• Member Since 2nd Apr, 2012
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A Young Homosexual Alone in The Corner, Crying – Suttree, Cormac McCarthy.

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  • 65 weeks
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    I know that I'm not breaking new ground by writing a blog post to complain about writer's block, or voicing frusturation about the quality of my own work,

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  • 88 weeks
    Back In The Saddle

    Get it? Saddle? Because this is a website about fictional worlds filled to the brim with colourful, talking horses? A-Heh-Heh-Heh... Yes, no, I can show myself out, thanks...

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Back In The Saddle · 5:43pm Sep 7th, 2022

Get it? Saddle? Because this is a website about fictional worlds filled to the brim with colourful, talking horses? A-Heh-Heh-Heh... Yes, no, I can show myself out, thanks...

It's only been, like, 8 years since I did anything related to FIM, and I was shocked at how strong and active the community here still is. Sadly, it seems like a lot of my favourite writers and readers have left, but I can assume that's to greener pastures and that sort of makes me happy to think about.

I had a really bad bout of Covid a few months back, that led to like an equally bad case of pneumonia that lasted like 3 weeks straight and had me looking emeciated and skeleton by the end because all I was eating was like Oh Henry bars and tap water. It wasn't very cash money, is what I mean. But it did get me back in touch with reading as a hobby, and I ripped through a lot of the books on my shelf, and then that got me back on here reading about stupid gay horses being cute and cuddly. So, like... You win some/you dim sum as they say, right?

I had/have a bit of free time here and there that I've been using it to unearth and touch up all these old stupid Pony stories I had once upon a time. I've got about 60 pages for a sequel to the Vinyl Scratch and Octavia fic I wrote a while ago, and it's been really fun just getting back into that sort of depraved and dreary and bleak world. It's been so long since I wrote anything that wasn't an email, or a technical manual, I'm not 100% sure it's funny to anyone but me, or if I even like it, but if anyone wants to check out a little snippet and just let me know what they think, I would love any criticism or advice I could get

This is it here

Also, I have a Discord now but I can't figure out how to link it here so I'll link a code in the comments from my phone.

Comments ( 16 )

Discord: Terminally_Online_Guy#3782

Welcome back! Hope you enjoy revisiting everything!

Welcome back mate!

Sorry to hear bout the illness, hope you're recovering and eating more food now.

Good to see you back! Different Strokes was one of my faves back in the day.

I've been smoking a lot these last few years since covid started, and I've been slowly realising that the hate I have for some of the fics released now is fully explained by all the people who I like leaving and then new people coming in and making the exact same character for their HiE fics, and I'm just like, well fuck what do I do now? There are a couple of OK fics but most are either not being updated, or I don't know about them and haven't seen them on the featured list. And I'm just kinda overall unsure because this has been my source for something to do for a large amount of the previous 9 years... I didn't realise the kind of fall that was happening ever since the final season was released all the way back in like 2019! If I'm being honest the idea of this website slowing going away with no good writers left around and it's just people that don't know how to care because it's a different breed of internet user that discovers this place now...

Hey, I haven't had time to read this all yet but the first page or so was LEGENDARY.


It was kind of, I’m not sure what the term is, maybe ‘bittersweet’, to find out a lot of authors I loved have moved away from writing, or moved onto personal projects, or ‘retired’

But then at the same time, it’s as been really fun finding new authors. I’m smitten with Bicyclette, Shrinky Frod, and, of course, Captain Hairball’s sexy doofus ass.


That’s a fair, if not a bit bleak outlook. I think the momentum of the fandom has kind of waned a bit after the end of Gen4 and the lacklustre response to Gen5, but at the same time there’s a breath of fresh air that comes from the new and the unexplored.

There are authors on here who are as good as any published author, you kinda just have to look for them.

If you’re hurting for good authors I could dm you a couple names of people I look up too on here?


Thanks! I’m thrilled you’re still around. Your comments on a lot of my stories really helped keep me inspired back in the day!

How are you? How’s life?



Different strokes was really fun to write back intbhe day, but it’s also like wicked embarrassing how much of it I jusy shamelessly ripped off from Brett Easton Ellis’s novels, so I get like first hand embarrassment whenever I read it.

That said, who knows maybe I’ll jump in and give it a proper end sometime.


welcome back. I think i found you until after you'd left lol. i'm looking forward to seeing more of different strokes and There's something about white mane, I loved those back in the day. I like to do a re-read of fics that come back after a while, so I guess I should move these up the list.

Hey! its been a minute

I'm going! It's been a rough buncha years and I've stepped away a lot but I'm still lurking around n_n

Genuinely I teared up in delight at your comment. I remember Glamorama being so intense and gorgeous, it still sticks in my head even though I've forgotten so much.

Oh shucks. You're gonna make me blush...

Glad that you're hanging in there. :pinkiehappy:

I hate to play the annoying, obsessed fan, but is another chapter of "Colts" in the pipeline?

It was (easily) one of my favorite stories on this site and it's one I return to a lot.

It's difficult to forget characters as sharp, funny, and raw as Button Mash, Rumble and Shady.

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