• Member Since 18th May, 2017
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A novice writer who one day plans to genetically modify himself to grow wings. Because wings are awesome and I hate gravity. (Avatar belongs to racer437 on Deviantart)

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Blog Post: Moving Soon, Streaming (?), November Writing Challenge, and Monthly Sneak Peak · 11:59pm Oct 6th, 2022

Hello Everypony!

Nice to see everyone again. I have a lot to talk about this month, so lets get right to it.

1: Moving soon.

I will be moving at the end of the month into a new apartment! This will actually be my first apartment (blame the pandemic for delaying that plan by two years), and my Fiancée/editor and I will be living there starting in November. As such, things might be a bit hectic this month, but given how I currently work a nightshift and have plenty of free time on shift, I promise that I will still be writing!

2: Streaming?

As readers of my stories will likely know from my authors notes of various chapters, I love video games. Over the last few weeks, I have been considering potentially starting to stream when I play games.

Now before anyone freaks out that this might affect my writing, I will say again that I have a significant amount of time currently where I can write as I work a nightshift where the company is perfectly fine if I work on other task so long as there is nothing urgent going on. As such, I would be able to stream during times that I would already be playing video games rather than interfering with my writing time, so I promise that if I decide to do this, it would likely affect my writing very little.

Your next question is probably something like “Why stream at all?” Well, there are a few reasons. First, I find video games fun, and so it would be a good way to share my experience with other people, especially those who may not have the money to play games as much as I do. Second, I think it might be a good way to connect more with everyone reading this. Just imagine being able to chat with me and ask questions about my stories or for writing advice if you are an aspiring writer from me as I play games? Third, my fiancée and I have a habit of playing some games together, and so she would be there to provide funny commentary some of the time. Even if that commentary is just “Oh no, DEATH!” in a sassy voice.

I imagine someone out there will also ask “Are you just thinking about this for money?” and I will answer that with a “No. This is not just about money.” I started writing because it was fun, and I think that streaming could be similar, especially if my Fiancée plays with me. I will admit that receiving a bit of money from streaming would be nice, but it is not the primary reason, or even a top reason to start streaming. Heck, I’m not even sure if I want to set up a Patreon or anything similar yet. I will say though that if I do end up creating a Patreon, I guarantee that I will NEVER make ANY of my stories pay to view or something else stupid like that. At most, I might offer either old drafts of my currently released stories so people can see what has changed over the course of my edits, or extended sneak peaks every month on what I am currently working on. All final drafts would be published for everyone to see on their own time.

But what do all of you think? I would love to hear your feedback on this.

3: November writing challenge! Maybe!

I don’t know if anyone remembers this, but a few years ago I decided to participate in the November Writing Challenge, where authors would declare how much they would try to write over the course of one month and then try to achieve that goal. At the time, the default challenge was to write 50,000 words in one month, and this was how I ended up writing the first seven chapters of Spero. I don’t know if this is still a thing, to be honest, but I am thinking about maybe trying this challenge again next month as by that time I will have moved into my new apartment.

The only question is, which story or universe do I write in? Now not to burst anyone’s bubble, but I don’t think I am at the point where I can write 50,000 about Sunny and her mother Star, even though that is probably my most popular story despite also being the newest. Maybe I could do another chapter or two, but not 50,000 words all on its own. However, if I were to write in the universe involving Flash and Twilight (my ‘How to…’ universe), I could potentially get up to the point where I am able to write their wedding. This would also have the benefit of helping me write the next two stories about those two as well, with the working titles “How to be in a Movie,” and “How to Make Amends.” But I could also work on Spero or Freedom Shall Ring as well. Or maybe see if I can write one chapter from each story?

Again, what do all of you think? What story would you like to see the most? I could even post the chapters once I finish them and then edit them later as well if people are interested in that. Let me know what you think.

4: Monthly Sneak Peak

Thank you for reading this far. As a reward for your time and effort, here is a sneak peak of the next chapter of Spero and the next chapter of How to Meet your daughter. Enjoy and have a great weekend

Spero: Tempest Having Fun

“Ha-how,” Grind Stone groaned in pain, only to squeak as he noticed the magic cannon pointed directly at his face.
“Oh no! Grind Stone!” Simmer called in a panic, but there was nothing he could do in time.
“Bye-bye!” Tempest exclaimed as she pulled the trigger.
“Yipe!” Grind Stone shrieked, only for both him and Tempest to blink in surprise as the weapon didn’t fire, but instead let out an anticlimactic clicking noise.
“Private Grind Stone! You should be ashamed of yourself!” Sarge yelled in anger as Tempest tried to figure out why the weapon wouldn’t fire. “We’ve run out of ammo crystals AGAIN! THAT’S YOUR RESPONSIBILITY!”
“Why is HE in charge of that!?” Tempest asked, unable to believe that they would put someone so incompetent in charge of their ammo of all things. And the fact that this had happened before only made it worse. She was, however, ignored as Grind Stone just let out a relieved laugh.
“Huh, I guess this is the first time my laziness would have actually saved my LIFE!” he squeaked as Tempest jumped off him before firmly planting a leg on his stomach and holding the magic cannon above her head like a golf club. His eyes went wide and he began to desperately flail around under Tempest.
“FOOOUURRRR!” Tempest yelled, grinning like a loon as she lined up the shot with Grind Stone’s side.

How to Meet your Daughter: Star and Argyle Meet Scout

Star shrieked as a bolt of lightning struck a tree she couldn’t see behind them. She spun just in time to see the flaming structure come crashing down a few dozen hoof-lengths away, casting the entire area in a bright orange from the flaming fall leaves and wood.
Does Mother Nature hate us or something? First rain, then scaring us half to death with lighting!? What did we do to deserve this?!
“WHAT’S GOING ON OUT HERE!?” A new voice echoed, prompting Star to squeal again, jumping and turning back around to see a large door near the light they had been following was now open, spilling firelight out across the field and illuminating Star and Argyle.
There in the doorway stood an elderly pegasus. His coat was purplish red that reminded Star of a rare flower back home, while his mane was a bright red like the setting sun. His eyes were a piercing blue, staring into Star’s with an intensity that was both hard yet, familiar.
He had stopped the second he saw them. No pony moved save for Star’s continued shivering. The only sound was Star’s rapid breathing from the rapid scare and the continued drone of rain all around them.
The silence was only broken when Argyle spoke.
“Uhh, meow?” Argyle said with a nervous smile. If her hooves hadn’t been covered completely in mud, Star would have double facehooved. So hard.
So very very VERY hard!
Why Argyle? Just, why?

And of course, here is a link to my Discord if you want to chat.

Comments ( 2 )

“Uhh, meow?” Argyle said with a nervous smile.

So I take it you’ve seen the Sonic movie.

Yep. Played a number of sonic games and have a friend who loves the games, so I gave it a try. It was pretty good

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