• Member Since 19th May, 2018
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Brony, terrible OC, attorney, pseudonymous, geek, Catholic, gamer, almost-not-quite-novelist, fic writer, highly amateur VA, smartass, etc.

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Blocked. Blocked. Blocked. You Are All Writer's Blocked. · 2:47am Oct 25th, 2022

["Gonna be honest. Feelin' a bit attacked here."]

Dear Readers (including all those writers feeling a sense of impending dread):

I just realized I never did a file on my latest story, "Still, Life", submitted for FanOfMostEverything's wonderful Ancestral Tribute Contest. Probably because I was too busy writing it at the time. Yes, the core of the story was an old Quills N' Sofas speedwrite (the theme of "Just this once, everyone lives"). But it was a woefully incomplete story that I did. And I like to think I've learned a lot about writing since 2020 ["You do what now?" - In. Ed.], so of course I had to expand on it.

Problem is, me and deadlines have never gotten along. I hate them, but they're the only way I seem to be able to write, not just mess around with blank pages. Combine that with other longstanding issues and, yeah. There's a reason every fic I've published here is based on a speedwrite.

I wish things were different. But that's enough looking a gift horse in the mouth, even if it is unpredictable. Writing something is still better than writing nothing. Sucking at something is the first step towards being good at something. Never too late to learn that lesson.

Applejack's canon backstory hits different for anyone who's lost one or both parents. My mom passed away of cancer right after I'd gotten into the show, and I still miss her. (She said I always liked small & cute things.) And given that this is a children's show, my heart can't help but break for anyone among the Y7 set who hears the "if Mom and Dad were here..." line and thinks just like mine.

So when I got the prompt that "everyone lives," I knew who I had to give that story too. And there's a lot in there about family drama, and how the meanest, angriest people are very often hurting inside. Which is another thing I've seen, and yet another reason for kindness and understanding.

(And no, I'm not done with that part of the story. I have some ideas for a coda when the judging of the contest is done.)

So be rootin', be tootin', be shootin', but most of all, be kind... to others, and to yourself.

Various and Sundry: Yes, I will be trying to do NaNoWriMo. Please encourage me if you see me.

Comments ( 1 )

Nice! I've been wanting to participate in NaNoWriMo this year, but I think the daily word count target would crush me. I haven't mastered the art of vomiting things onto the page when required; I have to think everything through first, and I think the most I've written in one sitting is ~1000 words. Have I mentioned that I like editing far more than writing? Anyways, I strongly sympathize with your dislike of deadlines in writing. Also, I don't even have a solid idea yet (not sure if I want to do the one alt universe idea you might remember from Conversation With a Lunar Prisoner because I've already written some with it before the event started, and I'd rather start from zero), much less an outline, though that could change with some brainstorming.

I'll definitely read any updates you post on your blog though, and be cheering you on in spirit. :yay:

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