• Member Since 23rd Aug, 2018
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Andy Ray

(What does this "Edit" button do?..) Oh, wait, apparently, this is the mysterious "bio"!

More Blog Posts77

  • 33 weeks
    This anniversary turns out to be amazing!

    Well, whoop-de-doo!.. Here we have it!..

    Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! We are happy to announce, the "Friendship is magic" collection is about up-to-date! For I've just watched "Rainbow road-trip"!

    Wow, guys!.. It's good to see works, which remind, that motion pictures can still be just as good, as they used to be!..

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  • 33 weeks
    "Daring Do...", ch. 11!!!! How have we even got this far?!.. (+ Bonus rant.)

    This time it's only taken me eight months. Four, actually, since I was busy writing "The tale of the Spy" back in spring. After that I experienced happiness... Then in subsequent months I absolutely lost my marbles over my good-for-nothing colleagues :twilightangry2:!.. I guess, I also watched MLP... Boy did that stabilise my mental state :pinkiecrazy:!.. This time I pushed past season 4 and

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  • 34 weeks
    To name later.

    Well, thi sconcldes m watching season 9!..

    It's been... na amazing season. Reakky.

    By and large, as well as its key episodes...

    It's been amazing, and it's been a blur!

    The magic of the ponies... Does it really appply now?..

    Also: the things we've seen!.. Oh, the gththings!!..

    I truly cannot believe it... Wow!.. I guess, no one could expect thtat!..

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  • 35 weeks
    Season 8 milestone-marking!

    A lot of things make sense now :rainbowderp:... Like, a lot...

    I know now, what Cosy Glow's deal is! I know a lot of things now :rainbowkiss:!..

    Now, I believe, I've unlocked fanfics of 2018! Finally!

    Ah, the things I'll do to avoid spoilers!..

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  • 36 weeks
    Season 7 milestone-marking!

    Wow. The universe has just expanded! That's literally the next most amazing thing ever since season 4!

    Also guess, who's back? The legendary Starswirl the bearded! Who would have guessed?!

    Also this is where EqG-2 comes in. Why? Watch again!..

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The Andy Ray bio · 11:59pm Oct 4th, 2022

This is the "bio" of someone named Andy...

By "bio" I mean "biography" and at the same time "info on me". An "about me" page, if you will.

Yes, I am Andy Ray, but let this third-person point of view (and by extension -- the word "biography") not deter, nor scare you...

Andy read stories on fimfiction.net, where he was an unnumbered user, for he had no account then.
The unnumbered user's preferences were... Well, I dare say they were vast, but nobody had really assessed that... So... Maybe, his preferences were not quite vast... Although they included only...

But, at any rate, Andy's preferences had been vaster, than what they became later.
For he accessed fimfiction.net from his smartphone and read stories about ponies.
That idea would not even have occurred to him, had he not been introduced to "MLP: FIM".
And although others might consider that to be girly (and many, in fact, did...), Andy relished every moment the pony content was kept coming.
As though he'd been made exactly for content like that.
And Andy was happy.

And then in August of 2018 something very peculiar happened...

The moment he became Andy

He'd been reading something on the site, and by goodness, I be darned, if I can tell what, but... Andy felt a bit peculiar.
Something told him there was a need... "To create, to write, to pour it all for the world to see", as he would later confess.
He felt an urge; he was overwhelmed.

Never in all his years reading and watching had this happened... Alright, I can't say for sure... But... Well, I do think he'd never registered to unleash his passion before... So that had to be his first time, by all accounts!

...For a long time he couldn't take action -- to register somewhere and to explode with ideas.
But, as he became accustomed to and comfortable with that, he, before he changed his mind, signed up and logged in.

And thus, by his own testimony, the journey began.

The backstory. Part 1. From 2010 till 2013

...About eight years before registration Andy was but a lad. The sunny childhood appeared to be over, and the more-cloudy childhood was at hand -- the Age of teens. The world seemed to burst, as it was expanding and turning greyer and greyer.

And then out came ponies.

Having given a look at the commercial, Andy was stunned with whatever was going on. His attention, however, was most captivated by laughter. Was that Dashie or was that somepony else, that would be hard to tell by now, but it was most definitely not Pinkie. An irony, wouldn't you agree?

Well, don't you worry: Pinkie would later become, by far, "the only pony that made him smile". But that wasn't to happen yet...

After having given a look at the commercial Andy couldn't possibly watch the TV: how could he have? School was there, and he would most certainly miss whatever episode were to have been broadcast...

Yet he caught that one episode with Pinkie sense. And Andy was happy... No, Andy had no Pinkie sense to catch episodes with! But Pinkie in that episode Andy'd caught most definitely had.

But Andy couldn't know that. How could he have? The ponies were set to follow Fluttershy to that hydra-inhabited bog, whatever its name was! The episode was ending! Yet it was good to watch it, surely!..

Ah, no... Apparently, not. You see, Andy was not obsessed with ponies the way he'd later be. That was enough for some other "Hasbro" toy commercial... to instill the view, that ponies didn't suit him!

Because that was what the ponies had turned into: toys for girls. The cartoon was temporarily forgotten, and Andy would scourn at the very IDEA of having ANYTHING to do with ponies!

And, believe it or not, Andy... was happy.

But then in October of 2013 his life changed forever.

The backstory. Part 2. From 2013 till 2015

He moved to a... very new place. A place distant from his home. A place alien even to this day.

And yet it was after he'd moved, that he met The Girl... What?.. No, no, no! That girl he would later remember fondly... for introducing him to ponies. Or, maybe, "re-introducing" would be more pertinent... Hm-m-m?.. No. Surely! After all, she was, who got him to watch the very first season...

It would be appropriate to say, that Andy was not particularly... excited by any of that, no!.. Who watches ponies?! Nope, not us, n-n-nope :eeyup:!

But he didn't want to come off as rude.

And so he gave the pilot a try...

Good. It was... good, he supposed. The very first two episodes seemed like a very, very good cartoon!.. Magic everywhere! Friendship! Oh darn!.. How could he have sat still after that??! He surely could not!

...But... He couldn't change overnight. Oh no. How could he have?! Going from "ponies aren't for boys!" to "new episodes, yay :yay:!"? What in the name of hecks are you TALKING about??!

Ponies were not something to bring up. Not something for him to be known for watching.


Andy would rarely watch episodes. Really: the first season alone had taken him about a year to finish!

But, whenever he did venture into the pony-land, he enjoyed it so, so much!

It had become his little secret. From everyone. From the entirety of his family. And most definitely from everybody else.

Only The Girl knew. The one, who'd introduced Andy to the fandom. The only one he'd talk to about that. Perhaps, they both considered each other to be each other's "favourite things" :fluttershysad:.

Ah, a sweet story, wouldn't you agree? Ah... It'd really have been a very sweet story of someone named Andy...


...And then The Girl left.

...Separated by gosh-knows-how-many kilometres... By an unimaginable number of time zones!..

In January of 2014 The Girl had left. And Andy was then the only one to be into ponies :fluttercry:...

Of course, the two of them would still keep in touch. Ah, if only they'd done so more often!..

Well, as autumn of 2013 passed by... as well as the upcoming winter...
They did indeed keep very, very...
In touch...


...And ever since then a year would pass. The year of 2014.

That year was later remembered by Andy Ray... Well, he remembered it fuzzily :twilightsheepish:. But that year was, by his own account...

It was in April -- or, perhaps, at the very end of March... I'm sorry, this date's evading me... But I do believe it was then...

At the very start of April of 2015 Andy proceeded to reviewing the past year-and-a-half. He reflected on everything that'd happened... For three days and three nights (literally, I kid you not!) he was typing one of his most important messages in his life. He simply had to tell The Girl that!..

He had to tell her, how he'd changed during those year-and-a-half.

From 2013 through 2014. The change gone unnoticed

Since The Girl introduced Andy to ponies, Andy, by his own account, was initially not really into them. Of course!..

But time flew. Year of 2014.

Youtube videos. Some of them -- pony...

Despite everything Andy would have to admit: those videos did seem appealing! His grip was desperate. He did try not to descend into madness!

But there was one phrase to describe the fight:

Confound these ponies! They drive me [to watch pony videos on Youtube]!

And, believe it or not... Ever since then he became more and more open to pony content...

He watched more pony videos.

He picked up the show-watching speed -- and finished the first season in October of 2014, near the ponies' anniversary!..

He kept consuming content.

Ah... It would appear...

That the first season and various Youtube animations...

...did really affect Andy. They changed him. Slowly -- yet steadily.

By his own account, he watched ponies for "lulz": The Girl had, after all, asked him to see, whether the ponies were a cartoon worth fanboying over.

But during the year of 2014 that had changed -- even though Andy could not tell that for the life of his! Yes, he would later agree, that he was an "interested party"... Did he identify as a brony, though?..


By his own account...



And of course ponies were NOT "cute", what in the name of hecks are you talking about?!..

And then came the year of 2015.

2015. The point of no return

That was one significant year for Andy Ray. That was the year he came of age. In every sense.

That was, arguably, the year he watched the entirety of seasons 2 and 3! Although he might have a couple of month from 2014... by April of 2015 he did most certainly finish two seasons in a row. Amazing! It had taken him months upon months to get done just with the first season!..

That increase in speed was significant. It signified a lot. And in April of 2015 Andy Ray... confessed to The Girl.

He confessed her his love of the ponies. He reviewed and recapitulated the events of the past year-and-a-half.

He admitted so himself: he knew for certain, whether the 'toon was, as mentioned, "worth fanboying over".

Three seasons. The thirteenth (and the last) episode of the third season...

That... was magical! Andy couldn't sleep. He couldn't have... But he did in any case. Then he woke up. And then he proceeded to his confession.

He was excited. The cartoon was the most there-are-no-words-to-describe-able cartoon he'd ever known of!!! Oh, you should have seen the confession he did post finally!.. He was in love, by all accounts! He was amazed!

No more was he watching it "for lulz". No. That was the point he became aware. Of what had happened to him. His life... had indeed... changed forever.

He was new. He, by every account, did be into the ponies.

And Andy was happy.

From 2015 till 2018. Memories of "read(ing)-only"

Ever since then Andy Ray was eager to welcome a torrent of ponies!

(No, not a Bittorrent download of the episodes! That would come much later!)

His love for ponies was... undying. It was immense! It was fiery! He adored everything about it!.. and hurt incredibly, when people ruined it. No, I don't think those abominations deserve a mention here, but... The insane acts... creepy acts... gory acts... indecent acts!.. All of that hurt him, for his love was incredible... unimaginable...

Perhaps, his love consumed him wholly...

To him ponies were everything; he didn't, couldn't imagine himself without them!

And that was why he was so eager to read fanfiction. So feverish to drown in it!

Oh, yes! He watched videos; he listened to music!..

But, perhaps, the most significant part of his pony life... became fanfiction...

And that was how Andy got hither.

It became with a web search "for lulz", and Andy found something he'd never imagined -- a link to a fanwork. It seemed to be a story... It was indeed a story...

Ah! New content! The end of an episode is never the end of a season! And the end of a season is never the end of ponies!

For there appeared to be gigabytes of fiction! And probably even more!

And Andy read, perhaps, his first FIM fiction... It was... some author's imagination -- running wild! Andy was curious and eager to peruse the tale the story was presenting.

He read the fanfiction...

And ever since then he was into it.

Ah!.. What glorious fiction Andy Ray read! Even now he'd recall the names!.. DisneyFanatic with her "Bride..." and "Daughter of Discord"!.. RQK with his "The Pinkie parable"!.. Pen Stroke with his "Past sins"!..

Those (and many others; although for now let's postpone listing their names) were unimaginably good reads for Andy!

And even though he read DisneyFanatic at fanfiction.net... It just so happened to him... that he forgot, what the site's domain name was.

And so he searched that. And did the search engine provide him with links... at the very least two of them.

One was indeed fanfiction.net. The other... was... fimfiction.net.

Well, at the very least they both had that .net suffix, he thought. Hum... What's this "fimfiction.net" thing?..

And ever since then Andy Ray would visit Fimfiction (.net). And that became the main source of pony stories for him.

For years to come.

And that brings us to the year of 2018. The year he was particularly bold and bursting with energy, with ideas. Again, he felt an urge; he was overwhelmed...

That was when he conceived his alias. "Andy Ray". Believe it or not, it was... Ah, but may I really disclose that sensitive information online? Andy would not be happy. I would know. I should know: I am Andy Ray.

...Suffice it to say, it was a pun: a ray is "a line or beam of light proceeding from a radiant point", as my dictionary puts it. I... really wanted to give some meaning to what became of my name :twilightsheepish:... after I twisted it into its new form :twilightblush:.

...But, regardless, in August of 2018... I became Andy Ray of Fimfiction.net :pinkiehappy: :yay:!

Now I could not only read!.. but comment as well! Ah! the joys of commenting on the others' stories! I can't believe I hadn't done so earlier!

From 2018 till 2022 and beyond

And with my writing comments... came writing stories. Throughout the rest of 2018 I'd write... It... turned out to be... a lot harder, than what I could have imagined :twilightblush:... But here we are now. 'Tis the year of 2022, everypony! And, my goodness! Are we nearing?!.. TWELVETH PONY ANNIVERSARY??!

Yay :yay: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy:!!!.. Congratulations! "Hasbro" must have released, what? Twelveth season?


The end... is never the end, is it not?..

...Well... Twelve seasons are a good number, no? By far, sixteen would be better, but twelve?.. Good. I think, we could safely end the story on twelve seasons. I wouldn't mind that...


...No. The ponies must never end! And we... can make sure of it!

On to writing fiction... drawing animations!.. writing music!!.. we-e-e!.. GO!!!

(...Or "Hasbro" could keep on releasing new episodes, eh, "Hasbro"? Sound well, m-m-m?..)

At any rate, it's been more-than four years now... I've released a story. I am writing two more. I am BREWING with ideas :pinkiegasp:!..

Ah, and that means I must go :twilightsheepish:. Chapter 10 of "Daring Do..." is in the process :twilightsheepish:... (Mein Gott, it's been over a year!!!)

That's right. Onwards, Andy! To destiny :pinkiehappy:!

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