• Published 29th Sep 2015
  • 763 Views, 3 Comments

Battery, the orphaned Deer - Ponyess

Battery is an orphaned deer. She found her way from the forest to the gates of the new castle of Friendship, just a year after it had been erected.

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A Jolly Pink Episode: 4

Author's Note:

Ms. Battery's POV

Next Chapter: A Rare Opportunity


”Who is to say, what you were meant to do?” she just inquired, as if it had been an affront to her.

Of course, she had been a Rock Farmer by family and birth. She had been an Earthpony and a filly, growing up to become a mare well known and respected for her prowess. Not for farming rocks, but for everything she had provided her community with. Who could blame them for the respect they imparted upon her?

”I have no wings, so how could I possibly fly?” I inquire.

Feeling the magic of the element playing at the very tips of my horn, teasing and distracting me to the very core. As if she had been trying to make me into a Unicorn just as she had been born to be, just by brute force of her presence.

”Are you asking me, Battery; because I have no wings, but that never kept me down to the ground either..” she promptly stipulated.

”Then, why do I sense the edges of a pair of wings on your back?” I inquired, almost as if I had in fact seen a pair of wings on her back, even if my eyes refused to see the wings she has.

Maybe her wings are on a different plane of existence, but they are there all the same; even if I can neither see, nor feel them.

”Would you accept my statement, if I claimed to see the wings on your back?” I inquired, half by half in jest.

”You are talking about Pinkie here..” Twilight exclaimed; making a point of a situation, I had not been a part of.

”What are you saying, Twilight? Because I feel; as if you are implying something I am not aware of..” I prompted.

”You did see me flying, so why should I doubt you?” Pinkie prompted; “I am a Pony, not a Deer; even if I may have friends far and wide, possibly including Deer-folk too!” she continues, her speech slowly turning into a ramble at the end.

”I can as well spill the beans, here and now; there was an incident, where I tried to prove her wrong..” Twilight explained; “but in the end, I turned into a Rapidash; my main and tail aflame in apparent frustration, as I gave up the futile fight!” she pointed out; “There is no point, arguing with Pinkie; her logic operates on a plane separate from Ponies, and I fear this would make her a bit of a confusion even to a Deer...” she then concluded, as if gasping for air, grasping for the final straw.

”Your mane and tail turned aflame?” I inquired, gasping in surprise.

”Yes..” Twilight confirmed; “and it was so adorable; you should have seen it, Battery!” Pinkie filled in.

”I am not sure..” I breathed; “the picture you just conjured up is more than enough for me..” I continued.

At this point, Pinkie is just floating in the air, maybe a foot off of the floor; stationary, since there is no wind in the room.

As I am looking up, I can clearly see the pink mare floating in the air; patting a tiny miniature cloud, as if she had been petting a puppy. Levitating, like a Unicorn; while interacting with a cloud, like a Pegasus. With that, logic had leapt out of the room, fleeing the battering, under Pinkies hooves.

”You have a pet cloud?” I inquired, as I am looking at her petting the tiny cloud with her fore-hooves.

”Wait, what...” Twilight gasps, as she finally is catching up, with what Pinkie Pie is doing.

”When you put it that way; it is quite fun, and funny...” Pinkie offers, as she continues to pat her pet cloud for a moment longer.

Only the next moment, the pink little cloud slips down towards the floor with her in tow.

”Okay, okay..” Twilight exclaim; “Discord would love to see this, Pinkie!” Twilight exclaims, snickering like a crazed out Hyena.

”Word of this can not leave this room..” Twilight pronounced.

”Claudia..” Pinkie mumbles, poking her cloud filly on the right shoulder; you heard that!” Pinkie Pie reiterated, making the cloud respond with a light snicker in return as she was nodding.

As if summoned the specter of a Pony identical to the mare known as Twilight Sparkle opens the door to the room to the right of my room; stepping out of the room, slowly trotting towards us.

”Wait, what?” I exclaimed.

”She is the avatar of Harmony, and she should be able to care for my pet cloud!” Pinkie exclaimed, snickering for a moment.

”Disaster averted?” I inquired.

”Yes!” Pinkie Pie Points out; “Disaster, averted..” Twilight concluded.

”Thanks, because I have had my share of disasters..” I mumbled, not quite daring to put too much voice to anything that could jinx my current situation.

As a Deer, I had to be cautions; my current situation still uncertain and hanging in the balance, not the time to take bold chances.

”Since Avatar is tending to your Pet, Pinkie; it is time, we have something to eat!” Twilight suggested.

”Yes, Twilight; good thinking, and I'm sure Battery would need a good meal too..” Pinkie confirmed.

”Thank you; something to eat, would be great right now!” I responded.


Pinkie Pie had bounced across the floor, leading us to the kitchen and dining room in Twilight's castle. As we reach our destination, just a few minutes later; it's neat and well ordered, befitting the character of Twilight Sparkle. Well, what had I been expecting.

”Have a seat; Battery..” Pinkie Pie exclaimed; “the guest does not have to prepare the meal!” she concluded.

I guess, that makes sense..” I pondered, agreeing with her statement.

While I had never even considered Magic, before; as a Fawn, it is not what I had been taught.

Just that now, I have the faint, tingling sensation in my horns; the strong presence of Twilight's magic, pushing me in a new direction, I could never have been prepared for. The sensation had erupted, as Twilight opened the door; inviting me, into her castle. This had never quite ceased, but remained a constant companion, even if it became much more acute every time she is in a close proximity. How, why? I have no idea. Should I care? Or, just enjoy it for all it is worth.

The magic had proven most convenient; when she had offered me a cup of tea, the first time I had entered her home.

As a guest. Or, is this making me her adopted child? I am a faun, even if it almost feels as if she is treating me like her very own filly. Is this right? Is it good for me? How could I say? Could I complain?

While I plop down, into the seat offered; contently sitting and waiting, they prepare the meal for the three of us. My horns still tingling in the same manner; it is neither fluctuation, nor spiking at any given time. Is she responsible, or is it just a reaction to her presence? Little by little, I realize; it is only Twilight's proximity, and not Pinkie's.

Should I find solace, or agitation? Should I fear, or feel relief?

Yet, I feel a ghostly pat on my back; is if my mother had been in the room, gently smiling at me where I sit.

This is confusing, yet reassuring me; I am safe, I am being cared for. I have friends.

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