• Published 8th Mar 2019
  • 758 Views, 65 Comments

Messing with Your Buttons - Thunderous

A secretive brony gamer gets to fulfill his life-long dream!

  • ...

A Tender Song

"Sweetie Belle...? Are you home...?"

I knocked on the front door of Sweetie Belle's house for the who knows how long, wondering why she isn't answering her door.

Well, this is crap. I think she's pissed off at me... I sighed, slinking down towards the doorsteps, sitting down as I laid my back against the door. She's never going to accept me back. Even if I go through with Gibson's plan. Like, Button, why do you have to be so stupid!? If only I was braver... Now, she doesn't even want to see-

"Button? What're you doing out here?"

I was surprised out of my thoughts by a new voice, causing me to shriek out in surprise, jumping up and looking around to see who spoke up, until my gaze met a pair of beautiful green eyes that I am so familiar with.

"S-Sweetie Belle! H-Hey!" I squeaked out, waving my hands as I stood up straight, my whole body shaking a little.

A-Alright... False alarm, she was out doing stuff. Thank god.

Though, I somewhat forgot how to actually think for a moment as I spoke my thoughts out loud towards Sweetie Belle before my brain caught up to what I had just done, causing me to sweat nervously and place my head into my hands, groaning in embarrassment.

"Umm... what? Button Mash, are you feeling okay?" Sweetie Belle curiously spoke up as I heard her approaching me, making me look up from my hands, and I saw her standing at the bottom of the doorstep to her house.

I sighed, looking away from her as I sat back down on the doorstep. "No... Look, Sweetie Belle? I'm really sorry about what happened earlier. I didn't mean to say what I had said this morning and running off like that. The situation was kinda sudden to me, and I suck at decision making."

I then felt her place her hands on my shoulder, making me look over to her as she now sat down right next to me with a soft smile worn on her face. "Button, it's okay. I'm alright, it's just Diamond Tiara and her being a jerk to both of us. You don't need to apologize."

Well... that's step 1 done: Apologize to Sweetie Belle. I thought, now smiling a little at Sweetie Belle at her reassurance on the situation at school earlier. Now onto step 2: Inviting her to the 'thing'.

"W-Well... thanks, I guess. But that's not the only reason why I'm here. I just got word that Gibson's doing a special performance with his band at school to mark the end of this school year, and I wanted to ask if you want to go there with me~" I said with a now relaxed tone, leaning back against the door as I looked back at Sweetie Belle with a smile on my face.

"Heh, like a date?" Sweetie Belle remarked with a chuckle, nudging me with her elbow on my shoulders.

I laughed nervously along with her, sweating madly. "Uhh... I-I guess? I mean, you don't have to if you think it's stupid. I can just go-"

"What!? No, no! I was just joking around, Button! I'll go, you don't have to worry a thing." Sweetie Belle cut me off almost immediately, nodding endlessly as I chuckled a little at her cute reaction.

"Well, thanks. For a sec, I thought you were gonna reject me." Thankfully, that didn't happen. I thought quickly before I shook my head, focusing back on the white crusader. "Anyways, my mom will probably pick you up at your house around 8 p.m. So, see you later?"

"Yeah, I should probably go in and take a shower. Me and the girls just finished doing some crusader stuff earlier, so I'm drenched in sweat right now." She stood up slowly, rubbing the back of her head with an embarrassed chuckle.

Well, that explained why she wasn't answering her door for the last half an hour when I was standing in front of her front door, knocking on it. I thought, rolling my eyes in amusement as I stood up as well, stepping off the doorstep.

"Well, see ya, Sweets!" I yelled out to her as I now turned down the sidewalk and ran down it towards the general direction of my house to get ready for the big event. Step 2 complete. Now for step 3... not freaking out before the big 'thing'.

-----2 Hours Later, at CHS-----

"Alright, we're here, you two~" My mom practically sang out in a melody as she parked the car in the parking lot of the school, looking back at the two of us dressed up pretty neatly.

While I went for the cool-looking dude style, wearing a darker-brown jacket, not buttoned up, with a bright green T-shirt to match up with the jacket, Sweetie Belle decided to go for the fancy style, wearing a hot pink sleeveless dress accompanied with a yellow hairband sporting a white flower in her hair. Damn, she looks so cute... and beautiful in that dress...

"Umm, Sweetie Belle, can you wait for me by the door to the school? I gotta talk to my mom about something." I nervously said, smiling a little at Sweetie Belle as I motioned her towards the door.

She blinked once, confused, before turning towards the door and opened it. "Well, don't take too long. I wanna go check what's in store for both of us, so I'll go right into the party. See ya in there, my Tender Buttons."

She then suddenly turned right back towards me and pecked a slight kiss on my cheek, and before I had the chance to stammer out a reply, blushing madly, she had already hopped out the car door and closed it, leaving only me and my mom in the car alone.

"So..." My mom started up after a duration of awkward silence in the car, alone, turning her whole body in the driver seat to look at me with a questioning glance towards me.

"Yea, I'm gonna be doing something at Gibson's party, mom. I know you were eavesdropping us two in my room earlier today." I answered her with a roll of my eyes as I lied my head against the seat, sighing a little.

My mom blushed a little in embarrassment before she smiled sweetly, placing her head against the chair, still looking at me. "Look at my little Button. All grown up, proposing a girl to be his girlfriend. Oh gosh..."

I groaned, slowly slinking down from where I was sitting at, embarrassed. "Mom... I'm still 11 years old... Besides, what if she rejects me? What'll happen then?"

My mom then blew a raspberry, waving a hand as she turned back around to sit properly in her chair, still facing her head towards me. "Oh, nonsense. She won't be doing any of that, I'm sure of it. Now, you best not let a lady wait too long, Button. Otherwise, she might have other thoughts on where you might've gone to do~"

"Ah, crud! Alright, thanks, mom! Pick us up after the party, love you, byeeee!" was all I said before I opened the car door, hopping out of the car and closed the door behind me, immediately rushing inside the school towards where the party is taking place at.

Ah crap! I gotta be there before the thing starts, otherwise, this night's gonna be a disaster! The thought raced through my head as I ran through the hallways, heading in the general direction of the school hall where the party is taking place at.

Once I turned the last corner, I saw the door to the school hall and skidded myself to a dead stop before I walked on the remaining distance slowly. I stood in front of the door, looking up at it as I placed my hand against it, sighing. This is it. This is really happening.

I pushed open the doors slowly as the loud music coming from the DJ blasted into my ears, which caused me to reel back in surprise at the loudness before I walked into the room, sticking by the wall. The plan was to sneak into the backstage and meet up with my brother and his band, but it was kinda hard at the number of students that attended the party.

But thankfully, everything was going pretty smooth and I was a few feet away from the door leading to the backstage when all of a sudden, my hand was pulled back forcefully, causing myself to yelp in surprise and skid a few feet back before I managed to stop whoever was pulling me and looked back at the person in curiosity, which was greeted by the annoyed face of my date I had brought to the party: Sweetie Belle.

"Where do you think you're going, Button? The party's this way!"

Okay, I swear, all three of the crusaders can be strong-headed sometimes.

"Uhh..." I muttered out, glancing my eyes around except at Sweetie Belle, trying to find reason with her.

"Uhh, what? Button, you invited me here to be your date. You should ALWAYS accompany your date wherever you go! Rarity said that herself!" Sweetie Belle spoke up over the loud music still present, her arms crossed and an annoyed pout on her face.

I then looked on over to the stage area, and for a second, saw Gibson's head pop out of the curtains, looking right at me with a raised eyebrow before popping his head back in. I better be quick. His band performance is about to start, and I need to be there before it starts. Or not...

"S-Sweetie Belle." I stammered out her name, before I shook my head, looking right at her with a serious expression on my face. "Sweetie Belle, please. I need to go check on Gibson. Can you at least let me go do my thing? Pretty please?" I finished, grabbing hold of Sweetie Belle's hands and looking right into her beautiful sap green eyes with a strong gaze.

Sweetie Belle looked back into my eyes and tilted her head in confusion for a while before she sighed in annoyance. "Fine. Go. But after whatever you're doing is finished, get over to me as soon as possible. I don't like being alone."

Heh. That's exactly what I'll be doing. I thought quickly, smiling a little as I thanked her and made my way over to the backstage.

Once backstage, I was greeted by Gibson with his bandmates, all of them holding their equipment except their drummer, who was just holding the drumsticks. "So, you ready for the 'thing', Button?" Gibson asked, his red electric guitar slung off his shoulders as the DJ, Vinyl Scratch, had stopped playing her playlist and watched us from behind Gibson's bandmates, her arms crossed against the machine she used for the music played earlier.

I simply nodded, a mischevious smirk on my face as I grabbed hold of a microphone left on a table by the door and checked if it's working correctly before I looked back up at Gibson. "Of course. This is gonna be a great day for me, and it's all thanks to you, Gib. Thanks for all of this, anyway. You're the best."

"Anytime for my little bro. Oh, and you owe me!" was all he said before he, including his two bandmates, jogged out towards the stage area with their instruments in hand as their arrival on-stage caused a chorus of cheers to be heard from the crowd outside.

"Hey there, Canterlot High! How is everybody doing today!?"

Alright, Button. This is it. It's time.

"So, the end of the school year already, huh? Crazy, right!?"

It's time for me to sing. Oh, god.

"Now, because today's gonna be the last day of school, we decided to play a couple of our songs on the stage tonight!"

Ah crap, what if they hate me!? Wait, no, snap out of it, Button!

"Though, before all that happens, we're gonna be having a surprise prelude show by someone else! So, surprise!"

This is for Sweetie Belle. I'm just gonna sing this song, and I'm singing it just for her. Nothing else.

"Now, this someone, who is very close to me decided to do something VERY special for their date tonight! So give it up for my special little brother; Button Mash!"

I slowly walked out towards the stage area and- oh gosh, that's a lot of students. I glanced around, my microphone still held in both my hands as I searched for a certain white skinned teenage girl before a couple of moments later, my eyes landed on her standing in the middle of the hall, staring back at me with a glint of curiosity in her eyes.

"W-Well... umm, hi there, everybody. Umm... So, uhh..." I stuttered out, my hands shaking madly as every pair of eyes in the school hall stared at me, the spotlight currently on me only. Suddenly, I could feel a hand on my shoulders, and I looked over my shoulders to see Gibson smiling confidently at me with a nod of his head to continue talking.

I breathed in some air before I gulped, standing straight with the microphone held up against my mouth. "So, today. I'll be singing a song for my special date today, which happens to be Sweetie Belle. So, umm... I really hope you all enjoy the song that I'll be singing today."

As soon as I finished speaking, I could hear the starting beat of the song played by a keyboard, which I then looked back to see everybody standing by their place, though I widened my eyes in shock when I saw Gibson's girlfriend, Misty Fly, standing by the keyboard and playing it as she looked at me, smiling brightly at me and nodding her head in encouragement towards me.

Slowly, one by one, Gibson and his bandmates start to accompany Misty's melody, first the drums, then the base, and finally the guitar. I smiled back at all of them, thankful for helping me out in this special 'thing' for Sweetie Belle before I looked back out towards the rest of the school, specifically holding my gaze towards Sweetie Belle with the brightest smile I could muster on my face as I bring the microphone up to my mouth, singing with all my heart into the song.

"Oh... Her eyes, her eyes make the stars look like they're not shining!
Her hair, her hair, falls perfectly without her trying!
She's so beautiful... and I think of her every day... yeah...
Yeah, I know, I know when I compliment her she won't believe me!
And it's so, it's so sad to think that she don't see what I see!
But every time she asks me "Do I look okay?", I'd say~"

I ran up to the edge of the stage and pointed my free hand at Sweetie Belle as I nodded my head to the beat, who then blushed madly and tries to look away from me, but continues to look sideways at me with a sheepish smile on her face.

"When I see your face~!
There's not a thing that I would change~
Cause you're amazing!
Just the way you are~!
And when you smile~!
The whole world stops and stares for a while!
Cause girl you're amazing~!
Just the way you are!

I then stood back up and started to walk around the stage, still looking back at the rest of the school, who were now currently cheering on for me.

"Her lips, her lips, I could stare at them all day if she'd let me!
Her laugh, her laugh, she hates but I think it's so adorable!
She's so beautiful, and I think of her every day!
Oh, you know, you know, you know I'd never ask you to change~
If perfect's what you're searching for then just stay the same~
So don't even bother asking if you look okay, you know I'll say!"

"When I see your face~!
There's not a thing that I would change~
Cause you're amazing!
Just the way you are~!
And when you smile~!
The whole world stops and stares for a while!
Cause girl you're amazing~!
Just the way you are!"

I then stopped by the edge of the stage once more and saw that Sweetie Belle was looking back at me with that cute sheepish smile of hers still on her face, which made me snort a little before continuing to sing.

"The way you are~!
The way you are~!
Girl, you're amazing!
Just the way you are!"

I quickly made a quick hop off the stage and landed safely on the wooden floor before I stood back up, the crowd around me clearing a path towards the one girl I had my eyes on since the start of the song: Sweetie Belle, who was also staring at me with surprise and a blush clearly seen on her cheeks.

"When I see your face...
There's not a thing that I would change...
Cause you're amazing~
Just the way you are..."

I slowly made my way over to her, still smiling brightly and singing for her as the crowd around me made more room for me to pass by.

"And when you smile~
The whole world stops and stares for a while~!"

Now getting closer to Sweetie Belle, I now sported a mild blush on my face but managed to keep the nervousness out of the tone of my voice as I sang the last few lyrics for the song.

"Cause, girl, you're amazing~!
Just the way you are..."

I now stood in front of her, a few feet standing between us as both of us stared at each other, both of us blushing as she fidgeted with her fingers, nervously staring at me as the song slowly came to a close and I sang out the last part of the song with a goofy grin plastered onto my face.


After I belted out the last part of the song, I grabbed hold of Sweetie's right hand in my left as I gathered my breath for a couple of seconds before I brought the microphone back to my mouth.

"Sweetie Belle? Through this song, I confessed how I had felt about you that I've kept to myself for a very long time now. And, if I may..." I gulped nervously as I got down on my knees and looked into her beautiful green eyes, smiling nervously at her. "...can you be my girlfriend, Sweetie Belle?"

As soon as I spoke out those words, the whole school suddenly ceased to exist, leaving only me and Sweetie Belle alone in a dark void with a spotlight from above shining on us both. I could now see that Sweetie Belle was still stunned by my sudden confession and proposal to her, so I gave her some time to think things through. Though, the longer I did wait, the longer the tension was getting to me.

Ah crap... what if she doesn't accept me...? What if she's gonna hate me forever? Did I just jeopardise my chances on her being my girlfriend by singing? Am I gonna ruin our friendship? Ah crap, ah crap, ah crap! Please, god, tell me I didn't ruin our friendship! Please please-

My thoughts suddenly came to a dead stop as I then felt a hand rest on my shoulders, which I then looked back up at Sweetie Belle, who was now smiling with a blush on her face. "Aww... That's really sweet of you to do that, Button... Of course I'd be your girlfriend, my Tender Buttons. I mean, together, we mash together perfectly, don't we~?"

Suddenly, the whole school came back to exist as I could now hear hollers and whistling from all around us, which made us both blush even madly at the sudden realization of us hogging the spotlight.

"Uhh... you wanna get out of here and play some games at my house, Sweets?"

Sweetie Belle nodded immediately, which I then compiled and took her hands as we both ran out of the school hall. Now instead of being 'just friends', we're now a legit couple. And I'm very happy to be Sweetie Belle's boyfriend, no matter what everybody else says. This is the happiest day of my life. No, both my lives. The happiest day of both John's life and Button's life. And I'll never trade this day for anything else. Ever.

Author's Note:


Also, woohoo! Button finally expressed how he had been feeling towards Sweetie Belle! Yay! This calls for a celebration! :pinkiehappy:

By the way, if it isn't obvious enough, the song is Just The Way You Are, by Bruno Mars! Of course, I had to change a couple of the lyrics to fit how Button is supposed to sing it, since he's still 12...or 11. Though, if you want, here's a song sung by Button Mash's fan VA himself, Blake Swift!

Also, if you guys want a challenge, try finding out what the title of this chapter actually means. :rainbowwild: