• Published 7th Mar 2017
  • 832 Views, 60 Comments

Ponestuck - ArtieStroke

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==> Be the Farm Pony

You are now Apple Bloom. And you ain't got no time for any of that "enter your name" nonsense- you already know your name, and darn tootin' everypony else oughta know that! As you hose down the last hog, you've got one thing on your mind: that dadgum game half your peer group has been goin' on about.

Yeah, of course you're excited about it too- you've been doin' extra chores on the farm just to save up enough allowance to buy the game crystals. Apparently it's too fancy to be played on a board with dice or cards, gotta involve some fancy unicorn illusion magic. Frankly, you don't see that kind of technology goin' anywhere- who would spend that much money on a piece of hardware that only does one recreational thing? Heck, it took ages for an arcade to finally set up shop in Ponyville. It'll probably just end up being a fad, just like them fancy computer games.

Though to be honest, that's probably just your inner Applejack telling you that. Ponies will have their traditions, and your sister ain't the type to move onto the newest cultural touchstone without kickin' and screamin' and causin' all sorts of fuss.

You shudder as you consider for a moment that you might turn into a mini-her.

With all of your chores done for the day, you gallop into your room (carefully wiping the mud from your hooves before you go inside), where the game in question lays on your bed.

There are three parts to this game- a round crystal imprinted with a weird spiral, another with some house made out of blocks, and a book with the same house symbol on it and the word "SBARN" written on it. You've already messed around with the book- you and your friend Twist were the first two to get your mail today, and quickly figured out that the book is a way to send and receive messages across a distance.

You open the book up to your last log:

--pepperMint [PM] started whinnying cuteCrusader [CC]--
[PM] Heya Crusader! Sorry not sure which one of you this is
[PM] Oh this is Twist by the way!
[CC] good golly- hi Twist! it's Apple Bloom!
[PM] Apple Bloom!!!
[PM] I'm so excited for today! Thanks for inviting me to play this game with you!
[CC] your a good friend, Twist, course i'd invite ya!
[CC] what with crusadering for our cutie marks all the time i figured i oughta make some time to hang out with an old friend!
[PM] It has been a while
[CC] yup indeed
[CC] this book sure is strange. wonder what we'll need it for?
[PM] Well from what I've heard there's some kind of cooperation bit to it?
[PM] So we're gonna have to work together to succeed!
[PM] That should be fun!
[CC] ehhhhhhh...
[CC] i'd feel better if those two weren't playing with us
[PM] Which two???
[CC] that's a darn good point right there
[PM] ??????
[CC] shoot i gotta go. i promised sis i'd finish my chores early to play this game with y'all.
[PM] Tell AJ I said hi!!!
--cuteCrusader [CC] ceased whinnying pepperMint [PM]--

As you finish glancing over that log, the next page glows orange, and the whole book vibrates. A lot like when you got your first message from Twist. You flip the page, and a new log appears.

--tiptopYankees [TY] started whinnying cuteCrusader [CC]--
[TY] ayo bloom i know its you
[TY] are we gonna play this game yet or what???
[CC] um?
[TY] bloom are you kidding me? its babs
[CC] oh!
[CC] hey Babs!
[CC] we're still waiting on the others to get their mail. it's only you, me, and Twist that's got the game so far.
[TY] dang!
[TY] ive had this dumb book a whole day im getting antsy over here!
[CC] well it's probably gonna be a bit even after we all start playing to get to ya anyways
[CC] you read the instructions, right?
[TY] yeah yeah server client two ponies at a time yadda yadda
[TY] we could probably do like a couple chained at once if im gonna be real here
[TY] just gotta figure out whos gonna server who and who clients who
[TY] like some kinda weird pony circle
[CC] well if you like i could server for ya!
[CC] get that figured out quick like!
[TY] sure gotta start somewhere

The conversation sort of just tapers off after that, and you take a look out your window. You wonder how long the rest of your friends are gonna have to wait until their game arrives? Feels like it's gonna be a really long morning.

==> Be the Sweet pony

==> Be the Rich pony

==> I've been everypony