• Member Since 24th Sep, 2019
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Every day is always crazy!

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  • Sunday
    My Review of Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters episode 3 Prey

    Grading Scale:

    A (fantastic episode)
    A- (an excellent episode with at least one flaw)
    B+ (a great episode with a couple of flaws)

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    0 comments · 31 views
  • Saturday
    My Review of The Big Bang Theory

    My TV Show Rating Score:

    5/5: It is an awesome show!
    4.5/5: it is a great show albeit not perfect
    4/5: It’s a good show with minor flaws
    3/5: It’s overall okay/guilty pleasure

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  • 1 week
    My Review List For June

    TV Shows

    June 1st—The Big Bang Theory

    June 8th—Spider-Man Unlimited

    June 15th—Ducktales (2017)


    June 22th—Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)

    June 29th—Lady and the Tramp (1955)

    Episode Reviews

    June 2nd—Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters episode 3 “Prey”

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  • 1 week
    My Review of MLP: FIM season 7 episode 14 Fame and Misfortune

    Grading Scale:

    A (fantastic episode)
    A- (an excellent episode with at least one flaw)
    B+ (a great episode with a couple of flaws)

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    8 comments · 112 views
  • 1 week
    Between A Rock and A Big Gorilla

    Rating Scale:

    12/10—a complete masterpiece; flawless and outstanding
    11/10—Excellent, near-perfect film
    10/10—the standard rating; awesome film with a couple of flaws
    9/10—a wonderful film with several flaws

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My Review of Jurassic World · 11:33pm Aug 23rd, 2022

Rating Scale:

12/10—a complete masterpiece; flawless and outstanding
11/10—Excellent, near-perfect film
10/10—the standard rating; awesome film with a couple of flaws
9/10—a wonderful film with several flaws
8/10–a great film with numerous flaws but not enough to ruin it
7/10—a fun and entertaining movie; not great but still enjoyable
6/10—a slightly above average film; it is something I might watch again
5/10—mediocre movie; not awful but not great either
4/10—a below average film; it could have been much better
3/10—a bad film; poorly written and poorly executed
2/10—a very bad movie; the few good things in the movie overshadowed by the bad things
1/10—a terrible movie; a total waste of time
0/10—a worthless piece of abomination; should have never been made

Greetings, everyone! This is Mr. J back with another movie review for today! This evening, I will be reviewing Jurassic World from 2015, the beginning of a new trilogy within the franchise! After seeing this movie twice, I was both amazed and impressed with the way they executed this film and seeing the different approach they came with it. In all honesty, this is ironically my favorite Jurassic movie out of all six movies and the best film of the second trilogy in my opinion. It has great acting, rock-solid CGI for the dinosaurs, a shit ton of action, and a well-composed score!

This movie is set on Isla Nublar, the Jurassic World theme park where the boys—Zach and Grey Mitchell—are taken there where Claire Dearing, the operations manager, is supposed to spend time with them. However, a rogue dinosaur called the Indominus Rex wrecks havoc and destruction wherever it goes, and Owen Grady must find a way to stop the beast with the help of Claire and the boys before it kills everything in sight.

Chris Pratt’s acting was pretty flawless and outstanding. His character, albeit generic and admittedly Gary Stuish, was overall fun to watch although he is a little less entertaining than Star Lord. I just wish he had more charm to his personality so that I can like him a lot more as a main character. The other characters however were more interesting to watch, in my opinion. Zach and Grey had more character development than did most of the other characters of the film, and they felt like actual characters as well. Claire was nice and all, but she would have been much more likable as a deuteragonist had she not held the idiot ball so that half of the film’s plot can happen.

If there is a man-eating dinosaur let loose in the theme park, SET THE MOTHER-FUCKING ALARM. No matter what illogical reasons she had to not do so, the safety of the people should be top priority. It took nearly half an hour to set the alarm but only until it was too late and dozens of people were killed off because of her stupidity. Not to mention that she seemed a little too arrogant as a character to be likable. But despite that, she’s still a cool character.

But my gosh, the action and the intensity thereof were fantastic! The velociraptors were great assets in the movie and actually served a purpose for the story. Blue is my favorite one out of them all due to her simple determination and bravery. The Indominus Rex was a ferocious beast to be reckoned with (no joke intended)! The fact that it killed for sport and was mercilessly violent and deadly was quite creative from the writers’ part, making the monster all the more intimidating like no other dinosaur was prior to this movie.

The acting was flawless, the story was great for the most part—while acknowledging the flaws—and the entertainment value was absolutely high up! I just wish that the characters, namely Owen and Claire, were better written so that I could like them a lot more. They’re not bad per say, but they’re not exactly great characters either. And I also didn’t like the way their chemistry was written; their romantic tension felt rushed and out of place, but hey, since it’s Hollywood, we gotta have some cliche love interest be paired with a badass hero no matter how rushed it may seem, so why not? Still, Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard did a great job acting for their respective roles.

With that said, I will give this a solid 10/10….just for the action, the dinosaurs, the acting, and a few likable characters. If they were lackluster, this would be given a much lower score.

Peace out.

Comments ( 7 )

That Indominus... That thing was intelligent

I'm surprised that you never took any note on the character of Vic Hoskins.

What were your thoughts on him?

Just like you never took note of Jerry Wang in your Transformers 3 review. Take a guess.

Not one of your favorite characters, eh?

Ah, no worries. He’s not one of my favorite villains either. I thought he was pretty well-rounded and fully-realized, but he wasn’t one of the most compelling antagonists I ever saw.

I gonna to be honest here. Jurassic World was the Main reason why I get into Jurassic Park series and Jurassic World is like on my Top 10 of my Top 100 favorite movies list

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