes. You are correct," Mitsu admitted. Then remembering her past, she explained, “You see, when I was young, our clan was under siege by a French clan known as The Savate! I stole the sword and used it to win the battle. However, it caused some injuries on the Hamato Clan. Father was angry and told me that I was not worthy of leading the clan. Then he took the sword and with a heavy heart, banished me from the clan. It took me decades to find the sword. And when I did, I could not pull it from the stone for it considered me dishonorable. And when I learned you were alive, I believed that you could get the sword, and I was right!" Then she looked solemnly at Karai. "Miwa, despite everything, I do care about you. We are all that's left of our clan. It is not too late. We can rebuild the clan together. Be a real family." Karai looked thoughtful for a moment, before she said, "I care about you too, Mitsu, but I do have family! My brothers and my friends! And they have already rebuilt the clan, just as I rebuilt the Foot. Both are stronger than ever! But you're right about one thing, it's not too late. Give up the sword and abandon your plan." Mitsu shook her head and replied, “No. I can't turn back now, my niece. I can't pass up this opportunity,” She asked nicely, “Now I beg of you, Miwa, join me in my conquest.” “I'm sorry, Mitsu,” Karai rebuffed. “You may be my aunt, but I won't help you with your sick and twisted plan.” Mitsu sighed, “I'm very disappointed of you, Miwa. I don't want to fight you either. But if I must…” Without warning, she swung the sword at Karai, who ducked. Then Karai pulled out her tanto and clashed with Mitsu. They fought hard until Mitsu broke out, the sword turned into a bo staff, and whacked Karai away. “That's it! Goongala!” Casey yelled as he hit two explosive pucks after he swung his hockey stick. Mitsu turned her sword into a mace and knocked off the pucks, exploding right into the sky. Her sword turned into a whip and it grabbed Casey by the leg. She swung him around until he was sent flying right at Timber. However, Timber jumped right over him and grappled Mitsu. April used her psychic powers and rescued Casey before getting hit by a flying Timber as Mitsu threw him off. Then when Shini sent some bats to blind her, Mitsu turned her whip back into the sword and started taking down Shini’s bat decoys. While she was distracted, Shini used her chain to hit Mitsu, but she used her sword and cut off Shini’s chain. Mitsu then spin kicked Shini and she collided with April after she, Casey, and Timber got up. Carter, Angel, Chaplin, and the rest of Karai’s team circled around Mitsu until she used her sword to turn it into a whip and hit everyone with it. "Fools!" Mitsu exclaimed. "As long as I hold the sword, I am invincible!" "Well here's something that sword can't copy!" Chaplin said, as he and Fugitoid fired their lasers at her. But Mitsu turned the sword into a shield and blocked their attacks. Then Mitsu threw the shield at Chaplin, knocking him down. Then she turned it back into a sword and chopped off Fugitoid's arms again. "Oh, really?! I just got those back!" Fugitoid complained, right before he was kicked down by Mitsu. Then Mitsu was hit by floating rocks, thanks to April. The woman then threw the sword at her. April quickly halted it and Mitsu then struck her rapidly in the chest and elbowed her to the ground. "You are weak!" Mitsu sneered at her. "Unfit to even be ninja!" She picked up the sword, when suddenly Caitlyn jumped on her and put her in a headlock. Then Zach grabbed hold of her legs. Annoyed, Mitsu turned the sword into a staff again and pried Zach off her legs and tossed him into Caitlyn, knocking her off, and kick them both away. "Did you really think that would stop me?" Mitsu asked siblings dryly. "Nope," Zach smirked. "But it would distract you," Caitlyn added, slyly. Then at that moment, Mitsu was hit with a smoke bomb and April nailed her with the Dragon Tail kick, knocking her off her feet. "How's that for weak!" April smirked. After April’s attack, the Bridge siblings fought Mitsu with a double team move. Carter performed a leg sweep while Angel landed an enziguri to Mitsu’s face. Mitsu then got hit by Casey and Shini using their smoke bombs to blindside her. As Mitsu was distracted by the smoke surrounding her, Karai managed to knock the sword away from her. As everyone fought to grab the sword, Zach and Caitlyn run up to Fugitoid. "You okay, Fuge?" Zach asked. "Aside from being armless yet again, I'm good," Fugitoid answered. Then they heard a beep. "Oh, my translation is complete!" "I don't know if now's a good time for that?" Caitlyn stated. "It'll only take a moment," Fugitoid assured as he analyzed the message. "Now, it is most certainly a warning. To what that warning is about, let's see..." he looked and his eyes turned to Os. "Oh, no! What time is it?!" Caitlyn checked her phone. "Almost close to midnight. Why?" Everyone except Karai was ready to pile onto Mitsu, but she threw them off with her fast punches and kicks. Then, she and Karai were the only one left standing, face-to-face, glaring against one another. Then the two rushed at each other and fought hard, throwing in kicks and punches, while blocking the other's attacks, but also receiving some hits. Karai threw a punch but Mitsu blocked it and hit her in the gut twice, then spun her around, struck her in some pressure points, and threw her over her shoulder into a tree. "You stand no chance against me, Miwa," she stated. "It will be easier if you just give up!" Karai got up and proclaimed, "I've been beaten by others before you, Mitsu! I didn't give up then..." she turned around and got into a stance. "And I'm not giving up now!" "So be it!" Mitsu said, coldly. And rushed at Karai. Karai took a deep breath to calm down, then as Mitsu tried to land a blow, Karai dodged each strike. Then she turned into her snake form and wrapped her tail around Mitsu's legs, throwing her off. Then she slithered forward and whacked Mitsu all over, when the woman tried to strike her in the same spot like last time, Karai jumped up, transformed back, and nailed her with down kick, knocking her out. "I'm sorry, aunt," Karai said, sadly. “Woohoo! You did it, Karai!” April cheered. Angel added, “Yeah! That'll teach your aunt not to mess with the new Hamato Clan!” “So, what should we do with Mitsu now, guys?” Keno asked. “I'd say let Karai decide her aunt's fate. Right?” Everyone agreed with Shini, but Karai didn't answer as she looked at the sword. “Karai?” Karai then picked up the sword. "First, let's find out what to do with this-" "Drop the sword!" Fugitoid exclaimed frantically. "Fugitoid? What are you-" Karai was cut off when Caitlyn cried. "Put down the sword! It's cursed!" "What are you guys talking about?" Casey asked. "What we're talking about, is the sword is cursed!" Zach said. "What do you mean the sword is cursed?" Angel inquired. "While you guys were fighting Shogun back in the temple, I saw some old writting on the wall," Caitlyn explained. "After running a translation, I discovered that Yurikawa put a curse on the sword so no one could ever misuse it ever again!" Fugitoid added, then he pulled up the screen, showing them. "It says right here, then anyone who touch the sword will turn to stone!" "Remember all those statues we saw in the temple?" Caitlyn recalled. "Those weren't statues, they were people!" "Wait, hold on," Karai broke in. "If the sword turns people to stone, why hasn't it affected me or Mitsu?" "Because tonight is the one day a year when it is safe to touch it," Fugitoid explained. "But if you hold it past the midnight hour, the curse will take affect!" As they were explaining, Mitsu woke up and glared at the group, while eyeing the sword. "Look, it's almost midnight!" Caitlyn showed them the time on her phone. "Drop the sword!" Zach exclaimed. But before Karai could, Mitsu came out of nowhere, grabbed the sword, and knocked Karai into the others, knocking them all down. "The sword is mine!" She yelled. "Mitsu, no!" Karai cried. "The sword's cursed!" “If you hold that sword for long, you'll be turned to stone!” Caitlyn warned Mitsu. However, Mitsu refused, “No! I won't let you stop me from my destiny! If you won't join me, then I'll lay you all to rest with my sword!” As Mitsu was about to attack Karai and her friends, midnight struck and the sword burned her hand. “Gah!” She screamed in pain as her hand started to turn into stone. Mitsu cried with fear in her eyes, “No...” She turned to Karai and her friends for help. Mitsu pleaded, “Help me, please? I beg you! I don't want my life to end like this!” Karai and the others were too horrified to even move as Mitsu's feet and legs turned to stone. "Please! Miwa!" Mitsu's body and both her arms became stone. "Miwa!" Mitsu's neck turned to stone and the woman let out a piercing scream as her head became petrified, her face frozen as her scream faded away into an echo. The curse had claimed its next victim. Finally, Karai found her voice. "No..." she walked up to Mitsu and felt her cold stone face. Then her eyes filled with tears as she rested against her petrified aunt. April approached her. "Karai, are you okay?" "She was the only living family member I had!" Karai said. "But you and Caitlyn were right, April. She was too good to be true." April walked up to Karai and placed her hand on her shoulder. “I understand. It reminded me of the time when I defeated Mom-Thing, but I felt really sad that it wasn't my real mom.” Caitlyn stepped up and told them, “You know, you were right about what you said to Mitsu, we are your family.” Everyone smiled and nodded in agreement. Karai smiled back. "She is correct," came a familiar voice. Karai spun around to see Splinter standing there. "Father!" "Sensei!" April exclaimed. And the two hugged him. "Father, your sister, she's-" Karai began. "Yes, I am aware of what has become of my sister," Splinter said, looking solemly at Mitsu. "Master Splinter, why didn't you tell us you had a sister?" April asked. Splinter lowered his head before answering, "Make no mistake, I loved my sister dearly and still very much do. But she was prejudiced and inexorable, refusing to accept change. I did not want you nor my sons to know you were related to someone who was just as bad as the Shredder." “Oh, well…” Karai took her time to gather thoughts, “If only there was a way to help my aunt. I wish I could've save her from the curse. I'm so sorry, father. I don't even know what to do now my biological aunt's gone.” Karai felt really sad and began to tear up. Splinter placed a hand on her. "Sadly, not everyone can be saved, but take comfort in the fact that you tried. And for that, I am proud of you, Miwa." Karai smiled and bowed. "Thank you, father." "But I also bring grave news," Splinter said. "The Turtles and Rainbooms are in danger!" "What?!" Everyone gasped. "Where?!” Karai asked. Splinter pointed. "In that direction! And you must hurry, before they're life force is drained from them!" Everyone looked at each other in shock and confusion, wondering what kind of danger their friends were in, but when they looked back, Splinter was gone. "We gotta save our friends, yo!" Casey said. "But where are gonna find them?" Keno asked. “And what do we gonna do about the sword?” Timber added. "Well we can't touch it now, or we'll end up like that," Chaplin pointed at the petrified Mitsu. "But we can't just leave it here either," Angel noted. As everyone was wondering what to do, they heard the sound of someone or something moving through the trees. Then Shogun stepped out of the trees. Everyone quickly got defensive but the guardian walked right past them and picked up the sword. Then he turn and walked back the way he had come and disappeared into the woods. "Well, that takes care of that," Carter said. "Hey, what's up with those clouds?" Zach pointed up, as some clouds swirled with a green light, before the light hit the ground. "That's not normal, right?" Keno inquired. Then suddenly, a bunch of dead zombie hands popped up from the ground. Everyone became terrified as the zombies rose from the ground. "Are those zombies?!" Timber asked in fright. "Yeah right!" Chaplin scoffed. "I bet their a bunch people trying to scare us! I'll prove it!" He aimed his lazers and shot a stun blast at one of the zombies only for the blasts to go right through it. And they could see that it wasn't someone in a costume. "Maybe it's an animatronic?" Suddenly a zombie hand burst out of the ground and grabbed his leg. Chaplin screamed. As did everyone else, until Angel whacked it off with her sticks. "Or maybe it's real!" She exclaimed. "Run!" Everyone ran towards the van and went inside before Karai closed it. Shini, Karai, and April moved up to the front as the witch girl tried to start the engine. But it wouldn't start! Shini groaned, “Ugh, not right now!” Then, a bunch of zombies approached the van and they started to pile on it. Caitlyn pleaded, “Drive us outta here!” “Almost got it!” Shini yelled. Finally, the van started and Shini drove everyone as fast and as far away from the zombies as they could. "Well!" Fugitoid sighed in relief. "That was a near thing." "What was all that about?" Carter asked. "I don't know, and I don't wanna find out!" Caitlyn stated. "Well, now that we got away from the walking dead, let's go save the Turtles and Rainbooms!" Chaplin said. "Uh, any idea where they could be?" Everyone shook their heads. "I know Leo said they were doing some forest training," April noted. "I think it was in this forest, but I don't where exactly?" “April, use your ESP,” Karai suggested. April held her head with one hand and held out the other until she pointed to the right. "That way," she said. "Watch out!" Caitlyn shouted. From out of the trees, Simon Bonesteel and the Purple Nightmares came running out, screaming. Then they screamed when they saw the van. Shini made a sharp turn to the left and swerved down a slope. The van bumped and bounced until it reached the bottom and stopped. "Well, that was close," she said. "Hey, that was Bonesteel!" Casey realized. "And the Purple Nightmares!" Keno added. "What were they doing here?" Carter asked. "It looked like they were running from something?" Zach noted. "But what?" Angel inquired. "Uh, I'm guessing that!" April pointed up the slope as more zombies appeared. "Drive, Shini, drive!" Karai cried. Shini stepped on the gas, but the van's tires just spun in place. It was stuck in the mud! "Oh, no!" She exclaimed, pumping the pedal four times, but the wheels just kept spinning as the zombies came closer. "Let's bail!" Timber shouted. Casey and Carter kicked the back doors open, knocking down some zombies, Shini, Karai, and April doing the same as everyone fled the van and ran away into the night with the zombies stumbling after them. > 3. The Haunted Cave > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At Canterlot High, out on the soccer field, the Wondercolts, Flash Sentry, Sandalwood, Micro Chips, Lyra & Bonbon, Octavia, Bulk Biceps, and Derpy were learning some dance moves from the Shadowbolts, Sour Sweet, Sugarcoat, Indigo Zap, Lemon Zest, and Sunny Flare. "Okay, once more, from the top!" Sour announced and they all performed a spectacular dance number. "That was great!" "We rock!" Indigo Zap declared. "Thanks for teaching us some awesome dance moves for the Halloween show tomorrow night," Flash said. "Thanks for letting us be a part of it," Sunny replied. "No problem, dudette," Sandalwood said. "It's going to be so epic!" Lemon cheered. "It sure is!" Derpy agreed. "I'll say!" Bonbon said. "YEAAAHH!" Bulk exclaimed. "Considering all the dance moves we've been practicing, it should be," Sugarcoat stated. "I for one can't wait for tomorrow!" Indigo said. "You mean you can't wait to dance with Keno tomorrow, dearie!" Sunny teased, and Indigo playfully nudged her. "Well, I for one sure can't wait to bust a move!" Micro Chips said. "And I'm glad the Turtles and all our friends from New York will be joining us," Octavia added. "Like I said, it's going to be so epic!" Lemon cheered again. "Yeah, but practice would've been more fun if we had music to practice to," Lyra noted. "Wasn't DJ-Pon3 suppose to bring the beats?" Micro Chips asked. Octavia checked her phone. "I sent her a text, telling her to meet us all here, but she hasn't responded?" "Maybe she got held up in traffic?" Bonbon suggested. "That's highly unlikey," Sugarcoat said. "The roads are mostly empty at night." "Then what could be keeping her?" Indigo wondered. "You don't think she ran into trouble?" Lyra asked, in worry. "Oh no!" Lemon cried. "What if she got into a wreck or ran into the Purple Nightmares?!" "Calm down, Lemon!" Sour broke in. "I'm sure she's fine." "I quite agree," Octavia added. "She probably just got distracted by a noise that sounded like a beat." At that moment, a car horn sounded and Vinyl Scratch aka DJ-Pon3 drove up in her car. "Told you," Octavia said. Then she walked up to her friend and asked, "What took you so long? We had to do practice without music." Vinyl rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly before she raised a finger, telling them she had something to show them. Then she reached into her pocket and held out what looked like a gold coin. "Whoa!" Everyone said in awe. "Ooo, shiny!" Derpy said. "Is that gold?" Sour asked, and Vinyl nodded. "Where'd you get that?" Sandalwood asked. Vinyl got out her phone and showed them a picture of a cave. "You found it by that cave?" Flash asked. "Hmm, that's very perplexing?" Micro Chips said. Lemon gasped. "What if that coin's just one piece from a pirate's treasure?!" "Pirate treasure?!" Bulk asked in excitement. "That's ridiculous," Sunny rebuffed. "There were no pirates in Canterlot." "Well, maybe it's not a pirate's treasure," Sugarcoat spoke up. "Huh?" Everyone said. "What do mean?" Flash asked. "Well, I heard an old legend about that cave once that does mention a treasure," Sugarcoat began. "Years ago, a gangster called Poker Face robbed an entire bank vault and buried it inside that cave. But the police captured him before he could return for it. Now they say his ghost haunts the cave, guarding his loot. Many who've ever tried to find it are met with a fate so horrifying and horrendous that it can't be described! Or so I was told?" Bulk and Derpy held onto each other in fright, while Indigo just said, "Wicked!" “Bull- oni! There’s no treasure and there’s no Poker Face!” Sour Sweet scoffed. “Well Vinyl had to have found that somewhere,” Octavia pointed to vinyls bracelet. “And that’s your answer for everything, Sour,” Sugarcoat pointed out. “Do you think we should check it out?” Flash suggested. “Might be dangerous,” Sandalwood stated. “And why would that stop a couple high school students who don’t know any better?” Lemon grinned. "Because we DO know better," Sour stated. "Unlike some of us," Sunny added, looking at Indigo and Lemon. Indigo rolled her eyes. "Come on! It'll be fun! And when was the last time we had an adventure?" Sugarcoat listed off, "The Friendship Games, making that dance video, our class trip to New York, the pet show, the Friendship cruise." "I ment recently," Indigo frowned. "Well, I'm totally in!" Lemon said. "Me too!" Bonbon chimed in. "And me," Lyra added. "I'm for a treasure hunt," Sandalwood said. "And I am curious to find out if there is a treasure," Micro Chips stated. "I would like to find out as well," Octavia said, and Vinyl gave a thumbs up, signalling that she was onboard with the idea too. "But what if there's a ghost?! Derpy asked in worry. "I'm scared of ghosts!" Bulk added, fearfully. "Hey, don't worry, guys," Flash eased them. "I'm sure we won't run into any ghosts." "And even if we do run into something, we've got our ninja training," Lemon put in. "And I'm pretty curious myself," Sugarcoat admitted. Everyone looked at Sour and Sunny, while the two Shadowbolts' eyes darted left and right. "You've gotta be kidding?" Sunny said. "You do know what they say about curiosity?" Sour noted. "But it's not a sin," Indigo said. "Don't you wanna find out if the treasure is real?" "You know you want to," Lemon tempted. Sour and Sunny looked at each other before they had looks of reluctance "I guess I'm a bit curious to what we might find," Sunny admitted. Sour sighed. "Fine, we're in." "Yeah!" Indigo and Lemon cheered. "But this better not be a waste of our time," Sunny warned. "Oh, I have a feeling it won't be," Indigo assured, as they all left the soccer field. But what no one knew, was that watching them from under the bleachers were Trixie, Snips, and Snails. "A haunted cave with a treasure hmm?" Trixie said to herself. "Snips, Snails, are you two thinking what I'm thinking?" "We should go find the treasure!" Snips answered. "Yeah!" Snails added. "Actually, I was thinking of something more, spookifying..." Trixie gave a mischievous smirk. Later, the Wondercolts and Shadowbolts were walking through the forest. By now, it had gotten dark and a thick fog blanked the trees. “Wouldn’t you know it? It had to be foggy during our little treasure hunt,” Sour complained. Sugarcoat just rolled her eyes. “It’s just condensed water that-“ “Like I care!” Sour interrupted. “It’s depressing! And it’s ruining my hair!” Octavia then turned to Vinyl. “Are you sure this is the spot, Vinyl?” Vinyl replied by nodding her head before scratching her noggin as if to say ‘I think so?’ “I’m getting some nerve racking vibes about this,” Sandalwood looked around. “Maybe we’re getting close!” Lemon suggested. Sunny looked around. “I don’t see anything that looks like buried treasure.” “Maybe it’s in there,” Everyone looked to where Flash was pointing to. It was a cave and there were multiple Keep Out signs all around it. “That could be it,” Micro Chips blinked. Just then, Indigo perked up and looked around. “You alright, Indigo?” Sour asked. “I could’ve sworn I just heard Pinkie and Mikey just now,” Indigo kept looking around. “You guys heard something?” Everyone looked around but didn’t see or hear anything. Or see the two ride past them on a horse carriage in the distance. “Cmon! Let’s go in!” Lemon gleamed. But after they all went in, a group of shadowy figures walked up to the cave, carrying bags. Using the lights from their phones, the Wondercolts and Shadowbolts made their way through the cave, traveling down a long tunnel. As they walked, Bonbon noticed Lyra was dropping some jellybeans, one at a time, from a bag. "Lyra, what are you doing?" She asked. "I'm making a trail so we can find our way back," Lyra answered. "Great thinking," Bonbon smiled. Soon, they all came to a fork in the tunnel with two passageways. "Which way, should we go?" Flash inquired. “Maybe we should split up?” Sandalwood suggested. “We’re going after some supposedly dead guy’s loot and you want us to split up?” Sugarcoat asked, rhetorically. Sandalwood just shrugged. “Well it sounded like a good idea to me.” Vinyl looked over to the right tunnel and saw something shiny and went to pick it up. Octavia noticed this. “Everyone! Vinyl found something!” Everyone looked to see Vinyl pick up another coin. “Okay. That could not be coincidence!” Lemon pointed out. “Agreed,” Lyra added. “I guess we go right,” Bonbon said. And so they went right. As they walked further into the tunnel, Derpy heard a gurgling noise close by. "What's that?!" She ask, shaking. "Uh, my stomach," Bulk said, patting his belly. "I'm hungry." Wanting to help, Derpy thought about to do when she noticed Lyra's jellybean trail. "Look jellybeans!" "I love jellybeans!" Bulk picked one up and ate it. But then he paused. "Wait, I think these jellybeans are important for something?" "Like what?" Derpy asked. "I have no idea?" Bulk shrugged. "Maybe if we eat more, we'll find out." "Okay," Derpy said, and they both started to eat the jellybeans as they followed the others. They continued to track into the tunnel. “Are we finding anything or are we just sight seeing?” Sunny sighed. “Maybe that mumbo jumbo about Poker Face was a dud.” Lemon said bummed out. "Or maybe it's possible that someone else found the treasure?" Micro Chips suggested. "That does seem likely," Sugarcoat agreed. "But if someone did find the loot, then wouldn't it be on the news or something?" Bonbon asked. "That's also likely." "Then what about Poker Face?" Flash inquired. "Maybe Poker Face is just dead, like no ghost?" Lyra suggested. "And his bones are laying around somewhere; rotting!" Octavia shuddered. "Oh that's a comforting thought!" "I agree!" Sunny added, in disgust. Suddenly, something in the shadows ran past them. They all turned toward the sound. "What was that?" Lemon asked. "I'm getting those spooky vibes again!" Sandalwood said. “It’s-it’s the ghost!” Indigo shuddered pretending not to be scared. The shadows ran past them again as Lyra jumped into Bonbons arms and the two girls screamed. “Whoa!” Flash gasped as a shadow missed him. However, Sour and Sunny didn’t looked enthused. “Oh please!” Sour rolled her eyes. “There is no-,” Sunny started, but when the two turned around. “Boo, see? Boo!” There, right in front of them was a figure in a tattered trench coat and fedora. “Poker Face!” The two screamed followed by the others. Indigo then shouted in terror. “I love you, Keno! Wherever you are!” Suddenly, the place turned silent. Indigo blushed as everyone looked at her deadpanned. “I so gotta get a boyfriend,” Lemon whispered to Sunny. Then, Poker Face tripped over his trench coat and fell over, splitting in two. The group looked closely at the two parts. “Snips?” Flash raised a brow. “Snails?” Sandalwood added. “Hi guys,” Snails waved cluelessly. “You were poker face?” Lyra gasped. Just then, laughter was heard nearby. Everyone looked to see Trixie coming out from behind some rocks. “That’s right! You were all once again fooled by the great and powerful Trixie!” She said between laughs. “Why you little!” Sour was about to pounce on Trixie only for Vinyl to hold her back. “Trixie what is going on here?” Octavia demanded. "Well, I overheard about you're little treasure hunt and decided to make it more interesting, so to speak," Trixie explained with a smirk. "Not cool, Trixie," Sandalwood crossed his arms. "So not cool." Everyone else voiced their annoyance at that. But then, Lyra noticed that Bulk and Derpy were holding some jellybeans. "Uh, guys... where did you get those jellybeans?" She asked in worry. "We found them on the ground," Bulk answered. "In a straight line," Derpy added. "Those jellybeans were there so we could find our way out!" Lyra exclaimed. "We're lost!" "What?!" Flash said in disbelief. "We're lost?!" Lemon echoed. "I'm sorry," Bulk apologized. "Nobody told me? And I was hungry!" "And that makes it okay?!" Sunny snapped. “Well in his defense, you could’ve told us about the jellybeans!” Derpy cried. “Didn’t your mom tell you not to eat off the floor!” Bonbon snapped back. Everyone argued back and forth until Flash had enough. “ENOUGH! Look at us! Arguing is not gonna bring the exit to us!” Everyone realized that the teen was right and calmed down. “Sorry I ate the jellybeans,” Bulk apologized. “I’m sorry too,” Lyra nodded. After everyone apologized, Sour spoke. “Flash is right about one thing. We need to find the exit.” Trixie cleared her throat. “I know where the exit is!” Everyone looked at each other then Sandalwood said. “Okay, Trixie. Lead the way.” So everyone followed the magician girl as she led them through the tunnel. But as they walked, everyone noticed that the further they went, the less familiar everything looked. "I don't remember coming this way?" Snail finally spoke up. "Huh, yeah, me neither?" Snips agreed. "Trixie, are you sure you know the way out?" Octavia asked. "Of course Trixie knows the way out," Trixie responded. "I think?" “In that case, we’re really lost,” Sour whispered to Sugarcoat who nodded in agreement. “I heard that!” Trixie called out. "The Great and Powerful Trixie always knows where she- whaah!" As Trixie leaned against a wall, it suddenly sunk in and opened up, causing Trixie to fall through a doorway. "You okay, Trixie?" Indigo asked, as everyone stepped in and gasped at what they saw. Trixie sat up and looked around before her mouth dropped open. Right before them were piles and piles of Gold coins. "The treasure!" Lemon cried. "It's not a dud!" "Finder's keepers!" Trixie exclaimed. “I'm wealthy!” Sour cheered. “Nice to be financially secured,” Sugarcoat smiled. “I can buy that new guitar I had my eye on!” Flash gleamed. As she cheered along, Octavia then noticed Vinyl just sitting there. “Is something wrong, Vinyl?” She asked. Vinyl responded by showing her one of the coins. Octavia saw that the coins were marked. “oh my goodness! They’re counterfeit!” She gasped. “What?” Everyone cried. “She’s right! Look!” Snips held up another coin with the same markings. “There goes my guitar,” Flash grumbled. “Maybe there’s chocolate inside!” Snails cheered. He bit a coin only to whence. “Nope. No chocolate here.” “Really?” Indigo smirked. "So, there really is no treasure?" Lyra asked. "Looks like it," Bonbon said. "Aww!" Everyone said in disappointment. "Although, this does create a new mystery," Micro Chips noted. "Who made all these?" "Hey, yeah," Lemon agreed. "If these are all counterfeit, then who's the counterfeiter?" "Uh, guys," Bulk spoke up. "I hear something?" Everyone else listened and sure enough they heard multiple footsteps coming from another entrance. "It must be the counterfeiter!" Sunny said. "Or the ghost!" Derpy shivered. "What'll we do?" Sandalwood asked. "Hide!" Trixie exclaimed, and dove into one of the piles. "Bad place to hide, Trixie!" Sunny noted. But before anyone could pull her out, the footsteps grew louder and everyone ran and hid behind some rocks. Then walking into the cavern, carrying bags, were non other than Night Terror and the Purple Nightmares. "The Purple Nightmares!" Flash gasped quietly. "And I thought The Purple Dragons were annoying," Indigo whispered before Sour shushed her. Night Terror chuckled. "What a deal! We're gonna a make a bundle out of our stolen marked coins!" "But boss, wouldn't the coins being marked make'em counterfeit?" Crunch Bar asked. "They'd think that, Crunch Bar, but they'll still be profitable. With the right.... persuasion," Night Terror smirked. After dumping a bag of coins in a pile, Clubs looked down and saw one of Trixie's magic cards and picked it up. "Okay, who left one of the card decks?" "Let me see that." Clubs gave the card to Night Terror who looked closely at it. "This isn't your everyday playing card. This is a magic card!" "What does that mean?" Stryke asked. "Either one of you studying magic or we have company!" Night Terror glared. "Uh oh!" Bulk sweated. "Spread out and search the place!" Night Terror ordered. "And houler if you find anything, or anyone!" Then the Nightmares took out their weapons and Night Terror drew his sword and they began to search the cavern. The Wondercolts and Shadowbolts stayed silent, not daring to make a sound. Snips and Snails peeked out and were quickly pulled back by the others as Night Terror passed by their hiding place. "Come out, come out," the Nightmare lead coaxed. "We won't hurt you... much!" "What are we gonna do?!" Sunny whispered. "What would the Turtles or Rainbooms do in a situation like this?" Micro Chips asked. Flash peeked out and saw Riff was close by and got an idea. "Follow my lead..." Riff was still looking for any sign of an intruder, when he stopped and sniffed. "Hey, I smell jellybeans," He followed the smell to where the Wondercolts and Shadowbolts were hiding and before he could shout, Flash grabbed him and dragged him behind the rocks, where the nightmare was quickly knocked out when Bulk pounded him in the head. “Ya hear that?” Crunch Bar asked Club. “Yeah. I think Riff went over there,” Clubs said. When they headed over to Riffs location, Sandalwood crept up to Clubs and dragged him to a corner covering his mouth. “Hey, Riff!” Crunch Bar called with no answer. She went behind a coin pile and saw Derpy smile at her. “What the-?” Before she could finish, she was tackled and knocked out by Lemon and Micro Chips. Stryke was searching close to where Trixie was hiding, when the magician girl suddenly sneezed. Stryke perked up at the noise. "What was that?" Trixie clamped her mouth shut, but Stryke looked at the pile and grinned. "Anyone home?" She stalked toward the pile, brandishing her crowbar. Trixie began to panic, wondering what she could do, when Stryke felt someone tap her on the shoulder. Then she turned around and was punched in the face by Sunny Flare, knocking her out. "Like I said, bad hiding place, Trixie," she remarked and Trixie frowned. Pierce was looking around when she noticed the other Nightmares were quiet and went behind a rock. “Stryke? Crowbar?” Suddenly, something just narrowly missed her head. She looked Down seeing it was a ninja flute. “What the-?” But before Pierce could pick it up, she was tackled by Bonbon. The teen clamped the gangster's mouth before she could shout. Then, Lyra came running out of the shadows and knocked Pierce out cold, but not before Bonbon flipped off. As they looked at the knocked out Nightmare, Bonbon asked Lyra, “Did we ever thanked Mondo for teaching us that maneuver?” Lyra thought for a moment, “Don’t think we did.” “Remind me to,” Bonbon noted as the two besties hurried to regroup with the others. Switchblade was digging in one of the piles, when he heard two voices shout, "Freeze!" He whipped around to see Snips and Snails standing behind him while holding their sparing sticks. "Prepare for a butt kicking!" Snips declared. "Cause we know ninjisu!" Snails added. Then the two began swinging their sticks around while making karate grunts. Switchblade just stood there and laughed at them. That is, until they stepped on some coins and began slipping and sliding straight toward Switchblade, accidentally whacking him all over until Snails hit him in the gut, making him slump to the ground unconscious. The pair looked at each other, having no idea what they just did, before they struck a karate pose and exclaimed, "Hi-yah!" Soon, the group regrouped behind a pile of coins. “Did we get them all?” Flash asked. “All except for their head honcho,” Lemon pointed out. Sure enough, Night Terror was not only looking for the intruders but his gang as well. “Where are you guys?” He bellowed. “So now what?” Sour whispered. "We've got to take out Night Terror somehow?" Flash said. "Easier said then done," Micro Chips noted. "Just look at the size of him." "Even I have trouble with him," Bulk said. Sugarcoat glanced up at the coin pile. "Hmm? This coin pile doesn't look very balanced," she stated to herself. Then she said, "I think I've got an idea..." "Crunch Bar?! Riff?!" Night Terror called out. "Anyone! If this is some kind of joke-huh?" He heard a noise and turned around just as the coin pile was tipping over right on him. "Aaahhh!" He yelled as he was buried. Everyone cheered at what appeared to have been success. “Nice move, Sugarcoat!” Sour smiled. “Naturally,” Sugarcoat grinned. “We all did good,” Flash high fived Lemon. “Yeah!” Shouted Bulk. Trixie walked up to where Night Terror was buried and started to taunt him. “Not so tough now! Are you?” Suddenly, bursting from the pile was a very steamed Night Terror, taking the group by surprise. “Care to repeat that?” He growled at Trixie. Trixies only response was shrieking and running behind Derpy. “Well, that was a bust,” Sugarcoat deadpanned. “Run?” Sour looked to Flash. “Run!” Flash shouted before the group ran screaming. “GET BACK HERE!” Night Terror roared as he got out of the coins and went after them. The rest of the gang woke up from their knockouts and joined the chase. The Wondercolts and Shadowbolts dashed through the tunnels, the Nightmares not far behind. "So where was that way out again, Trixie?" Octavia asked frantically. "I have no idea!" Trixie confessed. "I forgot!" "I knew it," Sugarcoat said, bluntly. "Oh, we remember the way out!" Snails spoke up. "Yeah," Snips chimed in. " Follow us!" Then he and Snails ran ahead of the group. Everyone looked at each other and knowing that they didn't have time to question, followed after the two. Snips and Snails led them down another tunnel and when they rounded a bend, Micro Chips called, "I see moonlight, they were right!" "Told ya!" Snips and Snails crooned. "Who knew?" Sour shrugged. Soon the group raced out of the cave and into a forest with the Nightmares still chasing them. The thugs chased them into some bushes before they noticed that the Wondercolts and Shadowbolts had disappeared. “Where are they?” Clubs glared. Little did They know was that they all hid up in the trees. Snips almost fell from his branch, but luckily Bulk grabbed him just in time and put him on a sturdier branch. “Find them!” Night Terror demanded. “Doesn’t matter if alive or dead! We can’t have any witnesses!” After they left, Micro Chips spoke up, “What are we gonna do now?” “No doubt those guys are gonna keep hunting us!” Indigo added. “Well, as Casey would say, let’s take em down!” Flash stated. “And how pray tell do we do that?” Trixie huffed. “I say we tackle them!” Sour cracked her knuckles. “Well I have been improvising so far,” Flash shrugged. Meanwhile, Night Terror and the Nightmares were once again searching for the high schoolers. "Stay alert!" Night Terror ordered. "Those guys won't get the drop on us again!" Suddenly, they saw a bright light hit the ground not too far off from where they stood. "What the hay was that?" Stryke asked. Then before anyone could ask anything else, they heard a scream and Bonesteel came crashing out of the bushes, bumped off of Night Terror, and fell on his back. The gang leader grabbed him by his coat and held him off the ground. "Hey, what's the big idea?" Night Terror demanded. "Let me go!" Bonesteel struggled. "I gotta get away!" "From what?" "Zombies!" Bonesteel cried. The Nightmares stared for a moment before they burst out laughing. "Zombies? How dumb do you think we look?" Night Terror asked, rhetorically. "Hey, knuckleheads!" Came Indigo's voice. "Up here!" The Nightmares turned around and looked up a hill just in time to see Bulk rolling down it like a bowling ball straight towards them. The Nightmares screamed as Bulk knocked them down like bowling pins. From the top of the hill, the Wondercolts and Shadowbolts cheered. The Nightmares and Bonesteel layed in a heap as Bulk triumphantly stood up and yelled, "Booyahkasha!" “Few! I have been meaning to let out tension since this adventure started,” Sour breathed. “Did we get them all?” Octavia asked. Vinyl counted the unconscious Purple Nightmares and thumbed up. Then, Lemon noticed the new face. “Hey I don’t remember the dude in the trench coat!” “He also had this,” Indigo pointed to the crossbow. When Bulk flipped him to his front, Sandalwood gasped, “I know who that is!” “You do?” Flash asked. “That’s Simon Bonesteel! He’s a lunatic who hunts endangered species!” “How dreadful!” Octavia covered her mouth. “Fluttershy told me about him. She and the girls along with the ninjas faced him with Team Shine and another group. The Digi- something.” “What’s he doing around here anyway?” Micro Chips scratched his head. “Well, the Cautious and Sneaky Trixie is not waiting to find out!” Trixie began to walk away. Suddenly they heard a series of moans coming from the fog causing Trixie to stop dead in her tracks. "Uh, please tell me those moans are just some kind of wild animal and not what I think it is?" She asked in fear. Right after she said that, a hoard of zombies emerged from the fog. "Nope!" Sunny squeaked. “Where’d they come from?!” Flash gasped. “Maybe they’re wearing costumes?” Snips hoped as Snails tried to pull a zombies supposed mask off. But He pulled the zombies head off and screamed and threw the head. “Nope. They’re real!” He hurried and hugged Snips as the zombie put his head back on. “What do we do now?” Shivered Octavia as the zombies crept closer. “Everybody,” Indigo looked ready to fight. Only to start running as everyone else was right behind her. “RUN!” They all cried. As they ran, Flash saw a house that seemed to appear out of the fog. "This way, we can hide in that old house!" They all dashed toward the house and pounded on the door. "Help! Help!! Help!!!" Trixie screamed. The door opened and there stood a tall Chinese man. It was Jung. "Yes?" He asked. “You gotta help us, mister!” Bulk begged. “There’s a whole bunch of zombies trying to kill us!” Snips cried. Sunny looked deadpanned at him. “Seriously? like he’s gonna believe us?” Trixie scoffed. “Alright then. There are criminals after us. Whatever it takes.” “Oh I believe you,” Smirked Jung. “And believe me. The zombies or the criminals are the least of your problems.” Then, he then transformed with pale skin and sharp fangs, shocking the group. “Yikes! It’s Frankula!” Snips gasped. “No!! It’s Drakenstien!” Cried Snails. “It’s a vampire!” Sugarcoat corrected. "Run again!" Indigo cried, and they all ran off. "Haunted cave? Zombies? And now vampires?!" Sour exclaimed. "Wow, these are really one of those nights, huh?" Lemon noted. Suddenly, a large black dog blocked them off before it turned into Jung. Then he lunged forward and pinned Trixie to a tree. "No, please!" Trixie begged. "You don't want to drink my blood, it's chicken blood!" "I don't want your blood, girl!" Jung said. "I want your qi!" "Wait, my what?" Trixie asked. "Your life force, Trixie!" Sugarcoat stated. Trixie blinked before she screamed in terror. "Let her go!" Flash ran forward only for Jung to smack him away. "Do not interfere!" Jung growled. "For all of you will soon share her fate!" Then out of nowhere, a zombie tackled Jung, knocking him off Trixie, who quickly ran over to the group. Then more zombies came out of the trees and piled on the vampire. “Is it just me or are those zombies trying to help us?” Lemon raised a brow. “Oh sure! After they eat our brains!” Trixie said snotty. “Something doesn’t feel right?” Sandalwood scratched his chin. “Either way, this is our chance to get away!” Flash pointed out. As the Wondercolts and Shadowbolts ran off, Jung let out a yowl that echoed throughout the night. > 4. Racing With The Demon II > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One night, a lone squirrel climbed down a tree and onto a road where an acorn lay. It picked up the nut and began nibbling on it when it heard a loud noise and quickly ran off the road just as eight cars went speeding by. The cars were driven by non other than Tony Torreto and his friends, Echo, Cisco, and Layla, as well as his cousin Gabriel Riviera, driving the Turtle Racer. And the Dazzlings driving the key cars. "I'm gonna beat you, Torreto," Layla said, as she drove up alongside Tony's car. "Again." "Ha!" Tony scoffed. "We'll see about that!" "Oh, you'll see it alright," Adagio said, driving on the other side of Tony's car. "See me win!" At that moment, Gabby drove past them. "Sorry, guys, but your all gonna eat my dust! Right, doc?" She said to Dr Cluckingsworth, who clucked in agreement. "Like your gonna eat mine!" Echo grinned, pressing down on the accelerator, and sped ahead of them in her hyperfin. "Guess again, Echo!" Aria said, speeding up behind her. Cisco sighed in comfort. "Ah, family dynamics." "Yeah, sure are," Sonata agreed, driving beside his truck. The spies and the girls had spent the day driving and were now spending the evening racing each other back to Canterlot. "Wish Frostee were with us, though," Sonata said, a little down. "He loves races." "Oh I hear you, Mi amor," Cisco agreed. "But he said he wanted to go on that camp out with the Young Ninjas and his sister." "Is it considered camping if their doing it in the Apple Family's backyard?" Sonata questioned. "Eh, outdoors is outdoors," Cisco shrugged. "And I think it's nice that he's hanging out with friends his own age." "Yes siree. But not as nice as making everyone eat our dust!" Sonata stated, with a smirk. "Oh yeah!" Cisco grinned. He pulled the clutch, Sonata floored the gas, and the couple raced after their friends. As they were racing, Gabby spoke up, "So, you guys listo for the Halloween concert tomorrow night?" "Born ready, prima," Tony said, with confidence. "I just hope we do better than the last time we did a dance video," Echo noted, recalling the dance music video that did once before their Sahara mission. "I hope Torreto doesn't try to do another backflip," Layla said, noting Tony's 'Backflip Fail Guy' fame. "Hmph!" Tony huffed in annoyance. He still hated being reminded of that. "No te preocupes, primo," Gabby assured him. "With the dance move the Shadowbolts have been teaching us, that definitely won't happen again. I only wish that you would dance with us, Layla." "Sorry, but I'm sticking to what I'm good at," Layla replied, then smirked. "Beating all of you!" And she sped up ahead of them. "Oh yeah?" Tony grinned. "Not tonight, southern bell!" Gabby said, and the cousins sped after Layla. But as they raced, the Turtle Racer's radio picked up something. "Que? What's this?" Figuring she should tell the others, she pulled out in front and blocked them off, forcing them to stop. Everyone exited their vehicles as Tony said, "Hey, what gives, Gabby?!" "I was just about to beat Torreto!" Layla added. "Yeah, Gabby, what's up?" Sonata asked. "Escuchar, listen to this," Gabby turned up the radio and a police report came on. "Attention all units, lunatic driver reported on highway 25. Suspect is driving dangerously and has violated all known traffic laws! The maniac is driving a purple mussel car. Officers are ordered to bring down this mad driver by any means!" Tony looked at his dark purple car and asked, "They're not talking about me, are they?" "Of course not," Layla rolled her eyes. "Your reckless but you ain't that reckless." "Whoever that driver is sounds like bad news," Cisco noted. "Really bad news," Sonata added. "Hey, wait a minute," Echo spoke up. "Aren't we on highway 25?" "Yeah..." Aria realized. "We are." "Then that would mean..." Adagio was cut off when they heard an engine roaring and turned around just in time to see a dark purple mussel car speed around the bend, straight toward them. "Clear out!" Layla shouted, as they all ran out of the way, Gabby jumping out of the Turtle Racer. The car smashed past the Spies and Dazzlings' cars as is sped past and causing the Turtle Racer to spin and smash into a tree and Tony's car to flip and crash land upside down in a ditch. "Outta my way, sundae drivers! The King of the Road is coming through!" The driver of the car shouted and laughed like a maniac, as multiple police cars raced after it. "Lugnuts, my car!" Tony cried. "Doc!" Gabby ran over to the Turtle Racer to check on Dr Cluckingsworth. "You okay?" And the mutant chicken pecked out a message saying 'I'm okay'. The others were checking over there rides. "Ah, man," Cisco looked at a huge dent in his truck. "That's gonna take a day or two to buff out." "I just had this waxed!" Aria growled, as she saw some scratches on her ride. "That driver's gonna pay for this!" Echo frowned at the damage to her hyperfin. "Who does that guy think he is?!" Adagio demanded. "I don't know?" Gabby shrugged. "But with the way he's driving, there's no way the police are gonna catch him." "Maybe the cops can't," Tony began, with a determined look on his face. "But I bet we can? What do you guys say?" "Go after that driver?" Layla asked. "I'm in! Nobody dents my ride!" "Same here!" Aria agreed. "I'm in," Echo said. "Me too," Adagio added. "Count me in, dawg," Cisco gave a thumbs up. "And me!" Sonata chimed in. "So what's the plan, primo?" Gabby asked. "Okay, here's what we'll do," Tony began. Sirens wailed as the police cars were in hot pursuit of the speeding car. One managed to pull alongside. "Pull over your vehicle now!" The officer ordered. The driver of the car just gave another crazy laugh. "I'm King of the Road, no one tells me what to do! Especially no lawman!" Then he rammed hard into the police car, making it lose control and smash front first into a tree. Two other police cars sped up behind him. He saw them in his rearview. "Tailgaters? I hate tailgaters!" He snarled and hit the brakes, stopping the car fast. Unfortunately, the two police cars couldn't stop in time. They smashed into the back of the car and flipped into the air, crash-landing upside down. But right as they did so, the crazed driver shot his car forward and plowed through the cars, making them spin. After that, smoke billowed out of the car's exhaust pipe in front of the remaining three police cars, blinding them. Then the car's trunk popped open and spiked balls poured out, popping the squad cars' tires. The policemen lost control of their vehicles and when the smoke cleared, they saw too late that they were heading for a sharp curve overlooking a cliff. The officers screamed as they plunged over the edge and smashed into a heap at the bottom. The driver laughed maniacally, "I own this road, suckas! Ain't no body can stop me!" But as the car sped into an intersection, another car came out of nowhere and rammed into the car from the side, making it flip and roll sideways until it hit a tree and landed back on it's wheels. The one who rammed him was non other than Tony. "You sure about that?" He smirked. The car revved and turned to face Tony's car. "Cheap shot, wise guy!" "Oh I got plenty more where that came from!" Tony shot back. "Besides, you knocked my car into a ditch! You're going down!" The driver just laughed, "Buddy, you have no idea who you're dealing with!" The tires squealed as the car charged right at Tony. But Tony quickly threw his car into reverse and pulled a backward donut to avoid the car. Then he switched gears and sped away down one of the roads. The car quickly stopped, turned, and raced after Tony. It soon caught up and rammed him. Tony felt that and decided to ram the car back. The two started ramming and pushing each other back and forth. But eventually, the car was starting push Tony's car back, while the street racer tried to hold on. The driver laughed manically and said, “I like you! You've got guts! Too bad I have to scrap yah!” He was ready to knock Tony off the road, when he was unexpectedly rammed in the back, making him spin, courtesy of Gabby in the Turtle Racer. "Did I mention I brought friends?" Tony asked rhetorically. The driver growled at that, but then he saw the Turtle Racer, "What?!" He exclaimed in shock. Then that shock turned to anger, "Casey Jones?!" Then he sped after them. Gabby noticed the car in her rearview speeding up behind her, "Well, we definitely got his attention." Then she turned down a side road with the car hot on her tail. Tony spoke through the comms, "Get ready, Echo. Gabby's leading him straight to you." The car caught up and knocked into the back of the Turtle Racer, making it spin around. But Gabby quickly got control and drove backwards. "I'm gonna smear yah all over the road!" The driver growled. "Try it, loco!" Gabby shot back. "What the?!" The driver gasped, as he saw it was her driving. "You're not Jones!" "Uh, no," Gabby replied in confusion. "Wait, Jones? As in Casey Jones? You know him?" "Oh yeah, I know him alright!" The driver confirmed. "But don't worry. I'll make sure to grind him in my grill after I'm done with you!" He laughed. "Oh you did not just threaten my friend!" Gabby glared and pressed a button, firing the soda bottle rocket from the roof at the top of the car. The driver screamed and swerved to avoid the rocket as it blew up. "So you wanna play, girlie?! Then let's play!" The driver accelerated forward to catch up to Gabby then threw out more spiked balls on the road in front of the Turtle Racer. “Whoa!” Gabby drove to the right and dodged them. The car then rammed into the Turtle Racer, trying to force it off the road, but Gabby held on and pushed back. As they both struggled, Gabby glared at the driver's window when the inside of the car lit up in a red light and the girl saw the driver's face. "Boo!" Gabby scream in shock. The driver wasn't human! He had a large head, big bulging eyes, and a huge mouth with what looked like spark plugs for teeth. Gabby stomped on the brake and the Turtle Racer stopped. The car sped past but swerved around and drove straight at Gabby with the intention of smashing her. But then Echo drifted out from a hidden path and launched her grappling cables, latching onto the car, stopping it inches away from the Turtle Racer. Then she stepped on the gas and reversed her hyperfin, dragging the car back. Tony meanwhile had heard his cousin scream on the comms and called, "Gabby, you okay?" After getting over her shock, Gabby replied, "Y-Yeah, I'm okay, primo," Then she alerted the others over the comms. "Guys, that driver's a mutant!" "A what?!" Cisco gasped. "For realsies?" Sonata asked. "A mutant?" Adagio asked. "No way?!" Aria gasped. "Are you sure?" Layla inquired. The car broke free of Echo's cables and swerved around to ram into her Hyperfin. Then Echo saw the driver's mutant face as he laughed. "Whoa! She's right!" She cried, before she fired her paintballs all over the car. "Argh!" The driver yelled. "My sweet paint job! You're gonna pay for that!" "Come and get me, freak!" Echo challenged, turning her Hyperfin around and speeding away with the car right behind her. The driver was so focused on Echo, he never noticed the Dazzlings following behind in their key cars. Echo drove in zig zags while the car stayed on her tail. She smirked and pressed another button, activating her car's oil pellets, making an oil slick on the road. "Oh you're good," The driver said before making his car tip to one side and drove on two wheels to avoid the oil slick. "But not good enough!" He laughed manically after that. Sonata surprisingly told the Dazzlings, "Whoa! Did you see that?" "Yeah, how did he do that?" Aria asked. Echo wasn't worried however as she spoke to Adagio through the comms, "You ready?" "Let's do this!" Adagio grinned as she rammed her key car onto one side of the car while Echo rammed her hyperfin onto the other side. Then Aria rammed into the back of the car while Sonata drove ahead and backed into the front. "What do you girlies think you're doing?!" The driver demanded. "Taking you for a spin, you psycho," Echo answered. Then the girls each pressed down on the gas and swerved their cars, spinning the car around and around until they let it go and it went spinning down another road where it eventually slowed to a stop. But right as it did, the was then rear-ended by Layla, knocking it front first into a tree, like he had done to one of the police cars. The driver growled and drove after Layla next. "You dented me!" He snarled. "Now we're even," Layla smirked. "And tailgating me is a really bad idea." Then she activated her twin buzzsaws. "Whoa!" The driver swerved to avoid being cut. The driver tried to drive his car next to her, but Layla kept blocking his path with her car’s twin buzzsaws. Then Layla drove in reverse and fired paintball at the car. He was intrigued by her driving skills as the driver dodged the paintballs. He commented, “Interesting choice of weapons, girlie. But get a load of this!" Then, a sound of jet fire burst from the exhaust pipes and the car shot forward at rocket speed. "Whoa!" Layla exclaimed in shock before the car rammed into hers, pushing it. "You're going for a wild ride, girlie!" The driver laughed maniacally, until he saw Layla smirk. "What are you smiling for?" He demanded. "Cause you just made this a whole lot easier," Layla answered. "Huh? Made what easier?" The driver asked in confusion. "Made yourself easier to hit!" Layla fired paintballs all over his windshield. "Hey! I can't see!" The driver cried. Layla then threw a small device that looked like one of Casey's space pucks. It attached to the car and unleashed an electric charge, shutting down its rockets. At that moment, Tony and Gabby drove up as the Torreto spoke, "This is it! You girls ready?" "Sí," Gabby nodded. "High low!" Layla grinned, then she slowed and rammed her car near the front side of the car while Tony rammed near the back on the other side. Gabby drove alongside the car. "Take over driving, doc," she said to Dr Cluckingsworth. Then she carefully climbed onto the front of the Turtle Racer and jumped onto the roof of the car, holding on tight. Then she looked into the window, "Hola." "What?" The driver gasped right before Gabby grabbed him and yanked him out of the car, sending him tumbling onto the road. Gabby jumped back into the Turtle Racer while Tony and Layla used their cars to forcefully turn the car until it began to tip over. They quickly drove out of the way as the car started flipping away. Tony shouted into the comms, "Now, Cisco!" Cisco's truck appeared from around the bend and plowed into the flipping car, sending it soaring into the air before it crash-landed on it's wheels, right into a ditch. "Booyah!" Cisco grinned. "Yay, Cisco!" Sonata cheered as she, Aria, Adagio, and Echo arrived. "Nice," Echo thumbed up. "That'll teach him!" Aria smirked. Soon, everyone exited their cars and confronted the driver as Adagio spoke, "Sir, you got a lot to answer for..." She trailed off when the driver started rathing and jerking around while moaning in agony like something was happening to him. "You okay, man?" Cisco asked in concern. The driver didn't answer. He kept on groaning as his head and body began to transform. "What the..." Layla stared in bewilderment. "Que paso?" Gabby blinked. "What is happening?" Adagio asked in confusion. Then after a moment, the now transformed driver looked up and the group gasped in shock at who they saw. "Mitch!" They all exclaimed in surprise. It was Mitch. Tony's self-proclaimed rival and an obnoxious jerk who the Spy Racers disliked. "Where am I?" Mitch looked around in confusion, then he noticed everyone staring at him. "And what are you losers looking at?!" "I did not see that coming," Echo stated. "That makes two of us," Aria added with wide eyes. "Mitch, your the crazy driver?!" Tony asked in disbelief. "Crazy driver? Ha!" Mitch scoffed. "I believe you mean Awesome Driver! Not that you'd know what awesome is, Tony!" "I do too know what awesome is!" Tony argued. Gabby rolled her eyes before saying, "So what's the deal with you driving around like a mad man?" "What are you talking about?" Mitch raised a brow. You were pretty much causing chaos down the road, dude." Cisco answered. Sonata added, "And you also tried to kill us." "That wasn't me, I swear." Mitch answered. Layla demanded, "Explain." Mitch confessed, "I was on my way to get some tacos for lunch. Then all of a sudden, some car started following me around." "Did you happen to see the driver?" Adagio questioned. "Uh, actually… there was no driver," Mitch revealed. "Qué? What do you mean there's no driver?" Gabby asked. "It was like the car drove by itself," Mitch answered. "Like a robot?" Cisco called. "I thought so too," Mitch noted. "But I didn't see any robot parts on it." "Wait a minute, a car drove by itself? That's impossible." Layla bluffed. "Whatever," Mitch shrugged. "Since nobody was in the car, I decided to take it for spin. And boy could that car go fast! I was having the time of my life! So I was all "I'm so keeping this bad boy!" Then right after I said that, I suddenly blacked out and well, now I'm here." "That doesn't make any sense!" Echo stated. "Well it's what happened," Mitch retorted. "You don't believe me, that's your problem. Wait?" Mitch suddenly realized something. "Where's my new car?" Tony gave a smirk, "Over there?" He nodded toward the car still in the ditch. Mitch screamed and rushed over to it, "My car! What did you guys do to my awesome new car!" Layla fired back, "You damaged our cars first and tried to waste us in that thing!" "And you knocked my car into a ditch," Tony added. As the three began to argue, Aria spoke to her sisters and Echo, "You girls believe Mitch's story?" "Nope," Echo answered. "Absolutely not," Adagio deadpanned. "Not really," Sonata admitted. "Yeah," Gabby agreed. "Mitch is probably just making excuse-" she was cut off when she heard Dr Cluckingsworth bawking in alarm. She went over to the Turtle Racer and spoke, "Whoa, Doc, Doc, qué paso? What's got you so riled up?" Dr Cluckingsworth typed out a message that read 'You're all in grave danger!' "Danger?" Gabby raised a brow. "From what?" The chicken typed, 'From the car'. "Why would we be in danger from the car?" Gabby inquired. Then she read another message, "'That car is no car.'? Ay! Doc, you're making less sense than Mitch... is..." She trailed off as she suddenly remembered something Casey and Donnie had said when they explained how they first built the Turtle Racer. Gabby looked back toward the car as she pulled out her phone and made a call, "Pick up, pick up!" She muttered. Then Casey answered, "Hey, Gabby." "Hola, Casey," Gabby replied, sounding a little uneasy. "Pregunta tonta/dumb question. That car mutant you and Donnie fought, what did it look like exactly?" "You mean Speed Demon?" Casey inquired. "Well, he was a dark purple muscle car and a totally crazy driver. Oh yeah, and the hood had teeth." But Gabby didn't hear the rest as she had dropped her phone, staring in horror at the car. "And I'm telling you!" Mitch began, until... "Get away from that car!" Gabby rushed forward, grabbed Mitch by his vest, and threw him off to the side. "Hey!" Then she grabbed Tony and Layla's arms and dragged them away from the car. "Whoa, Gabby!" Tony cried. Layla jerked her arm free, "What's wrong with you?!" "We're all in danger!" Gabby cried. "Danger?" Cisco and Sonata gasped. "From what?" Adagio asked. "Speed Demon!" Gabby exclaimed. "Speed Demon?" Layla deadpanned. "What's a Speed Demon?" Tony inquired. Suddenly, they were all bathed in head-lights. Slowly, everyone turned and saw the car was out of the ditch and parked right behind them. Then the hood popped open, showing sharp teeth in a flesh covered mouth, and out came a demonic roar. Everyone screamed in terror, Cisco and Sonata held onto each other, and Mitch fainted. The car let out a crazy laugh, "Gets 'em every time!" "I-It's alive?! The-the car's alive?!" Tony cried. "Yo, that's impossible!" Echo exclaimed in disbelief. "That's what you think!" The car retorted. "What kind of car is that?!" Layla asked in shock. "That's Speed Demon!" Gabby explained. "He's a mutant car!" "Wait, he's the mutant car Casey and Donnie told us about?" Aria asked. "You better believe it, girlie!" Speed Demon laughed. "But Casey said you were destroyed?" Gabby stated. "Ha! Then that makes you a bigger chump than he was!" Speed Demon said. "I said I'd be back, and Speed Demon always keeps his promises! But now thanks to you gearheads, I've lost my driver!" Then he gave a sinister rev. "But then again, thanks to you gearheads I found a way better driver..." The tires squealed as Speed Demon shot forward at the shocked racers. "Scatter!" Echo shouted. Everyone ran out of the way, except for Mitch who was still passed out from the scare, but Speed Demon went after Layla and spun around, knocking her into the air. Speed Demon then opened his hood mouth and the screaming Layla fell inside. Gabby and Tony saw the whole thing, "Noooooo!" "It ate Layla!" Cisco cried in terror. "She was so young!" Sonata cried, sheeding a tear from her eye. Layla's screams were heard from inside Speed Demon as the car rocked around. But then he became still and Layla's screams died down. Tony and Gabby slowly stepped closer to the car. "Uh, Layla?" Tony asked cautiously. After a moment, the inside of Speed Demon lit up red and the now possessed Layla let out a crazy laugh which made the two cousins scream. Like Mitch, Layla had also been transformed. Her face had twisted to look like a goblin with long pointed ears and a wide mouth with sharp teeth. Her now claw-like hands gripped the steering wheel and her ponytail was now made of fuel cables. And if that wasn't scary enough, two huge buzzsaws that looked partly made of flesh, popped out from each side of the car. "YEAH BABY!" Speed Demon laughed through Layla, revving the gas and doing a spinning wheely. "This gal was a way better choice than that big fat doofus you called Mitch!" "Speed Demon!" Tony called, getting over his shock. "Let her go!" Speed Demon only laughed again, "How 'bout I turn you into roadkill instead!" And drove right at Tony. Tony screamed but Gabby tackled him out of the way. Speed Demon smashed past Tony's car, knocking it into the ditch again, and sped away still laughing like a maniac. "Oh come on, not again!" Tony growled at what happened to his car. "Come on! We gotta go rescue Layla and take down Speed Demon!" Gabby ordered everyone. "I'll drive Layla's car," she said, climbing in the said car, before saying to herself, "Hope she doesn't get too mad about it." She stepped on the gas and raced after Speed Demon. "But what about my car?!" Tony asked. But everyone else had already gotten into their cars and also sped after the mutant car to save their friend. Before Sonata got into her keycar, she saw Mitch still unconscious after he fainted. So, she sneaked up and took his hat. After that, she went to her keycar and followed her friends. "Hello?! Earth to prima, what about MY CAR?!" Tony called her. Then he heard Dr Cluckingsworth bawk at him and turned to see she and the Turtle Racer were still there and gave a determined smirk. He said, "Hmm, this gives me an idea." Meanwhile, Gabby sped down the road in Layla's car, hoping to find Speed Demon and her friend. "Where are you, maníaco?" She said, looking around. What she didn't know however, was the mutant car was speeding up behind her. Until she heard the sound of spinning blades and looked back in time to see Speed Demon about to slice her with his new buzzsaws. She screamed and swerved to the right to avoid the saws, driving beside the mutant car. "Can't you guys take a hit?!" Speed Demon-Layla growled. "Give me back my friend!" Gabby yelled and rammed into Speed Demon hard. "Oh, so you want a demolition derby, do yah?" Speed Demon-Layla sneered and rammed Gabby. Gabby retorted, "So that's how you wanna play, huh? Fine then. Guess my friends and I will have to do this the old fashioned way." "Eat my dust!" Speed Demon-Layla was about to ram Gabby again, but Gabby slowed and rammed the mutant car on the back. Then when Speed Demon tried using the buzzsaws on her, she drove to the right to dodge and rammed the car back again. Approaching behind were Echo, Cisco, and The Dazzlings. Cisco hollered, "Hold on Layla! We're coming!" "What's the plan, Echo?" Adagio asked. Echo contacted Gabby through her spy watch, "Gabby, keep Speed Demon focused on you!" "With pleasure!" Gabby replied, dodging another buzzsaw attack and ramming Speed Demon again. "Adagio, remember that move we practiced?" Echo asked the lead Dazzling. "Yes," Adagio replied before she got the hint and grinned. "Oh, that'll work!" Then she spoke to her sisters, "Girls, Zoom and Boom!" Aria and Sonata grinned at that. "This'll be fun!" Aria said. "Yeah it will," Sonata agreed. Echo spoke to Gabby, "Gabby, get ready to yank Layla out of there!" "Right," Gabby nodded and waited for the right moment to lure her enemy. "I got you now!" Speed Demon-Layla laughed maniacally. Speed Demon-Layla was gaining closer to Gabby until she moved aside and pulled over until Echo and Adagio drove past her and the mutant car. "What?!" Speed Demon-Layla exclaimed. "No one outraces me like that and gets away with it!" The mutant car accelerated forward to catch up with Echo and Adagio. Aria and Sonata were after the mutant car and drove forward. The two girls gained closer to the mutant car and Sonata said, "We got you now!" The two girls drove at the mutant car’s level and rammed it together, but the enemy boosted forward and barely evaded their attack as Sonata and Aria rammed their cars into each other. Speed Demon-Layla laughed, "Was that you speed bumps trying stop me?!" "Yes!" Echo smirked and pressed a button on her spy watch. Speed Demon then heard multiple beeping sounds coming from underneath him and realized something. Aria and Sonata had secretly slipped some explosives under him when they each passed in front of him. "Oh, those little-" he was cut off when the explosives went off and he was blown into the air. Right at that moment, Gabby drove Layla's car right next to him and activated the ejector seat, launching herself up. Then she unbuckled herself from the seat and jumped onto Speed Demon's driver window. "What the?!" Speed Demon-Layla gasped, before Gabby grabbed hold of Layla and pulled her right out of the car. "Noooo!" As Gabby and Layla fell, Cisco pulled up underneath them and they landed on his windshield, cracking the window. "Gabby, you okay?" Cisco asked. "Ow!" Gabby frowned from the impact. "I'm okay." Then she heard Layla grunting and rathing before she transformed back into her normal form. Layla moaned, "I'm.. gonna... wreck... that... Speed Demon!" Cisco got out and helped the two down. Then Echo and the Dazzlings pulled up and exited their cars. "Yo, Layla. Are you okay?" Echo asked her. Layla grunted, "Uggh… I will be… After I demolish Speed Demon for using me as a puppet!" "She's okay," Aria said. "BUT NONE OF YOU ARE!!!" The girls and Cisco whipped around and saw Speed Demon charging right at them. "I'LL CHEW YOU ALL UP AND SPIT YOU OUT!" He let out another roar from his hooded mouth. However, before he even got close, Cisco pushed all the girls out of the way so they wouldn't get hit. Unfortunately, Cisco wasn't so lucky and as time seemed to briefly slow down, Speed Demon ran into the big boy and knocked him right into his mouth. "Cisssscoooooo!" Sonata cried in slow motion. Time resumed as the girls hit the ground and looked up just in time to see their friend get eaten next. "Oh no, not again!" Gabby moaned. Then Speed Demon started to change. His body became slightly bulkier, his wheels grew bigger as well and spike-like points grew along the tires, then three huge tailpipes sprouted from left, right, and even in the back of him, and he still had the buzzsaws from when he possessed Layla. Then the possessed Cisco burst from the roof. He had grown really big and became more muscular, big hands with claws, bulging eyes, a wide crooked smile with sharp teeth, and a mohawk made from tailpipes. "AH YEAH!!!" Speed Demon-Cisco laughed. "I should've snagged this guy first! Pretty cool, huh ladies?!" He laughed while fire shot out of all the tailpipes. "Now where was I? Oh yeah! I'm gonna kill you all!" His tires squealed as he was about to run the girls down. When out of nowhere, a bottle rocket whizzed through the air and hit him. When the smoke cleared, Speed Demon-Cisco looked angry. "Who's the wise guy?!" He demanded. His answer came when everyone heard a familiar, "WHOO-HOO!" Then the Turtle Racer came speeding up and drove in circles around the mutant car. The driver was non other than Tony. "Yeah baby!" He cheered. "Tony!" Gabby beamed. "Do you always gotta make a big entrance, Torreto?" Layla asked rhetorically. "Jealous?" Tony replied, then he faced Speed Demon. "Remember me?" "Yeah, the loser I almost wasted!" Speed Demon-Cisco chuckled. Tony frowned before he ordered, "Give our friend back, Speed Demon!" Speed Demon-Cisco laughed, "Oh yeah, lugnut? Whatcha gonna do if I don't?" Tony just smirked, "You like racing, Speed Demon? Then let's settle this like racers!" Speed Demon-Cisco seemed intrigued, "Well, I am a sporting guy." Tony pulled up a holomap on his spy watch, "There's a junkyard at the end of this road, you and me, first one there wins! If I win, you let Cisco go." "Alright," Speed Demon-Cisco agreed. "But if I win, I get to turn you, your friends, and all your cars into scrap!" "Done!" Tony nodded. "What?!" The girls gasped. "Don't agree to that, you idiot!" Adagio snapped. "Nice!" Speed Demon-Cisco chuckled. "Just one more thing..." he swerved around and sped off. "I get a head start, sucka!" Tony smirked, then he stepped on the gas and raced after Speed Demon. "Typical Torreto," Layla deadpanned. "Driving head first without a plan." Just then, they heard the sound of an approaching vehicle and looked to see Tony's car drive up on autopilot before it stopped in front of the girls. Then Gabby's spy watch beeped and she saw it was a message from Dr Cluckingsworth. "Not this time," Gabby read and showed the others the message. "Nice," Echo admitted. Then they heard the sound of Cisco's truck starting up and turned to see a furious Sonata at the wheel. The Dazzling growled in the direction Speed Demon had gone before she stomped on the gas and drove the truck after the mutant car. "I don't wanna be Speed Demon when she catches up," Aria noted. Meanwhile, Tony and Speed Demon were racing on the open road. Speed Demon was in the lead, but not for long as Tony pressed a button and the turbo boosters were activated. The Turtle Racer accelerated fast and drove right past Speed Demon. Tony cheered, “WHOO-HOO!” Speed Demon-Cisco growled, “See if you like this, kid!” Then he fired missiles from his mouth and tried to slice Tony with the buzzsaws. Tony gasped and dodged the mutant car’s attacks. He asked while dodging, “Whoa, what are you doing?! I thought you said you’re a sporting guy.” “I am, but I'm no chump. And I know you're going to pull some sort of trick on me and take your friend back. Just like the last time I raced against your pal, Casey Jones.” Tony replied, “Well I hate to break it to ya Speed Demon, I’m no Casey Jones. I’m a Torreto and I’m born to race against punks like you.” “We'll see about that,” Speed Demon was ready to fire another mouth missile and targeted Tony’s car. “Goodbye, Tony Toretto.” Before Speed Demon was going to fire, he was unexpectedly hit from the back, and his missile fired in a different direction, missing Tony Toretto. Speed Demon-Cisco exclaimed, “WHO DARES?!” “I DID!” Speed Demon-Cisco turned his head around and saw an angry Sonata driving Cisco's truck. “Let go of my boyfriend, you boyfriend stealer!” Sonata demanded. "How 'bout I let go of this instead, girlie!" Speed Demon-Cisco drove to the back of the truck and did a wheelie. But then his front wheels shot out and surprisingly grew back and shot out again, firing like bullets. "Aaahh!" Sonata swerved to dodge the wheels. Then she hit a button activating the rocket booster under the truck, launching it into the air and falling right towards the mutant car, landing right on the hood. Speed Demon-Cisco pushed her off but Sonata kept attacking by ramming him on the back and sides. Speed Demon-Cisco growled, "That's it! You are starting to annoy me, little girl!" He used the fire boosters, speeding away from Sonata. "Adiós, sucka!" "Oh I'll be seeing you alright, you boyfriend stealer. Just you wait." Sonata vowed. Tony was driving towards the bridge until he looked at the rear mirror and saw Speed Demon catching up to him. "You're mine now!" Speed Demon-Cisco shouted. He began shooting more missiles at Tony while the street racer swerved to dodge each on. Then Speed Demon-Cisco noticed the bridge and shot another missile. Tony dodged that one as well and called back, "You have a terrible aim, mutant car freak!" "I wasn't aiming at you, lugnut," Speed Demon-Cisco grinned. Tony looked ahead just in time to see the missile blow up the bridge, leaving a massive gap. "Aw lugnuts!" He grumbled. Then Speed Demon-Cisco drove right past Tony, knocking the Turtle Racer back with his arm as he did, making it almost spin out control. Tony struggled as he managed to stop. Speed Demon-Cisco laughed maniacally, "See you in the scrap heap, Torreto boy!" "I don't think so!" Tony frowned before shifting gears, pounding the gas, and speeding forward. The Turtle Racer caught up alongside Speed Demon-Cisco and the two tried to overtake each other as they came closer and closer to the blown out bridge. "Hang on, doc!" Tony said to Dr Cluckingsworth. Then both he and Speed Demon-Cisco activated their boosters and shot off the edge, soaring through the air in slow motion with the street racer shouting "Yeah!" Before they both managed to land on the other side. "Yes!" Tony cheered. "That was so awesome!" "Not as awesome as this!" Speed Demon-Cisco rammed into the Turtle Racer and brought his buzzsaws toward Tony as the boy screamed. Then suddenly, Speed Demon-Cisco was hit with multiple paintballs. He and Tony looked back to see Echo, Aria, and Adagio drift onto the road, firing their paintballs. Tony informed Echo and "Thanks for the save, girls." "Don't thank us yet!" Tony recognized the southern accent and looked back to see Layla back to normal, driving her car alongside Gabby driving Tony's car. "Good to have you back, Layla," Tony smiled. Layla nodded and Gabby called, "Yo primo, wanna switch?" "You bet." The two cousins drove their cars at the same level and pressed the autopilot button. Tony took off his seatbelt and climbed up to the roof while Gabby took off her seatbelt. "Ready," Gabby shouted. "Set," Tony continued. "JUMP!" The Torretos signaled. The two cousins jumped off and landed on their own cars and put on their seatbelts. "You people are really starting to bug me!" Speed Demon-Cisco complained. "How's this for bugging?" Layla smirked as she drove in front of Speed Demon-Cisco and used her buzzsaws to slice of Speed Demon-Cisco's buzzsaws. "No!" Speed Demon-Cisco cried. "My buzzsaws!" Layla stated, "No one takes control of me and gets away of it!" "I'll smash you for that!" Speed Demon-Cisco did another wheelie and shot more tire bullets at Layla. Layla gasped and zig-zagged to dodge all the tires, "Well that's new!" "So is this, girlie!" Speed Demon-Cisco shot a mouth missile at her only for Echo's hyperfin to side ram into Layla's car, pushing it out of the way causing the missile to miss. Echo then spoke to Tony, "So when were gonna tell us about the mouth missiles and the shooting tires?!" "Uh, can't really talk right now, Echo! Aaaahhhh" Tony cried, as Speed Demon-Cisco started shooting at him next with him barely dodging each blast. One even nearly blasted him off the roar. Gabby rammed Speed Demon-Cisco from the side and he tried to slam his fists down her, only for the girl accelerate and dodge the fists. But then he shot a mouth missile at her. "Oh no!" Gabby dodged the missile but the explosion made her almost swerve out of control. "You okay, Doc?" She asked Dr. Cluckingsworth which bawked that she was. Speed Demon-Cisco then rammed Adagio's car with his and after that, he rammed Aria's car, sucking it in with his tires. But before he could crush Aria, Sonata drove onto the scene and sped alongside the mutant car. "HEY! Get your tires off of Aria!" She yelled and rammed Speed Demon off of Aria. Aria sighed in relief, "Thanks, Sonata!" "No problem, Aria." Finally having enough of it, Speed Demon-Cisco started shooting multiple mouth missiles, tires, and even shooting his tailpipe fire at the racers, all of them swerving, zig-zagging, drifting, and dodging the attacks but they starting to get overwhelmed. "I don't think we can take much more!" Echo stated as she dodged a missile. Tony saw the junkyard was only a few miles ahead, then gave a determined look and called out, "Hey Speed Demon! Let's finish this race!" Speed Demon-Cisco stopped his attacks and laughed, "Alright then! Let's end this! Here and now!" Then he activated his fire boost and shot off ahead. Tony activated his own booster, floored the gas, sped after the mutant car, and eventually caught up, pulling along beside him. The two were neck-in-neck as they approached the junkyard. Then just as they made it, in a three angle shot, Tony managed to drive through the entrance first, wining the race! "WHOO HOO!" Tony cheered. "Yeah, baby! What I tell ya, I'm a Torreto, I was born to-!" But his cheering soon turned into screaming as Speed Demon-Cisco swung his arm and knocked Tony's car off it's tires and sent it flipping sideways until it landed upside down. Luckily, Tony wasn't hurt and crawled out and stood facing Speed Demon-Cisco. The car mutant laughed, "You may have won, but I'm still gonna smear ya on my windshield!" "Come on then!" Tony beckoned him. Speed Demon-Cisco's tires squealed and he charged at Tony, ready to end him when he suddenly jerked to a stop. He looked to see Gabby had hooked onto him from the back with a grapple line. "Hola!" Gabby smirked. "Glad Donnie installed this grapple hook. Soon, Layla, Echo, Adagio, and Aria joined Gabby and hooked onto Speed Demon from the back with a grapple hook. "You ladies really think you can hold me?!" Speed Demon-Cisco sneered. "Yes, and so can she!" Adagio answered. "Huh?" Before Speed Demon-Cisco knew it, a tow cable was lassoed around his waist. He looked to Sonata had thrown it. "What are you doing?" Sonata got back in the truck and answered, "Getting my boyfriend back!" She stepped on the gas and the truck shot backwards. The tow cable tightened and Cisco was yanked right off the car. "What? NO!!!" Speed Demon roared. But at that moment, the girls released their cables, and Layla rammed into Speed Demon, pushing him through piles of junk before knocking him into something. "That's for possessing me!" She glared. "You'll be sorry you did that!" Speed Demon growled. "Not as sorry as you're gonna be. Look where you are," Layla pointed. Speed Demon looked and saw he had been knocked into a car crusher. Then Sonata turned it on saying, "This is for Cisco!" The crusher began to crush Speed Demon as the mutant car cried out in pain. The he shouted, "I'll... be... BACK!" Was the last thing he said before was finally crushed. Meanwhile, Cisco had transformed back and got up panting. Everyone exited their cars and ran up to him as Tony asked, "Cisco, are you okay?" Cisco gave a thumbs up, "I'm good, dawg," he smiled before he was tackled into a hug by Sonata, who showered him with kisses. Sonata cried, "I missed you!" Cisco hugged her, "I missed you too, Sonata. It was awful being mind-controlled." "Don't you worry about it, Cisco. You're safe now. And uh, let's grab something to eat 'cause I'm starving." "Agreed. Let's grab some tacos since today is Taco Tuesday," Cisco suggested. Sonata gasped happily, "Tacos?! My favorite!" Meanwhile, The Torretos, Echo, and Layla looked over the crusher. All that was left of Speed Demon was a flat pile of scrap. Layla asked, "Is it over?" "I believe so. Speed Demon is officially gone," Tony answered. "Yep. That mutant car is sent to the scrap heap," Gabby added. "So we did it!" Echo said and everyone cheered at their victory. But then, Adagio suddenly stopped cheering and had a strange look on her face, which Gabby noticed. "Que paso? Adagio, you okay?" She asked, as everyone stopped cheering to look at the siren leader. "I... not sure?" Adagio wondered. "I just got this strange feeling?" "Hey, me too?" Aria said in surprise. "And me?" Sonata added. "Weird!" "Um, do you think it might have something to do with that?" Echo pointed. Everyone looked to where she was pointing and saw a strange sight. In the distance, clouds had gathered and were swirling with a glowing green light. Then the light hit the ground and after a minute it disappeared. The crew stared before Layla spoke up, "What the heck was that?" Before anyone could give an answer, Tony's spy watch beeped. He pressed a button and got a video call from Frostee. "Guys!" He cried, sounding scared. "Hey, Frostee," Tony said. "Yo, your not gonna believe what just happened to us, dawg," Cisco stated. "And you're not gonna believe what's currently happening to all of us," Frostee said before shouting, "We're being attacked by zombies!" "Wait? Zombies?" Gabby raised a brow. "For real?" Layla doubted. "This isn't another one of your pranks, is it?" Sonata asked in suspicion. Sissy suddenly appeared and asked rhetorically, "Does this look like a prank to you?!" And she showed them that she, Frostee, and the Young Ninjas were in a horse cart with zombies trying to climb in. The kids were screaming and knocking the zombies off while Sissy showed that hundreds more were bursting out of the ground. Then she moved the watch to show that Mitch was with them and one of the zombie had him in a headlock. "You can't eat my brain!" He screamed. "I need it for stuff!" "Whoo-ha!" Ace nailed the zombie in the face with one of his sparring sticks, making it let go of Mitch. "Whoa!" Echo gasped. "Never mind," Sonata relented with wide eyes. Frostee spoke, "So anyway, we could really use some help here!" "Hang in there, Frostee, we're on our way!" Tony promised. "Sending you our tracking signal!" Frostee said. After they got it, Tony spoke to the others, "Let's roll!" Soon, everyone got into their cars, Sonata rode with Cisco, and raced off to go help Frostee, Sissy, and the rest of their friends. And Mitch. Back after they had gone, something else strange happened. The crushed metal that was once Speed Demon began shaking. Then slowly, it started to uncrush itself while Speed Demon's crazy laugh filled the air. "Like I said, Speed Demon always keeps his promises!" > 5. The Night Walker > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "And after the death of Sergent McGurie, the government placed his mind into the AI of the hauler, so he could drive them around. His hands and feet replaced by tires. He could never hold his child again. He was a MONSTER!" Frostee exclaimed. "Look away!" Sweetheart, Sweetie Belle, and Clover screamed. "Whoa! Wicked story, Frostee," Patch said. Ace laughed. "And you did that as a prank on Cisco and Sonata?" "Yep," Frostee nodded. "See for yourselves." He showed them video footage of when he pretended to be that ghost AI to scare Cisco and Sonata. The Young Ninjas, Frostee, and his sister Sissy were camping out in Apple Bloom's backyard. And we're right now telling scary stories. "Creepy," Sissy commented. "But I've heard creepier." She stated dryly, making her brother frown. "Well, I thought it scary," Half Note admitted. "Me too," agreed Sweet Note. “That was very scary,” Shivered Sweetheart. “That’s your answer to every ghost story,” Ace said before Melody smacked him. “But you have a good point.” “Yeah. We don’t wanna give us an even bigger scare than last time,” Logan recalled the time Sweetheart scared them for teasing her about being scared. “Man, Girl. How can one be so scared and scary at the same time?” Frostee asked curiously. “I….. learned from Fluttershy?” Sweetheart shrugged. "Wish I could've seen that," Sissy said. "So, anyone else have a scary story?" Apple Bloom asked. "I've got a doosy of story," Clover stood up and took the flashlight from Frostee. "Is it about that 'bad luck teapot' again," Patch teased. Clover frowned at Patch before she gave a mischievous smirk, "Oh no, this is way scarier than the teapot that caused me trouble. This is the story of... the Night Walker!" She exclaimed dramatically. "Ah-Already lame," Patch coughed. Clover ignored her and began, "It was a dark and foggy autumn night... A college clique were traveling along a forest path. With them was a young man named Walker, who was a socially awkward one. The clique had agreed to accept him into their group, but he had to pass a initiation. But neither of them told him what it was. They arrived at a clearing and told him to wait there. He waited and waited. When suddenly a hooded figure in a dark cloak and antlered masked jumped out at him from the trees. Walker screamed and ran for his life when he fell right into a hidden pit that was filled with mud. As he sat up, the figure looked down and threw off it's cloak revealing that it was actually one of the clique members as the rest showed up. The clique leader said that the whole initiation was all but a cruel prank and that they never intended to let a loser like him join their group. Then they all laughed at him and left him there. Walker fell to his knees feeling utterly betrayed and hurt. But then he felt something else: anger, hatered, and most of all, vengeance! Right then and there, he swore that he would make that clique pay! So he climbed out of the pit and began to make a plan to make the teach the clique a lesson that no one would ever forget. As for the clique, they had stopped to laugh about making Walker look totally dumb. But after they were done, they heard a scream and noticed that one of there friends had disappeared. At first they thought she was just playing a joke, until they heard her begging for mercy. Getting worried, the leader asked her to cone out but the only answer she got was her friend's scream. The clique huddled together, now scared. Then they heard eerie whistling and jumped when they saw a dark figure staring back at them from the shadows before it vanished. Then they realized that whoever this figure was, it had gotten their friend. Terrified, one of the members ran away in terror, saying he wasn't gonna be next But that was exactly what the dark figure wanted, as he tripped over a rope and net fell on top of him. But that wasn't all, the rope had also triggered a swinging log trap that knocked the screaming member into a dug hole and onto to some sharp wooden stakes at the bottom. One member ran before looking back to see nothing and slowed down. But when he turned, he screamed in terror before- SLIT! Another college clique ran before tripping into a slope and was trying to get out splashing in the muddy water. The slope was slippery. She tried and tried before something caught her hand. Panting, she looked up and the last thing you could hear was a blood curling scream. Now all alone, and scared out of her mind, the clique leader stood petrified. Then she too heard the eerie whistling and ran and ran and ran, knowing that figure coming for her next. As she ran, she looked this way and that, seeing no sign of the dark figure, but then she saw him right in front of her. She screamed and turned in another direction, trying desperately to get away from this evil figure, but out of nowhere, the figure grabbed her from above on a tree and pulled her up. The leader begged the figure to spare her life and then she saw to her shock, the figure was non other, then Walker, dressed in the same cloak they had scared him with. Then he coldly replied, "You showed me no mercy!" Then the leader's piercing scream echoed throughout the night. Days later, a search party went out looking for the clique and Walker, but they found no sign of any of them. Then one of the searchers found the pit where they had left Walker and looked inside. Then he gasped in horror at what he saw. He had found the clique... all dead! Resting on their bodies was a piece of paper, written in blood red letters, that said, "Beware the Night Walker"! Clover continued, "So when you walk the forest path on a foggy autumn night and suddenly hear eerie whistling, get out of there while you can! Otherwise, you'll meet the same gruesome fate the clique suffered by the hands of..." She paused and draped her blanket over her saying, "The Night Walker!" Most of the kids screamed in fright. Melody and Sweetheart holding onto each other. "Ooooo, spooky!" Frostee said dramatically. "Now that's what I call creepy," Sissy said, impressed. "No kidding!" Sweet Note trembled. “Wow! That was really something, Clover.” Lancer admitted. “Not bad,” Shrugged Ace. “That was cool,” Half note stated. “Cool and scary,” Shuddered Sweetheart. “I hear you,” Melody agreed. “Really scary,” Applebloom nodded. “Yep,” Sweetie Belle nodded too. “I was really on my seat there,” Scootaloo replied. “So was I,” Put in Logan. Clover smiled before noticing Patch trembling. “You alright there, Patch?” "I'm fine," Patch said, still trembling. "That story didn't scare you, did it?" Apple Bloom asked. Patch quickly cleared her throat. “No. I…just felt a chill in the air!” "You sure about that?" Frostee questioned. "Y-Yeah," Patch nodded. “Oh admit it! You were totally scared!” Smirked Ace. “As if!” Patch waved off, Then she countered, "And you're one to talk. I saw you cowering in your sleeping bag, Mr Courageous!" Ace pouted. "Well, I gotta say that story was intense," Melody stated. "You sure know how to tell a terrifying tale, Clover." "Thank you," Clover took a bow. "So what should we do now?" Sweetie Belle asked everyone. "Well, we ate all the pizza, so I guess we just go to sleep," Scootaloo layed down in her sleeping bag when Apple Bloom spoke up. "Uh, Scootaloo, it's six thirty." "Oh! Right," Scootaloo sat up sheepishly. "So, what should we do now?" Sweet Note wondered aloud. "We could flashlight tag," Lancer suggested. "Lame," Sissy deadpanned. "Hey," Logan said. "Why don't we go to Sugarcube Corner for some ice cream." "Great idea, bro," Lancer smiled. "I'm in!" Clover bounced. "I love-love-love ice cream!" “Let’s get going,” Sweetie Belle insisted. “The sooner we get there before they close, the sooner we can get some ice cream.” “We better bring our weapons. Never know if we’re gonna deal with the Purple Nightmares again,” Lancer sheathed his naginatas. “Ice cream! Here we come!” Clover cheered as they left the tent. Soon the kids were walking through the neighborhood and soon entered the park. "I don't know about all of you, but I'm so stoked for the Halloween show we're all doing with the Rainbooms tomorrow night," Melody said excitedly. "You said it, Mel," Ace agreed. "And the Ace can't wait to bust a move!" "And me," Clover added, doing a dance move. "Neither can I," Frostee chimed in. "Not to brag, but I learned a lot of sweet dance moves from our mission in Rio. Like the capoeira. When that music started playing, it was like my body already knew what to do." "That's amazing, Frostee," Apple Bloom said. "Capoeira is actually a Brazilian martial art that uses dancing and acrobatics," Sissy informed. "Sure, if you wanna get technical about it," Frostee frowned. "Capoeira is also known as dance fighting," Half Note stated. “You know, Rainbow Dash told me they met someone who had this fighting style with hip hop moves from Angel Grove.” Scootaloo recalled. “Oh yeah? What’s his name?” Frostee asked. “Zack Taylor. That’s Zack with a ‘K’ to not confuse him with our Zach.” “Interesting.” Shrugged Frostee. As the others were talking, Sweetheart noticed Patch lagging behind, looking a little uneasy. She slowed her pace and walked beside her. "Hey, Patch, you okay?" She asked. Patch tried to look casual, "S-Sure I am! Just wanted to enjoy the night time scenery!" She smiled nervously, but Sweetheart wasn't convinced. "Patch, what's wrong? You're not usually like this?" She stated. When Patch didn't answer she pressed on. "I'm your friend, whatever's wrong you can tell me." Patch sighed, "Fine. I was scared by that Night Walker story. A lot," she confessed. "It scared me too," Sweetheart sympathized. "It scared all of us." "Yeah, but it scared me because... a real killer almost got me once," Patch revealed. "What?!" Sweetheart gasped. "What happened?" "When I was a little kid, my parents and I saw on the news that a dangerous psycho killer was on the loose in our neighborhood," Patch recalled. "I wasn't really worried about it, until late that night when I was woken up by a the sound of my window breaking. I sat up just in time to see the psycho killer climb into my room! Then I screamed as he grabbed me and took out a knife! Luckily, my parents rushed in and my dad fought off the killer and knocked him out. When the police took him away, they said I was extremely lucky as that mad man had killed other people that night. I was trumatized for weeks after that! And hearing that Night Walker story..." She shuttered. "It reminded me of that awful experience!" "Oh no!" Sweetheart covered her mouth. "Why didn't you say anything?" "I never liked talking about it," Patch explained. "I had to take therapy for two months to finally get over what happened. “It’s- it’s one of the reasons why I liked meeting the Ninja Turtles. I hope to be as brave as they are.” Sweetheart placed her hand on Patch’s shoulder. “Mikey once told me they’re only brave when they have to be. Most of the challenges they faced did make them scared. It was only in trusting in each other did they gain the courage they needed to fight and win. Just remember, we’re always here for you, Patch. It’s okay to be scared among friends. We’re there for each other.” This was enough for Patch to smile. “Thanks Sweetheart.” “Hey come on, you two!” They heard Logan call to them. “Don’t want you two to lag behind this late at night!” “Coming!” Patch called back as she and Sweetheart hurried to the group. As they continued to walk, they all noticed a huge fog surrounding them. “Boy did it get real foggy all of the sudden?” Scootaloo noticed. “Oh good. It wasn’t just me,” Sweetie Belle gulped. “Maybe it’s just a passing cloud,” Frostee suggested. “Well it’s a very thick cloud!” Sissy stated. "Let's keep going before it get's any thicker," Apple Bloom said, and the kids continued on their way. But as they walked, the fog began to get thicker and thicker. And as it grew darker, it became harder to see where they were. Finally they stopped as Sweetheart spoke up. "Guys," she said feeling uneasy. "Shouldn't we have gotten out of the park by now?" "Can't tell with all the fog," Sissy stated. "I can't see a thang, yo," Ace said, looking around. "It's thick as pea soup." "Ew, I hate pea soup," Sweet Note cringed. "Not a fan of that either," Melody agreed, in disgust. "And this fog feels kind of spooky," Scootaloo shuttered. "Yeah, it sure does," Sweetie Belle nodded, feeling a little creeped out herself. "How are we gonna find out where we are?" Clover asked. "I might be able to help with that," Frostee dug into his backpack and took out a small mini drone. "What's that?" Lancer asked. "Say hello to my locator mini drone," Frostee said proudly. "It's got GPS and a video camera." "Cool!" Half Note grinned. "With this, I'll find out where we are," Frostee said, before Sissy took it from him. "Hey! Sissy!" "Keep your shirt on, Frostee," Sissy rebuked and placed a tiny device on the drone before handing it back to her brother. Frostee looked the device and recognized it, "A tracker? You put a tracker on my drone?" "Duh," Sissy replied as if it were obvious. "In case something happens to it." "Nothing's gonna happen to it," Frostee insisted and activated the drone, sending it up. The drone soared into the sky while Frostee controlled it with his phone and scanned the area. After a minute, Patch asked, "So where are we?" "Well, the fog seems to be messing with the GPS, but the camera still works, so I'll check the feed" Frostee said and looked at camera footage. "Uh oh." "Uh oh what?" Scootaloo asked. "According to the camera feed, we some how walked into the woods," Frostee informed. "The woods?" Patch asked worriedly. "How did that happen?" Melody inquired. "I guess the fog must have confused us somehow," Half Note guessed. Suddenly, a figure merged from the bushes and ran towards the kids. “Get outta my way!” The figure was the hunter Simon Bonesteel as ran through the group who either jumped away or fell down. “There are zombies among us! And vampires!” “Who was that guy?” Applebloom asked picking herself up. “I don’t know, but he’s got some nerve running into us like that!” Melody gritted her teeth. “I think he had a crossbow on him?” Lancer guessed. “I think I know who that was!” Everyone turned to Scootaloo. “Rainbow Dash once told me about how she and the girls fought a looney bounty Hunter one time.” “I remember hearing that too.” Logan added. “I think his name was Simon Belmont? No. No. Simon Bone peal. No. No. What was it?” “Simon Bonesteel.” Everyone turned to Frostee. “I overheard Nowhere and Gary talking about him. He claims to be the best hunter in the world and hunts endangered animals.” “How mean!” Sweetheart pouted. “Last I heard, the Turtles and Rainbooms beat him with the help of Team Shine and some other group.” Scootaloo said. “The Digi something.” “That’s great and all, but I couldn’t help but notice he said something about zombies and vampires?!” Stated Patch. “Maybe too many horror movies?” Guessed AppleBloom. “Let’s find out.” Frostee pulled up his phone and looked at his drone’s camera. “Ill have the drone follow him.” The group gathered around him as they watch the drone fly over the trees. Sweetie Belle then noticed something. “Wait! Go back!” She cried. “You see him?” Sissy asked. “I thought I saw Trixie with Snips and Snails.” After looking around, the drone flew back on track. “Nothing there now.” Lancer shrugged. “Must’ve been the fog.” Sweetie sighed. After flying a bit more, the drone had visual on Bonesteel. “There he is!” Logan proclaimed. “Let’s get a little closer.” Frostee had the drone fly closer to Bonesteel who was still running. “He’s fast. I’ll give him that.” Half Note admitted. Suddenly, Bonesteel took a sharp turn. When the drone took the turn, there was no sign of the hunter anywhere. “W-where’d he go?” Melody gasped. “What if he was a…. A ghost?” Shuddered Sweetheart. “Or a vampire?” Patch added. Suddenly they saw a knife before the screen said signal lost. “Nonononono!” Frostee gasped pushing buttons. “He must’ve seen the drone!” Lancer figured. “Nothings gonna happen to the drone, huh?” Sissy teased. Then she took out her own phone. Soon she picked up the tracker signal. "Found it! Come on." And she led everyone in the direction Bonesteel had gone. The kids carefully made their way through the fog and eventually arrived at the spot where Frostee's drone was shot down. Sissy checked her phone. “It’s around here somewhere.” “Alright, guys! Let's split up!” Lancer instructed. Everyone was about to go when Patch cried, “Wait! We’re going after some endangered species hunter and you want us to split up?” “There’s no time!” Frostee intervened, more worried about his drone. “Why not?” Patch muttered as they continued their separate search. As they searched, Sweetie Belle suddenly felt something beneath her foot and looked down before she gasped in shock. "Uh, guys!" She called. "I found it!" Frostee, Sissy, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Lancer, the Note sisters, Patch, Sweetheart, Melody, and Ace arrived as the tech boy asked eagerly, "You did, where?" "There," Sweetie Belle pointed down. Frostee looked and screamed. His drone was laying on the ground, smashed to pieces. Bonesteel had apparently done more then just thrown a knife at it. The only thing that wasn't broken was Sissy's tracking device. "Oh no!" Half Note gasped. "Bummer, dude," Ace patted Frostee's back. "Sorry about your drone, Frostee," Sweetheart sympathized. "Well at least this survived," Sissy said, picking up her tracking device. Frostee picked up what was left of his drone and growled, "Aahhh, Bonesteel's gonna pay for this!" "Hey, where are Logan and Clover?" Lancer spoke up. Everyone looked around. Sure enough, their two friends were no where in sight. "That's strange," Scootaloo scratched her head. "They were here a second ago," Sweet Note said. "Weird," Melody stated. "You know, this is almost just like what happened to that clique in the Night Walker story." "Oh no!" Patch whimpered. "What if it was the Night Walker!" She said in worry, before she clamped her mouth shut, realizing what she said. "Or something," she smiled sheepishly. "Really?" Sissy deadpanned. Aha!" Ace pointed at Patch. "You were scared!" "I was not!" Patch shot back. Sweetheart interjected, "I'm sure it wasn't the Night Walker, right guys?" "Yeah, after all it was just a made up horror story," Half Note stated, though she sounded uneasy. "It's not like it really happened, right?" Sweet Note asked, but she sounded nervous as well. "I'm sure Logan and Clover are fine," Lancer assured. But right after he said that, they all jumped as two screams were heard from the fog covered forest. "Or... not," Frostee said. “Logan!” Cried Lancer as he hurried over. “Lancer wait!” Patch gasped. “That’s my brother in trouble! I got to save him!” Lancer stated as he ran. “And Clovers in trouble too!” Sweetheart reminded as she and Melody followed. Soon, everyone followed as they called for their friends. “I swear if that Bone jerk did something to them, I’m gonna make him endangered!” Melody growled. “Get in line!” Lancer gritted his teeth. “What’s that up ahead?” Everyone looked to where Frostee was pointing to and there was a huge pit in the ground. “It’s a hole in the ground!” Ace declared. “Thank you, Captain Obvious,” Deadpanned Half Note. They hurried to the pit as Lancer looked down, “Logan! Clover! Are you down there?” “Hey, guys,” Logan waved as he and Clover smiled and everyone sighed in relief. “Are you okay?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Yeah we’re fine,” Clover assured. “What happened?” AppleBloom raised a brow. "We were looking for the drone and I didn't see this pit, until I fell in it," Clover explained sheepishly. "And when I tried to pull her out, I slipped and fell in too," Logan added. "Hang on, guys, we'll get you out!" Lancer called. “Anyone got a rope?” Asked Frostee. “Let’s look for a vine. It’s our best option.” Lancer suggested. “Okay, but no snakes.” Stated Melody. Suddenly, there came snap followed by two more screams coming from behind them. The kids turned around to find that the Note Sisters had disappeared. "Half Note? Sweet Note?" Melody called out. "Now where did they go?" Sweetie Belle asked. "We're up here," came Sweet Note's voice. The kids looked up and saw the twin sisters trapped in a net above the ground. "Apparently, there was a hidden net," Half Note stated. "Don't worry, girls," Apple Bloom called up. "We'll climb up and cut you down," Scootaloo added. Then the CMC went over to a tree, but before they could climb up it, they yelped as they were suddenly yanked off the ground and were dangling upside down with a rope tied around their ankles. "Or not," Sweetie Belle said. “So glad that other Raph didn’t see this.” Scootaloo whispered. “Eyup. He’d be rubbing it in our faces and be like ‘not really fun, is it?’ Or something,” Apple Bloom huffed. “There’s gotta be a knot somewhere,” Melody looked around. “I found it!” Ace bend over and untied a knot. “Once again, I end up saving everyone.” Boom! Suddenly, the three found themselves in a cage. “Nice save, dummy!” Melody deadpanned. "How was I supposed to know that was another trap?!" Ace argued. “Okay this is getting ridiculous!” Lancer glared. "Bonesteel must've booby-trapped this area," Frostee realized. "Or the Night Walker," Patch whispered. "We gotta be careful, or one of us could walk into another trap," Sissy advised. "Hey, what's that sound?" Clover called from the pit. "I don't hear anything?" Ace shrugged. "Wait, I hear it too," Sweetie Belle said. "Me too," Scootaloo added. "It sounds like... whistling?" Apple Bloom raised a brow. All the kids listened and sure enough, they did hear a sound. A faint whistling. And it was getting louder and closer. "Uh, wasn't there eerie whistling like that in the story?" Sweet Note began, getting nervous. "Before the Night Walker showed up to claime his victims," Logan added. "Well duh," Clover shrugged. "I told that story." Sweetheart tried to assure her friends, especially Patch who was trembling, "M-Maybe it's the wind whistling through the trees?" She suggested. "Well, here comes the wind right now!" Sissy pointed to a shape coming towards them in the fog. "It's the Night Walker!" Patch squeaked in fright. "The Ace is too awesome to be done in!" Ace cried. "And I'm too good a singer!" Melody wailed, while Sweetheart rolled her eyes. Then, emerging from the fog, whistling nervously, was non other than... "Spike?!" The kids exclaimed. "Aahh!" The dog jumped in alarm, before recognizing everyone. "Oh. Hey guys." “What are you doing here?” Asked Lancer. “I was with The Turtles and Rainbooms who were meeting this weird family. Then Mikey and Pinkie were riding this creepy carridge and I fell off. Been wandering here since.” “At least it’s good to see you, Spike,” Frostee said. "We thought you were the Night Walker," Clover chimed in. “Or Bonesteel,” Applebloom added. Spike perked up, “Bonesteel is here?” "Yes he is!" Without warning, a bolo flew in and wrapped around Frostee, Patch, Sissy, and Sweetheart, tying them up. Then a net was shot over Spike, trapping the little dog. Chuckling, Bonesteel stepped out from the trees. "Y'all lookin' for me?" "Bonesteel!" The kids exclaimed. "I did not see that coming! Literally," Clover said, as she and Logan couldn't see much over the pit. Bonesteel strolled up to the trapped kids, "Had a feeling I was being tailed after noticing that drone following me," He motioned to the remains of Frostee's drone. "Oh, speaking of which, when I get out of here you're gonna wish you hadn't wrecked my drone!" Frostee growled at the hunter. Bonesteel just laughed, "Ain't that cute." Then he looked over the pit where Clover and Logan were stuck. "I didn't even have to trap you two." Clover blew a raspberry at him. He then walked over to the netted Spike and scooped him up, “I may not have those vampires let alone those overtrusting turtles, but I can still make a profit off you, talkin' dog!” “I have a name you know," Spike deadpanned. "And vampires? Now you’re really nuts!” “Mock me all you want, fido! I’ll at least make it out of here alive!” Bonesteel began to walk away carrying him in the net. "You leave Spike alone!" Apple Bloom yelled down at the hunter. "Or you'll be sorry!" Scootaloo threatened. "That so, huh?" Bonesteel chuckled. "And just what are you youngins gonna do if I don't?" Before any of the kids could reply, eerie whistling suddenly echoed everywhere. Patch's eyes widened in horror, "Oh no!" "What's that?" Bonesteel looked around. "Who's out there?!" He looked back at the kids, "That any of you?" "Nope," the CMC replied. "Not us," the Note sisters stated. "Ah uh," Clover insisted, while Logan shook his head. "Nada," Lancer, Ace, and Melody said. "Don't look at us," Sissy said for herself, Sweetheart, Patch, and her brother. Just then, something ran past Bonesteel and he heard Spike yelp. When the hunter turned, he saw that he was no longer holding the net. "What the?!" Bonesteel growled and took out a crossbow. "Where's that talking dog?!" "Uh, maybe ask him!" Frostee pointed, his eyes wide. Bonesteel and the kids looked to where he was pointing. Standing close by was a shadowy figure shrouded by the fog. And it was holding the net with the trapped Spike. "Help," the dog whimpered. The kids, minus Patch, were shocked by what they saw. "No way!" Scootaloo gasped. "It can't be?" Lancer said in disbelief. "Is that?" Half Note began. "The Night Walker!" Patch cried. "My story was real!" Clover exclaimed. Bonesteel on the other hand looked more annoyed, "Hey you!" He said, aiming his crossbow at the figure. "Gimme back that dog! I caught him fair and square!" Instead, the figure slung the net over his shoulder and took off running into the fog, with Spike yelling, "This is not my night!" "Spike, no!" Sweetheart cried. "Get back here with my bounty!" Bonesteel ran after the figure. "No one get's the best of Simon Bonesteel!" Suddenly, Applebloom felt someone moving, and turned to see it was Scootaloo, "What are you doing, Scootaloo?" "Trying to cut us loose." Scootaloo grunted as she bent over and began cutting the noose with her knife. Finally, she was able to cut her and her friends' legs free and they landed safely. "I'll free Frostee and the others. you two get the Note sisters out of the net," Apple Bloom instructed. "We should use the rope to free Logan and Clover," Sweetie added. "Good idea." As the CMC freed the others, Lancer had an idea. "Ace, Melody, grab a corner of the cage and when I count to three, lift. 1,2, 3!" And the three started to lift up the cage. After Applebloom freed them from the bolo, Frostee, Sissy, Sweetheart, and Patch hurried over and helped lift the cage off Lancer, Melody, and Ace. While Scootaloo freed Half Note and Sweet Note, Sweetie Belle tied the ropes together and lowered it in the pit. Then everyone helped hold the rope while Logan and Clover used it to climb out of the pit. "Phew, glad to be outta there," Clover sighed in relief. "You said it," Logan agreed. "Glad your safe, bro," Lancer hi-fived him. "I can't believe the Night Walker is real!" Melody pointed out. "What are we going to do?" Sweetheart asked. "Going home sounds nice," Patch gulped. "We can't just leave Spike with that killer!" Sweetie Belle feared. "We gotta help him!" Lancer declared. "Are you out of your gourd?" Patch argued. "We're outgunned by the Night Walker! Besides, I'm sure Mikey and Pinkie will rescue him." "And what if they don't?" Scootaloo protested. "Even if Spike escapes him, Bone Jerk's gunning for him next!" "And if we don't get him back, Twilight will never forgive us if anything happened to him," Applebloom stated. Patch sighed, "Fine. We'll go get him. But how?" Just then Frostee grinned mischievously, "I think I got an idea how to deal with Bonehead." Meanwhile, Bonesteel was running through the fog filled woods, looking for any sign of the dark figure. Soon he exited the woods and found himself on a cobblestone path. The hunter looked all around, "Where'd you get to, ya yellow-bellied weasel?" He sneered. Suddenly, he heard Spike's voice shout out from up ahead on the path, "Hey! Where are you going?! You can't just leave me here!" Bonesteel grinned and charged down the pathway until he found Spike, still trapped in the net, laying in the middle of the path. Then the hunter called out, "Y'all must think old Bonesteel's a fool! Thinking I'll just walk up and take the dog while you get the drop on me? Ha!" He scoffed, thinking the figure was waiting to ambush him. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure whoever that brought me here already left," Spike guessed. "Hush up, you!" Bonesteel glared at Spike, then called out again, "You can't trap Bonesteel, I'm the greatest bounty hunter in the world!" Spike cleared his throat, "Self-proclaimed," he smirked. "I said shut it!" Bonesteel snapped, when something rushed past him from behind. "What the?! He whipped around and aimed his crossbow. But then the shadow flew past on his right. "I see you!" He began firing his arrows only for it to run by on the left and Bonesteel started shooting in that direction. Then the shadow began appearing all over the place, with Bonesteel shooting in every direction. One arrow barely missed Spike. "Hey, watch it!" He growled. Bonesteel stopped shooting and looked around, panting, "I know you're out there somewhere!" He hollered. Then he heard a noise. A clacking noise. Bonesteel turned around and saw a shadowy figure that looked like it was doing a dance on the cobblestones. The hunter grinned wickedly and aimed his crossbow, "Gotcha!" But before he could fire, a spooky voiced wailed, "No... I got you..." Slowly, Bonesteel turned around and floating right behind him was a ghost! The hunter screamed in fright, dropping his crossbow. But then the ghost vanished and in it's place stood a grinning Frostee with Sissy on his shoulders. "Gotcha!" The siblings burst out laughing. "You!" Bonesteel snarled. "How'd you two got loose? And how'd you look like a ghost?" "Wouldn't you like to know," Sissy smirked. "But to answer your second question, hologram tech," Frostee explained, motioning to his spy watch. "And this is called, trapping the hunter!" And he shot a bolo from his watch, tying up Bonesteel's arms. "What in tarnation?!" Bonesteel cried. "Now let's see how you like being trapped," Sissy said. "Oh, and by the way, we're not the only ones who got free from your traps," Frostee added. "Right, guys?" Then the CMC and Rock N Beats leaped out of the fog, "Booyahkasha!" And the dancing figure turned out to be Clover, who attacked the hunter. Outnumbered and with his arms restrained, Bonesteel was unable to fight back as he was attacked by the Young Ninjas. Ace ran up to the hunter and hit him with his sparring sticks, “Not so tough now, are ya?” “You little!” Bonesteel struggled before he was double spin-kicked by Half Note and Sweet Note. “Teach you to hurt our little buddy!” Melody was the next to hit Bonesteel who grunted. “Take this you bad man!” Sweetheart started rapidly hitting Bonesteel before knocking him back. "When I get free!" Bonesteel started, before Clover and Logan flipped in and knocked him into a spin-kick by Lancer. "Oh by the way," Patch said as she attacked the hunter next, "When you trap a bunch of kids, make sure they don't have weapons to free themselves with!" Then the CMC triple teamed Bonesteel. Apple Bloom drop-kicked him to Sweetie Belle, who hit him with a round house kick, then Scootaloo did a front flip kick, knocking the hunter down. "We gotta thank Mallory for the training," Scootaloo said to her friends. "Yeah," they agreed. Bonesteel managed to get up, looking very ticked, "I'm the greatest bounty hunter in the world!" He growled, before he was wacked by Sweet Note's staff. "I won't be beaten!" He was then jabbed in the gut by the poll end of Lancer's weapon and was knocked back by a flying kick from Logan. "By a bunch off-" Melody cut him off by jumping onto his shoulders and hitting him all over the face before she flipped off and kicking him forward as Ace hit him with an uppercut. "Kids!" "Hey, Bonesteel?" Frostee then ran up and kicked Bonesteel where the sun don't shine, making him drop to his knees. "That was for smashing my drone!" He snapped. "And this is for tying us up!" Sissy punched Bonesteel in the face. The hunter fell to the ground, knocked out cold. "Good punch," Patch smirked. The CMC quickly helped Spike out of the net. "Are y'all alright, Spike?" Apple Bloom asked. "I'm good," Spike smiled. "What happened?" Scootaloo asked. "And where'd the Night Walker go?" Sweetie Belle added, looking around. "The Night Walker or whoever that was just dumped me here and left me," Spike explained. "Rude!" Clover huffed. "Well at least you're safe," Lance petted Spike. “Now that Spike's safe, let’s get out of here,” Patch stated. “And I probably should check in with Twilight. She's gotta be worried about me,” Spike pointed. “The problem is we don’t know where she and the other Rainbooms are let alone where we are,” Sweetie Belle sighed. “And I don’t have another drone to scan over our location,” Frostee pouted. "Uh... we could ask him for directions..." Clover pointed a trembling finger. The kids looked back and there stood the shadowy figure. "The Night Walker!" They all screamed. "Run!" Spike yelled, and they all took off. But then Sweetheart tripped and fell down. When she looked up, the figure was staring down at her before slowly reached toward her, making her scream. The others stopped and looked back, "Sweetheart!" Lancer exclaimed. "HELP!" Sweetheart screamed. "NOOOO!" Melody cried. Patch looked back and saw her friend at the mercy of the Night Walker and her mind flashed back to when she was almost done in by the psycho killer. But then she remembered what She had said earlier. "Just remember, we’re always here for you, Patch. It’s okay to be scared among friends. We’re there for each other." Then all the fear she had before suddenly vanished as she narrowed her eyes in determination. And with a yell, Patch charged right at the Night Walker. "Patch, no!" Half Note called out. "She's a goner," Ace said. Sweetheart and the Night Walker looked up just as Patch knocked the killer away with a double kick. The Night Walker rushed forward, but Patch tripped him, making him stumble, then she uppercut him and kicked him in the back. "I take it back, she's kicking butt!" Ace grinned in excitement. The Night Walker turned back and tried to grab Patch, only for the girl to back-flip onto his shoulders and started punching him all over his head. "Go!" Apple Bloom started. "Patch!" Sweetie Belle added. "Go!" Scootaloo finished. As Patch kept attacking, the Night Walker managed to reach back and throw the girl off him and at a tree. But then Patch pushed off the tree and nailed him with a mid air kick to the face in slow motion, knocking the killer down and out. Patch landed and stood in triumph. Then she turned to Sweetheart and held her hand out with a smile. Sweetheart took it and Patch helped her up. Melody ran up and hugged her sister, "Are you okay?" "I'm alright," Sweetheart returned the hug. "Thanks to Patch." The others stared in surprise at what just happened before Spike broke the silence, "That... was... AWESOME!" He cheered. “Patch! You did it!” Half Note cheered. “You did good, Girl,” Frostee smiled. Lancer patted Patch’s shoulder, “Well done, Patch.” Sissy looked at the unconscious Night Walker, “So what do we do with this jerk?” “I say we hit him some more!” Melody cracked her knuckles. “I dont know,” Spike pondered. “I mean he did save me from Bonesteel, sort of.” “Look!” Gasped Sweetheart. Just then, they heard groaning and looked back to see the Night Walker getting up. They screamed and huddled together. "Ow, my aching head!" The Night Walker moaned. Frostee did a double take, "Mitch?! "Huh?" The kids asked. The figure was indeed Mitch, but without his hat. "Hit him again," Sissy urged Patch. Mitch stood up, "I don't know what's worse? Losing my hat? My awesome sweet new ride? Or getting wooped by a little twerp?" "Hey!" Patch said, insulted. "Who is this guy?" Lancer asked. "That's Mitch," Sissy answered. "He's an idiot." "We heard about him from the Rainbooms," Scootaloo added. "He's also a jerk." "Mitch, what are you doing here?" Frostee asked. "I don't know?" Mitch retorted. "All I remember was getting tacos, driving this sick new car, then I woke up on the road with my hat gone, I got lost in this stupid fog, and here I am." Then he noticed Bonesteel, "Who's the loser in the trench coat?" "Just an escaped mental patient who claims to be the best bounty hunter in the world," Clover explained. "You know, just you're average crazy guy." "Whatever," Mitch waved off. “Then why did you save Spike?” Sweetheart held up Spike. “If you can call it that,” Frostee mumbled. Mitch only scoffed, “I didn’t save anyone or anything, let alone that dog.” Spike whispered to Lancer and Sweetheart, “He didn’t really grab me from Bonesteel.” “Then, who did?” Lancer asked. “I didnt get a good look.” "Well, aside from Mitch, we still don't know how we're gonna find our way out of this forest," Sissy stated, then she and the others heard a sound. It sounded like horse hooves on the cobblestones. "Oh for crying out loud, Clover, will you quit dancing on the cobblestones, we already caught Bonesteel." "But, I'm not dancing," Clover replied in confusion. Everyone paused after hearing Clover's innocence. "Wait, if that isn't Clover," Melody began. Before anyone could say anything else, the kids, Spike, and Mitch looked and saw the shape of a horse and carriage coming towards them. As it got closer, they saw two figures sitting up front. The first one held the reins and wore a tattered old coat while the second figure wore a cloak. And to the kids' horror, they saw the driver of the carriage had no head and the other figure let out a loud laugh. The kids were instantly reminded of, not the scary story of the Night Walker, but of a scary story that Fluttershy had told last year. "The Headless Coachman!" The kids and Spike cried, before they and Mitch screamed. Then suddenly the Headless Coachman cried out in a familiar female bubbly voice, "Headless Coachman?!" Then both the Coachman and the other figure screamed. The kids and Spike instantly stopped screaming when they heard that as they recognized the voice. "Pinkie Pie?!" Apple Bloom called. "Oh, hi everybody," Pinkie waved. "What up," the other figured waved in a familiar young male voice. "Mikey?" Logan asked in surprise. “Nice costume,” Mitch laughed as he walked towards Mikey. “Could give Soapy Toretto a run for his money.” Mikey wide eyed as Mitch reached for his face. Acting quickly, Spike spoke up, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you!” Mitch screamed and fell on his seat after hearing Spike. Pinkie then spoke up, “Spike? What are you doing here?” “I was on that coach you were just riding in and I fell off.” "Uh, sorry about that, man," Mikey apologized. "Talking dog!" Mitch exclaimed, pointing at Spike. "Yeah yeah, tell us something we don't know," Patch remarks. "So what are you guys doing out here?" Pinkie asked the kids. "Well, first we went out for some ice cream," Logan began. "But then we got lost in all this fog," Sweet Note added. "And then we ran into that dude," Ace pointed at Bonesteel. "Simon Bonesteel?!" Mikey said in surprise. "What's he doing here?" Pinkie asked. "We don't know?" Sweetie Belle shrugged. "He kept saying something about zombies and vampires," Apple Bloom added. "Then he tried to take Spike," Scootaloo put in. "No joke," Spike confirmed. "The dog is talking..." Mitch squeaked. "Oh brother," Spike rolled his eyes. "Vampires...." Mikey pondered. "You know, I'm surprised Bonesteel's here especially after getting clobbered by Night Shine last time," Pinkie recalled. "Well he gave us a run for our money not too long ago," Applebloom huffed. At last, Mitch lost patience. "What are you jerks talking about?" "That's what we're trying to find out!" Spike snapped, scaring Mitch more. "Hey, was there supposed to be rain tonight?" Clover asked. "No, the weather forecast said it's supposed to be a clear night," Frostee informed. "Then what's up with those clouds?" Clover pointed up. Everyone looked up and saw big clouds swirling overhead before a light shot down from them and hit the ground before it stopped and the clouds parted. Everyone stood in silence before Sweetheart spoke up, "Anyone got the feeling that something bad is about to-" She was cut off when a hand burst out of the ground making everyone scream. Then a zombie emerged moaning. "Aaahhh, zombie!" Mikey cried. "Is that what Bonesteel was going on about?" Sweetie Belle shuttered. "Oh please!" scoffed Mitch. "I bet it's Toretto in disguise." "But it looks too real to be fake." Sweetheart shivered behind Melody. "Are you kidding me? That's the lamest zombie costume I've ever seen! Just watch," Mitch walked up to the zombie and tried to pull off the mask. “It’s Toretto!” “No!” Frostee shook his head. “It’s Layla!” “No,” Scootaloo said. “It's one of those Dazzlings!” “Nope!” Lancer worried. "It's Bonesteel!" Mikey declared. "Now why would he do it if he's still unconscious right there?" Sissy pointed to the knocked out hunter “Then. Maybe it’s.” Mitch struggled before he pulled off the zombie’s head and saw it wasn’t a mask. “Real.” He then screamed before throwing the head to Lancer who did the same and tossed it to Ace who tossed it to Melody after doing the same. She juggled it before tossing it to Mikey. "Aaahhh, it's Eda's head all over again!" The Turtle cried before throwing it to Pinkie. "Ew Ew Ew, zombie head! Get away!" Pinkie threw the head back at the zombie. "I told you it wasn't a mask!" Sweetheart gulped. "Maybe it's a robot!" Mitch stated, trying to not sound scared. "Says you!" Frostee rebuked as the zombie picked up his head and put it back on. Then he let out a menacing groan. Then more zombies burst out of the ground, making everyone scream again. "Let me guess, their all robots too?!" Patch asked Mitch rhetorically. "Maybe..." Mitch whimpered, as the zombies came towards them. "Quick, everybody climb on!" Mikey called. Mitch wasted no time and jumped into the back of the carriage. The kids grabbed the unconscious Bonesteel and threw him into the carriage before them scrambled in. Then Pinkie snapped the reins and the horse took off in a full galop, leaving the zombies in the distance. "Few!" Pinkie sighed in relief. "That was close one!" "Yeah," Mikey agreed. "Looks like we totally ditched those zombies." Then more zombies sprung up from in front of them. Everyone screamed as the horse and carriage barely missed them. But from all over the direction they were going, thousands of more zombies popped out of the ground. "And you spoke too soon," Frostee noted. "First the Night Walker, then Bonesteel, now zombies?!" Patch exclaimed. "Wow, what a night, huh?" Clover said, when a zombie suddenly jumped onto the carriage and grabbed her leg, making her scream. "Hey! No free rides!" Mikey wacked the zombie off with his nunchucks. “So glad we decided to bring our weapons,” Applebloom muttered as she used her tanto blade to knock a zombie off. Lancer used his naginata staffs to hit a couple zombies when he noticed Logan struggling with another zombie and helped throw it off the carriage. “That’s it! No more zombie movies for me after this!” Scootaloo stated after jump kicking a zombie off Patch. “I hear that!” Sissy agreed as Sweetheart ducked causing a zombie to trip over her and off the carriage. Despite how many zombies they knocked off, more were coming after them. “There’s too many of them!” Feared Spike. “Now what are we going to do?” Ace asked. "Here, Mikey, hold the reins for just a second," Pinkie handed the reins to Mikey. Then she jumped into the back of the carriage. "Hey, you zombies! Do you all like sprinkles?" Then she tossed her exploding sprinkles at a zombie, making it fall off. Then she threw more at another zombie. Then another and another. Then she spun around in place, flinging her sprinkles at all the zombies at once, blowing them back. The kids cheered. "Take that, dead heads!" Ace called. "You did it, Pinkie!" Sweetheart cheered. "Yeah!" Patch smiled. "Couldn't you have done that before?" Mitch huffed. "You never asked," Pinkie smiled. "Nice work, Pinks," Sissy thumbed up. "That'll teach those zombies to mess with us!" "Even better," Frostee spoke up and held out his spy watch. "Now that we're clear of the fog, I can call for help." But then, Mitch was jumped by the same zombie who's head he had ripped off and put into a headlock, making him scream. Then another group of zombies tried climbing in. "Do it! We'll hold off the zombies!" Lancer said, as he and the others started knocking the zombies off the carriage. While the kids held off the zombies, Frostee sent a distress call through his spy watch, then after a minute, he got a video reply from his friends. "Guys!" Frostee cried. "Hey, Frostee," Tony said. "Yo, your not gonna believe what just happened to us, dawg," Cisco stated. "And you're not gonna believe what's currently happening to all of us," Frostee said before shouting, "We're being attacked by zombies!" "Wait? Zombies?" Gabby raised a brow. "For real?" Layla doubted. "This isn't another one of your pranks, is it?" Sonata asked in suspicion. Sissy took hold of her brother's wrist and asked rhetorically, "Does this look like a prank to you?!" And she showed them all the zombies attacking the carriage, including the zombie that had Mitch in a headlock. "You can't eat my brain!" He screamed. "I need it for stuff!" "Whoo-ha!" Ace nailed the zombie in the face with one of his sparring sticks, making it let go of Mitch. "Whoa!" Echo gasped at the sight. "Never mind," Sonata relented with wide eyes. Frostee pulled his wrist free and spoke, "So anyway, we could really use some help here!" "Hang in there, Frostee, we're on our way!" Tony promised. "Sending you our tracking signal!" Frostee said, before ending the call. "Maybe we should try to call Leo and the others next?" Mikey suggested. "Good idea. At least, let Twilight know I'm alright." Spike added. "Mikey! Watch out!" Half Note cried. Everyone looked and shouted as they were about to run over the Purple Nightmares. Thinking quickly, Mikey got the horse to turn away just in time. "What the heck was that?" Night Terror demanded as they drove away. Unfortunately, in the suddeny turn, the rusty couplings to the harness broke as did the reins. The horse ran in one direction while the carriage went another, down a steap hill. "Okay, that's a problem," Mikey said, before he, Pinkie, the kids, and Mitch all screamed. "Everyone hang on!" Pinkie cried as the carriage rolled away, unable to stop. > 6. Vampire Battle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After running for a long time, the allies, Fugitoid, and Timber finally slowed down to catch their breath. April looked around, "I think we lost the zombies." "Good," Karai panted. "Yeah," Chaplin agreed. "Last thing I need right now is my brain devoured by zombies!" "Or mine!" Fugitoid added. "That was straight up crazy, yo!" Casey exclaimed. "Your telling me!" Keno added. "Magic swords, secretly evil aunts, and now zombies?!" Carter asked in shock. "This night is seriously messed up!" Shini stated. "Yeah it is!" Zach agreed. "And the heck did those zombies even come from?" Angel asked. "I don't know, and I still don't wanna know!" Caitlyn said, still freaked out by the ordeal. “Well we can’t stop now,” April breathed. “We still got to help the Turtles and Rainbooms, remember?” “I lost one family member tonight. I’m not losing any more,” Karai stated. “Yeah. I’ll be ready as soon as my side stops burning,” Zach sat for a bit. “All I can say is that this better be good,” Everyone shot a glare at Caitlyn for even thinking of calling their deceased Sensei a liar. “What? Sorry if I was being insensitive, but we've all been through a LOT tonight!” “Come on. I only hope we’re not too far from Twilight and the others,” Timber got up. April concentrated and spoke, "Well we're in luck, their close by. That way!" She pointed and the group hurried in that direction. When suddenly, a terrifying yowl echoed throughout the forest, making them stop in their tracks. "What was that?!" Carter asked. "That did not sound human," Keno stated in worry. Before anyone could give an answer, they heard a rustling in the brush. Then without warning, the Wondercolts and Shadowbolts burst out of the bushes, making the Allies scream in surprise. The Wondercolts and Shadowbolts screamed as well, before both groups noticed who they had run into. "Wondercolts? Shadowbolts?" Karai asked. "Karai?" Sour Sweet said in surprise. "Keno!" Indigo ran over and hugged her boyfriend. "Indigo?" Keno said before returning the hug. "Oh thank heavens it's all of you!" Octavia sighed in relief. "We thought it was that vampire again," Bulk shivered. "Vampire?" Zach raised a brow. "Shut up or you'll jinx us!" Caitlyn said, not wanting to deal with anymore monsters. "What are you guys doing here?" Casey inquired. "We could ask the same of you," Sugarcoat replied. “No fair. We asked you first.” Chaplin teased. “Well, Vinyl found an old coin so we went to investigate a cave,” Flash explained. “Turns out the coins were counterfeit curtesy of the Purple Nightmares,” Huffed Trixie. “Yeah. And none of them had chocolate in them,” added Snips. “Don’t ask,” Trixie told the confused New Yorkers. “We managed to outwit them when they ran into the bounty hunter Simon Bonesteel,” Sandalwood continued. “Simon Bonesteel?!” April, Casey, and Keno gasped. “I heard of him. He hunts endangered animals for sport!” Caitlyn said. "So that was Bonesteel I saw," Casey recalled. “I thought Night Shine clobbered him!” “I remember you guys told me and Shini about him since I had Foot Clan business to attend to,” Karai mentioned. “Boy, Gamers not gonna like this,” Shini put in. “Anyway, after we knocked him out, we encountered zombies. Real life zombies!” Micro shivered. “You guys too?” Carter asked. “You saw them too?” Sour sighed. “Good. It wasn’t just us.” “We tried to take shelter in this house when this guy came up and turned out to be a vampire,” Snails shuttered. “And he almost got Trixie, too,” Trixie was put off by Octavia’s proclaim. “I wasn’t scared, of course,” She proclaimed. “He’s back!” Bulk cried, causing Trixie to yelp and jump on Micro Chips and Sour to scream, when he saw something else. “Oh wait. It’s just an owl. False alarm.” “Don’t do that!” Sour snapped while Trixie got off Micro Chips angrily. “Anyway, what are you guys doing here?” Flash asked. "Well..." Karai was hesitant. "Let's just say someone tricked us into getting something for her and payed the price." "What?" Flash asked in surprise. "Who would do something like that?" Sunny inquired. "I really don't wanna talk about it right now," Karai looked away, still upset by her aunt's deception and her demise. "But then Master Splinter showed up and told us that the Turtles and Rainbooms were in danger," April informed. "In danger?!" Bonbon gasped. "Oh no!" Lyra cried. "What kind of danger?" Indigo asked Keno. "We don't know yet?" Keno shrugged. "But then we almost ran over the Purple Nightmares and our van got stuck in mud," Angel explained. "We saw them running from something and then right afterwards, discovered it was zombies," Chaplin noted. "Probably the zombies we escaped from," Sugarcoat figured. "Oh yeah, that reminds me," Lemon spoke up. "When that vampire tried to get Trixie, the zombies piled on him!" "Hey that's right," Sandalwood remembered. "It was like they were trying to help us. It was weird." "Wait, you're saying the zombies saved you?" Angel asked in confusion. "Or they were saving our brains to eat!" Trixie rebuffed. "Either way, yes," Bonbon confirmed. “Is there a connection to all this by any chance?” Fugitoid wondered. “Well what happened after that?” "We didn't stick around to find out," Bonbon replied. April felt her head, “Well the Turtles and Rainbooms are definitely in that direction! We need to get going!” “But the vampire is over there!” Trixie cried. “But our friends are in danger!” Protested Lyra. “They wouldn’t hesitate to help us when we were in danger,” Flash reminded. “I say we better go help!” “If you don’t like it, you can stay here, Trixie,” Karai stated. "Although, I sure wouldn't wanna be here all alone if the zombies show up," Chaplin said ominously. "Uh, on second thought, the Brave and Heroic Trixie shall aid in the rescue of the Turtles and Rainbooms," Trixie said, nervously. "Yeah!" Bulk cheered, as Vinyl nodded. "We're coming, guys!" Derpy called out. "Lead the way, April," Karai ordered. So the group followed April as she led them through the forest. Soon they arrived at a large clearing and right in front of them was the mouth of a large cave. "They're in there," April said. “Well then, let’s get to rescuing.” Casey declared as he put on his mask. “Yeah! Let’s!” Indigo agreed as she followed along with Zach and Lemon before all four were stopped by Sugarcoat. “Not a good idea. We don’t even know what else is down there given the eventful evening we’ve been having.” “Sugarcoats right! We can’t just head on in there without knowing what else is there,” April added. "But how do we we find out?" Sour asked. “I got just the thing,” Chaplin pulled out what appeared to be a small device that looked like a fly with a camera for a body. “Say hola to my Buzzcam!" "Hola," Derpy said. "I can send in this little beauty and we can monitor to see if there’s anything in there,” Chaplin explained. “Well don’t just stand there bragging about it!” Caitlyn griped. “Get it in there and get scoping!” “Alright alright,” Chaplin waved off as he activated his camera and had it fly into the cave. “No need to get worked up, sis,” Zach said. “If we’re really dealing with vampires, I just want to get in, save our friends, and get out! I’ve had enough excitement for one night!” Chaplin took out his phone which projected the cameras point of view. “Okay, so far so good,” He whispered as the camera moved inward. “Nothing out of the ordinary here. Or here. Or- There they are!” His phone showed an image of the Turtles and Rainbooms, minus Mikey and Pinkie, sitting there struggling. “Twilight!” Timber cried. “What are they doing sitting there? Charades?” Trixie raised her brow. April felt a vibe, “They’re… struggling. Trying to break free.” “But I don’t see any rope on them,” Sunny looked. “Maybe they were glued together?” Everyone looked confused to Snails’ guess. “Happened to me once.” “Yeah he doesn’t want to talk about it,” Snips confirmed. “Wait,” Bonbon spoke up, “Where’s Pinkie Pie?” “And Michelangelo?” Shini added. “You don’t think they’re…” Lemon gulped. Carter looked at the image and saw Vam Mi and her children, “Who are those three?” “Must be the ones holding them prisoner,” Angel guessed. "I'm getting a real bad vibe off them," Sandalwood shivered. Just then, they were interrupted when a bunch of cars drove up and stopped in the clearing. April, Casey, Karai, Shini, Zach, Caitlyn, Carter, and Angel recognized the cars as well as the drivers who came out. "Gabby?" Casey said in surprise. "Casey?" Gabby replied. "Tony Torreto and crew?" Carter noticed the Spy Racers. "Guys?" Tony said. "Dazzlings?" Karai asked. "Karai?" Adagio replied. "What're all of you doing here?" Echo asked. "Right back at ya?" Angel replied. "Frostee sent us a distress call," Gabby explained. "Said he and the Young Ninjas were being attacked by zombies," Tony added. "If we can really believe that," Layla said, still skeptical about the whole thing. "Believe it, Layla," Karai said. "Each of us encountered these zombies you've heard about," Shini confirmed. "You mean they're real?" Adagio winced. "Really real," Derpy nodded. "No joke," Sour added. "This night just keeps getting better and better," Aria rolled her eyes. "Join the club," Carter said as Vinyl nodded in agreement. "At least you also didn't have a terrifying encounter with a vampire," Micro Chips said, trembling. "Wait, you saw a vampire?" Cisco asked. "Saw it, it tried to get us!" Sunny said on behalf of the Wondercolts and Shadowbolts. "Yeah, we barely got away from it," Lyra added. "And he almost got Trixie," Snails pointed out and Trixie nudged him. "Trixie wasn't scared thought," she repeated her earlier claim. "Sure you weren't," Gabby deadpanned. “And call it weird, but the zombies then attacked the vampire, like they were saving us.” Lemon added. “Probably so they get you guys next and that extension, us!” Layla guessed. "So what about you guys?" Echo asked the other groups. "We were told that the Turtles and Rainbooms need our help," April informed. "And we just discovered them in this cave," Flash pointed. "The Turtles and Rainbooms are in trouble?!" Sonata gasped. "From what?" Gabby asked. "See for yourself, prima," Chaplin showed her, the spies, and the Dazzlings the footage and their friends' predicament. In the footage, Chi Chu spoke to Vam Mi, "How much longer, mother?" "Soon, my child," Vam Mi assured. "Soon we will feed." “Feed?!” Trixie gasped before Echo clamped her mouth shut. “They’re probably going to feed them to the zombies!” Casey guessed. "We gotta do something!" Cisco cried. "Let's all charge in and save our friends!" Tony declared. "We got their three captors outnumbered!" "I'm not sure that's such a good idea," Echo rebuffed. "Echo is correct," Fugitoid agreed. "If those three have the Turtles and Rainbooms captive, they could be very dangerous!" "Well we gotta do something fast!" Gabby said. "Before-" she paused. "Que paso? Do you hear screaming?" She inquired aloud. Everyone listened and sure enough, they did hear the sound of multiple screaming coming from the forest. As the screaming got closer, it sounded very familiar. April spoke, "Wait, that sounds like... Mikey?" "And Pinkie?" Casey asked. "And Spike?" Karai added. "That's Frostee's scream too," Cisco said. "I recognize it anywhere," Sonata stated. Then at that moment, a carriage without a horse, with a screaming Mikey and Pinkie clinging to the front and a screaming Frostee, Sissy, Young Ninjas, Mitch, and Spike in the back, came speeding out of the woods and straight towards them all. "Runaway carriage!" Mikey shouted. "Look out!" Spike yelled. Everyone screamed and dove out of the way as the carriage rolled right into the cave. Meanwhile, Vam Mi saw the shadow on the moondile reach the midnight hour, "Now my children," she said. "Time to feed on their qi!" "I call dibs on the lovely Rarity," Bing said. "I'm too pretty to be a zombie!" Rarity shrieked. Suddenly, they were interrupted by multiple screams and they all looked toward the cave entrance as Mikey, Pinkie, Frostee, Sissy, the Young Ninjas, Mitch, and Spike came riding on the carriage screaming. "Abandon carriage!" Pinkie shouted, as they all jumped off, the kids pushing the still unconscious Bonesteel off as they did so. Then the carriage slammed into the vampires and smashed all three of them against a wall. "Mikey!" Leo exclaimed. "Pinkie Pie!" The Rainbooms cheered. "Saved by those two, great!" Raph groaned in embarrassment. "Spike!" Twilight gasped in joy. "Twilight?" Spike sat up. "Hey guys," Mikey said, before he and Pinkie noticed their situation. "Why do you guys look like your tied up?" Pinkie asked. “Are you guys playing charades?” “Pinkie! Mikey! Those dolls! They’re what’s holding us!” Grunted Rainbow. Pinkie and Mikey turned and saw the wax dolls tied up and both swung their heads back and forth before Pinkie realized what was happening, “Oh! They’re some sort of voodoo dolls!” "Like in that horror movie you showed me one time!” Mikey caught on as the two grabbed the dolls and untied them. This allowed the Turtles and Rainbooms to move again. “Much better,” Applejack smiled as they got up. “I was almost a goner,” Rarity dusted herself off. “Thank you guys!” Fluttershy hugged the two. Twilight quickly scooped Spike into a hug, "Oh, Spike, I was so worried!" "Where the heck were you guys?" Raph demanded. "Oh, well, we found this horse carriage and decided to take it for a spin," Mikey explained. "It was super fun!" Pinkie beamed. "And I ended up unintentionally going along for the ride," Spike noted. "Seriously?" Rainbow asked dryly. "Normally, we'd chew you both out for making us worried," Leo began. "But given the outcome, it was probably a good thing you did," Donnie admitted. "Unfortunately," Raph frowned. “Are you guys alright?” Everyone looked to see the rest of the groups hurrying into the cave. “April?” Donnie asked. “Casey?” Raph blinked. “Timber?” Twilight gasped. “Flash? Tony?” Leo looked. “What are all of you doing here?” Sunset wondered. “Let’s just say we’ve all had an eventful evening.” Karai sighed. “Tell me about it,” came Lancer's voice. Everyone looked to see the Rock N Beats, CMCs, Frostee and Sissy getting up after jumping from the carriage. "Man, what a ride!" Ace said. "Yeah, that was a-ma-zing!" Clover bounced in excitement. "You're kidding, right?" Sissy raised a brow. "Well except for the part when the horse broke away, almost crashing, and the zombies," Clover shivered at the last one. "And Bonesteel destroying my drone!" Frostee added, still upset about his drone. Then he noticed his friends, "Guys!" He waved. “Little Buddy!” Cisco ran up and hugged Frostee. "You're okay!" Sonata hugged him as well. "I'm happy to see you too," Frostee grunted from the hug. Just then, Mitch got up groaning, "Ugh, where are we?" Then he saw Sonata wearing his hat. "Hey! That's my hat! Give it back!" Sonata shoved the hat over his face. “Applejack?" Apple Bloom noticed her sister. "Apple Bloom?" Applejack asked. "What in tarnation are y'all doing here?" "It's a long story," Apple Bloom replied. "Yeah," Sweetie Belle added. "That ended with a zombie attack," Scootaloo finished. "Believe it or not," Half Note stated. “Oh we believe it,” Raph grunted. "Completely!" Everyone else said in unison. Just then they all heard groaning and looked back at the smashed carriage. "Wait, is that Vam Mi, Bing, and Chi Chu?!" Mikey asked in surprise. "Oh no! I think we hit them!" Pinkie cried. "Wait!" Sunset interjected. "Vam Mi, Bing, and Chi Chu aren't what they seem!" "What do you mean by that?" Spike asked. "And what are you guys talking about?" Karai inquired. "Who're Vam Mi, Bing, and Chi Chu?" Scootaloo asked. Suddenly, the carriage burst into pieces and standing there were a ticked off Vam Mi, Bing, and Chi Chu. All three gave furious roars, showing their sharp fangs. Everyone screamed in terror at the sight. "It's Frankcula!" Snips gasped. "It's Dracenstein!" Snails cried. "Jiangshi..." Echo's eyes widened. "More vampires?!" Sour exclaimed in disbelief. "Wow, what are the odds?" Sugarcoat said. "One was bad enough!" Octavia shivered. "Why me!" Caitlyn whimpered. "Trixie is not gonna get drained!" Trixie pretended to be brave. "Stay close, Squirt." Rainbow told Scootaloo, who huddled behind her leg. "Uh, think these might be the vampires Bonesteel talked about earlier?" Sweetie Belle guessed nervously to her friends. "Maybe," Apple Bloom and Scootaloo answered meekly. "Either way, they're scary!" Sweetheart shivered. "This is way worse than the Night Walker!" Patch was equally scared. “I will not be denied!” Vam Mi bellowed. “I don’t know who you intruders are but you will suffer the same fate as your friends!” “And you will all be drained of your qi!” Bing declared. “Drained of our what?" Karai asked in shock. "Ahh, we're doomed!” Bulk hid behind Derpy. “Just who are these creepizoids?” Layla cried. "Their vampires!" Sunset revealed. "They lured us here so they could trap us and feed on our life force!" Leo added. "And turn us into zombies!" Rarity added. "And we would have if those two fools had not interfered!" Vam Mi sneered at Mikey and Pinkie. "However, you all here will last us for eons!" "I get the big ones!" Chi Chu claimed, eyeing Bulk and Cisco. As the vampires marched forward, everyone was scared as they tried to draw their weapons. "I uh never fought a vampire before. What do I do?" Micro Chips whispered to Sandalwood. "Just as stumped as you are, Dude," Sandalwood only shrugged. Leo drew his swords, "You three aren't draining anybody tonight!" "And don't think the rest of us are going down without a fight!" Karai added, pointing her tanto. "Yeah!" Casey raised his hockey sticks. "You bloodsuckers are going down!" "We do not drink blood, you ox!" Bing rebuked. "We feed on qi, your life force!" Chi Chu added. "Whatever," Raph said. "We're taking you down!" "Cause in case you haven't noticed, it's three of you against all of us!" Rainbow informed. Vam Mi stopped as she realized, "You are right!" Then she gave a sinister smile, "But fortunately, that can be rectified!" The vampiress stuck her arms out and called, "Rise my minions!" Then the groups heard a creeking noise and turned to see a coffin in the wall slowly open up. Then out from it sprang another jiangshi vampire that gave a terrifying snarl. "Aaahhhh!" Everyone screamed. "That scared the pants off of me!" Clover exclaimed. Then they heard another creeking and saw that more coffins were lined along the cave walls. And all of them opened up as more vampires came out, hissing and snarling. They were all dressed in Chinese robes and hats, and had their arms reaching out. "Really, Rainbow?" Applejack frowned. "Whatever will we do?!" Rarity cried, holding Sweetie Belle close. "Kids, find cover," Leo ordered the Young Ninjas and CMC. "Everyone else, let's take these qi-suckers down!" "This is just like when we fought that monster army with Renet!" Mikey recalled. “And when do we meet Renet?” Shini raised her brow, as Mikey sweated a little. “Uuuuuuuh… hey look! More vampires to fight. Booyakasha!” Shinigami just shrugged as everyone ran to fight. Soon, everyone was fighting with Vam mi, her children, and the other vampires. Lyra and Bonbon tag teamed to trip up a vampire. But after they high fived, the vampire shot right back up. “What the-?” Bonbon gasped. “Didn’t we just took him down?” Gulped Lyra. The vampire hissed and the two screamed and ran with the vampire right behind them. Flash swung his swords at a vampire as it dodged before it grabbed his arms and held him off the ground. But before it could do anything, Sandalwood rammed into it with his shield, making him drop Flash. Then Micro Chips twirled his scythe and hooked the vampire by it's robe before swinging it back. This gave Flash the chance to run up and drop kick the vampire into a wall. "Nice!" He grinned. "Um, I wouldn't celebrate just yet!" Micro Chips pointed as the vampire got up and charged at the three. "Not cool," Sandalwood said before they ran. "Goongala!" Casey fired an exploding puck at a vampire, which shielded itself from the bright light. Then, Zach jumped in and slammed his hockey stick on it. April fired a psychic blast as Karai and Shini tagged teamed with their blades. But no matter how many vampires they took down, they just shot right back up. "Well, it's not hard to knock'em down!" April glared. "Yeah! it's keeping them down that's the hard part!" Karai agreed. "I always was fascinated with the supernatural, but not that fascinated." Shini added. Chaplin threw some shock discs at some vampires knocking them down. "That did it!" he cheered before the vampires got back up. "No it didn't. These guys don't die!" "Yeah! Anybody got any garlic?" Keno called as he kicked a vampire away. Angel fought a vampire before another snuck up on her. Carter came up and pried the vampire off her and threw it on a wall. He groaned as the vampire got up and hissed. "Man! I just need to catch my breath." he panted. "And I doubt these jerks wanna call a timeout!" Angel groaned as she whacked one with her stick. As Octavia and Vinyl were battling the vampires, they soon found themselves back to back and surrounded. "You take the ones on the right, I take the ones on the left?" The musician asked her friend. Vinyl gave a thumbs up and the two began to punch and kick back each vampire that came at them. Octavia spun kicked the last one down, "Oh yeah!" She cheered, until the vampires stood up snarling. "Oh no!" She screamed as she and Vinyl ran with the vampires behind them. Bulk punched a vampire in the face and watched in horror as it got back up and hissed. “Punches to the face aren’t working!” “Neither are punches to the stomach!” Snips gulped as the vampire he and Snails punched was unaffected and simply swatted them both aside. “How do you beat something that’s already dead?” Timber panted as he sliced at one with his hook sword. “Anyone got a plan?” Derpy ran up and slashed another vampire with her nails. “Just this one!” Snails declared before he and Snips hugged each other screaming. “Just be a good vampire and just STAY DEAD!” Trixie tried blinding vampires with her smoke pellets with little to know effect. Meanwhile, the Turtles and Rainbooms fought Vam Mi, Bing, and Chi Chu. Sunset threw her kunai at Vam Mi, who dodged each one, even catching one and finging back at Sunset. "Aahhh!" Sunset quickly dodged it before she threw some kicks at Vam Mi who blocked them before she threw Sunset off. Then the vampiress avoided Twilight swinging her weapon at her. Then Twilight used her magic to lift Vam Mi and throw her towards a wall. But Vam Mi landed and pushed off the wall before knocking Twilight away with a hard kick. Then she dodged Leo's swords attacks. The Turtle leader gave a sharp swing, only for the vampiress to pinch the blade, stopping it like Bishop had once done. "That's imposs-," Leo was cut off when Vam Mi struck him multiple times in the chest before kicking him back. Then she was hit by Rainbow Dash, using her speed as she struck her from every direction. "I'm too fast for you, Vam Mi!" She boasted. However, when she tried hitting Vam Mi from behind, she whipped around and punched her in the gut, before grabbing her and swinging her hard into a wall. "Not fast enough," Vam Mi smirked. “Will. You. Just. STAY! DOWN!” Sour rapidly slammed a vampire trying to get it to stay down. “Yeah. That’ll work.” Sugarcoat deadpanned as she wrapped a vampire with the chain of her staff and threw it on another. Sunny wrestled a vampire with her blades. She kept dodging as the vampire tried to bite her. “Back off, qi breath!” She declared before hitting it off. Lemon then threw one of her bats which impaled one vampires which fell down. “Not a wooden stake but it’ll do.” The vampire got back up and pulled out her bat, much to her annoyance. “Oh come on!” "We're gonna need a new plan!" Indigo said worriedly. The Spy Racers, Gabby, and the Dazzlings were fighting off more vampires. But like everyone else, the more they knocked them down, the more the vampires kept coming back. "Man, these things won't stay down!" Tony exclaimed as he punched down a vampire. "Yeah, tell us something we don't know, Torreto!" Layla griped while kicking another vampire away. Frostee shot a bolo at a vampire, tying it up. Only for it to break loose. "Well that didn't work," he said, before the vampire grabbed him. Before it could do anything, Sonata flipped in and snatched Frostee before Cisco body-checked it. "We got something that'll work!" Cisco said, then he and Sonata pulled out cloves of garlic and held them out in front of the vampires. "Get back! We've got garlic!" "And we're not afraid to use them!" Sonata added. "So don't come any closer!" The vampires hissed and stalked closer. "You asked for it!" "Take this!" Cisco called as the two threw the garlic at the vampires. However, the vampire didn't flinch or yell in pain, much to the couple's confusion. "Uh... take this!" The two picked up the garlic and threw it again, but it still had no effect. Cisco and Sonata kept throwing the garlic at the vampire but all it did was irritate it. "Why isn't this working?" Sonata cried, before the vampire grabbed both her and Cisco and swung them around before throwing them into the others, knocking them all in a heap. "Great plan you two," Aria deadpanned. "The garlic didn't work!" Cisco exclaimed. "But vampires are supposed to hate garlic?" Frostee said in dumbfoundment. "Western vampires hate garlic," Echo inform. "But these are Chinese vampires. Garlic doesn't work on them! "Then what does work on them?" Adagio asked. "Nothing that we have," Echo replied in worry. "So what'll we do?" Tony asked. "Only thing we can do, primo," Gabby began. "RUN!" Layla shouted and they did so, with vampires chasing them. Vam Mi then attacked Rarity, who quickly pulled up her diamond shield. Unfortunately, Vam Mi broke it like it was paper machete and grabbed Rarity by the throat when a dart almost hit her. She turned and hissed at Fluttershy. The shy girl was then easily batted away. Applejack then grabbed Vam Mi and tried to flip her only to be flipped around instead. “Nothing’s working against them!” Whined Rarity. “They’re just two steps ahead of everything we do.” Applejack groaned. Donnie jumped in and tried to whack Vam Mi with his staff. But his attacks did nothing as Vam Mi grabbed him and body-slammed him against the walls none stop, before pinning him to the cave floor. "Be still, turtle, this will not hurt... much!" Vam Mi snarled, ready to drain him of qi when she heard Raph's voice. "Hey, qi sucker!" She looked up to see Raph held Chi Chu while aiming his sai at her throat. Mikey stood next to him, holding Bing and had the blade in his chucks out at the ready. "Let our brother go, or your kids are gonna get up close and personal with our weapons!" Raph threatened. Vam Mi just smirked, "You two should be more concerned about yourselves." "Uh, what do you mean by that?" Mikey asked in confusion. Suddenly, Bing and Chi Chu each grabbed their hands and twisted them. "Arghh!" Raph and Mikey cried, dropping their weapons and letting go of the two vampires. Then Bing and Chi Chu attacked them, striking them all over with rapid punches and kicks, before they spun kicked them into the air, then they side flipped up and knocked them both to the ground. But they weren't done yet, as they grabbed Raph and Mikey's legs and began swinging them around and around. "I'm... gonna... be... sick!" Mikey wailed before he and Raph were let go and went crashing into a wall. "Those two are stronger then they look!" Raph groaned in pain. Vam Mi turned back to Donnie, "Now, where we're we?" "Getting off him!" Vam Mi was suddenly blasted off by April's psychic blast. Donnie groaned, “Thanks, April.” “No problem,” April smiled before pointing out. “We’re not doing so well. Every time we knock one down they just jump right back up!” “And garlic doesn’t work on them either!” They heard Cisco cried. Leo slid next to them, “At least we’ll go down fighting with honor!” “Youve been hanging with your counterpart, haven’t you?” Donnie deadpanned. Meanwhile, Caitlyn had taken cover with Sissy, The Rock N Beats, the CMCs, Spike, and a cowering Mitch, as Fugitoid stood to protect them. They were all watching the fight scared. "Oh no!" Caitlyn said in dread. “They’re getting creamed out there!” Gulped Sweetie Belle. “We gotta help them!” Declared Ace only to be stopped by Lancer. “How? If everyone here can't beat them, then how can we?" He asked rhetorically. "Well we gotta do something?" Melody stated. "Yeah," Spike agreed. "We can't let them get drained and turned into zombies!" "Well, without the means to actually harm these vampires, I'm afraid there's not much we can do!" Fugitoid stated regrettably. Sissy looked back at the still unconscious Bonesteel and began digging through the pockets of his pants and coat. "Sissy, what are you doing?" Half Note asked. "Bonesteel said he was after these vampires, so maybe he's got something that'll give us an edge over these-hello?" Sissy pulled out a long small trunk from Bonesteel's coat. "Okay, how'd he fit this into his coat?" She questioned aloud. "And we thought Pinkie could fit big stuff in small places," Sweetie Belle noted. Regardless, Sissy opened the trunk. Inside were wooden swords, some seeds that were carved into the shape of darts, hand mirrors, torch sticks, and a box with yellow strips of paper that had red Chinese writting on them. "What is all this stuff?" Sweet Note asked. "No clue?" Clover said, picking up one of the wooden swords. Sweetie Belle then noticed a sticky note attached to the trunk lid and read, "For hunting Chinese vampires? I think this stuff is supposed to be used against these vampires." Scootaloo took one of the mirrors, "This stuff is supposed to work against these vampires?" She asked in doubt. “Why not?” Sissy shrugged. “The basic stuff isn’t working.” “What does the paper say?” Asked Sweetheart. “No idea,” Patch took one and turned it upside down. “I never learned Chinese.” “And why is it in red?” Melody raised a brow. “Can you read it, Professor?” Lancer asked. Fugitoid scanned the paper, "Oh my! According to my scanner, that writting is written in... chicken blood." "Ew!" Caitlyn, Melody, Sweetheart, the Note sisters, and Clover flinched in disgust. "Gross!" Patch dropped the paper. "Okay, that's just nasty!" Spike made a face. "Good thing Dr Cluckingsworth isn't here to learn that," Logan said. Meanwhile, Mitch was totally freaking out, "Zombies, talking dog, scum sucking vampires! I can't take it anymore!" Then he ran toward the cave entrance, screaming. "Yo man, where are you going?" Ace called after him. "It's every man for himself!" Mitch cried. However, just before he could run out, Jung suddenly appeared, snarling. Mitch screamed as the vampire grabbed him and pinned him against a wall. "Aahhh, you don't wanna suck my blood!" Mitch begged. "It tastes terrible!" "I do not feed on blood, fool!" Jung rebuked. "I feed on your qi!" Then green energy began flowing out of Mitch's mouth and straight into Jung's. However, the vampire was suddenly blasted off Mitch by Fugitoid. "Get off him, you fanged fiend!" He shouted and fired more blasts. But Jung dodged all the shots before he grabbed the cyborg's arms and ripped them off. "Oh come on! That's the third time to-niiiiight!" Jung wacked him to the side and started beating him with his own arms. "Fugitoid!" Half Note cried. "Hey! Leave him alone!" Clover ran forward with the wooden sword and swung it down. Then something unexpected happened. The sword actually sliced off Jung's hand! Jung howled in pain, dropping Fugitoid's arms, as his hand dissolved into ash. Both Clover and all the kids were shocked by what just happened. "Whaaaa?!" Clover gasped in dumbfoundment. "Uh, did that wooden sword actually cut off that vampire's hand?" Spike asked in confusion. Jung recoiled as he held his hand before lunging towards the kids. Acting quickly, Caitlyn grabbed another wooden sword and pointed it at Jung trying to act brave, “S-stay back!” “And what are you going to do, little flower?” Jung taunted. “How about THIS?” Clover slashed the wooden sword, giving Jung a scar on his stomach. He roared in pain as the kids hurried towards the armless Fugitoid. Lancer asked, "You okay, Fuge?" "Aside from being armless once again, I'm alright-LOOK OUT!" Fugitoid shouted. The kids wipped around as Jung appeared behind them, snarling. They all screamed and Scootaloo held up the mirror to shield herself. But when Jung saw his reflection in the mirror, he yowled in terror and backed away. "Huh?" Scootaloo said in surprise. "Now what's happening?" Melody said. "Wait, is he... scared of that mirror?" Caitlyn asked. Scootaloo held it out and Jung backed further away, whimpering, "That horrible face!" "I think he's scared of his own reflection," Scootaloo realized. "Seriously?!" Patch asked in dumbfoundment. Scootaloo held it out again and Jung ran off in fear. "Seriously," Sissy stated. "It would appear that the items in that trunk can ward off these vampires," Fugitoid realized. "Then let's get this stuff to the others!" Apple Bloom said. "Oh no!" Sweetheart pointed to the cave entrance. Moaning and staggering into the cave, were all the zombie. "This just went from bad to worse!" Spike shuttered. When Mitch saw the zombies, he screamed and fainted. Then the zombies closed in... and walked right past him. "Wait, what?" Sweet Note asked in confusion. "The zombies aren't eating his brains?" Lancer raised a brow. "That doesn't make any sense!" Caitlyn said. "I'm confused?" Clover stated. "As am I," Fugitoid added. "Nevermind that!" Sissy interjected. "Grab the stuff!" So the CMC, Rock N Beats, and Spike each grabbed the items in the trunk and hurried toward the heroes. While Sissy and Caitlyn helped up Fugitoid and carried his arms. Meanwhile, the Turtles and high schoolers were now surrounded by Vam Mi, her children, and the vampires. “It’s no good!” Whimpered Bulk, hugging Snips and Snails. “They’re too strong!” “What now, Leo?” Raph asked frantically. “Tell me you have a last minute plan to get us out of here.” “I got nothing,” Leo sighed. “You?” “No,” Raph shook his head. “Donnie? You got a plan or gizmo?” “Not a one!” Donnie gulped. “April? Casey? Twilight? Sunset? Anybody?” Raph kept guessing. “I’m sorry, Raph,” Sunset sighed. “I’m afraid there’s nothing we can do.” “I never thought we’d go out like this,” Rainbow worried as Fluttershy whimpered. “Isn’t this the part where someone comes in and saves us?” Mikey whimpered. “Mutanimals? Bebop? Rocksteady? Traximus? I’d even settle for Night Shine!” Vam Mi laughed, “Heroic but futile. Your efforts have only prolonged the inevitable!” “Just stop talking,” Sour deadpanned. “And now to finish you- AAAH!” Suddenly, Vam Mi was being piled on by zombies. "The zombies!" Snips and Snails cried. “Not them again!” Groaned Trixie. "We're doomed!" Bulk wailed. “But why are they attacking Vam Mi and not us?” Karai noticed. “Probably because they call dibs on our brains.” Casey feared. “This is like before!” Flash recalled. "It's alright, guys," Sunset assured. "Believe it or not, but the zombies are actually the good guys." "The good guys?!" Everyone exclaimed in disbelief. "Are you out of your mind?!" Trixie cried. "For real?" Angel raised a brow. "You're kidding, right?" Sour asked rhetorically. "You expect us to believe that?" Layla said in doubt. "Is that true, Leo?" Karai asked the Turtle leader. "It's true," Leo nodded. "Turns out those zombies are Vam Mi's past victims." "And that they were trying to warn us so we wouldn't be drained like they were," Twilight added. "You know, it does kinda make sense when you think about it," Frostee admitted. "No it doesn't!" Sunny rebuked. Bing and Chi Chu hissed and lunged at them all, when the CMC slid in their way, holding out the mirrors. "Back!" They said. "Girls!" Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow cried. "What are you doing?" April asked in concern. "Wait, are those mirrors?" Keno looked confused, while Vinyl scratched her head. "They sure are," Apple Bloom nodded. "Seriously, what are you going to do? Show them their reflection?" Raph asked rhetorically. Suddenly, Bing and Chi Chu hissed in fright. "Aahh!" Chi Chu flinched. "Keep away!" Bing coward. "What's wrong?" Sweetie Belle asked coyly. "Don't like what you see!" Scootaloo showed their reflections and the two screamed and ran off, while the other vampires backed away. "Wait, what?" Rainbow gawked. "Their scared of mirrors?" "Not exactly," Echo spoke up. "The Jiangshi fear their own reflection." "That makes no sense!" Twilight said in confusion. Just then, two of the vampires managed to grab Zach and Angel, when Caitlyn and Clover sliced off their hands with the wooden swords, freeing the two. "Hands off my little brother!" Caitlyn glared. "Whoa, thanks sis," Zach said. "You two, Clove," Angel said to Clover. "Are those wooden swords?" Micro Chips asked. "Yes, yes they are?" Clover answered. "And you actually cut off those vampires' hands with them?" Donnie asked in surprise. "Apparently," Caitlyn shrugged. "That is positively impossible!" Micro Chip jawdropped. "Maybe it was cut very sharp," guessed Sandalwood. "Just a thought." "This sure defies all logic," Sugarcoat stated. "Or maybe they were made by the wood of a peach tree!" Everyone looked at Echo confused. "A peach tree?" Derpy asked. "Its wood is one of the weekness of the Jiangshi." "And you were gonna tell us when?" Raph glared. "Like I knew the Jiangshi were real, let alone that we'd be fighting them tonight," Echo deadpanned. "Also, we didn't have any of these things to fight them until now. "But where'd you guys get that stuff?" April asked Caitlyn, Clover, and the CMC. "Same place we got this stuff," Lancer answered as he, the rest of the Rock N Beats, Sissy, and the armless Fugitoid arrived with the items. "From Bonesteel," Half Note stated. Rarity gasped when she saw Fugitoid's armless state, "Professor, your arms!" "Um, this is actually the third time this has happened tonight," Fugitoid said awkwardly. "Anyway, turns out the hunter Bonesteel had items with which to combat these vampires." "Yeah, dude had a whole trunk filled with this stuff," Melody added. Aria noticed the seeds cut into darts, "Are those seeds?" "Those are jujbee seeds," Echo informed. "Their another weakness against a Jiangshi." "How do you know all this, Echo?" Cisco asked. "Got a cousin who's an expert on Chinese mythology and folklore," Echo explained. "Told me all about the Jiangshi and how to defeat them." "So how do you use those seeds against these vampires?" Applejack asked. "You nail them into the acupuncture points in their back," Echo answered. "And what about these?" Logan held the box with the yellow paper. "Are they a weakness against these vampires too?" Sweetheart asked. "Big time!" Echo grinned. "Those are Taoist talismans. And their written in chicken blood." "Chicken blood!" Fluttershy gasped in horror. "Ew!" The Shadowbolts cringed. "Disgusting!" Rarity exclaimed. "¡Asqueroso!" Gabby gagged. "Glad Dr Cluckingsworth isn't here to learn that," Mikey noted. "So what do they do?" Carter asked. "Watch," Echo grabbed one of the strips of paper, and when a vampire lunged at her, she stuck it on it's forehead and it froze in place. "Hey, it's not moving," Pinkie waved her hand in front of the vampire. "Why isn't it moving?" Echo explained, "If you stick these talismans on a Jiangshi's forehead, it can't move. Which makes it easier to do this!" She took the wooden sword from Clover and beheaded the vampire. It's head and body dropped to the ground and dissolved to ash. Leo turned to the kids and smiled, “Nice work, guys. Everyone grab something from there to fight the vampires!” “This’ll definitely even the playing field,” Casey grinned at his wooden sword. As everyone grabbed something, Bulk took the jujbees seeds, “Leave these to me. You focus on evening the odds.” “You got it, big guy,” Flash nodded. Karai smirked at the vampires, “Now! Where were we?” The vampires looked at each other confused before hissing at them. Everyone, take 'em down!" Leo ordered. "Booyahkasha!" Mikey, Pinkie, Sonata, Lemon, Clover, Cisco, and Frostee called and all the groups went on the attack. Leo slashed some vampires with some peach tree swords. When one tried to attack from behind, Twilight used her magic to throw it over to where Karai sliced it in half with another peach tree sword, turning it to ash. When one grabbed Karai, she shifted into her snake form and hissed, "You're not the only deadly ones here!" Then she attacked it before constricting around it, holding it in place, before Twilight stuck a talisman on it, freezing it in place. Karai slithered off, as Leo and Twilight then used their peach tree swords to slice up the vampire. "Yeah!" They hi-fived. Raph slashed at another vampire with a wooden sword causing it to dust away, “Now this is more like it!” “You think they can make hockey sticks like these?” Casey asked curiously as he impaled another vampire with his. “I dont think they play hockey in china, Case,” Applejack deadpanned while holding a mirror at a vampire. Rainbow Dash used her speed to put talismans on a couple vampires freezing them in place, “That’s it! Just hold that pose!” Sunset slashed at them turning them into dust. “Just like that,” She smirked. Flash slashed another vampire while it dodged, "Now!" He called, ducking as Micro Chips stuck a talisman on it and Sandalwood threw his wooden sword, nailing it in the chest. "That's called bad karma!" He said. A couple vampires cornered a frightened Snips and Snails before the two smiled, "Gotcha!" And smacked talismans on their heads. "Hi-yah!" Derpy then jumped in and sliced the vampire down the middle, cutting it in half. "Yay." As she struggled with a vampire, Indigo spoke, “Hey! Is that a zit on you?” She pulled out a mirror and as the vampire shielded itself, Keno sliced it with a wooden sword. "Guess not," he smirked. April pushed a couple vampires with her ESP to the wall. Before they could get back up, she and Donnie stabbed them with their wooden swords, “Stay down!” She glared. “I’d listen to her if I were you,” Donnie joked as the vampires disintegrated into dust. Rarity and Sunny Flare held up mirrors causing more vampires to shield themselves. “Oh please! You don’t look so bad,” Rarity taunted. “You’re much worse!” Sunny added. Sugargoat and Chaplin both jumped in and sliced them with their wooden swords. “Nice improvement,” Sugarcoat smirked as the vampires were dust. “Major improvement,” Chaplin added, looking at the sword. “I wonder where I can find these to add to the Foot arsenal?” "Yaaahhh!" Mikey called as he flipped over a vampire and stuck a talisman on it before slicing it in half with the sword. Then he turned around and saw a vampire about to attack, when... "Freeze!" Pinkie popped up and slapped a talisman on it. "Ah yeah!" Mikey hi-fived her. Cisco was wrestling with another vampire when Frostee jumped on it's back. "Try this on for size!" He said and stuck on the talisman. Then he jumped off as Cisco picked up the vampire and threw it where Sonata lept up and did a mid air spin, slashing the vampire with her wooden sword. "No chi for you tonight!" She grinned. "It's not garlic, but it works," Cisco said. Clover was dancing around, avoiding the vampires attacking her. When they had her surrounded, she spoke, "Hey, any of you ever see a dancing girl do this?" Then she did a perouette, spinning around and around, faster and faster, making the vampires a little dizzy. Then, while still spinning, Clover whipped out some talismans and stuck them on the vampires, freezing them, before she used her sword to slice them all up, turning them to ash. Then she stopped and struck a pose, "Ta-Dah!" "Yay, Clover!" Pinkie cheered. "Booyahkasha!" Mikey pumped a fist. Clover took a bow, "Thank you very-" She was cut off when Jung appeared behind her, growling. "Much..." she squeaked before the vampire cook grabbed her with his remaining hand. "Clover!" Sonata cried. "Wait, Jung?" Mikey gasped. "You're a vampire too?!" Pinkie asked in surprise. "Whoa, what happens to his hand?" Frostee noted Jung's missing hand. "I kinda sorta... cut it off," Clover answered sheepishly. "And also slashed his stomach when he threatened Caitlyn." "And for that, I will snap your neck and feed on your qi!" Jung snarled. "How bout you feed on these instead!" Pinkie threw her sprinkles, distorting Jung and making him drop Clover who ran back over to them. Then Cisco charged into Jung, pushing against him until Jung smacked him off. Then Sonata threw some kicks and tried to slash Jung with her wooden sword, but he grabbed her arm and swung her away. Frostee jumped on him to try and stick a talisman on his forehead and Jung threw him off and into Clover when she tried to sneak-attack him. Then he dodged Mikey and Pinkie's attacks before spin-kicking them down. "I will drain you all of-" Jung suddenly jerked up as puncturing sounds were heard. Then he dropped to the ground, revealing some jujbee seeds nailed into his back and a triumphant Bulk standing behind him, before he dissolved into ash. "YEAH!" Bulk cheered. "Whoa, nice save, Bulk," Mikey thumbed up. "I'll say," Pinkie added. "But how did you know where the acupuncture points were?" Frostee asked. "I work part time as a spa masseuse," Bulk explained. Meanwhile, Carter slashed at a vampire as it dusted away. He then noticed Angel jumped around tagging a couple vampires immobilizing them. “Amazing how things are easily back in our favor so fast.” She smirked while Carter slashed the vampires she immobilized. “Personally, I’ll agree with you after we beat these chi suckers.” Carter said before mumbling to himself. “So glad Buffy isn’t here.” The siblings heard screaming and saw vampire choke holding Zach. “Zach! I’m coming!” Carter yelled before he was blocked by a couple more vampires. “Hey! Coffin breath!” The vampire looked up and dropped Zach, shielding itself as Caitlyn held a mirror at him. “Hands off my brother!” “Thanks, sis!” Zach ducked down. Half and Sweet Note jumped up on the vampires and slapped talismans on them. “Carter! Now!” Half Note cried. Carter nodded and slashed the vampires turning them into dust as well. “Carter!” He turned to see Caitlyn holding the vampire at bay with her mirror. “Little help here?” Carter responded by running up and slashing the vampire destroying it too. “Thanks,” Caitlyn sighed. “We ain’t done yet!” Zach pointed. More vampires attacked, but Angel slapped on some talismans and Half Note slashed the them. "Now we are," Angel said, then she and Sweet Note shared a fist bump. "Booyahkasha," Sweet Note smirked. Once again, Octavia and Vinyl were back to back, but this time, so were Lyra and Bonbon as they were surrounded by some vampires. Octavia held up her wooden sword, "What say we show these ruffians what for! Shall we, girls?" "Let's!" Lyra and Bonbon agreed and Vinyl nodded. Then the four worked together to take down each of the vampires. Kicking and slashing them until they were all ash. Then the four shared a hi-five. Lancer and Logan stood ready with wooden swords as vampires marched towards them. “Ready, Bro?” Lancer asked. “Let’s do this!” Logan thumbed up. The two charged at the vampires before Lancer jumped up. While the vampires looked up, Logan slid underneath them slicing their legs causing them to stumble, but before they hit the floor, Lancer slashed them in half as they turned to dust. “Yeah!” The two high fived. Shini and Trixie were back to back as a couple of vampires surrounded them. The two looked at each other before smiling and throwing a smoke bomb covering each other in smoke. Before the vampires could enter, Shinigami held out a mirror causing them to look away long enough for Trixie to pin talismans on them, immobilizing them. “And now our assistant, Chaplin, will make you vampires disappear!” Trixie proclaimed. She bowed just as Chaplin jumped in and slashed all the vampires turning them into dust. “Tada!” He gestured. “Next shows at eleven!” Shini laughed before the three fist bumped. Sweetheart flipped in and landed before three vampires. Then before they could attack her, she did three palm strikes, sticking talismans on them. Then Melody rushed in with her wooden sword and slashed through the first one's middle, beheaded the second one, and then she jumped up and cut it clean in half. "Booyahkasha," she smirked, then she and Sweetheart shared a hi-five. Suddenly, more vampires approached them. The sisters got ready to fight when... "Yo vamps, over here!" Both the vampires and Melody and Sweetheart turned and saw Ace standing with Snips and Snails. "You vampires are about to face the Ace!" He grinned, holding his wooden sword. "And two ninja dudes!" Snips declared. "Yeah!" Snails added. "Charge!" Ace exclaimed as he ran forward, followed by Snips and Snails. Ace dodged the vampires attacks and slashed them, turning them to ash. Melody and Sweetheart quickly joined in the fray, freezing and slashing more vampires. But Snips and Snails on the other hand, weren't doing so great. A single vampire simply held them back with his hands on their faces as the two uselessly swung their wooden swords but couldn't reach. The vampire laughed as he pushed them down, causing them to throw their swords. However, their swords bounced off the cave wall and came spinning back before they landed right into the vampire's chest, making him stop laughing and fell down, dissolving into ash. Snips and Snails saw what happened and cheered, "Booyahkasha!" They stood and hi-fived. "We got him!" Snails exclaimed. "Yeah!" Snips beamed, then he spoke to Ace, Melody, and Sweetheart, "Hey, you guys need help?" Only to see that the three had already taken out the rest of the vampires. "Never mind," Snails said. Sissy was then surrounded by a bunch of vampires who were closing in on her. She looked smug instead of afraid. "Oh no. I'm surrounded. Whatever will I do?" she said coyly. "Now!" Suddenly, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo jumped in. Sweetie Belle used her skills to slap talismans on the vampires while Applebloom and Scootaloo slashed them up with their wooden swords. "Booyakasha!" the three hi-fived as the vampires turned to dust. "Nice work, girls," Sissy joined in. "I hope this is over soon. I'm starting to run out of talismans," Sweetie Belle feared. Tony dodged a vampire's attacks before he spoke, "Hey, uh, dumb question, I saw this movie were the vampires sparkle in the moonlight, can you vampires do that too?" The vampire answered by grabbing him by the throat and holding him off the ground. "Jeez, I said dumb question," Tony grunted before he slapped a talisman on it's forehead and kicked it off him. Then it was nailed by a wooden sword by Gabby, "You're serious asking them questions right now, primo?" She said dryly. Layla jumped to avoid and vampire before she swung her wooden sword and beheaded it. Another tried to get the drop on her, when Patch slid under it's legs and stuck a talisman on it, giving Layla the chance to stab it. "Thanks for help," she nodded at Patch. "No big," Patch shrugged. The vampires began backing away in fright as Echo forced them back with her mirror. This allowed Adagio and Aria to jumped and slash them. “Nice work, girls,” Echo smiled. “Thanks for holding them for us, Echo,” Adagio thanked. Aria looked at the dust piles, “Man. These vampires are like you when you wake up with bed hair, Adagio.” “Since it’s true, and we’re in the middle of a fight for our lives, Aria, I’ll let that slide,” Adagio sneered. “Not even gonna ask,” Echo shrugged before walking past the two. Meanwhile, Bonesteel had woken up from his knockout. "Uh, where am I?" He groaned, then he noticed his empty trunk. "What the?! Where's my?" He saw everyone slashing the vampires with the peach tree swords, sticking the Taoist talismans on them, and Bulk nailing them in the backs with the jujbee seeds. "Hey! That's my huntin' gear!" He struggled to stand up, due to still being tied up in Frostee's bolo, and ran into the fight, yelling, "These vampires are my prey!" But no one payed any attention to him. Leo slashed a vampire after Twilight had slapped a talisman on it. "That stuff weren't cheap- oof!" Mikey had bumped into him, knocking him to the ground, then Applejack stepped on the side of his face while fighting another vampire, followed by Cisco unknowingly kicking him as he fought another, sending the hunter rolling into a wall. "And no one's listening," Bonesteel deadpanned. Soon, the vampire servants were disintegrated and everyone had regrouped together. “Looks like that’s a majority of them!” Raph said as he looked around. “Now all that’s left is-!” Leo was suddenly knocked down. “Leo!” Twilight gasped. It turned out what hit him was Bing and Chi Chu. “You think you’ve won?” Hissed Chi Chu. “You will not leave here alive!” Glared Bing. “Just try it, Suckers!” Casey taunted. Leo got back up, “Get em!” He ordered. Everyone ran towards the two vampire children and began to fight them. Donnie tried to slap a talisman on Chi Chu, but the vampire girl dodged his attempts before she grabbed and twisted his wrist, making cry out and drop the talisman. Then she kicked him in the stomach and jaw before she spun-kicked him into a wall. April tried to slash her with her wooden sword, but Chi Chu grabbed her arms, halting her attack, and the two struggled until Chi Chu body-slammed April and swung her around, tossing her onto the ground hard. But when she lunged at her, April used her telekinesis to stop the vampire in mid air. "I think you need a timeout!" April sent Chi Chu flying. Then Applejack slid in and punched Chi Chu into the air and when she came back down, the cowgirl roundhouse kicked her across the ground, "A good old spanking is what you need!" Then she threw her sword to try and nail Chi Chu, but to her surprise, the young vampire grabbed it and hurled it back at her. Applejack yelped and ducked as the sword struck her hat and pinned it to the wall. "That was my favorite hat!" Chi Chu rushed forward and struck Applejack with two upper kicks before throwing her into April. Tony tried to slash Bing with his wooden sword, but Bing dodged and smacked him with his palm sending him to a wall. “He’s pretty tough for a little guy,” Tony groaned. “Or maybe you’re too soft for a big guy,” Layla remarked as she jumped in and rapidly tried to slash Bing who dodged rapidly. “Will! You! Hold! Still! You! Little!” Bing then whipped his ponytail at Layla, knocking her wooden sword out of her hand. Suddenly, a giant snake tail wrapped around Bings torso. Bing turned to see Karai in her snake form as she lunged at him. Bing was able to block her attacks, but Karai then used her tail to spin Bing like a top causing him to hit the wall. Bing got up and glared at her, “You’ll pay for that.” “Put it on my bill,” Karai hissed. Before Bing could attack, he was speed-rammed by Rainbow, "Can't hit what you can't catch!" She smirked, before she sped round him, making him dizzy then struck at him from four directions. However, when she came back for a fifth strike, Bing dodged and tripped her, before grabbing her by the legs and swinging her around before throwing her into Layla, knocking them next to Tony. "Too soft huh?" He grinned at Layla. "Shut it!" Layla glared. Mikey jumped in next and tried to hit Bing before the vampire boy palm struck him. “You’ll regret that!” Bing turned to see Shini lunge towards him about to stick a talisman on him. But he moved quickly and flipped her off and next to Mikey. Pinkie threw sprinkles at him causing them to explode. She ran towards the smoke before Bing merged and flipped her on to her back. “I think we’re back to square one.” She groaned. "Alright, kid, no more Mr Nice Turtle!" Raph charged at Chi Chu and tried slashing her with his sword as the vampire girl dodged. Then he jumped up, doing a mid-air summersult before he came back down, aiming the sword at her. However, Chi Chu jumped back, avoiding the attack before spin-kicked the sword out of Raph's hands. Then she grabbed him, dropped to her back, and toss-kicked him into a wall upside down. She jumped back up in time for Casey and Gabby to surround her. "You're going down!" Casey declared and swung his wooden sword, but Chi Chu shocked him in the gut and kicked him off his feet. Then Chi Chu dodged a swing from Gabby before chain punching her and knocking her back with a kick. Then she heard yelling and saw Snips and Snails running at her from both directions with their swords, but the vampire girl simply punched the both of them down. "Losers," she smirked. Meanwhile, Flash slashed at Bing only to get kicked to the wall. “Hey! This is a new jacket!” He griped. Indigo and Keno tried to double teamed Bing but the vampire boy was too skilled and too powerful for them and quickly knocked them down. “There’s two of them and like a bajillion of us. How are they beating us?” Indigo groaned. “I’ve asked that question multiple times with every battle we’ve fought.” Keno grunted. “Hey! Dead breath!” Bing turned to see Lemon holding a mirror causing him to shield himself. “You got him!” Lancer cheered before he tried to stab Bing before he grabbed his arm. “Think again!” Bing threw Lancer on Lemon causing her to lose the mirror. “No!” Lemon cried. “Now what are we supposed to do?” "You die!" Bing answered with an evil smile, before kicking them both away. Clover, Logan, Half Note, and Sweet Note attacked Chi Chu next, but they didn't fare any better than the others as the vampire girl overpowered and knocked all of them away. Frostee and Ace tried next. Ace charged into Chi Chu while Frostee tried to slap a talisman on her. Chi Chu punched Ace across the face and kicked Frostee back before throwing Ace off her. Ace whipped back and tried to slash her with his sword only for Chi Chu to grab and put him in a headlock. When Frostee stood, she threw Ace into hum before she kicked the both of them into a wall. "Okay, these two are seriously not easy to beat period," Frostee groaned. Back with Bonesteel, the hunter saw the fighting and growled, "Them vampires are my prey! Nobody takes Bonesteel's prey!" He struggled to stand up before he managed to reach into one of the inside pockets of his trench coat and pulled out a knife. Then he began cutting through his bindes until he was free. "Can't keep old Bonesteel down!" He ran to his trunk. The only thing that was left was the torch sticks. Bonesteel grinned, "Perfect! Best for last they say." He took out a box of matches and lit one. “So what now, o fearless leader?” Raph asked as he slid next to his brother. “If we can’t take ‘em down, we can at least fight em off before they grab anyone.” Leo figured. Leo then ran towards Bing and slashes at him. When Bing caught his sword, he was tackled by Timber when Twilight petted him with rocks. April levitated Chi Chu in the air. The vampire girl hissed before spinning around whacking Trixie away. Karai then kicked her towards Sunset who kicked her next. “This isn’t working! Again!” Trixie whined as they all regrouped. “It’s like every time we find a lead to beat them, they counter!” Rainbow griped. “What are we gonna do now?” AppleBloom gulped as she clung to Applejack. “It’s been fun, but we’re getting hungry.” Bing snarled. “Now we dine!” Chi Chu growled. Just before they could attack, a voice shouted. “Hey Chi Suckers!” Everyone turned to see Bonesteel holding a crossbow with rockets on it. “Dinners cancelled!” "Bonesteel?!" The Turtles and Rainbooms gasped. “Not him again!” Patch griped. "How'd he get loose?!" Frostee asked in disbelief. Bonesteel fired the rockets causing flares which caused Bing and Chi Chu to shield themselves. “They’re afraid!” Twilight noticed as everyone saw too. “So…. Does that mean he’s on our side?” Zach raised a brow. “He tried to kidnap me,” Spike deadpanned. "And I'd say Bonehead just wants the vampires all to himself," Sissy stated. "That's very likely," Sugarcoat agreed. "Oh yeah," Chaplin added. Bonesteel then whipped out two flaming torches, making Bing and Chi Chu hiss and back away. "What's wrong, little vampies?" The hunter chuckled, waving the torches around. "Afriad of a little fire!" Hearing that, Echo face-palmed, "Oh man! I totally forgot about that!" "Forgot about what?" April asked. "Another weakness the Jiangshi have; fire!" Echo replied. “And you were gonna tell us when?” Raph snapped. Everyone deadpanned as Echo grumbled. “Kinda hard to think while you trying to FIGHT FOR OUR LIVES! Maybe you should grab a book and learn it yourself!” “We can argue about education AFTER we beat these chi suckers!” Layla griped. "So, should we just leave Bonesteel to deal with those two?" Rainbow asked. "Uh, probably not," Angel pointed. Bing and Chi Chu turned into balls of light, Bing, purple, Chi Chu, yellow. Then they started flying circles around Bonesteel. The hunter swung his flaming torches but the vampires dodged them, making him irritated, before they disappeared from his sight. "What the?" Bonesteel looked around. "Where'd you little fanged brats get to?! You think you can get the drop on old Bonesteel?" "We just did..." Bonesteel whipped around to see the two right behind him, back in their normal forms before they kicked the torches out of his hands. Then Bing hit him all over the chest and Chi Chu spin-kicked him into a wall. "So much for that," Sunny feared. "What'll we do now?" Fluttershy asked in worry. Leo noticed the torches on the ground. Fortunately, they were still lit. "I've got it! Here's the plan..." Bing and Chi Chu held up Bonesteel. "You escaped your fate before, hunter!" Chi Chu hissed. "But this time, your qi is ours!" Bing declared. Then the two vampires began to drain Bonesteel's qi, as the hunter started to get thinner and boneier, until they were kicked off him by Raph and Sunset. "Sorry, hunter's off the menu!" Sunset smirked. "Can't believe we're saving Bonehead!" Raph griped. Bing and Chi Chu stood and found themselves surrounded by all the groups, minus Leo and Echo. “You all just never learn, do you?” Bing growled. “Not while we still breathe.” Karai glared. “That can be arranged.” Chi Chu smirked. “Let’s go, guys!” Flash cried before they charged the two vampires. Like before, Bing and Chi Chu were smacking everyone who came at them. Spike watched in horror as Bing flipped Sandalwood and Chi Chu kicked Mikey into Trixie before putting on a look of determination. After Bing elbowed Shini, Spike jumped on face causing him to roar. Chi Chu just smacked Donnie when she saw Spike on her brother and jumped at him. “Little Doggieeeee!” She hissed. But before she could grab him, Spike jumped off and she ended up grabbing her brothers face. Bing growled at her as she quickly let go. Angel then kicked them both into Carter and Keno who flipped and spun-kicked them back. Before they could react, Applebloom swept their legs, then Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo drop-kicked them down. The two got up snarling, then Bing wacked Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle away and Chi Chu chain punched Apple Bloom down, right before the two were speed rammed by Rainbow, punched into the air by Applejack, and slammed faces first into Rarity's shield. "Nobody attacks our sisters!" Rarity sneered. "Yeah!" Rainbow added. "Darn tootin'!" Applejack said. "Also, catch!" Pinkie threw her sprinkles at the two, who caught them. "Sprinkles?" Bing snickered. "You must be desperate-" Chi Chu was cut off when the sprinkles exploded, distorting them both. Then they were hit, kicked, wacked, swept, and body-checked by each of the Shadowbolts. Donnie then jumped in and spun his staff hitting Bing and Chi Chu. Then one by one, the young six jumped in. Lancer tripped Bing with his naginata while Half Note and Clover both kicked him in the head and Sweetheart jumped on his stomach. “Sorry.” She whispered before she jumped off. Ace and Melody both kneed Chi Chu in the stomach before Patch and Logan jump kicked her in the face. Chi Chu got back up to whack Layla to the floor. “Back off!” Layla kicked the vampire away before she jumped back up. Tony ran up as Bing got back up and punched him a couple times and spun away. Before Bing could hit him, his hand froze in place and he was punching himself. “Stop hitting yourself!” He heard Twilight. “Will you STOP THAT?” Bing growled. “Yeah!” Bing felt legs wrapped around his neck as April flipped him over and fired a psychic blast at him. “Because it was my turn.” “Of course where are my manners?” Twilight gestured before fist bumping with April. Bulk and Cisco grabbed the two and threw them into a wall. But the two jumped off the wall and pinned the big boys down. "I called dibs on your qi, big guys!" Chi Chu hissed. "Time to feed!" Before she could, however, Sonata knocked her and Bing off with a flying kick, "Hands off my man!" She growled. Then Aria wacked the two with her weapon and Adagio kicked them from behind, allowing Sonata to hit them with her tonfas, knocking them off their feet. Bing and Chi Chu stood, growling. "We will rip out your guts for that!" Bing said, when he and Chi Chu were hit by exploding hockey pucks, courtesy of Casey. "Goongala!" The vigilante skated in and wacked them with his hockey stick, sending them into a punch from Gabby and another wack by Zach. "Vampiros podridos!" Gabby glared. "The gloves are off now, qi-suckers!" Zach called. Bing and Chi Chu got up before they saw Chaplin throw small disc at their feet. “You throw discs at us?” Asked Bing before the two were got electrocuted. “Electric disks.” Chaplin smirked. After the two broke the disks stopping the shocking, Octavia and Vinyl grabbed Chi Chu by the arms only to be spun around and thrown. Acting quickly, Vinyl jumped from the wall and hit Chi Chu on the back and grabbed Octavia midair. “You learned that one from Bebop, didn’t you?” Octavia asked while Vinyl smiled sheepishly. Fluttershy fired darts at Bing rapidly as Bing caught them. Before he flung them back, Caitlyn tripped him back down. He then saw Raph jumped up to stab him with his sais and quickly threw him off when Sunset kicked him in side. Then he was whacked by Lyra and into Chi Chu who was hit by Bonbon. Before they could attack, Trixie threw a smoke bomb, distorting them. Then Mikey and Shini wrapped their chains around the vampires and yanked them forward before kicking them off their feet. Then The eco boy jumped away as Bing and Chi Chu got up, more annoyed and angrier than ever. "You mortal fools think you can stop us?!" Chi Chu snarled. "You are helpless against us!" Bing declared. "Actually, we weren't trying to beat you," Twilight informed. "We were distracting you," Pinkie chimed in. "From what?!" The two demanded. "This!" Came Leo's voice. Bing and Chi Chu turned around just as Leo and Echo lept in and hit them with the flaming torches, setting the two on fire. The vampires howled in agony and ran around in a panic. Then finally, their flesh burned away, revealing their skeletons before they burned into ashes. Then green energy flew from their remains and into some of the zombies. "Not so helpless now, huh?" Echo smirked. “We got em!” Logan cheered. “Finally!” Layla wiped her brow. “I thought we’d never beat them!” “Tell me about it!” Griped Casey. “Now that the vampires are gone, let’s get lost!” Trixie insisted. Mikey pondered. “Hmmm. I feel like we’re missing something.” Trixie grabbed his hand. “I’m sure you’ll figure it out AFTER we leave!” April felt a vibe on her head. “We did.” Then suddenly the zombies were blown off and merging from the center was a very crossed Vam Mi. As she caught her breath, she looked around to see her legions reduced to dust and what angered her more was the absence of her children. “ILL KILL YOU ALL!” She roared. "Mommy!" Trixie whimpered. Vam Mi attacked all the groups, punching, kicking, striking, smacking, slamming, whacking, and knocking them very hard into the cave walls and onto the ground. Everyone lay on the cave floor, groaning in pain, before Vam Mi grabbed Leo and Echo by their throats and pinned them hard against a wall. "You two destroyed my children!" Vam Mi snarled. "So you two will be the first to die!" "Yo, I gotta know something!" Echo grunted. "How were you and your kids so strong?" "Yeah," Leo asked in agreement. "Your minions were tough but not THAT tough!" Vam Mi chuckled darkly, "Since you and your friends will perish, I'll tell you. Jiangshi grow stronger the more qi we consume. And me and my children had been feasting on qi for centuries! Which makes us near indomitable!" "Wow, that actually makes you pretty scary," Echo admitted. "But you know what's even scarier? This!" And she held up a mirror, showing Vam Mi her reflection. Vam Mi screamed and dropped the two. Then at that moment, she felt a sharp pain and turned to find Bonesteel had stabbed her in the side with another peach tree sword. "You ain't that tough, count girlie girl!" The hunter sneered. Vam Mi slapped Bonesteel, sending him flying across the cave and crashing into a wall right near the cave entrance. The vampiress pulled the sword out and tossed it aside. Then she went over and grabbed the hunter by the throat and held him off the ground. "Mortal fool! I grow tired of your-" Before she could continue, sunlight shone into the entrance and Vam Mi cried in both fright and pain and backed into the darkness of the cave. "The sun!" She cried. Everyone got up and stared in surprise, then Echo said, "That's one thing Jiangshi have in common with other vampires; they can be destroyed by sunlight!" Leo looked at the mirror she held and then glanced at the hole over the moondile where sunlight also shone. "Echo, give me that mirror," he said and she handed it to him. Then he called to the rest of the groups, "Everyone, get Vam Mi into that shaft of light!" Leo then ran up and reflected the sunlight at Vam Mi who ran from him. The CMCs cornered her before she could escape into the darkness. “Good morning!” The three grinned before holding up mirrors and reflecting the sun towards Vam Mi who ran another direction before being stopped by the Rock NBeats who did the same. Bulk looked up and punched a hole through the ceiling causing sunlight to shine in. “Rise and shine!” Vam Mi narrowly missed the sunlight and tried to run away before she was kicked by Sunset. “Get her in that beam!” She called. Snips and Snails tackled Vam Mi before she threw them off. Casey then hit a couple exploding pucks at her disorienting her long enough for Gabby and Layla to try and push her back. As Vam Mi smacked them off, Frostee and Sissy held up mirrors trying to repel her into the skylight. “Vampire kabob anyone?” Tony ran up with a wooden sword only get whacked away. She sprinted further away before Cisco tackled her. She threw him into Zach who tried to help. She hurried into the cave before Caitlyn, Octavia and Lemon all stopped her with mirrors. As she shielded herself, Chaplin threw an electric disk to electrocute her. Vinyl took off her sunglasses and used them to reflect sunlight at Vam Mi, who managed to smash the disk. “Good thinking!” Indigo grinned as she did the same with her goggles. Vam Mi backed away before being grabbed by Angel and Carter. She then spun around sending the two flying into Vinyl and Indigo. “Sorry, Professor,” Sour apologized before kicking Fugitoid in the skylight. His body was enough to reflect sun rays. “Quite alright,” Fugitoid shrugged. Vam Mi managed to shield herself before she was blocked by Shini and Mikey who held up mirrors reflecting sunlight. “I vant my vampire, Vell done!” Mikey acted like Dracula . Vam Mi knocked them away before the Dazzlings. “NO! I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED BY MERE MORTALS!” She hissed. “You look a little pale!” Adagio grunted before the three jumped off and let Karai run pass them. “You should get out more for some SUN!” Karai kicked Vam Mi out of the cave. As she sat up, Vam Mi gasped as she saw the sun rise. "NOOOOOO!!!" The vampiress wailed as her body started to sizzle and burn. Then she let out a piercing scream as her flesh dissolved revealing her skeleton which soon crumpled to ash. Then just like with Bing and Chi Chu, green energy flew from Vam Mi's remains and past all the groups as they turned around to see the energies flowing back into the rising zombies. The groups grew tense as the zombies started toward them, only to stop and their bodies too crumbled to dust. "Holy chalupa!" Mikey gasped. "What's happening to the zombies?" Sweet Note asked aloud. "Well, if I had to guess, with the vampires defeated and their life force returned, the zombies can finally rest in peace," Donnie theorized. “That makes sense.” Sugarcoat agreed. Everyone watched the energies floated in the skylight Bulk made earlier. Just then, the spirit of a Chinese monk appeared next to Snips and Snails. “Thank you.” He said. “You’re welcome.” Snips said before he double took he was talking to a ghost as it vanished. “Man! What a rough night!” Casey yawned. “I don’t think any of us are forgetting this night.” Sunset said as everyone agreed. “I’m ready for a nap,” Sweetheart blinked. The group were ready to head out when they heard laughter and turned to see Bonesteel getting up. "Well now, I guess it be appropriate for me to say, I TOLD YOU SO!" The hunter laughed. "I told ya them three were monsters, but y'all didn't listen to old Bonesteel!" "Yeah yeah, whatever!" Raph griped. "And I thought Mikey's gloating was annoying." "Now that that's all done and settled, all that's left for me to do... is bag some turtles!" Bonesteel whipped out his crossbow and shot tranquilizer darts at the Turtles, only for them to deflect the darts with their weapons. "Really, Bonesteel?" Leo deadpaned. "Not cool, man," Mikey frowned. "What can I say, when opportunity comes a knockin', Bonesteel comes a answerin'," Bonesteel readied his crossbow again, only for it to be yanked out of his hands by April's telekinesis. "Sorry, looks like opportunity ding dong ditched you," she smirked. "Oh, and by the way..." Fluttershy spoke, before she took one of the darts and shot it through her blowpipe straight into Bonesteel's shoulder. "That was for that turtle, you meanie!" She glared. Bonesteel pulled out the dart and began stumbling around as the drug was kicking in, "Ah... nuts..." he babbled, before he dropped to the ground and passed out. "Sleep tight, Bonesteel," Pinkie said. "Sweet dreams," Mikey added. "Don't let the bed bugs bite," Clover put in. “So that’s that Bonesteel guy you guys told us about?” Karai asked. “Yep,” Raph confirmed. “He really is a nut job,” Shini chuckled. “And yet he ended up helping us in the end,” Layla said. Just then, Mitch woke up, "Oh man, I had the worst dream ever! There were zombies, vampires, and giant tur-" he froze when he turned and saw the Turtles. Then he screamed, until Echo took Bonesteel's crossbow and shot him with a tranquilizer. "Oh pretty colors..." Mitch said and passed out. "Uh, was that really necessary?" Sour asked Echo. "He'll be fine," Echo replied with a smirk. Just then, they all heard a rustling and turned around just in time to see the Purple Nightmares burst out of the bushes out of breath. "I think... I think... we lost... those zombies, Nightmares," Night Terror panted. "Boy, what a night! At least we're home free..." he and the Nightmares saw all heroes. "Ah crud!" Raph grinned and drew his sai, "Anyone up for an early morning beat down?!" He asked, as everyone got out their weapons and got into fighting stances. "Booyahkasha!" Mikey, Pinkie, and Clover called and everyone charged at the Nightmares. > 7. Halloween Show > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At CHS, the Allies, Wondercolts, Shadowbolts, Spy Racers, CMC, and Young Ninjas stood on the soccer field, watching as the police led the Purple Nightmares into a police van. Night Terror glared at the groups, "Why couldn't you meddling ninjas just mind your own business?!" He growled. "Perhaps if you want to keep an illegal counterfeiting operation a secret, you shouldn't drop one of your marked coins where someone can find it," Sugarcoat noted, while Vinyl held up the coin she'd found and flipped it over to the Purple Nightmare leader, blinking him in the head. As for Bonesteel, the tranquilizer had worn off and he was awake and currently the last one being led into the police van by two officers. "I'll be back!" He vowed, struggling against the officers restraining him. "You ain't heard the last of Bonesteel! I'll bag them turtles one way or a-" he was silenced by Karai stuffing one of Pinkie's cupcakes in his mouth. "You talk too much," she said, as the police threw the hunter into the van and drove off. Mitch was riding with the officers and spoke, "So, you guys got any tacos?" As soon as they had gone, Pinkie called, "Clear!" Then the Turtles came out from behind the bleachers. "Good riddance to that Bonehead!" Raph remarked. Leo turned to all the groups, "Great work, everyone." "So, how did you guys find out the Purple Nightmare were counterfeiting coins?" Donnie asked the Wondercolts and Shadowbolts. "Well, we have Vinyl to thank for that," Octavia motioned to the DJ who smiled and shrugged. "But maybe you guys can tell us how you ended up with those vampires?" Sour inquired. "That's a long story," Twilight rubbed the back of her neck. "But what I'd like to know is how all of y'all turned up at the cave at once?" Applejack asked all the groups. "And how Fugitoid got his arms cut off three times?" Sunset added. "That's also a long story," April answered. "Quite so," Fugitoid nodded. “And you were wondering why I asked you about that Speed Demon car, weren’t you, Casey?” Gabby asked. “Oh yeah I kinda forgot about that,” Casey admitted. “And all we were doing was going to get ice cream,” Frostee said. “Which we never got,” Sweetie Belle huffed. Pinkie popped up, "Looks like we all gots some explaining to do..." And so each of the groups took turns explaining the adventures they each experienced last night, while Chaplin and Donnie reattached Fugitoid's arms. Needless to say, everyone was shocked by each story. Especially the Turtles after learning about Mitsu. "Master Splinter had a sister?!" Raph asked in surprise. "We had an aunt?!" Mikey exclaimed. "And she wanted to use this Sword of Yurikawa to destroy me and take over the clan?" Leo asked. "Yes, she did," Karai answered sadly. "Well, given the way she was, it makes sense why Master Splinter never told us about her," Sunset figured. “Even so, I’m sorry about what happened to her,” Leo sighed. “So was I," Karai said. Donnie then turned to the Spy Racers, “And Speed Demon was alive?” “Yeah! And he was just as creepy as you guys told us,” Sonata shuddered. “And he started by taking over Mitch before we learned who it was,” Tony spoke up. “And he possessed Layla then Cisco?” Mikey asked. “Creepy!” “Yeah,” Cisco gulped. “It wasn’t pleasant.” “Think I’m gonna have nightmares for months,” Layla breathed. “Trust me. I know the feeling,” Donnie coaxed. "But don't worry," Gabby assured. "Speed Demon's a smashed piece of scrap now." "Good to know," Casey said. "I can't believe you guys faced a car mutant without me!" Frostee pouted. "So how'd you guys discover The Purple Nightmares' counterfeit operation." Raph asked the Wondercolts and Shadowbolts. "Well, when Vinyl found the coin, we thought it could be the lost treasure of the infamous Poker Face," Flash recalled. "The legendary criminal?" Twilight guessed. "Yep," confirmed Sandalwood. "Then Vinyl showed us the place she found and it lead us to another cave." Trixie cleared her throat, "I overheard them along with Snips and Snails and decided to follow them. Of course, The tricky and sneaky Trixie couldn't resist and pulled off the prank of pretending to be Poker Face. Oh! The look on their faces!" As Trixie laughed, Sour and Sunny glared at her, still angry at her for scaring them. "Says the one who fearfully begged that Jung vampire guy not to drink her chicken blood," Sugarcoat broke in, then Dr Cluckingsworth squawked insulted. "No offense, doc." "Hmm!" Trixie pouted, while Mikey, Pinkie, Rainbow, Casey, Ace, Patch, Clover, Melody, Frostee, and Zach laughed. Keno chuckled, "Though I wish I could have seen Bulk bowl over those Nightmare jerks!" "Oh yeah!" Indigo smirked. "Those knuckle heads never saw it coming." Rarity turned to the Young Ninjas and CMC, "I can't believe that ruffian Bonesteel caught you all in traps!" "Or that he tried to sell Spike!" Twilight held her dog close. "Believe it," Spike frowned. "Yeah," Sweetie Belle added. "That was not fun," Apple Bloom grumbled. "Totally," Scootaloo finished. "And that jerk still owes me a new drone!" Frostee huffed, trying to fix the drone parts. "Don't knock it," Casey assured. "Even a couple of us got trapped by that jerk." "But at least you all worked together to free yourselves," Leo smiled. "But how'd you free Spike?" asked April. "That's just it," Patch shrugged. "Some shadowy thing grabbed Spike and ran away. It could have been the Night Walker." "Give it a rest, Patch," groaned Melody. "Well, it could've been!" "Well, whoever that was, it left me in the opening, making Bonesteel think it was a trap long enough for the others to catch him and free me," Spike remembered. "Then Mitch showed up and we thought he was the Night Walker," Lancer said. "But then Patch here totally kicked his butt!" Ace added. "Really?" Raph asked intrigued. "Totally," Patch nodded. "See for yourself," Sissy showed them all a recording of Patch taking down Mitch, thinking he was the Night Walker. Tony laughed at seeing Mitch getting his butt handed to him by a kid. "Can I get a copy of that video?" Echo asked with a smirk. “In a bit,” Sissy promised. “That was when Mikey and Pinkie showed up, then we encountered the zombies, and you know the rest,” Lancer finished. "Still can't believe those zombies were the good guys all along," Timber said. "Tell me about it," Carter agreed. "Especially after they tried to attack us," Logan shivered. "Well, maybe they only attacked us because Mitch tore that one zombie’s head off, thinking if was a costume," Clover noted. "Yep, that sounds like Mitch alright," Gabby deadpanned. "I guess it just goes to show that not everything is what it seems," Donnie figured. "Or that some people aren't what they seem," Leo added. "Like Vam Mi, Bing, Chi Chu, and Jung." "And Mitsu," Karai noted dismally. Applejack stood up, "You know what, we've all had a pretty rough night." "That's putting it lightly," Angel stated. "So, why don't we all get some rest after the night we just had," Applejack suggested. "But what about the Halloween show later today?" Lemon realized. Everyone groaned knowing she was right. Then Leo spoke up, "Okay. Let's take a couple hour's nap and then we'll practice." Everyone agreed before heading out as Pinkie spoke next, "I'll grab us all some lattes when it's practice time." "Make mine a triple," yawned Rainbow. Later that night, all of CHS had gathered at the soccer field for the Halloween show. Inside the gym, the Turtles, Rainbooms, Allies, Spy Racers, CMC, and Rock N Beats were getting ready. Some were doing stretches, others were warming up their vocals, and some were still putting on their costumes. The only ones who weren't getting ready or even taking place in the show at all, were Raph and Layla. Gabby spoke to the two, "You guys sure you don't wanna join in the show?" "After what we all faced last night, triple sure," Layla answered. "And the dance reminds me too much of that zombie nightmare I had the year before last year," Raph stated. "Well, if either of you change your minds, your more than welcome to join us," Fluttershy offered. "Whatever," the two replied. Then Sunset spoke, "Is everyone ready?" "Ah yeah!" Mikey replied. "You know it!" Indigo said. "I'm ready to get my groove on!" Frostee stated. "Yeah! Let's go bump in the night!" Cisco cheered. "Like raise the dead?" Everyone groaned at Sonata's line. "What?" "Just don't mention the dead please, Sonata," Sighed Adagio. "C'mon! We're burning Halloween time!" Mikey waved. "Then let's do this!" Sunset grinned. And with that, everyone headed out. But as she followed the others, Layla heard a creek and turned toward the equipment storage room to find the door open a crack. Curious, she went over and looked inside only to find nothing there but gym equipment. So she closed the door and hurried outside. But as soon as she had gone, the door opened back up and nine figures peeked out. Meanwhile, out on the soccer field, Fugitoid with his arms reattached spoke to the audience, "Welcome all to the CHS Halloween show preformed by our very own Rainbooms, Wondercolts, and Rock N Beats, with special guests: The Crystal Prep Shadowbolts and all the way from New York and LA, the Ninjas and Torreto crew!" Then he stepped away to reveal a crowd of shadowy figures standing in the field. After a moment of silence, spotlights shown, revealing them to be the Turtles, Allies, Rainbooms, Wondercolts, Shadowbolts, Dazzlings, CMC, Rock N Beats, and Spy Racers. Then Vinyl Scratch played music on her turn tables as the groups began to dance while the Rainbooms and Shadowbolts started singing. Then Carter danced forward and began to sing... Raph and Layla stood near the bleachers watching the performance. While neither one would admit it, they were actually starting to enjoy the show. Then Layla noticed something out of the corner of her eye. Nine figures hidden by the dark were hiding behind the bleachers. Then one of them raised their hand as if giving a signal and the figures quickly ran onto the field and blended into the dance. Then one of the figures danced out, revealing herself as a teenage werewolf girl, taking both the audience and all the groups by surprise as she started singing. Then the other figures danced out, revealing that they were other teenage monster girls and three teenage monster boys. The girls were a frankenstein, a vampire, a mummy, a zombie, and a sea monster. The boys were another werewolf, a gorgon, and a fire elemental. While surprised, the groups decided to just go with it as the monster teens were actually very good, especially the sea monster girl; she was an amazing dancer. Still watching, Layla started tapping her foot and Raph began patting his arm to the beat. Finally, they looked at each other. "Ah what the heck," Raph shrugged. Then he and Layla ran in and joined the dance. Vinyl tossed out a microphone and Raph caught it then spoke out, "Darkness falls across the land! The midnight hour is close at hand!" Pinkie let out a shriek. Then the CHS marching band walked onto the field playing their instruments. "Creatures crawl in search of blood! To terrorize y'alls neighborhood! And though you fight to stay alive, you're body starts to shiver! For no mere mortal can resist, the evil of the Thriller!" Everyone started striking poses until the fire elemental shot a flaming wave into the air. When the song ended, the audience cheered and roared with apluace. "You hear that? They like it!" Casey grinned. "Like it? They love it!" Rainbow smiled. "Great job, guys!" Leo complimented. "Great moves, guys," Sour told the Wondercolts. "Thanks for teaching us, Sour." Sandalwood thanked. "Yeah!" Bulk agreed. "Way to rock that solo, Carter!" Flash clapped hands. "Thanks, Flash. You were great too!" "Thanks for helping with our music, guys," Fluttershy smiled to the Young Ninjas. "Thanks for letting us play," Lancer thumbed up. Tony turned to Layla and Raph, "Nice of you two to join us." "I'll admit it, the music was good," Layla shrugged. "They say music is the best cure," Raph admitted. "Still, way to rock it," Keno high fived him and Layla. "By the way, wicked idea bringing in those extra dancers, Rainbooms," Lemon said. "I'll say," Flash agreed. "They sure brought extra flare to the show." "Wait, but we didn't bring in those extra dancers?" Twilight said in confusion. "We thought you did," Sunset pointed to the Shadowbolts. "No? We didn't?" Sour retorted. "We didn't invite them either," Echo spoke for the Spy Racers. "Or us," Sweetie Belle said on behalf of the CMC. "Vinyl, did you invite them?" Octavia asked her friend and Vinyl shook her head no. Everyone looked around, but there was no sign of the mysterious monster teens anywhere. "Just who were those girls?" Raph wondered. "Well, it's Halloween. Maybe they're trick or treaters," Applebloom figured. "I don't know, sugarcube?" Applejack pondered. "They're costumes looked pretty real to me." "As long as they weren't like those vampires from last night, they're fine," Trixie said. "But you gotta admit, I absolutely loved their outfits, particularly the mummy and the werewolf's attire," Rarity recalled. "Yeah those were styling!" Sweet Note agreed. "They seemed cool to me," Mikey shrugged. "Same here," April added. "And that sea monster girl's dancing was A-MA-Zing!" Clover exclaimed. "Whoever they were?" "I guess we may never know," Fluttershy sighed. "Hey, where'd Shini go?" Pinkie popped up. Everyone looked and sure enough, Shinigami had disappeared. The witch girl had made her way to the back-wooded area of the school and called out, "You ghouls can come out, it's only me!" Soon, one by one, each of the monster teens stepped out from behind the trees. "Thanks for inviting us to preform with you and your normie friends, Shini" the werewolf girl said. "No problem, Clawdeen," Shini smiled. "That show was fangtastic!" The vampire girl bounced in excitement. "You know it was, Draculuara," Clawdeen grinned. "It's nice to get out for a little fun, especially Halloween," The Mummy girl stretched. "Agreed, Cleo," the frankenstein girl agreed. "The one night no one questions who we are." "As long as we're careful, Frankie," Clawdeen reminded. "Those turtle guys you mentioned to us seem pretty cool," the sea monster gal said, in an Australian accent. "Yeah, Lagoona. They are cool, especially Mikey," Shini sighed. "Ooo! taking a liking to him, I see," Draguluara grinned. "He makes me laugh," Shini tried to hide her blush. "I could make you laugh too, Shini," The fire elemental flirted. "Still not interested, Heath," Shini rebuffed. "Aww!" Heath pounted. The werewolf boy patted his shoulders, "Sorry man." "And you, Heath, and Deuce did great too, Clawd," Shini said. "Thanks, Shini," the gorgon Deuce gave a double thumbs up. The zombie girl moaned getting every one’s attention. “Don’t worry. I haven’t forgotten about you, Ghoulia,” Shini assured. “You did good too.” Ghoulia moaned happily at Shini’s compliment. "And I'm glad you all could make it in time," Shini said. "Though I'm curious as to why it took you this long to arrive here." "Well, the Mapolog did bring us to Canterlot," Draculuara began. In a flashback, the Ghouls and Mansters stood outside Monster High, all holding onto a skull-shaped device and teleported away. Then they reappeared in the same fog filled woods that the Turtles, Rainbooms, Allies, Wondercolts and Shadowbolts, and the kids had all gotten lost in. "Just not at Canterlot High," Clawdeen added dryly. "And we all got totally lost in that fog," Deuce said. "Ghoulia and I couldn't even use our GPS because of the fog," Frankie explained and Ghoulia moaned in agreement. "Not to mention it was causing horrors to my hair!" Cleo noted. "And not the good kind!" "After wandering for what seems like forever, we found this lady and her two children who were kind enough to invite us in their home." Clawdeen continued. "When suddenly, I immediately remembered her as Vam Mi, the imfamous Jiangshi, a chi sucking vampire!" Draculuara shivered. "Yeah. We got acquainted." Shini deadpanned. "When Draculuara warned us, those Jiangshi tried to get us!" Heath exclaimed. "And man were they mean!" "So we got out of there as fast as we could!" Deuce explained. "Unfortunately, in all the confusion, we got separated from each other," Cleo sighed. "Would that be before or after we past that group of people?" Frankie asked, while Ghoulia groaned a 'I don't know'. While escaping from the vampires, the Ghouls were unaware they had past the Turtles and Rainbooms earlier, showing that they were the figures running past them in the fog. "We did eventually managed to find each other again," Draculuara put in. "But then we noticed that Clawd was still missing!" The Ghouls, Deuce, and Heath looked around, seeing no sign of the werewolf boy, much to Draculuara's worry. "So we began searching for my brother," Clawdeen said. Clawd meanwhile was roaming around in the fog. "Yeah, I got real turned around in that fog," Clawd stated. "Then I heard some screams and followed them until I saw a bunch of kids and a little purple dog caught in these traps by this crazy hunter guy." "That would Bonesteel," Shini revealed. "And crazy does not begin to describe that akuma!" Clawd hid behind a large rock and watched Bonesteel pick up Spike trapped in the net, bragging about selling him. "I knew I had to do something, but what? Then I had an idea!" Clawd explained. "I started whistling to distract that hunter and when he wasn't looking, I made my move and snatched the little dog out of his clutches. Unfortunately, one of the kids saw me and thought I was something called the Night Walker, and gave me away." Clawd quickly slung Spike over his shoulder and ran with Bonesteel chasing after him. "So I was forced to run away with that hunter chasing me, luckily I managed to lose him in the fog. I didn’t want to speak to scare the dog, even if I meant him no harm. I also knew that Hunter was right behind me, so I decided to bait him. I left the dog in the open and hid to ambush that guy, even if he was on to my plan. But the kids beat me to it. They’re good. I’ll give them that.” “Might have something to do with the training we gave them,” Shini admitted. Clawd watched the Young Ninjas catch and knock out Bonesteel and was left speechless. Then he felt a hand on his shoulder and jumped, whipping around only to find the other Ghouls. “By then, we managed to catch up to Clawd,” Clawdeen smiled. “Then we hurried away to our escape.” “That’s when we finally reached Canterlot High,” Heath added. The Monsters used the Mapolog and teleported away from the forest and reappeared on the CHS soccer field. "Just in time to learn the dance for the show," Cleo finished. The Ghouls and Mansters hid behind the bleachers, watching the Turtles, Rainbooms, Allies, Wondercolts, Shadowbolts, Spy Racers, CMC, and Rock N Beats practice the routine for the Halloween show, learning the dance moves while also practicing they're own routine as the flashback ended. “Boy. And I thought our evening was frightfully eventful,” Shini smiled. “But at least it didn’t spoil our fun tonight,” Clawdeen smiled. “Yeah! That was probably the most fun I’ve had outside of Monster Highs events,” Deuce agreed. "And Lagoona, I'm glad you finally worked up the courage to dance in front of an audience again," Shini praised the sea monster girl. "Yeah, Lagoona," Frankie added. "You were amazing." "Yay, Lagoona!" Draculuara cheered. "Once a great dancer, always a great dancer," Clawd praised. "And you didn't freeze up this time," Cleo put in. Ghoulia moaned in approval. "Right on," Deuce thumbed up. "Looks like you finally conquered your stage fright," Clawdeen said proudly. However, when they all looked back at Lagoona, the sea monster girl was standing still as a statue in an awkward pose with a wincing expression on her face. "Or not," Clawdeen deadpanned. Heath pointed and laughed, until Shini punched him in the side, "Ow!" "As my friend Fluttershy would say, baby steps," the witch girl said. “Well, I guess it’s time we headed back. Curfews and all,” Draculuara sighed. “I understand,” Shini nodded. “Maybe next time, I can introduce you to my friends here and New York.” “That’ll be great!” Clawdeen smiled before shaking her hand. “It was great to see you again, Shinigami.” “It was great seeing you all too, Clawdeen,” Shini shook her hand. “Bye, Shini,” Frankie hugged her. Next to hug her was Cleo, “Good to see you again, Shini.” “See you, Shini,” Clawd locked hands with her. “Hope to see you soon,” Heath clicked his tongue, making Shini roll her eyes. “Bye, Shini,” Deuce shoked her hand. Ghoulia hugged her next while moaning a ‘bye bye’. “Farewell, Shinigami,” Draculuara hugged her. “Goodbye, everyone,” Shini smiled and she turned to Lagoona who was still frozen in place while Heath helped move her and patted her head. “Goodbye, Lagoona. Keep working on that.” Soon the Ghouls and Mansters gathered together as Draculuara took out the Mapolog and spoke, "Monster High, Exto Monstrom!" Then they all vanished in a pink flash. Smiling to herself, Shinigami turned on her heel walked back towards CHS. Maybe one day, she would introduce her new friends to her old ones. Meanwhile, back at the cave, Vam Mi's ashes still layed on the ground outside. Then a shadow fell over the ashes. The shadow waved a hand and Vam Mi's ashes magically swirled up and into a urn. Then Bing and Chi Chu's ashes were swept up into the urn as well. Holding the urn was a tall Japanese woman in a dark robe. Her face was hidden behind a white fox mask with red markings. "You and your children may be of some use to me, Vam Mi," the woman said darkly, before she clasped a lid over the urn. > 8. Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few weeks later, back at the Foot HQ, Karai entered a dark room carrying something wrapped in a cloth. After she closed the door, she then lit a few candles and looked up. Hanging on the wall was a large portrait of Hamato Yoshi and Tang Chen. Below it was a mantel with an empty sword holder. Karai knelt down and carefully unwrapped the cloth, revealing Mitsu's katana, and placed it on the holder. She stared at it for a moment before lowering her head in sadness. "I see you have made a shrine to honor our family," Karai looked up to see Splinter. "Including Mitsu." "Even after all she did, she was still family," Karai said dismally. Splinter noticed his daughter's depressed tone and asked, "Miwa, something is troubling you?" Karai looked up with sadness in her voice, "I'm the last Hamato, father! The last living member of our family! Before I learned Mitsu's true colors, I felt like I wasn't alone. That I had one living relative left. But now she's gone! Just like all the other Hamatos." Karai was on verge of tears. "Have you ever felt so... alone?" "There were times when I did indeed feel alone," Splinter admitted. "Before I knew you were alive, I too felt that I was the last of our family. And the last of our clan. And when you fell under Shredder's mind control, I felt I lost you all over again." "Is that why you adopted Leo and the others?" Karai asked. "Yes. But when we were transformed by the mutation, I had to protect them from the Kraang. Slowly but surely, they began acting like children. And I began seeing them like another chance for a family. They looked to me as a parent and in time, I accepted them as my sons." "And it was thanks to them I learned the truth and we reunited," Karai concluded. "Indeed. Sometimes, even when not related by blood, a family can be measured by the heart. And we have both seen that with not only the Turtles but with everyone in our lives. They will always be there for you like a family." Karai smiled and hugged Splinter, "Thank you, father." Splinter smiled at his daughter before he turned serious, "Miwa, there is something you must know. Something that I should've told you and my sons long ago. Back when my sons were very young and had just begun their ninja training," he began as a flashback acured. "I would often go to the surface on patrol while they slept, to insure that the Kraang had still not discovered our location. One night, I spotted a man and woman walking the streets and to my surprise, the woman was non other than Mitsu. Consumed by curiosity, I went for a closer look while keeping to the shadows. I soon came to discover, that the man was Mitsu's husband. But then came the biggest surprise of all. For not only had Mitsu married, she had also... had a child. A baby girl." The flashback ended. Karai stared in utter disbelief. After a moment, she finally spoke, "Mitsu... had a child? Then, that would mean... I have a..." "A cousin," Splinter finished. "Yes, Miwa. You have another living blood relative." "What is her name?" Karai asked. "I'm afraid I do not know." Splinter shook his head. "If I knew what she looked like, I'd have Chaplin track her down. Maybe I can have him contact Gamer to find any leads," Karai pondered. "But why?" Splinter asked curiously. "I'm worried she might be like Mitsu and try to usurp Leo for the title of the Hamato Clan! I just want to take precaution since we both know how I fought over Oroku Saki's leadership of the Foot Clan." Splinter smiled as he placed his hand on his daughter's shoulder, "I wouldn't worry about it, Miwa. There's also a chance she is more accepting than her mother was. And I believe fate will bring her to your lives just as fate reunited both of us. If there's a chance she would want revenge, just remember to reach out to her like Leonardo did for you. Like you, She will eventually learn the truth herself." Karai looked down in thought for a moment, before she smiled. "Thank you, father," she looked up only to find that Splinter was gone. But she smiled to herself, knowing that with her new found friends and her adopted brothers in the Turtles, she would never be truly alone. And for whatever reason, her heart told her that she did indeed not worry about this mystery cousin. Though she couldn't help but wonder who that cousin was? At a corner house in another part of town, a fourteen year old girl sat at her computer reading a news article. Then she picked up a cellphone and dialed a number. After a few seconds, she spoke, "Yo, Max, it's Hana. Listen, go get Pervis and meet me at the China town museum. There's something you guys gotta see!" The girl stood up and left her room. On her computer screen, the news article showed a picture of a group of divers handing a familiar dagger to the China town museum curator. The headline read: "Stolen Artifact The Mystic Dagger Found And Returned To Museum!"